SALES AND ADVERTISING. All Contracts with any manufacturer's representative or other sales agent, distributor or representative, or advertising or marketing entity having a remaining term in excess of thirty (30) days and which are not terminable by the Company within thirty (30) days upon written notice, without penalty or further payment, or which require payments in excess of $10,000 per year.
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  • Marketing and Advertising Manager shall advertise and promote the Hotel in coordination with the sales and marketing programs of Manager and other Homewood Suites hotels. Manager may participate in sales and promotional campaigns and activities involving complimentary rooms. Manager, in marketing and advertising the Hotel, shall have the right to use marketing and advertising services of employees of Manager and its parent and affiliated companies not located at the Hotel. Manager may charge the Hotel for personnel and other costs and expenses incurred in providing such services; provided that (i) Manager's allocation of such costs and expenses among hotels, including the Hotel, shall be pro rated among all hotels owned or managed by Manager and (ii) the annual allocation of such costs and expenses to the Hotel shall not exceed $10,000.00. Such costs and expenses shall be reflected in the budgets and operating statements required to be prepared and submitted by Manager under this Agreement;

  • SIGNS AND ADVERTISING Landlord shall provide Tenant, at Landlord’s sole cost and expense, with Building standard signage (as such standard is established from time to time by Landlord) on the Building directory in the lobby of the Building. Tenant shall not erect or install or otherwise utilize signs, lights, symbols, canopies, awnings, window coverings or other advertising or decorative matter (collectively, “Signs”) on the windows, walls or exterior doors or otherwise visible from the exterior of the Premises without first (a) submitting its plans to Landlord and obtaining Landlord’s written approval thereof and (b) obtaining any required approval of any applicable governmental authority with jurisdiction at Tenant’s sole cost and expense. All Signs approved by Landlord shall be professionally designed and constructed in a first-class workmanlike manner. Landlord shall have the right to promulgate from time to time additional reasonable rules, regulations and policies relating to the style and type of said advertising and decorative matter which may be used by any occupant, including Tenant, in the Building, and may change or amend such rules and regulations from time to time as in its discretion it deems advisable. Tenant agrees to abide by such rules, regulations and policies. At the expiration or earlier termination of this Lease, all such signs, lights, symbols, canopies, awnings or other advertising or decorative matter attached to or painted by Tenant upon the Premises, whether on the exterior or interior thereof, shall be removed by Tenant at its own expense, and Tenant shall repair any damage or injury to the Premises or the Building, and correct any unsightly condition, caused by the maintenance and removal thereof.

  • Publicity and Advertising Executive agrees that the Company may use his name, picture, or likeness for any advertising, publicity or other business purpose at any time, during the term of this Agreement and may continue to use materials generated during the term of this Agreement for a period of six (6) months thereafter. The use of Executive’s name, picture, or likeness shall not be deemed to result in any invasion of Executive’s privacy or in violation of any property right Executive may have; and Executive shall receive no additional consideration if his name, picture or likeness is so used. Executive further agrees that any negatives, prints or other material for printing or reproduction purposes prepared in connection with the use of his name, picture or likeness by the Company shall be and are the sole property of the Company.

  • SIGNS AND ADVERTISEMENTS 12.1 Except as provided below, Tenant shall not put upon nor permit to be put upon any part of the Premises or the Building, any signs, billboards or advertisements whatever in any location or any form without the prior written consent of Landlord.

  • No Advertising At no time was the Purchaser presented with or solicited by any leaflet, newspaper or magazine article, radio or television advertisement, or any other form of general advertising or solicited or invited to attend a promotional meeting otherwise than in connection and concurrently with such communicated offer.

  • No General Solicitation or General Advertising Neither the Company nor any person acting on its behalf has engaged or will engage in any form of general solicitation or general advertising (within the meaning of Regulation D under the Securities Act) in connection with any offer or sale of the Purchased Securities.

  • No Advertisements It is not subscribing for the Units as a result of or subsequent to any advertisement, article, notice or other communication published in any newspaper, magazine, or similar media or broadcast over television or radio, or presented at any seminar or meeting.

  • No Advertisement The Purchaser acknowledges that the Shares have been offered to them in direct communication between them and Seller, and not through any advertisement of any kind.

  • No General Solicitation or Advertising Neither the Company, nor any of its Subsidiaries or Affiliates, nor any Person acting on its or their behalf, has engaged in any form of general solicitation or general advertising (within the meaning of Regulation D) in connection with the offer or sale of the Securities.

  • Advertising Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx agrees to make available such sales and advertising materials relating to the Shares as Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx in its discretion determines appropriate. PaineWebber agrees to submit all sales and advertising materials developed by it relating to the Shares to Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx for approval. PaineWebber agrees not to publish or distribute such materials to the public without first receiving such approval in writing. Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx shall assist PaineWebber in obtaining any regulatory approvals of such materials that may be required of or desired by PaineWebber.

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