Common use of SCHOOL WE WILL Clause in Contracts

SCHOOL WE WILL.  Provide a balanced and appropriate curriculum.  Provide a caring and nurturing learning environment where each child is valued and able to fulfil his/her potential.  Provide teaching and learning suitable for pupils’ ages and abilities which helps them to progress.  Expect high standards of behaviour and promote respect for all.  Recognise and celebrate the achievement of your child.  Provide effective means of communication between home and school and respond quickly to any enquiries or concerns.  Monitor pupils’ progress and provide advice and guidance over their work.  Provide and mark homework in accordance with the School Homework Policy.  Notify parents of any concerns relating to their child’s progress or conduct. AS A PARENT/CARER I/WE WILL:  Follow the Code of Conduct for Parents Policy.  Respect staff and other families’ culture, race, feelings, beliefs and values.  Ensure that my child attends school every day, on time and with everything s/he needs or;  Inform the school immediately of any absence and provide evidence for this to be authorised.  Not arrange holidays in term-time.  Let the School know of any concerns or problems that might affect my child’s learning, behaviour or well-being.  Attend parents' consultation meetings to review my child's progress.  Support the school's rules and expectations as set out in the Behaviour Policy.  Ensure that my child reads regularly at home and record this in their log.  Ensure that my child’s homework is completed and returned on time.  Ensure that my child wears the correct uniform each day.  Ensure the school is notified of any change in emergency contact numbers.  Support the school in the teaching of safe and secure internet use at school and home.  Adhere to the school’s policy on the use of social media  Follow the expectations set out in the volunteering policy. AS A PUPIL I WILL:  Respect other teachers and friends culture, race, feelings, beliefs and values.  Treat other people as I would like to be treated.  Come to school every day, on time, with all the things I need.  Follow my class rules and the school Golden Rules.  Always try my best and demonstrate MAGIC learning behaviours.  Read at home with an adult.  Always do my homework as well as I can.  Tell a member of staff if I am worried or unhappy.  Wear my school uniform with pride and be tidy in my appearance. Executive Headteacher/Head of School/Deputy Headteacher ………………………………………… Parent/carer signature ………………………………………

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Samples: Hamilton Northwood

AutoNDA by SimpleDocs

SCHOOL WE WILL.  Provide Ensure your child receives the legal entitlement of a broad and balanced and appropriate curriculum. Provide a caring and nurturing learning environment where each child is valued and able to fulfil his/her potential. Provide teaching and learning work suitable for pupils’ ages and abilities abilities, which helps them to progress. Expect high standards of behaviour and promote respect for all. Recognise and celebrate the achievement of your child. Provide effective means of communication between home and school and respond quickly to any enquiries or concerns. Monitor pupils’ progress and provide advice and guidance over their work. Provide properly planned homework opportunities, which are realistic, achievable and mark homework related to work in accordance with the School Homework Policyschool. Notify parents of any concerns relating to their child’s progress or conduct. • Provide opportunities for extra-curricular activities. • Deal with any parental concerns promptly and inform them of how they are resolved. • Provide parents/carers with half-termly feedback on progress and conduct. AS A PARENT/CARER I/WE WILL:  Follow WILL ⮚ Support the Code aims of Conduct for Parents Policy.  Respect staff and other families’ culture, race, feelings, beliefs and values.  the school ⮚ Ensure that my child attends school every dayregularly, on time and with everything s/he needs or;  Inform the school immediately of any absence and provide evidence for this to be authorisedneeds.  Not arrange holidays in term-time.  Let the School know of any concerns or problems that might affect my child’s learning, behaviour or well-well- being. Attend parents' consultation meetings to review my child's progress. Support the schoolSchool's rules and expectations as set out in the Behaviour Policy.  Ensure that my child reads regularly at home and record this in their log.  Ensure that my child’s homework is completed and returned on time. ⮚ Inform the school immediately of any absence by contacting the school office. ⮚ Not arrange holiday in term-time. ⮚ Ensure that my child wears the correct uniform each day. Ensure the school is notified of any change in emergency contact numbers. Support the school in the teaching of safe and secure internet use at school and home.  Adhere to the ⮚ Be a good role model in school’s policy on the , thinking carefully about my use of social media  Follow the expectations set out in the volunteering policylanguage and showing respect for other parents, carers, staff and children at all times. AS A PUPIL I WILL:  Respect other teachers and friends culture, race, feelings, beliefs and values.  WILL ⮚ Treat other people as I would like to be treated.  Come to school every day, on time, with all the things I need.  Follow my class rules and the school Golden Rules.  Always try my best and demonstrate MAGIC learning behaviours.  Read at home with an adult.  Always do my homework as well as I can.  Tell a member of staff if I am worried or unhappy. ⮚ Respect other pupils’ culture, race, feelings, beliefs and values. ⮚ Come to school on time, with the things I need. ⮚ Wear my school uniform with pride and be tidy in my appearance. Executive Headteacher/Head of ⮚ Always try my best. ⮚ Do class work and homework as well as I can. ⮚ Follow the School/Deputy Headteacher 's Behaviour Policy. Student name ……………………………………………… Parent/carer signature Form ………… Date …………………………………… I confirm I have received and accept the North Xxxxxxxxx Primary & Nursery Academy agreement: Signed: Student

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SCHOOL WE WILL. Provide a balanced and appropriate curriculum. Provide a caring and nurturing learning environment where each child is valued and able to fulfil his/her potential. Provide teaching and learning work suitable for pupils’ ages and abilities which helps them enables children to progress. Expect high standards of behaviour and promote respect for all. Recognise and celebrate the achievement of your child. Provide effective means of communication between home and school and respond quickly to any enquiries concerns or concernsenquiries. Monitor pupils’ progress and provide advice and guidance over their work. Provide and mark xxxx homework in accordance with the School Homework Policyschool homework policy. Notify parents of any concerns relating to their your child’s progress progress, conduct, behaviour or conductwell-being. AS A PARENTAs a parent/CARER carer I/WE WILLWe will:  Follow the Code of Conduct for Parents Policy.  Respect staff and other families’ culture, race, feelings, beliefs and values.  Ensure that my child attends school every dayregularly, on time and with everything s/he needs or;  Inform or she needs.  Let the school immediately of any absence and provide evidence for this to be authorised.  Not arrange holidays in term-time.  Let the School know of any concerns or problems that might affect my child’s learning, behaviour or well-being.  Attend parents'  Regularly attend parent consultation meetings to review my child's ’s progress. Support the school's ’s golden rules and expectations as set out in the Behaviour Policyschool’s behaviour policy. Ensure that my child reads regularly at home and record this in their log.  Ensure that wherever possible my child’s homework is completed and returned on time.  Support the Christian ethos of the school and encourage my child to have a positive attitude to school.  Inform the school office immediately if my child is absent from school.  Ensure that my child wears the correct school uniform each day. Ensure that the school office is notified of any change in emergency contact numbers. Support the school in the teaching of safe and secure internet use at school and home.  Adhere to  Comply with the school’s policy on the use code of social media  conduct for parents. As a pupil I will:  Follow the expectations set out in the volunteering policyschool’s golden rules. AS A PUPIL I WILL:  Respect other teachers and friends culture, race, feelings, beliefs and values.  Treat other people as I would like to be treated.  Come to school every day, on time, with all the things I need.  Follow my class rules and the school Golden Rules.  Always try my best and demonstrate MAGIC learning behaviours.  Read at home with an adult.  Always do my homework as well as I can.  Tell a member of staff if I am worried or unhappy.  Wear my school uniform with pride and be tidy in my appearance. Executive Headteacher/Head of School/Deputy Headteacher  Come to school on time with the things I need.  Always do my best.  Do my homework. The Golden Rules  We respect everyone and everything  We are good friends and we treat everyone the way we want to be treated.  We take responsibility for ourselves and the world around us.  We persevere in all we do and strive to be the best we can be.  We are curious and creative learners. CHILD’S NAME: ………………………………………………… Parent/carer signature …………………………….. Signed: Child (if appropriate) Signed: Headteacher Signed: Parent I have discussed this with my child: Please tick: Date:………………………………………….

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Samples: Home School Agreement

SCHOOL WE WILL.  Provide a balanced and appropriate curriculum.  Provide a caring and nurturing learning environment where each for your child that is valued safe, attractive and able in which Christian values are promoted. • Treat you and your child with respect and sensitivity and will listen to fulfil his/her potentialand take account of your views and those of your child. Provide a broad and balanced curriculum which takes account of the individual needs of your child. • Provide good quality teaching and learning suitable experiences for pupils’ ages and abilities which helps them to progressyour child. Expect high standards of behaviour and promote respect for all. Recognise and celebrate the achievement of your child.  Provide effective means of communication between home • Bring to your attention in a clear and school and respond quickly to any enquiries or concerns.  Monitor pupils’ progress and provide advice and guidance over their work.  Provide and mark homework in accordance with the School Homework Policy.  Notify parents of calm manner any concerns we have regarding your child’s learning, behaviour or attendance as soon as those concerns arise. • Inform you about matters of importance relating to their the school and, as far in advance as is possible, about events that involve you or your child. • Keep you informed about your child’s progress by ongoing communication as required and by means of parent/teacher consultations and a written end of year report. • Set, mark (where agreed) and monitor home learning regularly, in keeping with the school’s Home Learning Policy. • Treat your child fairly, with rewards and sanctions used in line with Behaviour Policy. • Support your child to access remote learning through our remote learning platform or conductother means. AS A PARENT/CARER I/WE WILL:  Follow the Code of Conduct for Parents Policy.  Respect staff and other families’ culture, race, feelings, beliefs and values.  WILL • Ensure that my child attends school every dayregularly, on time and with everything s/he needs or;  Inform the school immediately of any absence and provide evidence for this to be authorisedneeds.  Not arrange holidays in term-time.  Let the School know of any concerns or problems that might affect my child’s learning, behaviour or well-being.  Attend parents' consultation meetings to review my child's progress.  Support the school's rules and expectations as set out in the Behaviour Policy.  Ensure that my child reads regularly at home and record this comes to school wearing correct school uniform. • Notify the school on the first day of absence if my child is unable to attend school. • Not arrange holidays during term time unless extenuating circumstances are agreed in their logadvance. Ensure that my child arrives and is collected punctually each day. • Inform the school as early as possible of any changes in my child’s homework home life which may affect his/her behaviour or work. • Support my child’s learning by taking an interest in what he/she does at school and by providing encouragement and a suitable environment for home learning tasks, ensuring that it is completed and returned to school on time.  Ensure that • Support the School’s Christian ethos and encourage my child wears to take part in the correct uniform each dayfull life of the Church School. • Support the Behaviour Policy of the school and will work co-operatively with the school to help resolve any problems that may arise with my child. • Attend parents’ meetings to discuss my child’s progress. • Should I need to discuss any issues relating to my child (that are serious enough to require more than a very quick conversation before or after school), I will make a proper appointment to do so via the school office. • Treat all members of staff with the same respect and in the same calm manner as I would expect them to treat me. • Use the class ‘Whats App’/Social Media facility in a polite and positive way to support the education of my child • Ensure the school is notified of any change in emergency contact numbers. Support the school in the teaching of safe and secure internet use at school and home.  Adhere to • Show respect for the school’s policy on neighbours and for the use safety of social media  Follow the expectations set out other parents and children by parking considerately in the volunteering policyarea around the school at all times. • Not bring any vehicle on to the school premises unless permission has been specifically given to do so. • Support and attend events at School and Church. • Ensure responses and reply slips regarding school trips and events are returned on time. • Read all information sent home, access the website/DB Primary regularly as this gives me important details of relevant policies, meetings, workshops, activities, newsletters and open days. • Support the school and PTA when fundraising and organising activities for the benefit of a variety of causes and also our school. • Support my child when accessing remote learning during times when the school is closed due to unforeseen circumstances – eg pandemic AS A PUPIL I WILL:  WILL • Respect the Christian values of the school and do my best to follow them. • Respect other teachers and friends pupils’ culture, race, feelings, beliefs and values.  Treat other people as I would like to be treated.  values • Come to school every day, on time, time with all the things I need.  Follow my class rules and the school Golden Rules.  Always try my best and demonstrate MAGIC learning behaviours.  Read at home with an adult.  Always do my homework as well as I can.  Tell a member of staff if I am worried or unhappy.  need • Wear my school uniform with pride and be tidy in my appearanceappearance • Follow the school’s Behaviour Policy. Executive Headteacher• Show respect to all adults in school. • Always try my best. • Carry out class learning and home learning as well as I can • Tell a member of staff if I am angry, hurt, worried or unhappy and need help. • Look after my own property and the school’s property HOME/Head SCHOOL PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT SIGNATURES Class teacher/ Headteacher Parent(s) Name of School/Deputy Headteacher ………………………………………… Parent/carer signature ………………………………………Child Date

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SCHOOL WE WILL.  Provide a balanced and appropriate curriculum.  Provide a caring and nurturing learning environment where each child is valued and able to fulfil his/her potential.  Provide teaching and learning suitable for pupils’ ages and abilities which helps them to progress.  Expect high standards of behaviour and promote respect for all.  Recognise and celebrate the achievement of your child.  Provide effective means of communication between home and school and respond quickly to any enquiries or concerns.  Monitor pupils’ progress and provide advice and guidance over their work.  Provide and mark homework in accordance with the School Homework Policy.  Notify parents of any concerns relating to their child’s progress or conduct. AS A PARENT/CARER I/WE WILL:  Follow the Code of Conduct for Parents Policy.  Respect staff and other families’ culture, race, feelings, beliefs and values.  Ensure that my child attends school every day, on time and with everything s/he needs or;  Inform the school immediately of any absence and provide evidence for this to be authorised.  Not arrange holidays in term-time.  Let the School know of any concerns or problems that might affect my child’s learning, behaviour or well-well- being.  Attend parents' consultation meetings to review my child's progress.  Support the school's rules and expectations as set out in the Behaviour Policy. C:\A - STATUTORY & KEY POLICIES\Home School Agreement.docx  Ensure that my child reads regularly at home and record this in their log.  Ensure that my child’s homework is completed and returned on time.  Ensure that my child wears the correct uniform each day.  Ensure the school is notified of any change in emergency contact numbers.  Support the school in the teaching of safe and secure internet use at school and home.  Adhere to the school’s policy on the use of social media  Follow the expectations set out in the volunteering policy. AS A PUPIL I WILL:  Respect other teachers and friends culture, race, feelings, beliefs and values.  Treat other people as I would like to be treated.  Come to school every day, on time, with all the things I need.  Follow my class rules and the school Golden Rules.  Always try my best and demonstrate MAGIC learning behaviours.  Read at home with an adult.  Always do my homework as well as I can.  Tell a member of staff if I am worried or unhappy.  Wear my school uniform with pride and be tidy in my appearance. Executive Headteacher/Head of School/Deputy Headteacher Parent/carer signature Child signature ………………………………………… Parent/carer signature ………………………………………

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Samples: Junior School

AutoNDA by SimpleDocs

SCHOOL WE WILL. Provide a balanced and appropriate curriculum. Provide a caring and nurturing learning environment where each child is valued and able to fulfil his/her potential. Provide teaching and learning suitable for pupils’ ages and abilities which helps them to progress. Expect high standards of behaviour and promote respect for all. Recognise and celebrate the achievement of your child. Provide effective means of communication between home and school and respond quickly to any enquiries or concerns. Monitor pupils’ progress and provide advice and guidance over their work. Provide and mark homework in accordance with the School Homework Policy. Notify parents of any concerns relating to their child’s progress or conduct. AS A PARENT/CARER I/WE WILL: Follow the Code of Conduct for Parents Policy. Respect staff and other families’ culture, race, feelings, beliefs and values. Ensure that my child attends school every day, on time and with everything s/he needs or; Inform the school immediately of any absence and provide evidence for this to be authorised. Not arrange holidays in term-time. Let the School know of any concerns or problems that might affect my child’s learning, behaviour or well-being. Attend parents' consultation meetings to review my child's progress. Support the school's rules and expectations as set out in the Behaviour Policy. Ensure that my child reads regularly at home and record this in their log. Ensure that my child’s homework is completed and returned on time. Ensure that my child wears the correct uniform each day. Ensure the school is notified of any change in emergency contact numbers. Support the school in the teaching of safe and secure internet use at school and home. Adhere to the school’s policy on the use of social media Follow the expectations set out in the volunteering policy. AS A PUPIL I WILL: Respect other teachers and friends culture, race, feelings, beliefs and values. Treat other people as I would like to be treated. Come to school every day, on time, with all the things I need. Follow my class rules and the school Golden Rules. Always try my best and demonstrate MAGIC learning behaviours. Read at home with an adult. Always do my homework as well as I can. Tell a member of staff if I am worried or unhappy. Wear my school uniform with pride and be tidy in my appearance. Executive Headteacher/Head of School/Deputy Headteacher ………………………………………… Parent/carer signature ………………………………………

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Samples: Hamilton Northwood

SCHOOL WE WILL.  Provide a high standard of teaching and learning, supported by appropriate resourcing.  Provide a balanced and appropriate curriculum.  Monitor each child’s progress and provide advice and guidance over their work.  Recognise and celebrate the achievements of each child.  Provide a caring and nurturing learning environment where each child is valued valued.  Encourage each child to develop a growth mind-set in order to nurture self-confidence and able high self-esteem.  Promote the well-being of every child.  Listen to fulfil his/her potential.  Provide teaching every child and learning suitable for pupils’ ages and abilities which helps encourage them to progressgive their views and opinions.  Expect high standards  Encourage pupils to take care of each other and their surroundings  Inform parents/carers about any concerns or problems that affect their child’s work or behaviour and promote respect for allwork together to resolve such issues.  Recognise (See our Discipline and celebrate Behaviour Policy available on the achievement of your child.  website)  Provide effective means of communication between home and school and respond quickly to any enquiries or concerns.  Monitor pupils’ progress  Ensure that the building is clean, looks attractive and provide advice and guidance over their workis a stimulating place to learn.  Provide and mark homework  Administer prescribed medicines in accordance with the our Administration of Medication in School Homework Policy.  Notify parents (see website).  Provide differentiated homework activities and out-of-school learning ideas on Fronter and in homework diaries.  Make time to meet with parents/ carers promptly to address any concerns.  Meet with parents/carers of any concerns relating children on the register of additional educational needs regularly to their review the child’s progress or conductlearning.  Provide regular opportunity for outdoor learning using the local natural environment. AS A PARENTPARENT/ CARER I WILL  Ensure my child attends school regularly, on time (between 8.50 and 9.00am), with everything he/CARER I/WE WILL:  Follow the Code she needs and inform school of Conduct reasons for Parents Policyany absence by 9.30am.  Respect staff and other families’ culture, race, feelings, beliefs and values.  Ensure that my child attends school every day, on time and with everything s/he needs or;  Inform is seen safely into the school immediately building and is collected promptly at the end of any absence and provide evidence for this the day.  Encourage my child to be authorisedcarry out everyday tasks, such as hanging up coat, putting belongings in correct places, changing books, with a growing degree of independence.  Not arrange holidays in term-time.  Let the School school know of any concerns concern or problems that might affect my child’s learning, behaviour or well-well- being.  Attend parents' consultation meetings to review my child's progress Notify the school of any change of address, telephone number or emergency contact number. Support the school's rules School’s Christian ethos and expectations as set out encourage my child to take part in the Behaviour Policyfull life of the Church School.  Ensure  Be aware that my child reads regularly at home and record this in their log.  Ensure that time out for holidays is disruptive to my child’s homework is completed education and returned the education of others. A penalty fine will be issued, through the Educational Welfare Officer, should unauthorised absence of 5 or more days occur (see Attendance Policy in the office room on timethe website).  Ensure that  Respond promptly to newsletters, e.g. signing up for parent/carer/teacher consultations and prompt payment of money for school trips, etc.  Inform the school in writing when my child wears needs to take prescribed medication in school and ensure that an adult delivers and collects the correct uniform each medication from the office.(See Administration of Medication Policy on the website).  Attend parent/carer/teacher consultation and information meetings.  Encourage and support my child’s learning by helping with homework activities and showing an interest in achievement and attitude to learning.  Have an awareness of the safety of all children in the vicinity of the school, particularly in regard to car parking and accepting the transfer of responsibility of the safety of my child at the beginning and end of the day.  Ensure  Acknowledge and support the school’s rules on the use of the learning environment both indoors and outdoors, ensuring that children continue to respect this environment out of school is notified of any change in emergency contact numbershours.  Read and adhere to the school’s Parking Charter (see website).  Support the school in the teaching of safe and secure internet use at school and homehome and ensure that I attend at least one internet safety briefing during my child’s time at school.  Adhere to the school’s policy  Ensure that information shared on the use of any social media  Follow the expectations set out in the volunteering policy. AS A PUPIL I WILL:  Respect other teachers and friends culture, race, feelings, beliefs and values.  Treat other people as I would like to be treated.  Come to school every day, on time, with all the things I need.  Follow my class rules and networking site will not bring the school Golden Rules.  Always try my best and demonstrate MAGIC learning behaviours.  Read at home with an adult.  Always do my homework as well as I can.  Tell a member of staff if I am worried or unhappy.  Wear my school uniform with pride and be tidy in my appearance. Executive Headteacher/Head of School/Deputy Headteacher ………………………………………… Parent/carer signature ………………………………………into disrepute.

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