Returned Check Charges. If you pay your rent with a check and it is returned unpaid for any reason, you’ll be charged a Returned Check Charge of $25 plus the Late Rent Charge of $50, plus $10 for each day that it is late.
Returned Check Charges. Lessee hereby acknowledges and agrees that a service charge of $50.00 will be assessed and charged to Lessee for each check that is returned because of insufficient funds.
Returned Check Charges. You agree to pay a returned check charge of up to $25 whenever your payment, whether in the form of a check or other instrument or an electronic payment, is returned to us unpaid because of an insufficient balance in your deposit account. The returned check charge will be reflected in the New Balance of your Account.
Returned Check Charges. There is a $35 fee for all returned checks. Clients are responsible for all costs of collections.
Returned Check Charges. Additional charges will apply when Customers request that Contractor provide carryout services. See Item 80
Returned Check Charges. The Commission authorizes KCPL to increase its returned check charge from $10 to $30.
Returned Check Charges. To the extent not prohibited by law, you will pay us a $15.00 returned check charge for each check that is returned unpaid.
Returned Check Charges. If I make any payment by Agreement, and my check is returned unpaid for any reason, I agree to pay Lender a returned check charge in the amount of $25.00, or such lesser amount as may be limited by law.
Returned Check Charges. In the event any check offered by Xxxxxx, or any one of several Tenants, to Owners in payment of rent or any other amount due under this agreement is returned for lack of sufficient funds or a closed or non-existent account, or if Tenant has stopped payment of the check, then Tenant shall pay to Landlord a check-return charge in the amount of $_30_ as liquidated damages for the administrative costs and bank charges incurred by Owners. After one such returned check, Owners shall have the right to require that payments be made in cash or cash-equivalent, such as cashier's check.
Returned Check Charges. There will be a returned check charge (see Schedule A) for all checks returned unpaid to BrightRidge. BrightRidge may refuse to accept checks as payment from those customers that have an established history of returned (NSF) checks.