Original Image Sample Clauses
Original Image. Settings: Provide general, recognition, and business mode settings. See 3.7 Settings for more detailed information. . Help: Open this user manual. . About: See the product information.
Original Image. Click [Tools] button and select the [Original Image] option from the drop-down menu to open the [Original Image] window. After scanning, the [Original Image] window displays the scanned image. You can check the scanned image to compare with the original text. This can help you improving your scan technique for more accurate recognition results.
Original Image. Chapter 3
Original Image display the scanned image. See 3.5 Displaying Original Image.
Original Image. After making changes to the results, you can check your original scan to look at the dif- xxxxxxx and look at the original text when scanned. Leave your cursor on the character for 1-2 seconds and a window will pop up with a list of buttons. Hold down the third button from the left and you will see the origi- nal text being displayed.
Original Image. Settings: Provide general, recognition, and business mode settings. See 3.8 Settings for more detailed information.
Original Image. One of the objective elements that can be found in the collective contracts are the economic and social benefits. The fact that many collective agreements only repeat what the law indicates (and even, in some cases, omit or fail to mention mandatory worker benefits) a further step in favor of employer protection for a large number of collective agreements. In these cases, the very raison d'être of collective bargaining is absent, which is to overcome the minimums of the law, that is, what is guaranteed and which is not an option but a duty of the employer. Staying within the mandatory limits and even making the conditions of workers more precarious represents an economic saving for companies. This also allows them to have greater margins in decision-making; thus fulfilling the objectives of hiring employer protection: Serve corporate interests, inhibit the authentic organization of workers and grant absolute and unilateral power to the employer over workplace regulations.
Original Image. When analyzing the degree of employer protection with affiliation to trade unions, it is not possible to analyze general trends regarding the unions that had better contracts than others. Of those with more than three cases in this study, only the CROM stands out (four contracts reviewed), with an average degree of employer protection of 73.7%, or 10 points higher than the average of all contracts. However, four contracts cannot represent general trends for an entire trade union. On the other hand, the averages of the CTM, CROC and FROC-CROC vary between 61.9% and 65.7%, which is close to the general average of 63.3%.
Original Image. Superpixels generated using the SLIC algorithm.
Original Image. Delaunay Triangulation built on a cluster identified in step 1.