Scanning and Settings Sample Clauses

Scanning and Settings. Click [Tools] button and select the [Original Image] option from the drop-down menu to open the [Original Image] window. After scanning, the [Original Image] win- dow displays the scanned image. You can check the scanned image to compare with the original text. This can help you improving your scan technique for more accurate recog- nition results.
Scanning and Settings. When you want to scan an article or a sentence directly into your computer, you can use [Text mode] :
Scanning and Settings. Select [Sentence translation] in the drop-down menu from the button .
Scanning and Settings. In the [Recog Setting] page, you can set up the recognition results, recognition contents and at the end of scan, insert a space automatically. You can modify the recognition language menu in the Recognition Language tab of Setting. In the Recognition Language Tab, the right column contains lots of recognition languages for you to choose. The languages appear in the left column will all appear on the recognition language drag down menu on the tool bar. In this tab, you can select the recognition language in the right column and click [add] to add it into the left column. If you want to remove a language from the left column, you can select the language you want to remove and click [Remove] to remove it from the left column.
Scanning and Settings. When using the business mode, you can accord with the scan content to choose the scan mode as below for higher recognition accuracy and the supported font will show in the window. y Barcode: Recognize barcodes. y MICR (E-13B): Recognize MICR font Text. y OCR A/B: Recognize OCR A/B font Text. (The options below are only for OCR A/B) - Alphabet only: Recognize from A to Z and from a to z. - Numbers only: Recognize from 0 to 9. - Alphabet & Numbers: Recognize from A to Z, from a to z and from 0 to 9. - Hexadecimal: Recognize from A to F, from a to f and from 0 to 9. - Leave no space while scanning: Without leaving any space while scanning.
Scanning and Settings. Click [Tools] from the toolbar and select [Settings] from the drop-down menu to set up the general, recognition and online translation settings.
Scanning and Settings. When choosing Chinese Traditional or Chinese Simplified as the language recognition, you can choose to output the recognized characters in Traditional Chinese or Simplified Chinese. Check the [Output full-width punctuations] option to set the punctionations as full-width. When choosing the Chinese Traditional as the language recognition, you can check the [Recognize HK Character] to recognize Hongkong characters. If you do not need to recognize Hongkong characters, please do not check it for higher recognition ac- curacy. You can connect to the xxxx:// to check the Hong Kong characters list. You can select [Recognize English characters & numbers] to make WorldPenScan series recognize English characters and numbers when choosing Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Japanese or Korean as the language recognition, When choosing the Japanese as the language recognition, you can check the [JIS Level 2 Kanji Characters] to recognize the JIS level 2 Kanji characters. If you do not need to recognize JIS level 2 Kanji characters, please do not check it for higher recogni- tion accuracy. When choosing the English, French, German, Italian or Spanish as the language rec- ognition, you can check the [At the end of the scan, insert a space automatically]. While scanning text, the system will automatically add a space at the end of the scan. 3-12‌
Scanning and Settings. When scanning horizontal text, you can choose the [Horizontal] option. Place the pen on the text or image, move the pen left-to-right or right-to-left when scanning.
Scanning and Settings. When you want to scan text or images into your computer in image formats, you can use [Image mode] .
Scanning and Settings. Chapter 3 Scanning and Settings Tools Business mode Dictionary\ Sentence translation Text mode\ Image mode Language recognition