RENDERING A DECISION. Tactex will normally provide a decision in writing, within 90 days of receiving a complaint. The decision will include a summary of the complaint, results of the investigation, decision to make an offer to resolve the complaint or deny it, and an explanation of our decision. If a decision is delayed and Tactex cannot provide the Client with decision within 90 days, Tactex will inform the Client of the delay, explain why the decision is delayed, and provide a new date for the decision.
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RENDERING A DECISION. MAM will normally provide a decision in writing, within 90 days of receiving a complaint. The decision will include a summary of the complaint, results of the investigation, decision to make an offer to resolve the complaint or deny it, and an explanation of our decision. If a decision is delayed and MAM cannot provide the Client with decision within 90 days, MAM will inform the Client of the delay, explain why the decision is delayed, and provide a new date for the decision.


  • Final Decision Concessionaire covenants that the decision of the Commissioner of Department, relative to the performance of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, shall be final and conclusive.

  • Arbitrator’s Decision The arbitrator's decision and award shall be in writing and shall state concisely the reasons for the award, including the arbitrator's findings of fact and conclusions of law.

  • Independent Study Independent study is a program of independent study, research, and/or experience directly related to the duties described in the employee’s job description or related classification as determined by the Retraining and Study Committee, which promises professional values equivalent to that derived from formal study at a recognized educational institution.

  • COURT'S DECISION 33.01 In the event of any articles or portions of this Agreement being held improper or invalid by any Court of Law or Labour Relations Board, such decision shall not invalidate any other portions of this Agreement than those directly specified by such decision to be invalid, improper or otherwise unenforceable.

  • Arbitration Decision The arbitrator’s decision will be final and binding. The arbitrator shall issue a written arbitration decision revealing the essential findings and conclusions upon which the decision and/or award is based. A party’s right to appeal the decision is limited to grounds provided under applicable federal or state law.

  • Disagreement on Decision Should the parties disagree as to the meaning of the Board's decision, either party may apply to the Chairperson of the Board of Arbitration to reconvene the Board to clarify the decision, which it shall do within five (5) days.

  • Advice of Minister’s decision (2) The Minister shall within two months after receipt of proposals pursuant to subclause (1) of Clause 7 or where the proposals are to be assessed under section 40(1)(b) of the EP Act then within two months after service on him of an authority under section 45(7) of the EP Act give notice to the Company of his decision in respect to the proposals. Consultation with Minister

  • Decision Making The JDC shall make decisions unanimously, with each Party’s representatives collectively having one (1) vote and at least one (1) representative from each Party participating in such decision. In the event the JDC determines that it cannot reach an agreement regarding a decision within the JDC’s authority, then, within *** Business Days after such determination: (a) for any matter that is not a Critical Issue *** shall have the final decision making authority on such matter; and (b) for any matter that is a Critical Issue, the matter shall be referred to FivePrime’s Chief Executive Officer (or designee) and HGS’ Chief Executive Officer (or designee) for resolution. If such executives cannot resolve the matter within *** Business Days, then the Chief Executive Officer of *** (or designee) shall have the final decision making authority on such matter. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Development Plan shall not be amended, without FivePrime’s prior written approval (which approval may be withheld in FivePrime’s sole discretion), to: (i) increase or materially change the nature of FivePrime-Conducted Trials or Other FivePrime-Conducted Activities; or (ii) require FivePrime to continue any FivePrime-Conducted Trial if FivePrime, in its reasonable judgment, decides not to continue such trial for any business, scientific, safety, efficacy, enrollment or ethical reason, provided that, in the event FivePrime so decides to discontinue such trial, HGS shall have no further obligation to reimburse FivePrime under Section 4.2(d) except with respect to costs *** INDICATES MATERIAL THAT WAS OMITTED AND FOR WHICH CONFIDENTIAL TREATMENT WAS REQUESTED. ALL SUCH OMITTED MATERIAL WAS FILED SEPARATELY WITH THE SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION PURSUANT TO RULE 406 PROMULGATED UNDER THE SECURITIES ACT OF 1933, AS AMENDED. already incurred by FivePrime prior to such discontinuation and any and all standard close out costs incurred thereafter, and HGS shall have the right to continue such trial by itself at its expense. When *** make a final determination under this Section 3.4, that final determination must be consistent with the terms of this Agreement.

  • Shared Decision Making 33-1 Purpose The purpose of a shared decision making program is to create an atmosphere in which decision making is a collegial, shared, process that fosters an exchange of ideas and information necessary for effective professional practice and for improved student performance. The Association and District agree to continue pursuing jointly the implementation of legitimately recognized school councils as a foundation of a shared decision-making program. All provisions of this Agreement shall continue to be in full force and effect throughout the process.

  • Initial Decision Maker The Architect will serve as the Initial Decision Maker pursuant to Article 15 of AIA Document A201–2017, unless the parties appoint below another individual, not a party to this Agreement, to serve as the Initial Decision Maker. (If the parties mutually agree, insert the name, address and other contact information of the Initial Decision Maker, if other than the Architect.) « » « » « » « »

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