RESTRICTION OF MERCHANDISE WARRANTY. No part of the Premises should be used for the manufacture or deposit or storage of merchandise during the Period of Insurance.
RESTRICTION OF MERCHANDISE WARRANTY. No part of the premises should be used for the manufacture or deposit or storage of merchandise during the period of insurance.
RESTRICTION OF MERCHANDISE WARRANTY. Warranted that during the currency of this Policy, no part of the premises described herein be used for the manufacture or deposit or storage of merchandise.


  • Service Warranty Provider has carefully examined and analyzed the provisions of this Agreement, including but not limited to all exhibits attached and incorporated into it, and can and will perform, or cause, the Services to be performed in strict accordance with the provisions and requirements of the Agreement. Services will be performed in a timely, professional and workmanlike manner in accordance with all applicable industry and professional standards.

  • Service Warranties Contractor warrants that: (i) the Services will be rendered with promptness and diligence and will be executed in a workmanlike manner, in accordance with the practices and professional standards used in well-managed operations performing services similar to the Services; and (ii) Contractor will perform the Services in the most cost-effective manner consistent with the required level of quality and performance. Contractor warrants that each Deliverable will conform to and perform in accordance with the requirements of this Agreement and all applicable specifications and documentation. For each such Deliverable, the foregoing warranty shall commence for such Deliverable upon the JBE’s acceptance of such Deliverable, and shall continue for a period of one (1) year following acceptance. In the event any Deliverable does not to conform to the foregoing warranty, Contractor shall promptly correct all nonconformities to the satisfaction of the JBE.

  • License Restrictions Licensor reserves all rights not expressly granted to You. The Software is licensed for Your internal use only. Except as this Agreement expressly allows, You may not (1) copy (except for back-up purposes), modify, alter, create derivative works, reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the Software except and only to the extent expressly permitted by applicable law; (2) transfer, assign, pledge, rent, timeshare, host or lease the Software, or sublicense any of Your license grants or rights under this Agreement; in whole or in part, without prior written permission of Licensor; (3) remove any patent, trademark, copyright, trade secret or other proprietary notices or labels on the Software or its documentation; or (4) disclose the results of any performance, functional or other evaluation or benchmarking of the Software to any third party without the prior written permission of Licensor. Hosting Restrictions. In the event that You desire to have a third party manage, host (either remotely or virtually) or use the Software on Your behalf, You shall (1) first enter into a valid and binding agreement with such third party that contains terms and conditions to protect Licensor’s rights in the Software that are no less prohibitive and/or restrictive than those contained in this Agreement, including, without limitation, the Verification section below; (2) prohibit use by such third party except for the sole benefit of You; and (3) be solely responsible to Licensor for any and all breaches of the above terms and conditions by such third party.

  • Vendor’s Specific Warranties, Terms, and License Agreements Because TIPS serves public entities and non-profits throughout the nation all of which are subject to specific laws and policies of their jurisdiction, as a matter of standard practice, TIPS does not typically accept a Vendor’s specific “Sale Terms” (warranties, license agreements, master agreements, terms and conditions, etc.) on behalf of all TIPS Members. TIPS may permit Vendor to attach those to this Agreement to display to interested customers what terms may apply to their Supplemental Agreement with Vendor (if submitted by Vendor for that purpose). However, unless this term of the Agreement is negotiated and modified to state otherwise, those specific Sale Terms are not accepted by TIPS on behalf of all TIPS Members and each Member may choose whether to accept, negotiate, or reject those specific Sale Terms, which must be reflected in a separate agreement between Vendor and the Member in order to be effective.

  • Hardware Warranty Company warrants that for a period of one (1) year from delivery of Hardware, Hardware will be free from defects in material and workmanship in normal use, but does not cover any of the following: (i) improper installation, maintenance, adjustment, repair or modification by Customer or a third party; (ii) misuse, neglect, or any other cause other than ordinary use, including without limitation, accidents or acts of God; (iii) improper environment, excessive or inadequate heating or air conditioning, electrical power failures, surges, water damage or other irregularities; (iv) third party software or software drivers; or (v) damage during shipment.

  • Billing for Treatment and Payment Restrictions Grantees will; a. bill for only one intensity of service and service type (either outpatient or residential) per client per day b. not bill for an intensity of service and service type if another System Agency-funded Treatment Grantee is providing and billing System Agency for another intensity of service and service type. The following are the exception to item b.: A client may receive; a. co-occurring psychiatric / substance use disorder services,

  • SUPPLIER’S WARRANTIES 16.1 The Supplier represents, warrants and undertakes to the Authority that: 16.1.1 the Supplier has the full right, power and authority to enter into and perform this Agreement and to grant all of the Authority Rights to the Authority and for the Authority to use and exploit the same as contemplated in this Agreement; 16.1.2 all information, representations, warranties and other matters of fact contained in the Supplier’s tender submission as part of the competitive tender process referred to in the recitals to this Agreement are true, complete and accurate in all respects and the Supplier agrees to be bound by the obligations and statements made in such tender submission as if the same were set out in this Agreement, save where there is any inconsistency between the terms of this Agreement and such tender submission the terms of this Agreement shall prevail; 16.1.3 save in respect of any Third Party Content, no Deliverable has and no Deliverable will have been broadcast, released or otherwise exploited in any Broadcast Media anywhere in the world prior to the relevant Delivery Date; 16.1.4 there is no contract or arrangement to which the Supplier is a party and the Supplier will not enter into any contract or arrangement and there is and will be no other encumbrance or restriction which could in any way interfere with or inhibit the full exercise or exploitation of any and all of the Authority Rights by the Authority; 16.1.5 the Supplier has paid and shall promptly pay all sums due to any person who is or may be entitled to any payment in respect of services or facilities rendered or goods supplied or rights granted in connection with the Deliverables or on the exercise by the Authority of any of the Authority Rights or in respect of any tax, duty, levy, national insurance or any similar payment in connection with the Deliverables required to be made by the Supplier; 16.1.6 the Supplier will have, by and as at the relevant Delivery Date, obtained all necessary consents, grants, clearances and rights (including any rights in musical compositions contained within the Deliverables (if any) which are controlled by the Performing Right Society or its affiliated bodies) to enable it to produce and deliver the Deliverables and to grant to and enable the Authority to exercise the Authority Rights free from any liens, claims and encumbrances; 16.1.7 to the extent any musical compositions are contained in the Deliverables: all recording synchronisation and dubbing licences have been obtained and licence fees have been paid; and the performing rights in such compositions shall throughout the Term be controlled (i) by the Performing Right Society or its affiliated bodies; or (ii) by the Supplier; or (iii) are in the public domain, in all cases to the extent required for the purposes of the Authority's full exercise of its rights as contemplated by this Agreement; 16.1.8 no claim or litigation is pending or threatened in respect of the Deliverables or any the Authority Rights; 16.1.9 the Deliverables will be produced in accordance with all Laws (including with respect to health and safety); 16.1.10 the Deliverables will be free from all Viruses; 16.1.11 the Deliverables will not contain anything which is in contravention of the Codes and Guidelines or any Laws or which is obscene, blasphemous, seditious, racially inflammatory, defamatory or which infringes the rights of any person, including rights of copyright or trade marks or service marks, privacy, publicity or confidentiality or any other civil or common law or statutory right whatsoever or breaches any contract or is in contempt of court; 16.1.12 the Supplier has not entered and will not enter into any co-production, co-financing, pre-sale or other arrangement or agreement which involves the surrender by the Supplier of any control of the Deliverables; 16.1.13 all information, records and data provided to the Authority and with respect to the Deliverables and the production process will be accurate in all respects, full and up to date; 16.1.14 the Supplier is not insolvent nor unable to pay its debts as they fall due and no steps have been taken with a view to the winding-up or administration of the Supplier or the making of any composition or arrangement with any creditors of the Supplier; and 16.1.15 the Supplier will not at any time do or say anything which is or may be considered by the Authority (acting reasonably) to be detrimental or prejudicial to or to affect adversely the name, image, reputation or business of the Authority or otherwise to bring the Authority or any member of the Authority Group into disrepute. 16.2 The Supplier's warranties shall be deemed repeated on each Delivery Date (or, if any Deliverables are delivered to the Authority after the scheduled Delivery Date and the Authority has not exercised any right under this Agreement to treat such delay as an Event of Default under clause 27.1, within ten Working Days of the date of actual delivery) and on every occasion when the Authority exercises its Authority Rights.

  • Limited Warranty Seller warrants to Customer for a period of twelve (12) months following delivery only that (a) the Products shall conform to the description and specifications, subject to industry standard tolerances and variations; and (b) Seller has good title to the Products free and clear of liens, security interests or encumbrances by any party claiming by, through or under Seller. SELLER HEREBY DISCLAIMS AND CUSTOMER HEREBY WAIVES ANY AND ALL OTHER ORAL OR WRITTEN WARRANTIES IN RESPECT OF THE PRODUCTS, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE WARRANTIES OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. SELLER EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ANY AND ALL OTHER WARRANTIES UNLESS EXPRESSLY MADE IN WRITING AND SIGNED BY AN OFFICER OF SELLER. Seller’s liability shall be limited, at Seller’s option, to repair or replacement of non-conforming Products or refund of the purchase price. The foregoing sets forth Seller’s entire obligation and liability to Customer in respect of the Products, and Customer accepts the same as its entire right and sole remedy in relation to any breach by Seller of these Terms and Conditions. IN NO EVENT OR CIRCUMSTANCE WHATSOEVER SHALL SELLER BE LIABLE FOR ANY CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT, EXEMPLARY, PUNITIVE OR SPECIAL DAMAGES OF ANY TYPE OR NATURE EVEN IF SELLER HAS REASON TO KNOW OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. SELLER’S TOTAL LIABILITY ARISING OUT OF OR IN ANY WAY RELATED TO THE PRODUCTS, WHETHER BASED IN CONTRACT, WARRANTY, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE AND/OR GROSS NEGLIGENCE), STRICT LIABILITY, OR ANY OTHER CAUSE OF ACTION, SHALL IN NO EVENT EXCEED THE PURCHASE PRICE ACTUALLY PAID BY CUSTOMER FOR THE PRODUCTS TO WHICH SUCH LIABILITY RELATES.