Rights Document Sample Clauses

Rights Document. 1. The Rights Document shall contain the information about the volume in MW that eligible persons are entitled to nominate at the Bidding Zone border and directions and for hourly periods. 2. The Allocation Platform shall send the Rights Document daily and no later than thirty (30) minutes after the Auction results have been notified to the Registered Participant to the eligible person according to Article 36 paragraph 1 (a).
Rights Document. 1. The Rights Document shall contain the information about the volume in MW that eligible persons are entitled to nominate at specific bidding zone borders and directions and for hourly periods in case of Physical Transmission Rights with the information of the CAI. 2. The Allocation Platform shall send the Rights Document daily and no later than at 1:00
Rights Document. 1. The Rights Document shall contain the information about the volume in MW that eligible persons are entitled to nominate at specific Bidding Zone borders or subsets of interconnectors of Bidding Zone borders and directions and for hourly periods in case of Physical Transmission Rights. In case of Financial Transmission Rights Options the Rights Document shall contain the information about the volume in MW at specific Bidding Zone borders or subsets of interconnectors of Bidding Zone borders and directions and for hourly periods for which the holder is entitled to financial remuneration in accordance with Article 48. 2. The Allocation Platform shall send the Rights Document daily and no later than at 1:00 p.m. on the second (2nd) day preceding the delivery day via the Auction Tool to the eligible person according to Article 46(1) a) and/or c) .
Rights Document. 1. The Rights Document shall contain the information about the volume in MW that eligible persons are entitled to nominate at specific Bidding Zone borders or subsets of interconnectors of Bidding Zone borders and directions and for hourly periods with the indication of the CAI. 2. The Allocation Platform shall send it daily and no later than 15 minutes after the provisional results are sent. The Rights Documents shall be considered provisional until the end of the Contestation Period.
Rights Document. 1. The Rights Document shall contain the information about the volume in MW that eligible persons are entitled to nominate at specific Bidding Zone borders or subsets of interconnectors of Bidding Zone borders and directions and for hourly periods. 2. No later than fifteen (15) minutes after the Registered Participant to Shadow Auctions has been notified of the final results of its Bids, the Rights Document will be sent to the eligible person indicating the Transmission Rights acquired, for each Hourly Block, allocated at the Shadow Auction.
Rights Document. 1. The Rights Document shall contain the information about the volume in MW that eligible persons are entitled to nominate in specific directions and for hourly periods. 2. The Allocation Platform shall send a Rights Document after each Auction to the Intraday Transmission Rights’ holder via the Auction Tool 1. Intraday Transmission Rights may be curtailed in the event of Force Majeure or an emergency situation according to applicable legislation. 2. Curtailment may be applied on allocated Intraday Transmission Rights or, where the case may be, on nominated Intraday Transmission Rights. 3. Each Registered Participant affected by curtailment shall lose its right to nominate for physical use the concerned Intraday Transmission Rights. 4. In case of curtailment, the affected Registered Participant is entitled to receive reimbursement or compensation according to Article 41.
Rights Document. 1. In deviation to Article 47, paragraph 2 of the Allocation Rules, the Allocation Platform shall send the Rights Document daily and no later than at 8:00 p.m. on the second (2nd) day preceding the delivery day via the Auction Tool to the eligible person.
Rights Document. 1. The Rights Document shall contain the information about the volume in MW that eligible persons are entitled to nominate at specific Bidding Zone borders and directions and for hourly periods. 2. The Allocation Platform shall send Rights Document after each Auction to the Transmission Rights’ holder via the Auction Tool after the Contestation Period as defined in Article 34. 1. Intraday Transmission Rights may be curtailed in the event of Force Majeure or an Emergency Situation. 2. Curtailment may be applied on allocated Transmission Rights or, where the case may be, on nominated Physical Transmission Rights. 3. Each Registered Participant affected by curtailment shall lose its right to nominate for physical use the concerned Transmission Rights. 4. In case of curtailment, the affected Registered Participant is entitled to receive reimbursement or compensation according to Article 41.
Rights Document. 1. The Rights Document for a Unit Holder for a Contract Day in a direction and for Daily and Intraday Timescales is a schedule showing, the total number of MW of Interconnector Capacity the Unit Holder is entitled to Nominate during each hour of that Contract Day in that direction and for the relevant Timescale determined in accordance with these Rules. Each Registered Participant will for a Contract Day and in each direction be notified of its Daily and Intraday Interconnector Capacity rights in the Rights Documents. Long Term Interconnector Capacity rights for a Contract Day in a direction will be as set out in the Rights Document issued under the IFA Long Term Allocation Rules 2. The Allocation Platform will notify each Registered Participant of its Daily and Intraday Interconnector Capacity rights for the Contract Day “D” by issuing a Rights Document before the gate-opening of the relevant Timescale for that Contract Day at the times specified in Annex 1. 1. For each hour in a Contract Day for which a Daily or Intraday Rights Document has been issued by the Allocation Platform under these Rules, or a Long Term Rights Document has been issued under the IFA Long Term Allocation Rules, each Unit Holder may Nominate to the Allocation Platform an Energy Transmission at mid-channel up to but not exceeding the Registered Participant’s Interconnector Capacity rights set out in the Rights Document in the relevant direction in that hour (“Mid-Channel Nomination”). 2. The Unit Holder shall Nominate its Mid-Channel Nominations no later than the relevant Nomination Gate Closure for all relevant hours as referred in the Rights Document. The timescales for submitting Nominations are contained in Annex 1. 3. Annex 1 specifies the Intraday Nomination Gate Closures. Where a Unit Holder Nominates a Mid-Channel Nomination for a specific hour at an Intraday Nomination Gate Closure that is not the final Nomination Gate Closure for such hour, the Unit Holder may subsequently modify its Mid-Channel Nomination prior to the last Nomination Gate Closure that applies in respect of such hour(s). 4. The Allocation Platform will reject a Nomination in its entirety for the Contract Day where the corresponding Mid-Channel Nomination(s) in one or more hours exceed(s) the Registered Participant’s Interconnector Capacity rights set out in the Rights Document. 5. The Mid-Channel Nomination for each hour in the Contract Day must be expressed in whole MW, with a single value, greater than o...
Rights Document. 1. The Rights Document shall contain the information about the volume in MW that eligible persons are entitled to nominate at specific Bidding Zone borders or subsets of interconnectors of Bidding Zone borders and directions and for hourly periods in case of Physical Transmission Rights. In case of Financial Transmission Rights Options the Rights Document shall contain the information about the volume in MW at specific Bidding Zone borders or subsets of interconnectors of Bidding Zone borders and directions and for hourly periods for which the holder is entitled to financial remuneration in accordance with Article 48. In case of Financial Transmission Rights Obligations, the Rights Document shall contain the information about the volume in MW at specific Bidding Zone borders and directions and for hourly periods for which the holder is entitled to receive or obliged to pay a financial remuneration in accordance with Article 48. 2. The Single Allocation Platform shall send the Rights Document daily and no later than at 1:00 p.m. on the second (2nd) day preceding the delivery day via the Auction Tool to the eligible person according to Article 46(1) a) and/or c).