Examples of Signs and Advertisements in a sentence
For visual amenity the relevant policies are S25 (Heritage), S28 (Design) and DES8 (Signs and Advertisements) of the UDP.
Further, there is a strict regime in the EPA Act for the preparation and content of section 94 contribution plans.Furthermore, this requirement was taken from an old version of the City of Sydney DCP 2015 Signs and Advertisements.
Moved pro forma (SO 152 (b)) Thursday June 17, 1999 on motion of Hon Nick Griffiths (Days remaining 9 after today) That the Shire of Serpentine-Jarrahdale - Local Laws relating to Signs and Advertisements 1999, published in the Gazette on March 26 1999, and Tabled in the Legislative Council on April 20 1999 under The Local Government Act 1995, be and are hereby disallowed.
All Election Signs and Advertisements purchased by or under the direction of a candidate shall identify the candidate.
All Third Party Election Signs and Advertisements shall contain the following information: the name of the registered third party the municipality where the registered third party is registered; a telephone number, mailing address or email address at which the registered third party may be contacted regarding the advertisement.
Subject to the provisions of Table 2: Standard Design Requirements for Signs and Advertisements, which identifies signs and advertisements that must be removed sooner, temporary signs and advertisements are permitted to be displayed for a maximum of one month, not to be taken consecutive within any three months period, from the date the sign/ advertisement is installed, unless this timeframe is formally extended by the local government.
After development of food products, WMEs are expected to test new/enhanced products to the market.
DG7: Signs and Advertisements Signs and advertisements will be permitted, provided that they: (A) do not adversely affect the character, quality and appearance of the building or the surrounding area; (B) do not combine with existing advertisements to create an unacceptable cumulative impact; (C) do not create a hazard to public safety; and(D) in the case of a listed building or a building in aconservation area, it complies with Policies HE2 and HE7 respectively.
Shop Fronts SPG8 – Signs and Advertisements SPG11 – Public Art SPG15 – Mobile Phone Masts SPG17 – Higher Density Housing, Achieving High Quality Design In addition, this document also supersedes the parking standards previously set out within the Planning Obligations and S106 Agreements SPD.
Assessment Categories for Signs and Advertisements The comments made in the OMA’s submission are understood; however, the ‘on-premises’ signs referred to in the submission are not third party signs, are relatively small in size and are not considered to normally present an undue risk to public safety or impact on visual amenity.