Rights and Obligations of the Parties 5.2.1. The client is obliged to: Check for an SMS at the moment of issuance of a card, by which means they will receive a pin code, or check the integrity of the envelope in which the pin code is given; Regularly review and abide by card usage and security regulations developed by the Bank, and not allow disclosure of the card and/or pin-code to the third persons; Reimburse those bank expenses which are related to additional service costs of VISA and Mastercard (if any); Use the card to pay the Bank any commission fee related to card servicing (producing, renewal, including in the international stop-list, etc.) and processing card transactions consistent with the tariff established by the Bank and/or international payment systems; Perform transactions on the card account only within the limits of the available balance. The Bank shall impose a penalty on an intentionally or erroneously overspent amount in excess of the available balance according to the tariff established by the Bank for each day of using the surcharge amount; Promptly fill surcharged amount; Promptly notify the Bank about loss of the card; Shall process card payment transaction in the internet only through the web pages having secure payment certifications (web pages where MasterCard SecureCode or Verified by VISA logos are depicted, allowing for making payment with 3D security code). The bank shall bear no responsibility for the transactions of the client made at the web-pages having no secure payment certifications. 5.2.2. The client is authorized to: At any time obtain information on transactions held at the card account and request statements reflecting such transactions. The client is authorized to become familiar with the transactions made at the card accounts in the internet banking and/or address JSC “Pasha Bank Georgia” telephone services center – contact center and/or any branch of the bank to obtain such information. Card transactions statements shall be issued in a form requested by the client in the timelines established by the bank, however no later than 2 (two) banking days after the request of the client has been made. The bank is entitled to establish the commission for issuing the transaction statement made for the card account. Submit a justified claim on transactions performed on the card account consistent with clause 5.4 of the present agreement. 5.2.3. The client acknowledges that: Cards produced by the Bank are equipped with contactless technology; Throughout the territory of Georgia, contactless card transactions without a pin code are permitted to the amount of up to 100 (one hundred) GEL. The Bank does not bear responsibility and does not accept claims from clients for contactless transaction(s) performed with the card account of a client up to 100 GEL throughout Georgia (notwithstanding the number of such transactions performed with the card).
Party A’s Rights and Obligations 4.1 甲方应不晚于扣款日向/在其结算账户转账/存入等于(或不少于)存款资金的款项,并在起息日前的所有时间均确保并维持结算账户中有该等数额的款项。若因非乙方过错的任何原因,包括但不限于由于甲方的债权债务纠纷或任何原因导致结算账户被司法机关采取查封、冻结或支取等强制措施,甲方未能在起息日前的所有时间确保并维持结算账户中的存款资金数额的,本协议应立即解除并失效,但不影响甲方应承担的违约责任并向乙方赔偿全部损失的义务。 No later than the Trade Date, Party A shall transfer/deposit money equal to (or not less than) the full Deposit Amount to/in the Settlement Account and shall ensure that such amount of fund in the Settlement Account shall be held and maintained at all time until the Effective Date. Failure by Party A to do the same due to whatever reason other than Party B’s fault, including without limitation, the Deposit Amount being frozen, seized or taken, in whole or in part, with enforcement measures by judicial authority arising from its credits, debts dispute and/or whatsoever reason, shall cause this Agreement to be immediately and automatically ceased and this Agreement will be no longer to be in force and effect, and in such case, it shall be deemed that Party A breaches the terms of this Agreement and therefore shall be liable for all losses and damages suffered by Party B arising therefrom. 4.2 甲方授权乙方在扣款日对甲方结算账户扣划与存款资金相等数额的款项并转存至结构性存款标的下,该等操作无须经甲方另行同意或通知甲方。 On the Effective Date, Party A hereby authorizes Party B to deduct fund in the Settlement Account equal to the full Deposit Amount and transfer the same to be deposited under the Structured Deposit program without further consent from and notice to Party A. 4.3 甲方授权乙方在结算日或根据本协议第6.2 款的提前终止日(如适用)将结构性存款标的下的符合本协议第5.2 款数额的资金转入甲方的结算账户,该等操作无须经甲方另行同意或通知甲方。 On the Settlement Date or (as the case may be) the Early Termination Date (as specified in Clause 6.2), Party A hereby authorizes Party B to transfer fund so deposited under the Structured Deposit program to the Settlement Account without further consent from and notice to Party A. Provided that the fund to be transferred by Party B thereof shall be equal to the amount as specified in Clause 5.2. 4.4 在甲方签署本协议后的 24 小时(“冷静期”)内,甲方有权以乙方指定的方式通知乙方撤销结构性存款业务。若甲方在冷静期内行使撤销权的,本协议视为未生效,相关结构性存款业务不进行。冷静期结束后,甲方的撤销权立即自动完全失效。 Within 24 hours from the execution of this Agreement by Party A (“Cooling-off carried out. Party A accepts and agrees that immediately after the Cooling-off Period, Party A’s right to withdraw/cancel the purchase of Structured Deposit shall be completely ceased. 4.5 除另有约定外,相关税费(若有)由甲方自行负担。 Unless otherwise specified, Party A shall bear all relevant taxes applicable to it (if any). 4.6 甲方对本协议及销售文件负有保密义务,未经乙方书面许可,甲方不得向任何组织、个人提供或泄露与乙方或本协议有关的任何业务资料及信息,法律及/或监管要求另有规定除外。 Party A shall keep confidential this Agreement and Ancillary Document. Without written approval from Party B, it shall not provide nor disclose to any organization or individual any business material and information relating to Party B and in connection with this Agreement, unless otherwise required by laws regulations and/or regulatory requirement. 4.7 甲方认可,产品说明书及所有销售文件的所有条款与条件符合其意图及要求,应得到甲方的完全遵守。 Party A accepts that all terms and conditions as provided in the Commercial Term and any relevant Ancillary Documents meet its intentions and requirements and it shall fully comply with all provisions hereof/thereof.