Rights and Obligations of the Parties. 5.2.1. The client is obliged to: Check for an SMS at the moment of issuance of a card, by which means they will receive a pin code, or check the integrity of the envelope in which the pin code is given; Regularly review and abide by card usage and security regulations developed by the Bank, and not allow disclosure of the card and/or pin-code to the third persons; Reimburse those bank expenses which are related to additional service costs of VISA and Mastercard (if any); Use the card to pay the Bank any commission fee related to card servicing (producing, renewal, including in the international stop-list, etc.) and processing card transactions consistent with the tariff established by the Bank and/or international payment systems; Perform transactions on the card account only within the limits of the available balance. The Bank shall impose a penalty on an intentionally or erroneously overspent amount in excess of the available balance according to the tariff established by the Bank for each day of using the surcharge amount; Promptly fill surcharged amount; Promptly notify the Bank about loss of the card; Shall process card payment transaction in the internet only through the web pages having secure payment certifications (web pages where MasterCard SecureCode or Verified by VISA logos are depicted, allowing for making payment with 3D security code). The bank shall bear no responsibility for the transactions of the client made at the web-pages having no secure payment certifications.
5.2.2. The client is authorized to: At any time obtain information on transactions held at the card account and request statements reflecting such transactions. The client is authorized to become familiar with the transactions made at the card accounts in the internet banking and/or address JSC “Pasha Bank Georgia” telephone services center – contact center and/or any branch of the bank to obtain such information. Card transactions statements shall be issued in a form requested by the client in the timelines established by the bank, however no later than 2 (two) banking days after the request of the client has been made. The bank is entitled to establish the commission for issuing the transaction statement made for the card account. Submit a justified claim on transactions performed on the card account consistent with clause 5.4 of the present agreement.
5.2.3. The client acknowledges th...
Rights and Obligations of the Parties. 6.3.1 The Bank is authorized to: By means of the Internet Banking service, make information available to the client on its accounts; Under assignment of the client, perform transactions allowed by the Bank in the scope of the Internet Banking service; For the purpose of risk reduction, establish unilateral restrictions on the active transactions of the client (transfers, conversions) and establish marginally acceptable parameters of such transactions (maximum amount of a single transfer, maximum amount of the totally transferred amount during a particular period, maximum number of transfers, the need to approve transactions of one user by another, etc.).
6.3.2 The client is committed to: Keep secure any information necessary for use of internet banking, a document or device, the password and username, and the respective Digipass device (if any); Not disclose the password and/or username to a third person, not to store data on the computer or any technical device by means of which the client accesses the internet page of the Bank; In case of losing or revealing the password, device or any other code (including if they are obtained by a third person,) the client must notify the Bank promptly by means of communication determined by the present agreement on the basis of which the Bank shall suspend the internet banking service; Ensure that the address indicated in clause 6.1.1. of this agreement is actually stated in the address field and each time of accessing the internet bank, prior to the commencement of work, they check the security certificate; Upon completion of work in the internet bank, exit the program by clicking the “exit” button; Not trust notifications received by email, the authors of which on behalf of the Bank request provision/renewal of personal and/or Bank data.
6.3.3 The client is aware that in case of their disregarding/neglecting the safety measures determined by the Bank, the Bank waives any responsibility for the inflicted result(s).
6.3.4 Claims of any kind by the client regarding transactions and services performed via internet bank shall be accepted according to the regulation stipulated by the legislation.
Rights and Obligations of the Parties. 3.1. The swimmer has the right:
3.1.1. To perform electronic registration for the Swim at any of the chosen distance among those available at the time of registration, in accordance with the Regulations posted on the website of the Organizer x-xxxxxx.xxx.
3.1.2. In case of payment of the registration fee and fulfillment of the Organizer's requirements for admission to the swim (in accordance with the Regulations), to receive the Participant's Starter Package and participate in the Swim at the time set by the Organizer.
Rights and Obligations of the Parties. 3.1. The Client is entitled to:
i) make transactions using the trading platform Meta Trader or any other trading platform provided by the Company which includes the processing and transmission of data uploaded by the Client with the help of PC or any other device connected to the Internet by means chosen by the Client;
ii) contact the Company for obtaining the clarifying information on quotations and for giving orders for transaction closing by telephone;
iii) obtain any information on state of the Trade Account at short notice provided that it is technically possible to transfer such information as of the time of request;
iv) dispose of all funds available on the Trade Account including the right to transfer these funds, considering the existing limitations, to any other Trade Accounts opened with the Company in the name of this Client;
v) open Trade Accounts with the Company in his own name;
vi) deposit funds into his/her Trading Account and withdraw funds from his/her Trading Account in the prescribed by the Regulatory documents manner;
vii) close Trade Accounts with the Company in accordance with the procedure and under the terms stipulated in this Agreement;
viii) exercise other rights stipulated in this Agreement.
3.2. The Client shall:
i) Provide the Company with the necessary and sufficient information for Trade Account opening, making Transactions, depositing and withdrawing of the funds. All the information provided by the Client including the information on the Client’s trading experience and other investment and financial skills shall be true, accurate and complete. The Client shall also immediately notify the Company of any changes in this information by any of means specified in paragraph 7.1. of this Agreement;
ii) strictly comply with the requirements of the Regulatory Documents of the Company;
iii) comply with the legal requirements applied to the Client and by no way use the Trade Account for criminal and any other unlawful purposes;
iv) not disclose the data of access codes or other information, in particular, necessary for delivery of the Company’s orders for transactions and transfer of funds to/from the trade account to third parties except as otherwise expressly provided in this Agreement;
v) notify the Company of the fact of funds transfer to the Company’s account made by any methods stipulated in the Company’s rules. The list of methods of funds transfer to the Company’s account is posted on the Company’s official Website: xxxx://x...
Rights and Obligations of the Parties. 13.2.1 The client shall be under obligation: to send SMS to the cell phone number of the bank according to terms and conditions disseminated by the bank in its sources; not to permit disposal of his/her cell phone and/or SIM card by third parties; in case of change and/or loss of the cell phone, SIM card and/or cell number to inform promptly the bank by calling at +99532 272727, in writing, through internet banking or bank-client. Have sufficient amount on the account (accounts) for the service fee
13.2.2 The client is entitled : At any time to demand from the bank to cease sending of the SMS of the advertisement character (goods and/or service offerings). In order to verify the indicated demand the client shall implement one of the below listed actions: To visit the branch of the bank; To verify the demand with the telephone service-center; By means of the internet bank to send to the bank notifications from the relevant personal parameters page.
13.2.3 The bank shall be under obligation: In furtherance of the client’s notification (verbal (through the phone), written or through internet banking/ bank-client) on loss of the cell phone and/or SIM card, to ensure suspension of SMS service until receipt of new instructions from the xxxxxx.Xx case if application is submitted by the client to the Bank verbally (by phone), identification of the client shall be carried out according to the procedure outlined in paragraph 11.2 hereof. The bank is liable no later than in 10 (ten) business days upon receipt of the client’s demand as indicated in the subparagraph 13.
2.2.1 of the Agreement to cease sending to the client the SMS of the advertisement character (goods and/or service offerings
13.2.4 The bank shall have the right: to refuse carrying out the client’s instruction in the event of insufficient funds standing to the client’s account and/or incorrect (in breach of this agreement or provisions stipulated in sources disseminated by the bank) notification sent to the bank or existence of any outstanding debts towards the bank; to send to the client advertising messages; to send to the client messages on credit amounts (loan, overdraft, credit limit and/or other credit products), payment date, liabilities and/or effected automatic transfers (the bank shall not be under obligation to send the above notifications and in any event, regardless we...
Rights and Obligations of the Parties. 2.1 During the term of this Agreement, Party A’s rights and obligations include:
(1) to hand over Opco to Party B for entrusted management as of the effectiveness date of this Agreement and to hand over all of business materials together with Business License and corporate seal of Opco to Party B;
(2) Party A has no right to make any decision regarding Opco’s operations without the prior written consent of Party B;
(3) to have the right to know the business conditions of Opco at any time and provide proposals;
(4) to assist Party B in carrying out the entrusted management in accordance with Party B’s requirement;
(5) to perform its obligations pursuant to the Shareholders’ Voting Rights Proxy Agreement, signed by and between all shareholders of the Opco and Party B on November 22, 2010, and not to violate the said agreement;
(6) not to intervene Party B’s management over Opco in any form by making use of shareholder’s power;
(7) not to entrust or grant their shareholders’ rights in Opco to a third party other than Party B without Party B’s prior written consent;
(8) not to otherwise entrust other third party other than Party B to manage Opco in any form without Party B’s prior written consent;
(9) not to terminate this Agreement unilaterally with for any reason whatsoever; or
(10) to enjoy other rights and perform other obligations under the Agreement.
2.2 During the term of this Agreement, Party B’s rights and obligations include:
(1) to enjoy the full and exclusive right to manage Opco independently;
(2) to enjoy the full and exclusive right to dispose of all assets of Opco;
(3) to enjoy all profits and bear losses arising from Opco’s operations during the Entrusted Period;
(4) to appoint all directors of Opco;
(5) to appoint the legal representative, general manager, deputy general manager, financial manager and other senior managerial personnel of Opco;
(6) to convene shareholders’ meetings of Opco in accordance with the Shareholders’ Voting Rights Proxy Agreement and sign resolutions of shareholders’ meetings; and
(7) to enjoy other rights and perform other obligations under the Agreement.
Rights and Obligations of the Parties. 12.1. The client is obliged to:
12.1.1. for any kind of bank service/for use of bank product to pay the bank the commission fee and/or any other fee, necessary for receiving the bank service;
12.1.2. without undue delay shall promptly notify the bank on amendments to the submitted documents and information, including change of the contact information (legal/factual address, telephone number, email etc.) otherwise the notification sent to the address known to the bank shall be deemed as submitted. Also, shall have means of communication and the network (among them mobile phone, computer, internet) in working/active conditions, otherwise the bank shall bear no responsibility for the results/damage;
12.1.3. promptly notify the bank in writing regarding disposal of the account, performing transactions on the account, on change of the persons authorized to receive information about the account and/or charge of their authorization and submit respective written documents to the bank. The obligation to notify outlined in the indicated clause applies to all those documents submitted to the bank and under which the client is authorized to act on his/her own behalf. Prior to submission of these documents to the bank, the bank performs transaction to the accounts on the basis of the previously submitted documents and the signature sample.
12.1.4. when opening each account, to submit the bank requested documents regarding client’s tax/entrepreneurial status. Also, promptly notify on change of the above indicated status.
12.1.5. use the accounts opened by the bank for him/her for the entrepreneurial purposes only in the event he/she has a relevant tax/entrepreneurial status and the bank is preliminarily informed on this. Otherwise, the client is requested not to use his/her accounts for entrepreneurial activities;
12.1.6. when performing transactions to the account(s), to submit full, exhaustive and accurate information to the bank on the purpose of the transaction/payment and submit to the bank any requested document (copies of documents proving grounds for transfer).
12.1.7. submit to the bank any requested document for performance of the transaction, which is needed by the bank for thorough identification of the client, for establishment of the nature of the transaction, purpose, type of transfer and compatibility of the subject transaction with the legislation.
12.1.8. notify the bank about accidentally transferred money to his account within 1 (one) banking day aft...
Rights and Obligations of the Parties. The Licensee undertakes: - under article 1287 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, to begin using the work within a period usual for this type of works and their application, calculated after the editor-in-chief (editorial board) of the Journal has decided to accept the Article for publication. The time of using the Article through its reproduction is determined according to the periodicity of issuing the Journal. The Journal's periodicity is given in the imprint of each issue of the Journal; - not to introduce without the Author's written consent changes, abridgments, and additions to the Article, including its title and the designation of the Author's name, as well as not to provide the Article with illustrations, forewords, afterwords, commentaries, and any explanations without the Author's consent; - to ensure free delivery to the Author's e-mail an electronic PDF copy of the Article provided the Author has given his/her e-mail address herein; - to ensure the review of the Article; the scientific, literary, and desktop editing; the making and/or processing of illustrative material provided for by the Author or the Licensee in the presence of the Author's consent to its inclusion into the Article; the making of the camera-ready copy; and the printing of the Article.
Rights and Obligations of the Parties. The Bank is authorized to: Request the client to pay the minimal amount or recommended amount envisaged by clause 4.6. In case of failure to pay, the Bank is authorized to block the limit of installments and charge the client a penalty to the amount and according to the regulations established by the agreement; As a result of a client’s financial condition, legislative requirements/regulations and/or the Bank’s internal procedures/regulations, the Bank may at any time reduce or temporarily restrict the limit of installments. Restriction/cancellation of the limit of installments does not affect the effectiveness of the multi-currency account of the Top|Card. The client is obliged to: Cover the recommended or minimal payment amount, consistent with the terms of the present agreement; In the period of use of the limit of installments, not to close the multi-currency account. Closing of the multi- currency account shall automatically result in the cancellation of the limit of installments; If the Bank terminates the agreement for any reason, suddenly or during the term established by the Bank, repay the used amount in full, the interest rate accrued and the penalty (if any), and fulfil all financial liabilities assumed towards the bank; Promptly notify the bank on the occurrence of any of the circumstances set forth in this or in the concrete agreement, which grants the Bank the right to terminate the agreement. The client is authorized to:
Rights and Obligations of the Parties. 3.1 Party A and/or its affiliated parties are responsible for the project development tasks, objectives, costs, development progress and R&D quality control, while Party C is responsible for handling the necessary formalities such as product announcement, 3C certification and environmental protection announcement declaration of the Cooperative Vehicle Models, and providing necessary technical data and related documents. If on-site audit or inspection is required by relevant laws and regulations or government authorities, Party B shall cooperate according to the requirements of government authorities, Party A and/or its affiliated parties, and Party C (including but not limited to cooperating with on-site work and providing documents and materials).
3.2 Party A and/or its affiliated parties are responsible for supply chain management such as direct material supplier selection, pricing and point setting, business negotiation, supplier management, purchase order placement, supplier capacity and supply timeliness guarantee. Party B will timely accept the materials delivered by the supplier according to the acceptance standards and requirements recognized by Party A and/or its affiliated parties (including but not limited to package confirmation, visual inspection, quantity check, model check, and quality problems), and properly keep and settle the material price. If it is necessary to pay the supplier in advance due to material shortage and other reasons, Party A and/or its affiliated parties shall pay the corresponding material price to Party B in advance, which may be deducted from the vehicle kit payment payable by Party A and/or its affiliated parties to Party B.
3.3 Party B will manufacture the Cooperative Vehicle Models according to the quality assurance requirements agreed in Appendix 4 Quality Agreement. Party B shall formulate the inspection documents of the Cooperative Vehicle Models according to Appendix 4 Quality Agreement or the acceptance standards confirmed separately with Party A, and carry out the process inspection and ex-factory inspection of the Cooperative Vehicle Models accordingly. Party A and/or its affiliated parties have the right to inspect the Cooperative Vehicle Models prior to delivery, and also have the right to conduct random inspection upon delivery by Party B.
3.4 Party B will coordinate Party C to handle the Certificate, conformity certificate, 3C labeling, printing and information uploading of the environmental protection on...