Rescission of Previous Resolutions. No motion to rescind any resolution passed within the preceding six months nor any motion to the same effect as any motion negative within the preceding six months shall be in order unless the notice of such motion shall have been given and specified in the summons and the notice shall bear, in addition to the name of the member who proposed the motion, the name of three members. When any such motion has been disposed of by the Joint Committee it shall not be open to any member to propose a similar motion within a further period of three months
Rescission of Previous Resolutions. 20.1 No motion to rescind any resolution passed within the preceding six months nor any motion to the same effect as any motion negative within the preceding six months shall be in order unless the notice of such motion shall have been given and specified in the summons and the notice shall bear, in addition to the name of the member who proposed the motion, the name of three members. When any such motion has been disposed of by the Joint Committee it shall not be open to any member to propose a similar motion within a further period of six months. Computer Costs Office Costs Staffing and Training Costs Annual Burton Office Staff Cost Reimbursement Fees & Charges Income General Sales Income Miscellaneous Income (i.e. Donations) Stoke-on-Trent City Council Computer and office costs Archive staffing costs Training