Required Chemical Threshold Levels Sample Clauses

Required Chemical Threshold Levels. All materials must meet the acceptable chemical thresholds set forth in WAC 173-303. All customers will asked to submit chemical analytics demonstrating that materials falls within the follow chemical thresholds: Soils – Chemical Threshold Levels TCLP Volatiles TCLP Semi-volatiles Benzene 10 mg/kg Hexachlorobenzene 2.6 mg/kg Carbon Tetrachloride 10 mg/kg Hexachlorobutadiene 10 mg/kg Chlorobenzene Chloroform 2000 mg/kg 120 mg/kg Hexachloroethane Nitrobenzne 60 mg/kg 40 mg/kg 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 150 mg/kg Pyridine 100 mg/kg 1,2-Dichloroethane 10 mg/kg 2,4-Dintrotoluene 2.6 mg/kg 1,1-Dichloroethylene 14 mg/kg o-Cresol 4000 mg/kg Methylethylketone (MEK) 4000 mg/kg m-Cresol 4000 mg/kg Tetrachloroethylene 14 mg/kg p-Cresol 4000 mg/kg Trichloroethylene Vinyl Chloride 10 mg/kg 4 mg/kg Cresol, Total Pentachlorophenol 4000 mg/kg 2000 mg/kg TCLP Herbicides 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 8000 mg/kg 2,4-D 200 mg/kg 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 40 mg/kg 2,4,5-TP (Silvex) 20 mg/kg TCLP Pesticides TCLP Metals Heptachlor Epoxide N/L1 Arsenic 100 mg/kg Chlorodane 0.6 mg/kg Barium Cadmium 2000 mg/kg 20 mg/kg Endrin Heptachlor 0.4 mg/kg 0.16 mg/kg Chromium 100 mg/kg Lindane 8 mg/kg Lead 100 mg/kg Methyoxyclor 200 mg/kg Mercury 4 mg/kg Toxaphene 10 mg/kg Selenium 20 mg/kg Silver 100 mg/kg Liquid – Chemical Threshold Levels Non-conventionals Conventionals Arsenic (T) 0.50 mg/L pH 5.0 - 10.0 Cadmium (T) 0.24 mg/L BOD 250 mg/L Chromium (T) Copper (T) 5.00 mg/L 3.00 mg/L TSS FOG/Polar 250 mg/L 50 mg/L Lead (T) 1.89 mg/L FOG/Nonpolar 200 mg/L Mercury (T) 0.10 mg/L Closed Cup Flashpoint 1400 F Nickel (T) 2.83 mg/L Silver (T) 0.49 mg/L Zinc (T) 4.00 mg/L Cyanide (T) 0.65 mg/L (T) = Total metals not dissolved
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Related to Required Chemical Threshold Levels

  • Emergency Thresholds The following matrix presents the emergency thresholds that, if reached by any of the services mentioned above for a TLD, would cause the emergency transition of the Registry for the TLD as specified in Section 2.13 of this Agreement. Critical Function Emergency Threshold DNS Service (all servers) 4-hour total downtime / week DNSSEC proper resolution 4-hour total downtime / week EPP 24-hour total downtime / week RDDS (WHOIS/Web-based WHOIS) 24-hour total downtime / week Data Escrow Breach of the Registry Agreement as described in Specification 2, Part B, Section 6.

  • Staffing Levels To the extent legislative appropriations and PIN authorizations allow, safe staffing levels will be maintained in all institutions where employees have patient, client, inmate or student care responsibilities. In July of each year, the Secretary or Deputy Secretary of each agency will, upon request, meet with the Union, to hear the employees’ views regarding staffing levels. In August of each year, the Secretary or Deputy Secretary of Budget and Management will, upon request, meet with the Union to hear the employees’ views regarding the Governor’s budget request.

  • Collateral Threshold If the Parties have in place between them an Edison Electric Institute Master Power Purchase and Sale Agreement, and have selected Collateral Threshold Applicable under EEI on the Cover Sheet, then, notwithstanding whether an Event of Default has occurred, the Termination Payment that would be owed to by a Party hereunder will be included in the calculation of each Party’s Termination Payment under (and as defined in) such agreement, and an event of default under such agreement will be an Event of Default hereunder and an Event of Default hereunder will be an event of default under such agreement. If the Parties have in place between them an ISDA Master Agreement with Credit Support Annex, and have selected Collateral Threshold Applicable under ISDA on the Cover Sheet, then, notwithstanding whether an Event of Default has occurred, the Termination Payment that would be owed to by a Party hereunder will be included in the calculation of each Party’s Exposure under (and as defined in) such agreement, and an event of default under such agreement will be an Event of Default hereunder and an Event of Default hereunder will be an event of default under such agreement. If the Parties have elected either of the two foregoing options but at any time do not have in effect between them the referenced other agreements, or such referenced agreements do not provide for the exchange of margin or collateral thresholds, or if the Parties have selected Collateral Threshold Applicable Standalone on the Cover Sheet, if at any time and from time to time, notwithstanding whether an Event of Default has occurred, the Termination Payment that would be owed to by a Party plus that Party’s Independent Amount, if any, exceeds the Collateral Threshold specified, then the Party to whom such amount would be owed, on any Business Day, may request that owing Party to provide Performance Assurance in an amount equal to the amount of such excess, less any Performance Assurance already posted. Such Performance Assurance will be provided within three Business Days of the date of request. On any Business Day, but no more frequently than weekly with respect to letters of credit and daily with respect to cash, if there has been a reduction in the amount of such excess, the posting Party may request that such Performance Assurance be reduced correspondingly by the amount of such excess, if any. Failure to provide such Performance Assurance to the requesting Party within three Business Days of request is an Event of Default. For purposes of this Section, the Termination Payment will be calculated pursuant to Article 5 by the requesting Party as if the posting Party had defaulted and all outstanding Transactions had been liquidated, even if that is not actually the case, and in addition thereto, and include the net amount of all amounts owed but not yet paid between the Parties, whether or not such amounts are due, for performance already provided pursuant to any and all Transactions. A Party holding Performance Assurance in the form of cash posted by the other Party will pay the posting Party interest on such cash, monthly, at the Federal Funds rate of interest.

  • CLASS SIZE/STAFFING LEVELS The board will make every effort to limit FDK/Grade 1 split grades where feasible. APPENDIX A – RETIREMENT GRATUITIES

  • Under-Frequency and Over Frequency Conditions The New York State Transmission System is designed to automatically activate a load- shed program as required by the NPCC in the event of an under-frequency system disturbance. Developer shall implement under-frequency and over-frequency relay set points for the Large Generating Facility as required by the NPCC to ensure “ride through” capability of the New York State Transmission System. Large Generating Facility response to frequency deviations of predetermined magnitudes, both under-frequency and over-frequency deviations, shall be studied and coordinated with the NYISO and Connecting Transmission Owner in accordance with Good Utility Practice. The term “ride through” as used herein shall mean the ability of a Generating Facility to stay connected to and synchronized with the New York State Transmission System during system disturbances within a range of under-frequency and over-frequency conditions, in accordance with Good Utility Practice and with NPCC Regional Reliability Reference Directory # 12, or its successor.

  • Excellent Above Average Satisfactory Needs Improvement Unsatisfactory 5 4 3 2 1 5. The instructor demonstrates knowledge of the subject matter.

  • Staffing Levels to deal with Potential Violence The Employer agrees that, where there is a risk of violence, an adequate level of trained employees should be present. The Employer recognizes that workloads can lead to fatigue and a diminished ability both to identify and to subsequently deal with potentially violent situations.

  • Minimum Balance Requirements To be a member and maintain Accounts with Us You must purchase 1 share in the Credit Union. The par value of a share in this Credit Union is $10.00. If the balance in Your primary savings Account drops below 1 share ($10.00), at any time, We may, at Our option, close Your Account. Nonsufficient Funds Returns. Any check or pre-authorized transfer, or transaction made through the use of a debit card, or other electronic means, as is applicable (including any in-person transaction), that is presented to Us for payment on Your Account when Your Account lacks sufficient collected funds to pay any such item may, at Our option, be returned for nonsufficient funds or We may honor any such item and charge You a fee for doing so. Overdraft Balance Calculation. When processing transactions that debit or credit Your Account, We start each Business Day with Your final Account balance from the preceding Business Day. The final balance takes into Account all of the debit and credit transactions that were settled that Business Day pursuant to Our Funds Availability Policy, as well as any other debits or credits to Your Account that were finally settled that day, as described above in the "Deposit of Items" and "Collection and Processing of Items" sections of the Account Agreement. This starting balance at the beginning of a Business Day (the preceding Business Day's final balance) is sometimes referred to as Your "actual balance." As credits and debits to Your Account are received by Us, We add them to and subtract them from Your actual balance. Examples of credits include, but are not limited to, electronic direct deposits, check deposits that have been fully and finally collected, ACH credits that have settled that day, and cash deposits made to one of Our tellers. Examples of debits include, but are not limited to, checks drawn on Your Account that are presented to Us for payment together with such checks that are returned unpaid and subsequently represented for payment, electronic fund transfer (EFT) debit transactions (such as preauthorized payments and settled EFT debits) and all reinitiated electronic fund transfer (EFT) debit transactions (such as preauthorized payments), memo-posted EFT debits (EFT debits that We have authorized but which have not been settled), and all Credit Union fees and charges. As noted above, these examples are not an exhaustive list and should not be construed as such. The result of this calculation at any given point in time is called Your "available balance." For the purpose of determining whether an overdraft has occurred, We use Your available balance. First, We add all of the settled credit transactions to the beginning actual balance. Then, We subtract all of the debit transactions that settled that day. We also subtract all of the pending debit transactions. This determines the available balance for overdraft purposes. Each debit transaction that We process when Your Account has, or will have, a negative available balance is an overdraft, subject to an overdraft charge. Subject to applicable law, You are responsible for paying any overdraft fees and charges assessed in connection with Our payment of an overdraft, as well as any NSF fees charged to Your Account when We dishonor and return an item for non- sufficient funds. It is Your responsibility to know Your Account balance, and if You have any questions You should contact a Credit Union representative.

  • STATEWIDE ACHIEVEMENT TESTING When CONTRACTOR is an NPS, per implementation of Senate Bill 484, CONTRACTOR shall administer all Statewide assessments within the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (“CAASP”), Desired Results Developmental Profile (“DRDP”), California Alternative Assessment (“CAA”), achievement and abilities tests (using LEA-authorized assessment instruments), the Fitness Gram with the exception of the English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (“ELPAC”) to be completed by the LEA, and as appropriate to the student, and mandated by XXX xxxxxxxx to LEA and state and federal guidelines. CONTRACTOR is subject to the alternative accountability system developed pursuant to Education Code section 52052, in the same manner as public schools. Each LEA student placed with CONTRACTOR by the LEA shall be tested by qualified staff of CONTRACTOR in accordance with that accountability program. XXX shall provide test administration training to CONTRACTOR’S qualified staff. CONTRACTOR shall attend LEA test training and comply with completion of all coding requirements as required by XXX.

  • Hearing Levels Level 1. An employee and/or Association having cause for a complaint shall, within twenty (20) days of its occurrence or knowledge of its occurrence, file a grievance form (Appendix C) with the immediate supervisor. An Association representative may participate if requested by the employee. A copy of the grievance form shall be given to the Association by the grievant at the time of filing. The immediate supervisor shall issue a decision within ten (10) days to the grievant and a copy filed with the Association by the immediate supervisor. After the filing of the grievance, an extension of up to ten (10) additional days shall be granted at the request of either party.

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