Operation of the Reserve. 2.1 The appropriation reserve shall be under the control of the Joint Committee. The Joint Committee may give approval to the use of the reserve for the purposes of the Functions.
Operation of the Reserve. 2.1 The Archive Acquisitions Reserve shall be under the control of the Joint Committee. The Joint Committee may give approval to finance an acquisition from the reserve provided the proposed expenditure relates to the procurement of archive material. Approval to any proposal will allow the approved amount to be transferred from the reserve to the appropriate heading in the Revenue Budget.
Operation of the Reserve. 2.1 The capital reserve shall be under the control of the Joint Committee. The Joint Committee may give approval to finance an acquisition from the reserve provided the proposed expenditure is capital expenditure in accordance with proper and prudent local authority accounting practice. Approval to any proposal will allow the approved amount to be transferred from the reserve to the appropriate heading in the Programme Budget
Operation of the Reserve