Librarians Sample Clauses
Librarians. The normal work week for librarians is 35 hours per week. The maximum for reference desk coverage is 20 hours per week. Individual faculty members may elect to exceed this maximum. Where librarians are involved in instructional modes listed in Article 12.03, these shall be pro-rated. For part-time regular and non-regular type 2 librarians, part of their assignment shall be scheduled as non reference desk duties as agreed upon by the librarian and the administrator responsible. Scheduling work shall follow past practices and shall be delivered in cooperation with the administrator responsible.
Librarians. Every appointment of a librarian is made at one of the following ranks: Librarian IV Librarian III Librarian II Librarian I Throughout the Collective Agreement, the position of “Archivist” is included in the general title of “Librarian”.
Librarians. 20.1 The Employer/University Administration recognizes that professional librarians are a closely allied group whose ultimate academic support function of aiding and furthering the educational and scholarly goals of the University in its three-fold educational mission of teaching, research and service, converges with that of the faculty, although pursued through different means and in a different manner.
Librarians. The University agrees that the work performed by Librarians is essential to the success of the Library in meeting its academic mission. Librarian Members play a critical role in developing and delivering Library information services; assessing, selecting, and ensuring the preservation of information resources; managing staff and financial resources; planning technological infrastructure; information literacy instruction; fostering consortia and partnership initiatives; and strategic planning and goal setting within the Library and affiliated Units.
Librarians. Each year that the District has a winter or summer session that requires normal library services, at least three (3) Librarians will be assigned each scheduled day of the winter or summer for the winter or summer session period. Selection of the Librarians will be determined by the priority system of Sections 2, 4 and 5 of this Article. The three Librarians of record for any summer or winter session shall be the three librarians who have worked the most total days for that term; any tie shall be resolved by the priority system of Sections, 2, 4 and 5 of this Article.
Librarians. A librarian’s professional obligations and responsibilities to the University shall encompass: (a) the development of his/her professional knowledge and performance in the areas of public service/collections development/bibliographic control; (b) [i] professional development, [ii] research, scholarship; and (c) service to the University. While the pattern of these duties may vary from individual to individual consistent with the librarian’s specialties and qualifications, they constitute the librarian’s principal obligation during the employment year.
Librarians. The librarians shall receive six personal days per contract year.
Librarians. Librarians’ duties and responsibilities shall include, but not be limited to, those duties listed in the following applicable sub-articles: • The primary duties and responsibilities of Librarians shall be to ensure that library services meet the multiplicity of user needs. • Librarians shall work with other Faculty Members, administration and staff in support of curriculum and University goals. • Librarians shall encourage library users in achieving their educational objectives. • Librarians shall understand and be current in the latest development within the field of library sciences, information management and related subjects. • Librarians shall support students in their learning and assist them with developing relevant skills. • Librarians shall work within instructional goals and methods; develop and organize library collections which meet curriculum needs; design and provide information and orientation services; and perform the technical functions necessary to provide efficient library services to all users. • Librarians shall work towards developing services appropriate to meeting curriculum and user needs. • Librarians shall treat all members of the University community fairly, with respect, and in a professional and non-discriminatory manner.
Librarians. Two months' notice, with the resignation to take effect at the end of a month; Laboratory/Clinical Instructors: Two months' notice, with the resignation to take effect at the end of a semester; Instructors: Two months' notice, with the resignation to take effect at the end of a semester.
Librarians. In the first part calendar year of service vacation will be granted on the basis of one-twelfth (1/12) of twenty-two (22) working days for each month or portion of a month greater than one-half (½) worked by 31