RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION. 29 CONTRACTOR shall not utilize information and/or data received from COUNTY, or arising out 30 of, or developed, as a result of this Agreement for the purpose of personal or professional research, or 31 for publication. 32
Appears in 7 contracts
Samples: Contract for Wraparound Behavioral Health Outpatient Services, Agreement for Provision of Recuperative Care Services, Agreement for Provision of Mental Health Residential Rehabilitation and Enhanced Residential Rehabilitation Services
RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION. 29 31 CONTRACTOR shall not utilize information and/or data received from COUNTY, or arising out 30 32 of, or developed, as a result of this Agreement Contract for the purpose of personal or professional research, or 31 for 33 publication. 3234
Appears in 6 contracts
Samples: Contract for Provision of Services, Contract for Provision of Medical Transportation Services, Medical Transportation Services
RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION. 29 20 CONTRACTOR shall not utilize information and/or data received from COUNTY, or arising out 30 21 of, or developed, as a result of this Agreement for the purpose of personal or professional research, or 31 22 for publication. 3223
Appears in 6 contracts
Samples: Outreach and Engagement Services, Agreement for Provision of Adult Residential Drug Medi Cal Substance Use Disorder Treatment Services, Agreement for Provision of Services
RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION. 29 22 CONTRACTOR shall not utilize information and/or data received from COUNTY, or arising out 30 23 of, or developed, as a result of this Agreement for the purpose of personal or professional research, or 31 24 for publication. 3225
Appears in 6 contracts
Samples: Substance Use Disorder Treatment Services Agreement, Agreement for Provision of Services, Adult Residential Drug Medi Cal Substance Use Disorder Treatment Services Agreement
RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION. 29 34 CONTRACTOR shall not utilize information and/or data received from COUNTY, or arising out 30 35 of, or developed, as a result of this Agreement for the purpose of personal or professional research, or 31 36 for publication. 3237 //
Appears in 6 contracts
Samples: Optometry Services Agreement, Agreement for Provision of Services, Agreement for Provision of Services
RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION. 29 30 CONTRACTOR shall not utilize information and/or data received from COUNTY, or arising out 30 31 of, or developed, as a result of this Agreement Contract for the purpose of personal or professional research, or 31 for 32 publication. 3233
Appears in 5 contracts
Samples: Contract for Covid 19 Response Rapid Rehousing Services, Contract for Provision of Services, Contract for Provision of Services
RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION. 29 27 CONTRACTOR shall not utilize information and/or data received from COUNTY, or arising out 30 28 of, or developed, as a result of this Agreement for the purpose of personal or professional research, or 31 29 for publication. 3230
Appears in 5 contracts
Samples: Agreement for Provision of Substance Use Disorder Residential Opiate Treatment Services, Agreement for Provision of Services, Agreement for Provision of Physician Services
RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION. 29 34 CONTRACTOR shall not utilize information and/or data received from COUNTY, or arising out 30 of, 35 or developed, as a result of this Agreement for the purpose of personal or professional research, or 31 for 36 publication. 3237
Appears in 4 contracts
Samples: Contract for Provision of Services, Contract for Provision of Services, Contract for Provision of Services
RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION. 29 CONTRACTOR shall not utilize information and/or data received from COUNTY, or arising out 30 of, or developed, as a result of this Agreement Contract for the purpose of personal or professional research, or for 31 for publication. 32
Appears in 4 contracts
Samples: Master Services Agreement, Contract for Provision of Services, Contract for Provision of Services
RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION. 29 35 CONTRACTOR shall not utilize information and/or data received from COUNTY, or arising out 30 36 of, or developed, as a result of this Agreement for the purpose of personal or professional research, or 31 37 for publication. 32.
Appears in 4 contracts
Samples: Agreement for Provision of Services, Agreement for the Provision of Surge Nursing Services, Agreement for the Provision of Surge Nursing Services
RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION. 29 35 CONTRACTOR shall not utilize information and/or data received from COUNTY, or arising out 30 of, 36 or developed, as a result of this Agreement for the purpose of personal or professional research, or 31 for 37 publication. 32.
Appears in 4 contracts
Samples: Agreement for Provision of Recovery Residence Services, Agreement for Provision of Hiv Care Services, Hiv Care Services Agreement
RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION. 29 23 CONTRACTOR shall not utilize information and/or data received from COUNTY, or arising out 30 of, 24 or developed, as a result of this Agreement for the purpose of personal or professional research, or 31 for 25 publication. 3226
Appears in 4 contracts
Samples: Master Agreement, Master Agreement for Provision of Services, Master Agreement for Provision of Services
RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION. 29 20 CONTRACTOR shall not utilize information and/or data received from COUNTY, or arising out 30 of, 21 or developed, as a result of this Agreement for the purpose of personal or professional research, or 31 for 22 publication. 3223
Appears in 4 contracts
Samples: Hiv Housing Plus Project Services Agreement, Agreement for Provision of Services, Agreement for Provision of Adult Non Medical Detoxification and Residential Treatment Services
RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION. 29 25 CONTRACTOR shall not utilize information and/or data received from COUNTY, or arising out 30 of, 26 or developed, as a result of this Agreement Contract for the purpose of personal or professional research, or 31 for 27 publication. 3228
Appears in 4 contracts
Samples: Contract for Provision of Services, Contract for Provision of Services, Contract for Provision of Community Clinic Services
RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION. 29 20 CONTRACTOR shall not utilize information and/or data received from COUNTY, or arising out 30 21 of, or developed, as a result of this Agreement for the purpose of personal or professional research, or 31 for publication. 32or
Appears in 4 contracts
Samples: Agreement for Provision of Behavioral Health Outpatient Services, Contract for Behavioral Health Outpatient Services, Agreement for Provision of Services
RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION. 29 CONTRACTOR shall not utilize information and/or data received from COUNTY, or arising out 30 of, 30 or developed, as a result of this Agreement Contract for the purpose of personal or professional research, or for 31 for publication. 32.
Appears in 4 contracts
Samples: Contract for Provision of Behavioral Health Services, Contract for Provision of Behavioral Health Services, Contract for Provision of Behavioral Health Services
RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION. 29 18 CONTRACTOR shall not utilize information and/or data received from COUNTY, or arising out 30 19 of, or developed, as a result of this Agreement for the purpose of personal or professional research, or 31 20 for publication. 3221
Appears in 3 contracts
Samples: Agreement for Provision of Recovery Education Institute Services, Crisis Prevention Hotline Services Agreement, Agreement for Provision of Survivor Support Services
RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION. 29 30 CONTRACTOR shall not utilize information and/or data received from COUNTY, or arising out 30 of, 31 or developed, as a result of this Agreement for the purpose of personal or professional research, or 31 for 32 publication. 3233
Appears in 3 contracts
Samples: Agreement for Provision of Adult Residential Drug Medi Cal Substance Use Disorder Treatment Services, Substance Use Disorder Outpatient Services Agreement, Agreement for Provision of Substance Use Disorder Outpatient Services
RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION. 29 26 CONTRACTOR shall not utilize information and/or data received from COUNTY, or arising out 30 27 of, or developed, as a result of this Agreement Contract for the purpose of personal or professional research, or 31 for 28 publication. 3229
Appears in 3 contracts
Samples: Contract for Provision of Prevention Services and Supports for Families, Contract for Provision of Services, Master Contract for Provision of Services
RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION. 29 36 CONTRACTOR shall not utilize information and/or data received from COUNTY, or arising out 30 of, 37 or developed, as a result of this Agreement for the purpose of personal or professional research, or 31 for publication. 32for
Appears in 3 contracts
Samples: Recovery Residence Services, Agreement for Provision of Recovery Residence Services, Agreement for Provision of Recovery Residence Services
RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION. 29 35 CONTRACTOR shall not utilize information and/or and data received from COUNTY, COUNTY or arising out 30 of, or developed, developed as a 36 result of this Agreement Contract for the purpose of personal or professional research, or 31 for publication. 3237 //
Appears in 3 contracts
Samples: Contract for Provision of Services, Contract for Provision of Services, Contract for Provision of Services
RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION. 29 33 CONTRACTOR shall not utilize information and/or data received from COUNTY, or arising out 30 of, 34 or developed, as a result of this Agreement for the purpose of personal or professional research, or 31 for 35 publication. 3236 // 37 //
Appears in 3 contracts
Samples: Agreement for Provision of Behavioral Health Services, Hiv Housing Plus Project Services Agreement, Hiv Housing Plus Project Services Agreement
RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION. 29 32 CONTRACTOR shall not utilize information and/or data received from COUNTY, or arising out 30 33 of, or developed, as a result of this Agreement Contract for the purpose of personal or professional research, or 31 for 34 publication. 3235 // 36 // 37 //
Appears in 3 contracts
Samples: Contract for Covid 19 Community Outreach and Engagement Services, Contract for Provision of Services, Contract for Provision of Services
RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION. 29 24 CONTRACTOR shall not utilize information and/or data received from COUNTY, or arising out 30 25 of, or developed, as a result of this Agreement Contract for the purpose of personal or professional research, or 31 for 26 publication. 3227
Appears in 3 contracts
Samples: Contract for Provision of Services, Contract for Provision of Services, Contract for Provision of Services
RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION. 29 CONTRACTOR shall not utilize information and/or and data received from COUNTY, COUNTY or arising out 30 of, or developed, developed as a 30 result of this Agreement for the purpose of personal or professional researchpublication, or without prior written 31 for publication. 32approval of ADMINISTRATOR.
Appears in 3 contracts
Samples: Agreement for Provision of Inpatient Mental Health Services for Youth, Agreement for Provision of Inpatient Mental Health Services for Youth, Agreement for Provision of Inpatient Mental Health Services for Youth
RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION. 29 33 CONTRACTOR shall not utilize information and/or data received from COUNTY, or arising out 30 34 of, or developed, as a result of this Agreement for the purpose of personal or professional research, or 31 35 for publication. 3236 // 37 //
Appears in 3 contracts
Samples: Healthcare Staffing Services Agreement, Contract for the Provision of Surge Services, Agreement for Provision of Services
RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION. 29 28 CONTRACTOR shall not utilize information and/or data received from COUNTY, or arising out 30 29 of, or developed, as a result of this Agreement for the purpose of personal or professional research, or 31 30 for publication. 3231
Appears in 3 contracts
Samples: Agreement for Provision of Supplemental Security Income Outreach Services, Agreement for Provision of Outpatient Services, Agreement for Provision of Services
RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION. 29 19 CONTRACTOR shall not utilize information and/or data received from COUNTY, or arising out 30 20 of, or developed, as a result of this Agreement for the purpose of personal or professional research, or 31 21 for publication. 3222
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Agreement for Provision of Alcohol and Other Drug Prevention Services, Agreement for Provision of Services
RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION. 29 34 CONTRACTOR shall not utilize information and/or data received from COUNTY, or arising out 30 35 of, or developed, as a result of this Agreement for the purpose of personal or professional research, or 31 36 for publication. 3237
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Agreement for Provision of Survivor Support Services, Crisis Prevention Hotline Services Agreement
RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION. 29 20 CONTRACTOR shall not utilize information and/or data received from COUNTY, or arising out 30 21 of, or developed, as a result of this Agreement Contract for the purpose of personal or professional research, or 31 for publication. 32for
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Contract for Provision of Services, Contract for Provision of Services
RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION. 29 31 CONTRACTOR shall not utilize information and/or data received from COUNTY, or arising out 30 32 of, or developed, as a result of this Agreement for the purpose of personal or professional research, or 31 33 for publication. 32.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Agreement for Provision of Inpatient Behavioral Health Services, Agreement for Provision of Inpatient Behavioral Health Services
RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION. 29 26 CONTRACTOR shall not utilize information and/or data received from COUNTY, or arising out 30 27 of, or developed, as a result of this Agreement Contract for the purpose of personal or professional research, or 31 for publication. 32for
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Contract for Provision of Medical Transportation Services, Contract for Provision of Medical Transportation Services
RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION. 29 34 CONTRACTOR shall not utilize information and/or data received from COUNTY, or arising out 30 35 of, or developed, as a result of this Agreement Contract for the purpose of personal or professional research, or 31 for 36 publication. 3237
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Contract for Covid 19 Response Rapid Rehousing Services, Contract for Provision of Services
RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION. 29 36 CONTRACTOR shall not utilize information and/or data received from COUNTY, or arising out 30 of, 37 or developed, as a result of this Agreement for the purpose of personal or professional research, or 31 for for
1 publication. 322
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Agreement for Provision of Recovery Residence Services, Agreement for Provision of Recovery Residence Services
RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION. 29 30 CONTRACTOR shall not utilize information and/or data received from COUNTY, or arising out 30 of, 31 or developed, as a result of this Agreement Contract for the purpose of personal or professional research, or 31 for 32 publication. 3233
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Contract for Provision of Services, Contract for Provision of Services
RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION. 29 25 CONTRACTOR shall not utilize information and/or data received from COUNTY, or arising out 30 26 of, or developed, as a result of this Agreement for the purpose of personal or professional research, or 31 27 for publication. 3228
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Agreement for Provision of Behavioral Health Services, Agreement for Provision of Supportive Housing Services
RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION. 29 24 CONTRACTOR shall not utilize information and/or data received from COUNTY, or arising out 30 of, 25 or developed, as a result of this Agreement for the purpose of personal or professional research, or 31 for 26 publication. 3227
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Agreement for Provision of Adult Residential Drug Medi Cal Substance Use Disorder Treatment Services, Agreement for Provision of Psychiatric and Basic Medical Services
RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION. 29 30 CONTRACTOR shall not utilize information and/or data received from COUNTY, or arising out 30 31 of, or developed, as a result of this Agreement for the purpose of personal or professional research, or 31 32 for publication. 3233
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Agreement for Provision of Administrative Support Services, Agreement for Provision of Transitional Age Youth Crisis Residential Services
RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION. 29 33 CONTRACTOR shall not utilize information and/or data received from COUNTY, or arising out 30 of, 34 or developed, as a result of this Agreement Contract for the purpose of personal or professional research, or 31 for 35 publication. 3236 // 37 //
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Contract for Provision of Services, Contract for Provision of Services
RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION. 29 23 CONTRACTOR shall not utilize information and/or and data received from COUNTY, COUNTY or arising out 30 of, or developed, developed as a 24 result of this Agreement for the purpose of personal or professional research, or 31 for publication. 3225
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Agreement for Provision of Integrated Community Services, Agreement for Provision of Integrated Community Services
RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION. 29 32 CONTRACTOR shall not utilize information and/or data received from COUNTY, or arising out 30 33 of, or developed, as a result of this Agreement for the purpose of personal or professional research, or 31 34 for publication. 3235
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Agreement for Provision of Behavioral Health Outpatient Services, Contract for Behavioral Health Outpatient Services
RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION. 29 33 CONTRACTOR shall not utilize information and/or data received from COUNTY, or arising out 30 of, 34 or developed, as a result of this Agreement Contract for the purpose of personal or professional research, or 31 for 35 publication. 32.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Contract for Provision of Behavioral Health Services, Contract for Provision of Behavioral Health Services
RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION. 29 34 CONTRACTOR shall not utilize information and/or data received from COUNTY, or arising out 30 of, 35 or developed, as a result of this Agreement for the purpose of personal or professional research, or 31 for 36 publication. 3237 // 1 //
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Contract for Provision of Services, Contract for Provision of Services
RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION. 29 22 CONTRACTOR shall not utilize information and/or data received from COUNTY, or arising out 30 23 of, or developed, as a result of this Agreement Contract for the purpose of personal or professional research, or 31 for publication. 32for
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Contract for Provision of Services, Contract for Provision of Medical Staffing Services
RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION. 29 25 CONTRACTOR shall not utilize information and/or and data received from COUNTY, or arising out 30 of, COUNTY or developed, as a 26 result of this Agreement for the purpose of personal or professional research, or 31 for publication. 3227
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Agreement for Provision of Emergency and Stabilization Hospital Services, Medical Services Agreement
RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION. 29 31 CONTRACTOR shall not utilize information and/or data received from COUNTY, or arising out 30 32 of, or developed, as a result of this Agreement for the purpose of personal or professional research, or 31 33 for publication. 3234
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Agreement for Provision of Co Occurring Residential Treatment Services, Agreement for Provision of Alcohol and Other Drug Prevention Services
RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION. 29 35 CONTRACTOR shall not utilize information and/or data received from COUNTY, or arising out 30 of, 36 or developed, as a result of this Agreement Contract for the purpose of personal or professional research, or 31 for 37 publication. 32.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Contract for Provision of Services, Contract for Provision of Services
RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION. 29 22 CONTRACTOR shall not utilize information and/or and data received from COUNTY, COUNTY or arising out 30 of, or developed, developed as a 23 result of this Agreement for the purpose of personal or professional research, or 31 for publication. 3224
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Agreement for Provision of Short Term Housing Services, Agreement for Provision of Services
RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION. 29 33 CONTRACTOR shall not utilize information and/or data received from COUNTY, or arising out 30 34 of, or developed, as a result of this Agreement for the purpose of personal or professional research, or 31 35 for publication. 3236
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Agreement for Provision of Behavioral Health Outpatient Services, Agreement for Provision of Physician Services
RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION. 29 30 CONTRACTOR shall not utilize information and/or and data received from COUNTY, COUNTY or arising out 30 of, or developed, developed as a 31 result of this Agreement for the purpose of personal or professional research, or 31 for publication. 32
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Agreement for Provision of Early Intervention Services, Agreement for Provision of Outreach and Engagement Services
RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION. 29 36 CONTRACTOR shall not utilize information and/or and data received from COUNTY, COUNTY or arising out 30 of, or developed, developed as a 37 result of this Agreement for the purpose of personal or professional research, or 31 for publication. 32.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Master Agreement for Provision of Medi Cal Mental Health Managed Care Psychiatric Inpatient Hospital Services, Agreement for Provision of Mental Health Outpatient Services
RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION. 29 32 CONTRACTOR shall not utilize information and/or data received from COUNTY, or arising out 30 33 of, or developed, as a result of this Agreement for the purpose of personal or professional research, or 31 34 for publication. 3235 // 36 // 37 //
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Adult Residential Drug Medi Cal Substance Use Disorder Treatment Services Agreement, Agreement for Provision of Community Based Alcohol and Other Drug Prevention Services
RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION. 29 35 CONTRACTOR shall not utilize information and/or data received from COUNTY, or arising out 30 36 of, or developed, as a result of this Agreement Contract for the purpose of personal or professional research, or 31 for 37 publication. 32.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Contract for Provision of Services, Master Services Agreement
RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION. 29 25 CONTRACTOR shall not utilize information and/or data received from COUNTY, or arising out 30 of, 26 or developed, as a result of this Agreement for the purpose of personal or professional research, or 31 for 27 publication. 3228
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Agreement for Provision of Services, Agreement for Provision of Mental Health Community Educational Events Services
RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION. 29 CONTRACTOR shall not utilize information and/or data received from COUNTY, or arising out 30 of, or developed, as a result of this Agreement for the purpose of personal or professional research, or 31 for publication. 32.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Contract for Behavioral Health Training Services, Agreement for Provision of Services
RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION. 29 24 CONTRACTOR shall not utilize information and/or data received from COUNTY, or arising out 30 25 of, or developed, as a result of this Agreement for the purpose of personal or professional research, or 31 26 for publication. 3227
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Agreement for Provision of Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation Services, Agreement for Provision of Behavioral Health Recuperative Care Services
RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION. 29 33 CONTRACTOR shall not utilize information and/or and data received from COUNTY, COUNTY or arising out 30 of, or developed, developed as a 34 result of this Agreement for the purpose of personal or professional research, or 31 for publication. 3235 // 36 // 37 //
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Agreement for Provision of Services, Agreement for Provision of Enhanced Recovery Full Services Partnership Services
RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION. 29 27 CONTRACTOR shall not utilize information and/or data received from COUNTY, or arising out 30 of, 28 or developed, as a result of this Agreement for the purpose of personal or professional research, or 31 for 29 publication. 32.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Agreement for Provision of Recovery Residence Services, Agreement for Provision of Recovery Residence Services
RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION. 29 20 CONTRACTOR shall not utilize information and/or data received from COUNTY, or arising out 30 of, 21 or developed, as a result of this Agreement for the purpose of personal or professional research, or 31 for publication. 32for
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Mental Health Services Agreement, Agreement for Provision of Warmline Services
RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION. 29 26 CONTRACTOR shall not utilize information and/or data received from COUNTY, or arising out 30 of, 27 or developed, as a result of this Agreement for the purpose of personal or professional research, or 31 for publication. 32for
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Agreement for Provision of Adult Mental Health Intensive Residential Services
RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION. 29 25 CONTRACTOR shall not utilize information and/or data received from COUNTY, or arising out 30 of, COUNTY 26 or developed, as a result of this Agreement for the purpose of personal or professional research, or 31 for publication. 32personal
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Agreement for Provision of Adult Mental Health Inpatient Services
RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION. 29 CONTRACTOR shall not utilize information and/or data received from COUNTY, or arising 32 out 30 of, or developed, as a result of this Agreement Contract for the purpose of personal or professional research, or 31 33 for publication. 3234
Appears in 1 contract
RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION. 29 27 CONTRACTOR shall not utilize information and/or data received from COUNTY, or arising out 30 of, 28 or developed, as a result of this Agreement Contract for the purpose of personal or professional research, or 31 for 29 publication. 3230
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Contract for Provision of Services
RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION. 29 20 CONTRACTOR shall not utilize information and/or data received from COUNTY, or arising out 30 of, 21 or developed, as a result of this Agreement Contract for the purpose of personal or professional research, or 31 for 22 publication. 3223 24 XXVI.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Contract for Provision of Services
RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION. 29 23 CONTRACTOR shall not utilize information and/or data received from COUNTY, or arising out 30 ofof , 24 or developed, as a result of this Agreement for the purpose of personal or professional research, or 31 for f or 25 publication. 3226
Appears in 1 contract
RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION. 29 28 CONTRACTOR shall not utilize information and/or data received from COUNTY, or arising out 30 of, 29 or developed, as a result of this Agreement the Contract for the purpose of personal or professional research, or 31 for 30 publication. 3231
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Contract for Provision of Services
RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION. 29 37 CONTRACTOR shall not utilize information and/or data received from COUNTY, or arising out 30 1 of, or developed, as a result of this Agreement for the purpose of personal or professional research, or 31 2 for publication. 323
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Agreement for Provision of Drug Medi Cal Narcotic Replacement Therapy Treatment Services
RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION. 29 28 CONTRACTOR shall not utilize information and/or and data received from COUNTY, COUNTY or arising out 30 of, or developed, developed as a 29 result of this Agreement Contract for the purpose of personal or professional research, or 31 for publication. 3230
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Contract for Provision of Services
RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION. 29 32 CONTRACTOR shall not utilize information and/or data received from COUNTY, or arising out 30 of, 33 or developed, as a result of this Agreement Contract for the purpose of personal or professional research, or 31 for 34 publication. 3235 // 36 // 37 //
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Contract for Provision of Services
RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION. 29 35 CONTRACTOR shall not utilize information and/or and data received from COUNTY, COUNTY or arising out 30 of, or developed, developed as a 36 result of this Agreement Contract for the purpose of personal or professional research, or 31 for publication. 3237
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Contract for Provision of Services
RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION. 29 24 CONTRACTOR shall not utilize information and/or and data received from COUNTY, COUNTY or arising out 30 of, or 25 developed, as a result of this Agreement for the purpose of personal or professional research, or 31 for 26 publication. 3227
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Agreement for Provision of Collaborative Courts Full Service Partnership/Wraparound Services
RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION. 29 21 CONTRACTOR shall not utilize information and/or data received from COUNTY, or arising out 30 of, 22 or developed, as a result of this Agreement for the purpose of personal or professional research, or 31 for 23 publication. 3224
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Agreement for Provision of Services
RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION. 29 20 CONTRACTOR shall not utilize information and/or data received from COUNTY, or arising out 30 of, 21 or developed, as a result of this Agreement AgreementContract for the purpose of personal or professional research, or 31 for publication. 32,
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Contract for Provision of Services
RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION. 29 30 CONTRACTOR shall not utilize information and/or data received from COUNTY, or arising out 30 of, 31 or developed, as a result of this Agreement Contract for the purpose of personal or professional research, or 31 for 32 publication. 32.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Contract for Provision of Services
RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION. 29 27 CONTRACTOR shall not utilize information and/or data received from COUNTY, or arising out 30 of, 28 or developed, as a result of this Agreement for the purpose of personal or professional research, or 31 for publication. 32for
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Agreement for Provision of Behavioral Health Services
RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION. 29 for 31 CONTRACTOR shall not utilize information and/or data received from COUNTY, or arising out 30 of, COUNTY 32 or developed, as a result of this Agreement for the purpose of personal or professional research, or 31 for 33 publication. 3234
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Agreement for Provision of Community Based Alcohol and Other Drug Prevention Services
RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION. 29 21 CONTRACTOR shall not utilize information and/or data received from COUNTY, or arising out 30 22 of, or developed, as a result of this Agreement Contract for the purpose of personal or professional research, or 31 for publication. 32for
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Contract for Provision of Services
RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION. 29 24 CONTRACTOR shall not utilize information and/or and data received from COUNTY, COUNTY or arising out 30 of, or developed, developed as a 25 result of this Agreement for the purpose of personal or professional research, or 31 for publication. 3226 // 27 // 28 //
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Agreement for Provision of Enhanced Recovery Full Services Partnership Services
RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION. 29 36 CONTRACTOR shall not utilize information and/or data received from COUNTY, or arising out 30 37 of, or developed, as a result of this Agreement for the purpose of personal or professional research, or 31 35 of 41 1 for publication. 322
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Full Service Partnership/Wraparound Services Agreement
RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION. 29 21 CONTRACTOR shall not utilize information and/or data received from COUNTY, or arising out 30 of, or developed, as a result of 22 this Agreement Contract for the purpose purposes of personal or professional research, or 31 for publication. 3223
Appears in 1 contract
RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION. 29 36 CONTRACTOR shall not utilize information and/or data received from COUNTY, or arising out 30 of, 37 or developed, as a result of this Agreement for the purpose of personal or professional research, or 31 for 3636 of 36 X:\CONTRACTS - 2019 -\2019-2020\BH\BH CALWORKS-CCS07 KK FY 19-20 - LW.DOC CCS07-MACWS01BHKK20 COLLEGE COMMUNITY SERVICES35 1 publication. 322 //
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Contract for Provision of Behavioral Health Calworks Services
RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION. 29 30 CONTRACTOR shall not utilize information and/or and data received from COUNTY, COUNTY or arising out 30 of, or developed, developed as a 31 result of this Agreement for the purpose of personal or professional research, or 31 for publication. 3232 // 33 // 34 // 35 // 36 // 37 //
Appears in 1 contract
RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION. 29 35 CONTRACTOR shall not utilize information and/or and data received from COUNTY, COUNTY or arising out 30 of, or developed, developed as a 36 result of this Agreement for the purpose of personal or professional research, or 31 for publication. 3237
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Agreement for Provision of Services
RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION. 29 27 CONTRACTOR shall not utilize information and/or data received from COUNTY, or arising out 30 of, 28 or developed, as a result of this Agreement Contract for the purpose of personal or professional research, or 31 for publication. 32for
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Contract for Provision of Mental Health Inpatient Services
RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION. 29 23 CONTRACTOR shall not utilize information and/or data received from COUNTY, or arising out 30 of, 24 or developed, as a result of this Agreement for the purpose of personal or professional research, or 31 for publication. 32for
Appears in 1 contract
RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION. 29 CONTRACTOR 25 CONTRACTROR shall not utilize information and/or data received from COUNTY, or arising out 30 26 of, or developed, as a result of this Agreement for the purpose of personal or professional research, or 31 27 for publication. 3228
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Agreement for Provision of Services
RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION. 29 33 CONTRACTOR shall not utilize information and/or and data received from COUNTY, COUNTY or arising out 30 of, or 34 developed, as a result of this Agreement for the purpose of personal or professional research, or 31 for 35 publication. 32.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Agreement for Provision of Collaborative Courts Full Service Partnership/Wraparound Services
RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION. 29 A. CONTRACTOR shall not utilize information and/or data received from COUNTY, or arising out 30 24 of, or developed, as a result of this Agreement for the purpose of personal or professional research, or 31 25 for publication. 32.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Contract for Provision of Services
RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION. 29 31 CONTRACTOR shall not utilize information and/or data received from COUNTY, or arising out 30 32 of, or developed, as a result of this Agreement for the purpose of personal or professional research, or 31 33 for publication. 3234 // 35 // 36 // 37 // 29 OF 34
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Agreement for Provision of Recuperative Care Services
RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION. 29 21 CONTRACTOR shall not utilize information and/or data received from COUNTY, or arising out 30 of, 22 or developed, as a result of this Agreement for the purpose of personal or professional research, or 31 for publication. 32for
Appears in 1 contract
RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION. 29 31 CONTRACTOR shall not utilize information and/or and data received from COUNTY, COUNTY or arising out 30 of, or developed, developed as a 32 result of this Agreement for the purpose of personal or professional research, or 31 for publication. 3233 // 34 // 35 // 36 // 37 //
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Agreement for Provision of Services
RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION. 29 24 CONTRACTOR shall not utilize information and/or data received from COUNTY, or arising out 30 of, or developed, as a result of this Agreement Contract for the purpose of personal or professional research, or 31 for 25 publication. 3227 31 of 33
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Contract for the Provision of Surge Services for Employee Health Services
RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION. 29 24 CONTRACTOR shall not utilize information and/or data received from COUNTY, or arising out 30 of, 25 or developed, as a result of this Agreement Contract for the purpose of personal or professional research, or 31 for 26 publication. 3227
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Contract for Provision of Services
RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION. 29 19 CONTRACTOR shall not utilize information and/or data received from COUNTY, or arising out 30 of, 20 or developed, as a result of this Agreement for the purpose of personal or professional research, or 31 for 21 publication. 3222
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Agreement for Provision of Public Health Medical Services
RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION. 29 33 CONTRACTOR shall not utilize information and/or data received from COUNTY, or arising out 30 34 of, or developed, as a result of this Agreement Contract for the purpose of personal or professional research, or 31 for 35 publication. 3236 // 37 //
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Contract for Provision of Services
RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION. 29 32 CONTRACTOR shall not utilize information and/or data received from COUNTY, or arising out 30 33 of, or developed, as a result of this Agreement for the purpose of personal or professional research, or 31 34 for publication. 3235 // 36 // 37 // DocuSign Envelope ID: BB2DBDF4-FD05-4D02-A0FE-074FE18D982A
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Agreement for Provision of Services
RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION. 29 32 CONTRACTOR shall not utilize information and/or data received from COUNTY, or arising out 30 33 of, or developed, as a result of this Agreement for the purpose of personal or professional research, or 31 34 for publication. 32.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Contract for Provision of Inpatient Behavioral Health Services
RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION. 29 of, for 30 CONTRACTOR shall not utilize information and/or data received from COUNTY, or arising out 30 of, COUNTY 31 or developed, as a result of this Agreement for the purpose of personal or professional research, or 31 for publication. 32personal
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Agreement for Provision of Volunteer to Work Project Program Services
RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION. 29 32 CONTRACTOR shall not utilize information and/or data received from COUNTY, or arising out 30 of, 33 or developed, as a result of this Agreement Contract for the purpose of personal or professional research, or 31 for 34 publication. 3235
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Contract for Transitional Age Youth Crisis Residential Services
RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION. 29 31 CONTRACTOR shall not utilize information and/or data received from COUNTY, or arising out 30 32 of, or developed, as a result of this Agreement for the purpose of personal or professional research, or 31 33 for publication. 3234 // 35 // 36 //
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Agreement for Provision of Community Based Alcohol and Other Drug Prevention Services