Security and Data Transfers Party shall comply with all applicable State and Agency of Human Services' policies and standards, especially those related to privacy and security. The State will advise the Party of any new policies, procedures, or protocols developed during the term of this agreement as they are issued and will work with the Party to implement any required. Party will ensure the physical and data security associated with computer equipment, including desktops, notebooks, and other portable devices, used in connection with this Agreement. Party will also assure that any media or mechanism used to store or transfer data to or from the State includes industry standard security mechanisms such as continually up-to-date malware protection and encryption. Party will make every reasonable effort to ensure media or data files transferred to the State are virus and spyware free. At the conclusion of this agreement and after successful delivery of the data to the State, Party shall securely delete data (including archival backups) from Party’s equipment that contains individually identifiable records, in accordance with standards adopted by the Agency of Human Services. Party, in the event of a data breach, shall comply with the terms of Section 7 above.
Security and Charge 15.1 In consideration of the Supplier agreeing to supply the Goods, the Client charges all of its rights, title and interest (whether joint or several) in any land, realty or other assets capable of being charged, owned by the Client either now or in the future, to secure the performance by the Client of its obligations under these terms and conditions (including, but not limited to, the payment of any money). 15.2 The Client indemnifies the Supplier from and against all the Supplier’s costs and disbursements including legal costs on a solicitor and own client basis incurred in exercising the Supplier’s rights under this clause. 15.3 The Client irrevocably appoints the Supplier and each director of the Supplier as the Client’s true and lawful attorney/s to perform all necessary acts to give effect to the provisions of this clause 15 including, but not limited to, signing any document on the Client’s behalf.
ACCESS TO SECURITY LOGS AND REPORTS Upon request, the Contractor shall provide access to security logs and reports to the State or Authorized User in a format as specified in the Authorized User Agreement.
Security of Data a. Each of the parties shall: i. ensure as far as reasonably practicable, that Data is properly stored, is not accessible to unauthorised persons, is not altered, lost or destroyed and is capable of being retrieved only by properly authorised persons; ii. subject to the provisions of Sub-Clause 8.a. ensure that, in addition to any security, proprietary and other information disclosure provision contained in the Contract, Messages and Associated Data are maintained in confidence, are not disclosed or transmitted to any unauthorised person and are not used for any purpose other than that communicated by the sending party or permitted by the Contract; and iii. protect further transmission to the same degree as the originally transmitted Message and Associated Data when further transmissions of Messages and Associated Data are permitted by the Contract or expressly authorised by the sending party. b. The sending party shall ensure that Messages are marked in accordance with the requirements of the Contract. If a further transmission is made pursuant to Sub-Clause 3. a. iii. the sender shall ensure that such markings are repeated in the further transmission. c. The parties may apply special protection to Messages by encryption or by other agreed means, and may apply designations to the Messages for protective Interchange, handling and storage procedures. Unless the parties otherwise agree, the party receiving a Message so protected or designated shall use at least the same level of protection and protective procedures for any further transmission of the Message and its Associated Data for all responses to the Message and for all other communications by Interchange or otherwise to any other person relating to the Message. d. If either party becomes aware of a security breach or breach of confidence in relation to any Message or in relation to its procedures or systems (including, without limitation, unauthorised access to their systems for generation, authentication, authorisation, processing, transmission, storage, protection and file management of Messages) then it shall immediately inform the other party of such breach. On being informed or becoming aware of a breach the party concerned shall: i. immediately investigate the cause, effect and extent of such breach; ii. report the results of the investigation to the other party; and iii. use all reasonable endeavours to rectify the cause of such breach. e. Each party shall ensure that the contents of Messages that are sent or received are not inconsistent with the law, the application of which could restrict the content of a Message or limit its use, and shall take all necessary measures to inform without delay the other party if such an inconsistency arises.
Security and Safety A. The Contractor warrants it is and shall remain in compliance with all applicable local, state and federal laws, regulations, codes and ordinances relating to fire, construction, building, health, food service and safety, including but not limited to the Hotel and Motel Fire Safety Act of 1990, Public Law 101-391. The Judicial Council may terminate this Agreement, pursuant to the termination for cause provision set forth herein, without penalty or prejudice if the Contractor fails to comply with the foregoing requirements. B. The Contractor shall assure that each Attendee is advised of all the appropriate precautions that should be taken to provide for the Attendee’s safety while on the Property. The Contractor shall take every reasonable precaution to provide for the security of Attendees and their belongings. C. The Contractor shall immediately advise the Judicial Council’s staff of any known problems that involve the Attendees during the Program including, but not limited to, assaults, burglaries, accidents, and/or illnesses.
Security and Access The Executive agrees and covenants (a) to comply with all Company security policies and procedures as in force from time to time including without limitation those regarding computer equipment, telephone systems, voicemail systems, facilities access, monitoring, key cards, access codes, Company intranet, internet, social media and instant messaging systems, computer systems, e-mail systems, computer networks, document storage systems, software, data security, encryption, firewalls, passwords and any and all other Company facilities, IT resources and communication technologies (“Facilities Information Technology and Access Resources”); (b) not to access or use any Facilities and Information Technology Resources except as authorized by the Company; and (iii) not to access or use any Facilities and Information Technology Resources in any manner after the termination of the Executive’s employment by the Company, whether termination is voluntary or involuntary. The Executive agrees to notify the Company promptly in the event he learns of any violation of the foregoing by others, or of any other misappropriation or unauthorized access, use, reproduction or reverse engineering of, or tampering with any Facilities and Information Technology Access Resources or other Company property or materials by others.
Security Assessments Upon advance written notice by the JBE, Contractor agrees that the JBE shall have reasonable access to Contractor’s operational documentation, records, logs, and databases that relate to data security and the Contractor’s Information Security Program. Upon the JBE’s request, Contractor shall, at its expense, perform, or cause to have performed an assessment of Contractor’s compliance with its privacy and data security obligations. Contractor shall provide to the JBE the results, including any findings and recommendations made by Contractor’s assessors, of such assessment, and, at its expense, take any corrective actions.
Intellectual Property Security Agreements Duly executed originals of the US Intellectual Property Security Agreement and the European Intellectual Property Security Agreements, each dated the Closing Date and signed by each applicable Credit Party which owns Trademarks, Copyrights and/or Patents, as applicable, all in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to Agent, together with all instruments, documents and agreements executed pursuant thereto.
Amendments to Security Agreement (a) Section 1 of the Security Agreement is hereby amended by adding the following definitions in the appropriate alphabetical order to such Section:
Data Security and Unauthorized Data Release The Requester and Approved Users, including the Requester’s IT Director, acknowledge NIH’s expectation that they have reviewed and agree to manage the requested controlled-access dataset(s) and any Data Derivatives of controlled-access datasets according to NIH’s expectations set forth in the current NIH Security Best Practices for Controlled-Access Data Subject to the GDS Policy and the Requester’s IT security requirements and policies. The Requester, including the Requester’s IT Director, agree that the Requester’s IT security requirements and policies are sufficient to protect the confidentiality and integrity of the NIH controlled-access data entrusted to the Requester. If approved by NIH to use cloud computing for the proposed research project, as outlined in the Research and Cloud Computing Use Statements of the Data Access Request, the Requester acknowledges that the IT Director has reviewed and understands the cloud computing guidelines in the NIH Security Best Practices for Controlled-Access Data Subject to the NIH GDS Policy. The Requester and PI agree to notify the appropriate DAC(s) of any unauthorized data sharing, breaches of data security, or inadvertent data releases that may compromise data confidentiality within 24 hours of when the incident is identified. As permitted by law, notifications should include any known information regarding the incident and a general description of the activities or process in place to define and remediate the situation fully. Within 3 business days of the DAC notification, the Requester agrees to submit to the DAC(s) a detailed written report including the date and nature of the event, actions taken or to be taken to remediate the issue(s), and plans or processes developed to prevent further problems, including specific information on timelines anticipated for action. The Requester agrees to provide documentation verifying that the remediation plans have been implemented. Repeated violations or unresponsiveness to NIH requests may result in further compliance measures affecting the Requester. NIH, or another entity designated by NIH may, as permitted by law, also investigate any data security incident or policy violation. Approved Users and their associates agree to support such investigations and provide information, within the limits of applicable local, state, tribal, and federal laws and regulations. In addition, Requester and Approved Users agree to work with the NIH to assure that plans and procedures that are developed to address identified problems are mutually acceptable and consistent with applicable law.