Common use of See below, Example Clause in Contracts

See below, Example. Old Teacher pay level AJ GF moves across to New Teacher pay level AAQ GF. Old Teacher GF Schedule New Teacher GF Schedule 2021- 2022 Pay Level on Teacher GF Schedule 2021-2022 Teacher GF Salary Initial Placement on Pay Level for New Teacher GF Schedule Proposed 2022- 2023 Teacher GF Salary AA GF $45,382 AAC GF $46,980 AB GF $45,682 AAC GF $46,980 AC GF $46,282 AAD GF $47,500 AD GF $46,582 AAE GF $47,737 AE GF $47,482 AAH GF $48,658 AF GF $47,782 AAI GF $48,965 AG GF $48,382 AAK GF $49,579 AH GF $48,982 AAM GF $50,193 AI GF $49,582 AAO GF $50,807 AJ GF $50,182 AAQ GF $51,421 AK GF $50,782 AAS GF $52,035 AL GF $51,382 AAU GF $52,649 AM GF $51,982 AAW GF $53,263 AN GF $52,582 AAY GF $53,877 AO GF $53,182 ABA GF $54,491 AP GF $53,782 ABC GF $55,105 AQ GF $54,382 ABE GF $55,719 AR GF $54,982 ABG GF $56,333 AS GF $55,582 ABI GF $56,947 AT GF $57,082 ABN GF $58,482 AU GF $58,282 ABR GF $59,710 AV GF $59,482 ABV GF $60,938 AW GF $62,182 ACE GF $63,701 AX GF $64,282 ACL GF $65,850 2. See below, Example: New Teacher pay level AAL GF moves across to New Student Services GF pay level AAT GF. New Teacher GF Schedule New Student Services GF Schedule Pay Level Teacher Grandfathered Proposed 2022-2023 Teacher GF Salary Pay Level Student Services Grandfathered Proposed Student Services Grandfathered 2022-2023 Salary AAA GF $46,980 AAI GF $57,446 AAB GF $46,980 AAJ GF $57,784 AAC GF $46,980 AAK GF $58,123 AAD GF $47,500 AAL GF $58,461 AAE GF $47,737 AAM GF $58,799 AAF GF $48,044 AAN GF $59,138 AAG GF $48,351 AAO GF $59,476 AAH GF $48,658 AAP GF $59,814 AAI GF $48,965 AAQ GF $60,153 AAJ GF $49,272 AAR GF $60,491 AAK GF $49,579 AAS GF $60,829 AAL GF $49,886 AAT GF $61,168 AAM GF $50,193 AAU GF $61,506 AAN GF $50,500 AAV GF $61,844 AAO GF $50,807 AAW GF $62,183 AAP GF $51,114 AAX GF $62,521 AAQ GF $51,421 AAY GF $62,859 AAR GF $51,728 AAZ GF $63,198 AAS GF $52,035 ABA GF $63,536 AAT GF $52,342 ABB GF $63,874 AAU GF $52,649 ABC GF $64,213 AAV GF $52,956 ABD GF $64,551 AAW GF $53,263 ABE GF $64,889 AAX GF $53,570 ABF GF $65,228 AAY GF $53,877 ABG GF $65,566 AAZ GF $54,184 ABH GF $65,904 ABA GF $54,491 ABI GF $66,243 ABB GF $54,798 ABJ GF $66,581 ABC GF $55,105 ABK GF $66,919 ABD GF $55,412 ABL GF $67,258 ABE GF $55,719 ABM GF $67,596 ABF GF $56,026 ABN GF $67,934 ABG GF $56,333 ABO GF $68,273 ABH GF $56,640 ABP GF $68,611 ABI GF $56,947 ABQ GF $68,949 ABJ GF $57,254 ABR GF $69,288 ABK GF $57,561 ABS GF $69,626 ABL GF $57,868 ABT GF $69,964 ABM GF $58,175 ABU GF $70,302 ABN GF $58,482 ABV GF $70,641 ABO GF $58,789 ABW GF $70,979 ABP GF $59,096 ABX GF $71,317 ABQ GF $59,403 ABY GF $71,656 ABR GF $59,710 ABZ GF $71,994 ABS GF $60,017 ACA GF $72,332 ABT GF $60,324 ACB GF $72,671 ABU GF $60,631 ACC GF $73,009 ABV GF $60,938 ACD GF $73,347 ABW GF $61,245 ACE GF $73,686 ABX GF $61,552 ACF GF $74,024 ABY GF $61,859 ACG GF $74,362 ABZ GF $62,166 ACH GF $74,701 ACA GF $62,473 ACI GF $75,039 ACB GF $62,780 ACJ GF $75,377 ACC GF $63,087 ACK GF $75,716 ACD GF $63,394 ACL GF $76,054 ACE GF $63,701 ACM GF $76,392 ACF GF $64,008 ACN GF $76,731 ACG GF $64,315 ACO GF $77,069 ACH GF $64,622 ACP GF $77,407 ACI GF $64,929 ACQ GF $77,746 ACJ GF $65,236 ACR GF $78,084 ACK GF $65,543 ACS GF $78,422 ACL GF $65,850 ACT GF $78,761 ACM GF $66,157 ACU GF $79,099 ACN GF $66,464 ACV GF $79,437 ACO GF $66,771 ACW GF $79,776 ACP GF $67,078 ACX GF $80,114 ACQ GF $67,385 XXX XX $80,452 ACR GF $67,692 ACZ GF $80,791 PSYCHOLOGIST 2022-2023 STUDENT SERVICES GRANDFATHERED SALARY SCHEDULE (216-day Work Schedule) (Statutorily mandated for Psychologists, school counselors, mental health counselors, mental health facilitators, social workers, and speech language pathologists with a Professional Services or Continuing Contract) Years of Experience 0 is based on Years of Experience 12, Teacher Salary Schedule with Master’s Degree Pay levels on the Student Services Grandfathered Salary Schedule are based on the corresponding Teacher Grandfathered Salary Schedule pay levels, with Master’s Degree and on a 216-day work schedule. Pay Level Psychologist Grandfathered Psychologist Grandfathered 2021- 2022 AN GF $60,891 AO GF $61,552 AP GF $62,214 AQ GF $62,875 AR GF $63,536 AS GF $64,197 AT GF $65,850 AU GF $67,173 AV GF $68,495 AW GF $71,471 AX GF $73,785 Pay Level Student Services Grandfathered Proposed Student Services Grandfathered 2022-2023 AAI GF $57,446 AAJ GF $57,784 AAK GF $58,123 AAL GF $58,461 AAM GF $58,799 AAN GF $59,138 AAO GF $59,476 AAP GF $59,814 AAQ GF $60,153 AAR GF $60,491 AAS GF $60,829 AAT GF $61,168 AAU GF $61,506 AAV GF $61,844 AAW GF $62,183 AAX GF $62,521 AAY GF $62,859 AAZ GF $63,198 ABA GF $63,536 ABB GF $63,874 ABC GF $64,213 ABD GF $64,551 ABE GF $64,889 ABF GF $65,228 ABG GF $65,566 ABH GF $65,904 ABI GF $66,243 ABJ GF $66,581 ABK GF $66,919 ABL GF $67,258 ABM GF $67,596 ABN GF $67,934 ABO GF $68,273 ABP GF $68,611 ABQ GF $68,949 ABR GF $69,288 ABS GF $69,626 ABT GF $69,964 ABU GF $70,302 ABV GF $70,641 ABW GF $70,979 ABX GF $71,317 ABY GF $71,656 ABZ GF $71,994 ACA GF $72,332 ACB GF $72,671 ACC GF $73,009 ACD GF $73,347 ACE GF $73,686 ACF GF $74,024 ACG GF $74,362 ACH GF $74,701 ACI GF $75,039 ACJ GF $75,377 ACK GF $75,716 ACL GF $76,054 ACM GF $76,392 ACN GF $76,731 ACO GF $77,069 ACP GF $77,407 ACQ GF $77,746 ACR GF $78,084 ACS GF $78,422 ACT GF $78,761 ACU GF $79,099 ACV GF $79,437 ACW GF $79,776 ACX GF $80,114 XXX XX $80,452 ACZ GF $80,791 Psychologist Student Services Performance Salary Schedule Initial Placement Matrix This Matrix is only for the initial placement of newly hired psychologists, school counselors, mental health counselors, mental health facilitators, social workers, and speech language pathologists on the Psychologist Student Services Salary Performance Schedule below. Years of Experience Completed Prior to the Current Year Placement Level (old numerical pay level) Placement Level (new alpha pay level) 1 022 AAK 2 024 AAM 3 026 AAO 4 028 XXX 0 000 XXX 0 000 XXX 7 034 AAW 8 036 AAY 0 000 XXX 00 000 ABC 11 045 ABE 00 000 XXX 00 000 ABI 14 062 ABK 15+ 069 ABM 2022-2023 Psychologist Student Services Performance Salary Schedule (216 days): (Statutorily mandated for Psychologists, school counselors, mental health counselors, mental health facilitators, social workers, and speech language pathologists holding or accepting Annual Contracts, or, Probationary Contracts) 2022-2023 Initial Placement for existing employees moving from Teacher Performance Salary Schedule to Student Services Performance Salary Schedule: Pay level placement for school counselors, mental health counselors, mental health facilitators, social workers, and speech language pathologists moving from the Teacher Performance Salary Schedule to the Student Services Performance Salary Schedule. Find current pay level and move across to your new placement on the Student Services Salary Schedule. Example: Teacher ABX PFP to Student Services ACF PFP Teacher PFP Student Services PFP 2021-2022 Pay Level on Teacher PFP 2021-2022 Teacher PFP Initial Placement on Pay Level for New Student Services PFP Proposed 2022-2023 Student Services PFP AAA PFP $45,487 AAI PFP $57,446 AAB PFP $45,787 AAJ PFP $57,784 AAC PFP $46,087 AAK PFP $58,123 AAD PFP $46,387 AAL PFP $58,461 AAE PFP $46,687 AAM PFP $58,799 AAF PFP $46,987 AAN PFP $59,138 AAG PFP $47,287 AAO PFP $59,476 AAH PFP $47,587 AAP PFP $59,814 AAI PFP $47,887 AAQ PFP $60,153 AAJ PFP $48,187 AAR PFP $60,491 AAK PFP $48,487 AAS PFP $60,829 AAL PFP $48,787 AAT PFP $61,168 AAM PFP $49,087 AAU PFP $61,506 AAN PFP $49,387 AAV PFP $61,844 AAO PFP $49,687 AAW PFP $62,183 AAP PFP $49,987 AAX PFP $62,521 AAQ PFP $50,287 AAY PFP $62,859 AAR PFP $50,587 AAZ PFP $63,198 AAS PFP $50,887 ABA PFP $63,536 AAT PFP $51,187 ABB PFP $63,874 AAU PFP $51,487 ABC PFP $64,213 AAV PFP $51,787 ABD PFP $64,551 AAW PFP $52,087 ABE PFP $64,889 AAX PFP $52,387 ABF PFP $65,228 AAY PFP $52,687 ABG PFP $65,566 AAZ PFP $52,987 ABH PFP $65,904 ABA PFP $53,287 ABI PFP $66,243 ABB PFP $53,587 ABJ PFP $66,581 ABC PFP $53,887 ABK PFP $66,919 ABD PFP $54,187 ABL PFP $67,258 ABE PFP $54,487 ABM PFP $67,596 ABF PFP $54,787 ABN PFP $67,934 ABG PFP $55,087 ABO PFP $68,273 ABH PFP $55,387 ABP PFP $68,611 ABI PFP $55,687 ABQ PFP $68,949 ABJ PFP $55,987 ABR PFP $69,288 ABK PFP $56,287 ABS PFP $69,626 ABL PFP $56,587 ABT PFP $69,964 ABM PFP $56,887 ABU PFP $70,302 ABN PFP $57,187 ABV PFP $70,641 ABO PFP $57,487 ABW PFP $70,979 ABP PFP $57,787 ABX PFP $71,317 ABQ PFP $58,087 ABY PFP $71,656 ABR PFP $58,387 ABZ PFP $71,994 ABS PFP $58,687 ACA PFP $72,332 ABT PFP $58,987 ACB PFP $72,671 ABU PFP $59,287 ACC PFP $73,009 ABV PFP $59,587 ACD PFP $73,347 ABW PFP $59,887 ACE PFP $73,686 ABX PFP $60,187 ACF PFP $74,024 ABY PFP $60,487 ACG PFP $74,362 ABZ PFP $60,787 ACH PFP $74,701 ACA PFP $61,087 ACI PFP $75,039 ACB PFP $61,387 ACJ PFP $75,377 ACC PFP $61,687 ACK PFP $75,716 ACD PFP $61,987 ACL PFP $76,054 ACE PFP $62,287 ACM PFP $76,392 ACF PFP $62,587 ACN PFP $76,731 ACG PFP $62,887 ACO PFP $77,069 ACH PFP $63,187 ACP PFP $77,407 ACI PFP $63,487 ACQ PFP $77,746 ACJ PFP $63,787 ACR PFP $78,084 ACK PFP $64,087 ACS PFP $78,422 ACL PFP $64,387 ACT PFP $78,761 ACM PFP $64,687 ACU PFP $79,099 ACN PFP $64,987 ACV PFP $79,437 ACO PFP $65,287 ACW PFP $79,776 ACP PFP $65,587 ACX PFP $80,114 ACQ PFP $65,887 ACY PFP $80,452 ACR PFP $66,187 ACZ PFP $80,791 2022-2023 Student Services Performance Salary Schedule First pay level AAI on the Student Services Performance Salary Schedule is based on the Teacher Performance Salary Schedule pay level AAI, with Master’s Degree and on a 216-day work schedule. Pay Level Psychologist PFP Psychologist PFP 2021-2022 Psychologist Proposed Student Services PFP 2022-2023 AAI PFP $55,717 $57,446 AAJ PFP $56,017 $57,784 AAK PFP $56,317 $58,123 AAL PFP $56,617 $58,461 AAM PFP $56,917 $58,799 AAN PFP $57,217 $59,138 AAO PFP $57,517 $59,476 AAP PFP $57,817 $59,814 AAQ PFP $58,117 $60,153 AAR PFP $58,417 $60,491 AAS PFP $58,717 $60,829 AAT PFP $59,017 $61,168 AAU PFP $59,317 $61,506 AAV PFP $59,617 $61,844 AAW PFP $59,917 $62,183 AAX PFP $60,217 $62,521 AAY PFP $60,517 $62,859 AAZ PFP $60,817 $63,198 ABA PFP $61,117 $63,536 ABB PFP $61,417 $63,874 ABC PFP $61,717 $64,213 ABD PFP $62,017 $64,551 ABE PFP $62,317 $64,889 ABF PFP $62,617 $65,228 ABG PFP $62,917 $65,566 ABH PFP $63,217 $65,904 ABI PFP $63,517 $66,243 ABJ PFP $63,817 $66,581 ABK PFP $64,117 $66,919 ABL PFP $64,417 $67,258 ABM PFP $64,717 $67,596 ABN PFP $65,017 $67,934

Appears in 2 contracts

Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement

AutoNDA by SimpleDocs

See below, Example. Old Teacher pay level AJ GF moves across to New Teacher pay level AAQ GF. Old Teacher GF Schedule New Teacher GF Schedule 2021- 2022 Pay Level on Teacher GF Schedule 2021-2022 Teacher GF Salary Initial Placement on Pay Level for New Teacher GF Schedule Proposed 2022- 2022-2023 Teacher GF Salary AA GF $45,382 AAC GF $46,980 AB GF $45,682 AAC GF $46,980 AC GF $46,282 AAD GF $47,500 AD GF $46,582 AAE GF $47,737 AE GF $47,482 AAH GF $48,658 AF GF $47,782 AAI GF $48,965 AG GF $48,382 AAK GF $49,579 AH GF $48,982 AAM GF $50,193 AI GF $49,582 AAO GF $50,807 AJ GF $50,182 AAQ GF $51,421 AK GF $50,782 AAS GF $52,035 AL GF $51,382 AAU GF $52,649 AM GF $51,982 AAW GF $53,263 AN GF $52,582 AAY GF $53,877 AO GF $53,182 ABA GF $54,491 AP GF $53,782 ABC GF $55,105 AQ GF $54,382 ABE GF $55,719 AR GF $54,982 ABG GF $56,333 AS GF $55,582 ABI GF $56,947 AT GF $57,082 ABN GF $58,482 AU GF $58,282 ABR GF $59,710 AV GF $59,482 ABV GF $60,938 AW GF $62,182 ACE GF $63,701 AX GF $64,282 ACL GF $65,850 2. See below, Example: New Teacher pay level AAL GF moves across to New Student Services GF pay level AAT GF. New Teacher GF Schedule New Student Services GF Schedule Pay Level Teacher Grandfathered Proposed 2022-2023 Teacher GF Salary Pay Level Student Services Grandfathered Proposed Student Services Grandfathered 2022-2023 Salary AAA GF $46,980 AAI GF $57,446 AAB GF $46,980 AAJ GF $57,784 AAC GF $46,980 AAK GF $58,123 AAD GF $47,500 AAL GF $58,461 AAE GF $47,737 AAM GF $58,799 AAF GF $48,044 AAN GF $59,138 AAG GF $48,351 AAO GF $59,476 AAH GF $48,658 AAP GF $59,814 AAI GF $48,965 AAQ GF $60,153 AAJ GF $49,272 AAR GF $60,491 AAK GF $49,579 AAS GF $60,829 AAL GF $49,886 AAT GF $61,168 AAM GF $50,193 AAU GF $61,506 AAN GF $50,500 AAV GF $61,844 AAO GF $50,807 AAW GF $62,183 AAP GF $51,114 AAX GF $62,521 AAQ GF $51,421 AAY GF $62,859 AAR GF $51,728 AAZ GF $63,198 AAS GF $52,035 ABA GF $63,536 AAT GF $52,342 ABB GF $63,874 AAU GF $52,649 ABC GF $64,213 AAV GF $52,956 ABD GF $64,551 AAW GF $53,263 ABE GF $64,889 AAX GF $53,570 ABF GF $65,228 AAY GF $53,877 ABG GF $65,566 AAZ GF $54,184 ABH GF $65,904 ABA GF $54,491 ABI GF $66,243 ABB GF $54,798 ABJ GF $66,581 ABC GF $55,105 ABK GF $66,919 ABD GF $55,412 ABL GF $67,258 ABE GF $55,719 ABM GF $67,596 ABF GF $56,026 ABN GF $67,934 ABG GF $56,333 ABO GF $68,273 ABH GF $56,640 ABP GF $68,611 ABI GF $56,947 ABQ GF $68,949 ABJ GF $57,254 ABR GF $69,288 ABK GF $57,561 ABS GF $69,626 ABL GF $57,868 ABT GF $69,964 ABM GF $58,175 ABU GF $70,302 ABN GF $58,482 ABV GF $70,641 ABO GF $58,789 ABW GF $70,979 ABP GF $59,096 ABX GF $71,317 ABQ GF $59,403 ABY GF $71,656 ABR GF $59,710 ABZ GF $71,994 ABS GF $60,017 ACA GF $72,332 ABT GF $60,324 ACB GF $72,671 ABU GF $60,631 ACC GF $73,009 ABV GF $60,938 ACD GF $73,347 ABW GF $61,245 ACE GF $73,686 ABX GF $61,552 ACF GF $74,024 ABY GF $61,859 ACG GF $74,362 ABZ GF $62,166 ACH GF $74,701 ACA GF $62,473 ACI GF $75,039 ACB GF $62,780 ACJ GF $75,377 ACC GF $63,087 ACK GF $75,716 ACD GF $63,394 ACL GF $76,054 ACE GF $63,701 ACM GF $76,392 ACF GF $64,008 ACN GF $76,731 ACG GF $64,315 ACO GF $77,069 ACH GF $64,622 ACP GF $77,407 ACI GF $64,929 ACQ GF $77,746 ACJ GF $65,236 ACR GF $78,084 ACK GF $65,543 ACS GF $78,422 ACL GF $65,850 ACT GF $78,761 ACM GF $66,157 ACU GF $79,099 ACN GF $66,464 ACV GF $79,437 ACO GF $66,771 ACW GF $79,776 ACP GF $67,078 ACX GF $80,114 ACQ GF $67,385 XXX XX $80,452 ACR GF $67,692 ACZ GF $80,791 PSYCHOLOGIST 2022-2023 STUDENT SERVICES GRANDFATHERED SALARY SCHEDULE (216-day Work Schedule) (Statutorily mandated for Psychologists, school counselors, mental health counselors, mental health facilitators, social workers, and speech language pathologists with a Professional Services or Continuing Contract) Years of Experience 0 is based on Years of Experience 12, Teacher Salary Schedule with Master’s Degree Pay levels on the Student Services Grandfathered Salary Schedule are based on the corresponding Teacher Grandfathered Salary Schedule pay levels, with Master’s Degree and on a 216-day work schedule. Pay Level Psychologist Grandfathered Psychologist Grandfathered 2021- 2022 AN GF $60,891 AO GF $61,552 AP GF $62,214 AQ GF $62,875 AR GF $63,536 AS GF $64,197 AT GF $65,850 AU GF $67,173 AV GF $68,495 AW GF $71,471 AX GF $73,785 Pay Level Student Services Grandfathered Proposed Student Services Grandfathered 2022-2023 AAI GF $57,446 AAJ GF $57,784 AAK GF $58,123 AAL GF $58,461 AAM GF $58,799 AAN GF $59,138 AAO GF $59,476 AAP GF $59,814 AAQ GF $60,153 AAR GF $60,491 AAS GF $60,829 AAT GF $61,168 AAU GF $61,506 AAV GF $61,844 AAW GF $62,183 AAX GF $62,521 AAY GF $62,859 AAZ GF $63,198 ABA GF $63,536 ABB GF $63,874 ABC GF $64,213 ABD GF $64,551 ABE GF $64,889 ABF GF $65,228 ABG GF $65,566 ABH GF $65,904 ABI GF $66,243 ABJ GF $66,581 ABK GF $66,919 ABL GF $67,258 ABM GF $67,596 ABN GF $67,934 ABO GF $68,273 ABP GF $68,611 ABQ GF $68,949 ABR GF $69,288 ABS GF $69,626 ABT GF $69,964 ABU GF $70,302 ABV GF $70,641 ABW GF $70,979 ABX GF $71,317 ABY GF $71,656 ABZ GF $71,994 ACA GF $72,332 ACB GF $72,671 ACC GF $73,009 ACD GF $73,347 ACE GF $73,686 ACF GF $74,024 ACG GF $74,362 ACH GF $74,701 ACI GF $75,039 ACJ GF $75,377 ACK GF $75,716 ACL GF $76,054 ACM GF $76,392 ACN GF $76,731 ACO GF $77,069 ACP GF $77,407 ACQ GF $77,746 ACR GF $78,084 ACS GF $78,422 ACT GF $78,761 ACU GF $79,099 ACV GF $79,437 ACW GF $79,776 ACX GF $80,114 XXX XX $80,452 ACZ GF $80,791 Psychologist Student Services Performance Salary Schedule Initial Placement Matrix This Matrix is only for the initial placement of newly hired psychologists, school counselors, mental health counselors, mental health facilitators, social workers, and speech language pathologists on the Psychologist Student Services Salary Performance Schedule below. Years of Experience Completed Prior to the Current Year Placement Level Xxxxx (old numerical pay levelxxxxx xxx xxxxx) Placement Level (new alpha pay level) 1 022 AAK 2 024 0 XXX 0 AAM 3 026 AAO 4 028 XXX 0 000 XXX 0 000 XXX AAQ 5 AAS 6 AAU 7 034 AAW 8 036 AAY 0 000 XXX 00 000 9 ABA 10 ABC 11 045 ABE 00 000 XXX 00 000 12 ABG 13 ABI 14 062 ABK 15+ 069 ABM 2022-2023 Psychologist Student Services Performance Salary Schedule (216 days): (Statutorily mandated for Psychologists, school counselors, mental health counselors, mental health facilitators, social workers, and speech language pathologists holding or accepting Annual Contracts, or, or Probationary Contracts) 2022-2023 Initial Placement INITIAL PLACEMENT for existing employees moving from Teacher Performance Salary Schedule to Student Services Performance Salary Schedule: Pay level placement for school counselors, mental health counselors, mental health facilitators, social workers, and speech language pathologists moving from the Teacher Performance Salary Schedule to the Student Services Performance Salary Schedule. Find current pay level and move across to your new placement on the Student Services Salary Schedule. Example: Teacher ABX PFP to Student Services ACF PFP Teacher PFP Student Services PFP 2021-2022 Pay Level on Teacher PFP 2021-2022 Teacher PFP Initial Placement on Pay Level for New Student Services PFP Proposed 2022-2023 Student Services PFP AAA PFP $45,487 AAI PFP $57,446 AAB PFP $45,787 AAJ PFP $57,784 AAC PFP $46,087 AAK PFP $58,123 AAD PFP $46,387 AAL PFP $58,461 AAE PFP $46,687 AAM PFP $58,799 AAF PFP $46,987 AAN PFP $59,138 AAG PFP $47,287 AAO PFP $59,476 AAH PFP $47,587 AAP PFP $59,814 AAI PFP $47,887 AAQ PFP $60,153 AAJ PFP $48,187 AAR PFP $60,491 AAK PFP $48,487 AAS PFP $60,829 AAL PFP $48,787 AAT PFP $61,168 AAM PFP $49,087 AAU PFP $61,506 AAN PFP $49,387 AAV PFP $61,844 AAO PFP $49,687 AAW PFP $62,183 AAP PFP $49,987 AAX PFP $62,521 AAQ PFP $50,287 AAY PFP $62,859 AAR PFP $50,587 AAZ PFP $63,198 AAS PFP $50,887 ABA PFP $63,536 AAT PFP $51,187 ABB PFP $63,874 AAU PFP $51,487 ABC PFP $64,213 AAV PFP $51,787 ABD PFP $64,551 AAW PFP $52,087 ABE PFP $64,889 AAX PFP $52,387 ABF PFP $65,228 AAY PFP $52,687 ABG PFP $65,566 AAZ PFP $52,987 ABH PFP $65,904 ABA PFP $53,287 ABI PFP $66,243 ABB PFP $53,587 ABJ PFP $66,581 ABC PFP $53,887 ABK PFP $66,919 ABD PFP $54,187 ABL PFP $67,258 ABE PFP $54,487 ABM PFP $67,596 ABF PFP $54,787 ABN PFP $67,934 ABG PFP $55,087 ABO PFP $68,273 ABH PFP $55,387 ABP PFP $68,611 ABI PFP $55,687 ABQ PFP $68,949 ABJ PFP $55,987 ABR PFP $69,288 ABK PFP $56,287 ABS PFP $69,626 ABL PFP $56,587 ABT PFP $69,964 ABM PFP $56,887 ABU PFP $70,302 ABN PFP $57,187 ABV PFP $70,641 ABO PFP $57,487 ABW PFP $70,979 ABP PFP $57,787 ABX PFP $71,317 ABQ PFP $58,087 ABY PFP $71,656 ABR PFP $58,387 ABZ PFP $71,994 ABS PFP $58,687 ACA PFP $72,332 ABT PFP $58,987 ACB PFP $72,671 ABU PFP $59,287 ACC PFP $73,009 ABV PFP $59,587 ACD PFP $73,347 ABW PFP $59,887 ACE PFP $73,686 ABX PFP $60,187 ACF PFP $74,024 ABY PFP $60,487 ACG PFP $74,362 ABZ PFP $60,787 ACH PFP $74,701 ACA PFP $61,087 ACI PFP $75,039 ACB PFP $61,387 ACJ PFP $75,377 ACC PFP $61,687 ACK PFP $75,716 ACD PFP $61,987 ACL PFP $76,054 ACE PFP $62,287 ACM PFP $76,392 ACF PFP $62,587 ACN PFP $76,731 ACG PFP $62,887 ACO PFP $77,069 ACH PFP $63,187 ACP PFP $77,407 ACI PFP $63,487 ACQ PFP $77,746 ACJ PFP $63,787 ACR PFP $78,084 ACK PFP $64,087 ACS PFP $78,422 ACL PFP $64,387 ACT PFP $78,761 ACM PFP $64,687 ACU PFP $79,099 ACN PFP $64,987 ACV PFP $79,437 ACO PFP $65,287 ACW PFP $79,776 ACP PFP $65,587 ACX PFP $80,114 ACQ PFP $65,887 ACY PFP $80,452 ACR PFP $66,187 ACZ PFP $80,791 2022-2023 Student Services Performance Salary Schedule First pay level AAI on the Student Services Performance Salary Schedule is based on the Teacher Performance Salary Schedule pay level AAI, with Master’s Degree and on a 216-day work schedule. Pay Level Psychologist PFP Psychologist PFP 2021-2022 Psychologist Proposed Student Services PFP 2022-2023 AAI PFP $55,717 $57,446 AAJ PFP $56,017 $57,784 AAK PFP $56,317 $58,123 AAL PFP $56,617 $58,461 AAM PFP $56,917 $58,799 AAN PFP $57,217 $59,138 AAO PFP $57,517 $59,476 AAP PFP $57,817 $59,814 AAQ PFP $58,117 $60,153 AAR PFP $58,417 $60,491 AAS PFP $58,717 $60,829 AAT PFP $59,017 $61,168 AAU PFP $59,317 $61,506 AAV PFP $59,617 $61,844 AAW PFP $59,917 $62,183 AAX PFP $60,217 $62,521 AAY PFP $60,517 $62,859 AAZ PFP $60,817 $63,198 ABA PFP $61,117 $63,536 ABB PFP $61,417 $63,874 ABC PFP $61,717 $64,213 ABD PFP $62,017 $64,551 ABE PFP $62,317 $64,889 ABF PFP $62,617 $65,228 ABG PFP $62,917 $65,566 ABH PFP $63,217 $65,904 ABI PFP $63,517 $66,243 ABJ PFP $63,817 $66,581 ABK PFP $64,117 $66,919 ABL PFP $64,417 $67,258 ABM PFP $64,717 $67,596 ABN PFP $65,017 67,934 ABO PFP $67,93468,273 ABP PFP $68,611 ABQ PFP $68,949 ABR PFP $69,288 ABS PFP $69,626 ABT PFP $69,964 ABU PFP $70,302 ABV PFP $70,641 ABW PFP $70,979 ABX PFP $71,317 ABY PFP $71,656 ABZ PFP $71,994 ACA PFP $72,332 ACB PFP $72,671 ACC PFP $73,009 ACD PFP $73,347 ACE PFP $73,686 ACF PFP $74,024 ACG PFP $74,362 ACH PFP $74,701 ACI PFP $75,039 ACJ PFP $75,377 ACK PFP $75,716 ACL PFP $76,054 ACM PFP $76,392 ACN PFP $76,731 ACO PFP $77,069 ACP PFP $77,407 ACQ PFP $77,746 ACR PFP $78,084 ACS PFP $78,422 ACT PFP $78,761 ACU PFP $79,099 ACV PFP $79,437 ACW PFP $79,776 ACX PFP $80,114 ACY PFP $80,452 ACZ PFP $80,791 2022-2023 OCCUPATIONAL & PHYSICAL THERAPIST & SIGN LANGUAGE INTERPRETER SALARY SCHEDULE (196-day Work Schedule) INITIAL PLACEMENT of Sign Language Interpreters either newly hired or moving from the Paraeducator Collective Bargaining Agreement: Upon verification of credentials by the Human Services Resource Division, Interpreters will be placed on the OT/PT/SLI Pay Schedule listed in APPENDIX B – TEACHER SALARY SCHEDULE based on years of experience that correspond with occupational and physical therapists currently on the OT/PT Pay Schedule. Pay Xxxxx XX/XX/XXX XX/XX/XXX 0000- 0000 XX OPT $48,835 BB OPT $49,755 BC OPT $50,675 BD OPT $51,595 BE OPT $52,516 BF OPT $53,436 BG OPT $54,356 BH OPT $55,276 BI OPT $56,197 BJ OPT $57,117 BK OPT $58,037 BL OPT $58,957 BM OPT $59,878 BN OPT $60,798 BO OPT $61,718 BP OPT $62,638 BQ OPT $63,559 BR OPT $64,479 BS OPT $65,399 BT OPT $66,319 BU OPT $67,240 BV OPT $68,160 BW OPT $69,080 BX OPT $70,000 BY OPT $70,921 BZ OPT $71,841 CA OPT $72,761 NATIONAL BOARD CERTIFICATION Teachers with National Board Certification will be guaranteed a supplement from the State. If the State funding of this supplement falls below $1,000.00 the Board will make up the difference up to a $1,000.00 maximum. If the State funding is unexpectedly withdrawn or withheld, the parties agree to reopen discussion on this issue. TEACHER OF THE YEAR $15,750.00 will be set aside to reward the Area Finalists, Overall Runner-Up, and the Winner of the Teacher of the Year for their performance. Speech/Language Pathologist Supplement Bachelor of Arts (grandfathered) Bachelor Level SLP with permanent FLDOE certification $1,045 Master of Arts 000 Xxxxxx xx Xxxx w/Certificate of Clinical Competency 5,227 Speech/Language Pathologists with a Certificate of Clinical Competency are given a supplement from IDEA funds. If IDEA funds are not available for this purpose, the Polk County School Board will make up the difference up to $1,000 maximum.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement

See below, Example. Old Teacher pay level AJ GF moves across to New Teacher pay level AAQ GF. Old Teacher GF Schedule New Teacher GF Schedule 2021- 2022 Pay Level on Teacher GF Schedule 2021-2022 Teacher GF Salary Initial Placement on Pay Level for New Teacher GF Schedule Proposed 2022- 2022-2023 Teacher GF Salary AA GF $45,382 AAC GF $46,980 AB GF $45,682 AAC GF $46,980 AC GF $46,282 AAD GF $47,500 AD GF $46,582 AAE GF $47,737 AE GF $47,482 AAH GF $48,658 AF GF $47,782 AAI GF $48,965 AG GF $48,382 AAK GF $49,579 AH GF $48,982 AAM GF $50,193 AI GF $49,582 AAO GF $50,807 AJ GF $50,182 AAQ GF $51,421 AK GF $50,782 AAS GF $52,035 AL GF $51,382 AAU GF $52,649 AM GF $51,982 AAW GF $53,263 AN GF $52,582 AAY GF $53,877 AO GF $53,182 ABA GF $54,491 AP GF $53,782 ABC GF $55,105 AQ GF $54,382 ABE GF $55,719 AR GF $54,982 ABG GF $56,333 AS GF $55,582 ABI GF $56,947 AT GF $57,082 ABN GF $58,482 AU GF $58,282 ABR GF $59,710 AV GF $59,482 ABV GF $60,938 AW GF $62,182 ACE GF $63,701 AX GF $64,282 ACL GF $65,850 2. See below, Example: New Teacher pay level AAL GF moves across to New Student Services GF pay level AAT GF. Note: $3162 Master’s Degree Supplement is built into the Student Services Salary Schedule. New Teacher GF Schedule New Student Services GF Schedule Pay Level Teacher Grandfathered Proposed 2022-2023 Teacher GF Salary Pay Level Student Services Grandfathered Proposed 196-day Student Services Grandfathered 2022-2023 Salary Schedule 216-day Student Services Grandfathered 2022-2023 Salary Schedule AAA GF $46,980 AAI GF $52,127 $57,446 AAB GF $46,980 AAJ GF $52,434 $57,784 AAC GF $46,980 AAK GF $52,741 $58,123 AAD GF $47,500 AAL GF $53,048 $58,461 AAE GF $47,737 AAM GF $53,355 $58,799 AAF GF $48,044 AAN GF $53,662 $59,138 AAG GF $48,351 AAO GF $53,969 $59,476 AAH GF $48,658 AAP GF $54,276 $59,814 AAI GF $48,965 AAQ GF $54,583 $60,153 AAJ GF $49,272 AAR GF $54,890 $60,491 AAK GF $49,579 AAS GF $55,197 $60,829 AAL GF $49,886 AAT GF $55,504 $61,168 AAM GF $50,193 AAU GF $55,811 $61,506 AAN GF $50,500 AAV GF $56,118 $61,844 AAO GF $50,807 AAW GF $56,425 $62,183 AAP GF $51,114 AAX GF $56,732 $62,521 AAQ GF $51,421 AAY GF $57,039 $62,859 AAR GF $51,728 AAZ GF $57,346 $63,198 AAS GF $52,035 ABA GF $57,653 $63,536 AAT GF $52,342 ABB GF $57,960 $63,874 AAU GF $52,649 ABC GF $58,267 $64,213 AAV GF $52,956 ABD GF $58,574 $64,551 AAW GF $53,263 ABE GF $58,881 $64,889 AAX GF $53,570 ABF GF $59,188 $65,228 AAY GF $53,877 ABG GF $59,495 $65,566 AAZ GF $54,184 ABH GF $59,802 $65,904 ABA GF $54,491 ABI GF $60,109 $66,243 ABB GF $54,798 ABJ GF $60,416 $66,581 ABC GF $55,105 ABK GF $60,723 $66,919 ABD GF $55,412 ABL GF $61,030 $67,258 ABE GF $55,719 ABM GF $61,337 $67,596 ABF GF $56,026 ABN GF $61,644 $67,934 ABG GF $56,333 ABO GF $61,951 $68,273 ABH GF $56,640 ABP GF $62,258 $68,611 ABI GF $56,947 ABQ GF $62,565 $68,949 ABJ GF $57,254 ABR GF $62,872 $69,288 ABK GF $57,561 ABS GF $63,179 $69,626 ABL GF $57,868 ABT GF $63,486 $69,964 ABM GF $58,175 ABU GF $63,793 $70,302 ABN GF $58,482 ABV GF $64,100 $70,641 ABO GF $58,789 ABW GF $64,407 $70,979 ABP GF $59,096 ABX GF $64,714 $71,317 ABQ GF $59,403 ABY GF $65,021 $71,656 ABR GF $59,710 ABZ GF $65,328 $71,994 ABS GF $60,017 ACA GF $65,635 $72,332 ABT GF $60,324 ACB GF $65,942 $72,671 ABU GF $60,631 ACC GF $66,249 $73,009 ABV GF $60,938 ACD GF $66,556 $73,347 ABW GF $61,245 ACE GF $66,863 $73,686 ABX GF $61,552 ACF GF $67,170 $74,024 ABY GF $61,859 ACG GF $67,477 $74,362 ABZ GF $62,166 ACH GF $67,784 $74,701 ACA GF $62,473 ACI GF $68,091 $75,039 ACB GF $62,780 ACJ GF $68,398 $75,377 ACC GF $63,087 ACK GF $68,705 $75,716 ACD GF $63,394 ACL GF $69,012 $76,054 ACE GF $63,701 ACM GF $69,319 $76,392 ACF GF $64,008 ACN GF $69,626 $76,731 ACG GF $64,315 ACO GF $69,933 $77,069 ACH GF $64,622 ACP GF $70,240 $77,407 ACI GF $64,929 ACQ GF $70,547 $77,746 ACJ GF $65,236 ACR GF $70,854 $78,084 ACK GF $65,543 ACS GF $71,161 $78,422 ACL GF $65,850 ACT GF $71,468 $78,761 ACM GF $66,157 ACU GF $71,775 $79,099 ACN GF $66,464 ACV GF $72,082 $79,437 ACO GF $66,771 ACW GF $72,389 $79,776 ACP GF $67,078 ACX GF $72,696 $80,114 ACQ GF $67,385 XXX XX $73,003 $80,452 ACR GF $67,692 ACZ GF $73,310 $80,791 PSYCHOLOGIST 2022-2023 STUDENT SERVICES GRANDFATHERED SALARY SCHEDULE (216-day Work Schedule) (Statutorily mandated for Psychologists, school counselors, mental health counselors, mental health facilitators, social workers, and speech language pathologists with a Professional Services or Continuing Contract) Years of Experience 0 is based on Years of Experience 12, Teacher Salary Schedule with Master’s Degree Pay levels on the Student Services Grandfathered Salary Schedule are based on the corresponding Teacher Grandfathered Salary Schedule pay levels, with Master’s Degree and on a 216-day work schedule. Pay Level Psychologist Grandfathered Psychologist Grandfathered 2021- 2022 AN Per Article 22, employees on Student Services can flex down to a 196-day contract, so the 196-day flex down schedule has been added for clarification. The base salaries for both Student Services GF and PFP include the $60,891 AO GF 3162 Master’s Supplement. Note: $61,552 AP GF $62,214 AQ GF $62,875 AR GF $63,536 AS GF $64,197 AT GF $65,850 AU GF $67,173 AV GF $68,495 AW GF $71,471 AX GF $73,785 3162 Master’s Degree Supplement is built into the Student Services Salary Schedule. Pay Level Student Services Grandfathered Proposed 196-day Student Services Grandfathered 2022-2023 Salary Schedule 216-day Student Services Grandfathered 2022-2023 Salary Schedule AAI GF $52,127 $57,446 AAJ GF $52,434 $57,784 AAK GF $52,741 $58,123 AAL GF $53,048 $58,461 AAM GF $53,355 $58,799 AAN GF $53,662 $59,138 AAO GF $53,969 $59,476 AAP GF $54,276 $59,814 AAQ GF $54,583 $60,153 AAR GF $54,890 $60,491 AAS GF $55,197 $60,829 AAT GF $55,504 $61,168 AAU GF $55,811 $61,506 AAV GF $56,118 $61,844 AAW GF $56,425 $62,183 AAX GF $56,732 $62,521 AAY GF $57,039 $62,859 AAZ GF $57,346 $63,198 ABA GF $57,653 $63,536 ABB GF $57,960 $63,874 ABC GF $58,267 $64,213 ABD GF $58,574 $64,551 ABE GF $58,881 $64,889 ABF GF $59,188 $65,228 ABG GF $59,495 $65,566 ABH GF $59,802 $65,904 ABI GF $60,109 $66,243 ABJ GF $60,416 $66,581 ABK GF $60,723 $66,919 ABL GF $61,030 $67,258 ABM GF $61,337 $67,596 ABN GF $61,644 $67,934 ABO GF $61,951 $68,273 ABP GF $62,258 $68,611 ABQ GF $62,565 $68,949 ABR GF $62,872 $69,288 ABS GF $63,179 $69,626 ABT GF $63,486 $69,964 ABU GF $63,793 $70,302 ABV GF $64,100 $70,641 ABW GF $64,407 $70,979 ABX GF $64,714 $71,317 ABY GF $65,021 $71,656 ABZ GF $65,328 $71,994 ACA GF $65,635 $72,332 ACB GF $65,942 $72,671 ACC GF $66,249 $73,009 ACD GF $66,556 $73,347 ACE GF $66,863 $73,686 ACF GF $67,170 $74,024 ACG GF $67,477 $74,362 ACH GF $67,784 $74,701 ACI GF $68,091 $75,039 ACJ GF $68,398 $75,377 ACK GF $68,705 $75,716 ACL GF $69,012 $76,054 ACM GF $69,319 $76,392 ACN GF $69,626 $76,731 ACO GF $69,933 $77,069 ACP GF $70,240 $77,407 ACQ GF $70,547 $77,746 ACR GF $70,854 $78,084 ACS GF $71,161 $78,422 ACT GF $71,468 $78,761 ACU GF $71,775 $79,099 ACV GF $72,082 $79,437 ACW GF $72,389 $79,776 ACX GF $72,696 $80,114 XXX XX $73,003 $80,452 ACZ GF $73,310 $80,791 Psychologist Student Services Performance Salary Schedule Initial Placement Matrix This Matrix is only for the initial placement of newly hired psychologists, school counselors, mental health counselors, mental health facilitators, social workers, and speech language pathologists on the Psychologist Student Services Salary Performance Schedule below. Years of Experience Completed Prior to the Current Year Placement Level Xxxxx (old numerical pay levelxxxxx xxx xxxxx) Placement Level (new alpha pay level) 1 022 AAK 2 024 0 XXX 0 AAM 3 026 AAO 4 028 XXX 0 000 XXX 0 000 XXX AAQ 5 AAS 6 AAU 7 034 AAW 8 036 AAY 0 000 XXX 00 000 9 ABA 10 ABC 11 045 ABE 00 000 XXX 00 000 12 ABG 13 ABI 14 062 ABK 15+ 069 ABM 2022-2023 Psychologist Student Services Performance Salary Schedule (216 days): (Statutorily mandated for Psychologists, school counselors, mental health counselors, mental health facilitators, social workers, and speech language pathologists holding or accepting Annual Contracts, or, or Probationary Contracts) 2022-2023 Initial Placement INITIAL PLACEMENT for existing employees moving from Teacher Performance Salary Schedule to Student Services Performance Salary Schedule: Pay level placement for school counselors, mental health counselors, mental health facilitators, social workers, and speech language pathologists moving from the Teacher Performance Salary Schedule to the Student Services Performance Salary Schedule. Per Article 22, employees on Student Services can flex down to a 196-day contract, so the 196-day flex down schedule has been added for clarification. The base salaries for both Student Services GF and PFP include the $3162 Master’s Supplement. Find current pay level and move across to your new placement on the Student Services Salary Schedule. Example: Teacher ABX PFP to Student Services ACF PFP Note: $3162 Master’s Degree Supplement is built into the Student Services Salary Schedule. Teacher PFP Student Services PFP 2021-2022 2022-2023 Initial 196-day 216-day Pay Level Teacher PFP Placement on Student Student on Teacher PFP 2021-2022 Teacher PFP Initial Placement on Salary Pay Level for Services PFP Services PFP PFP New Student Services PFP Proposed 2022-2023 Student 2022-2023 Services PFP Salary Salary Schedule Schedule AAA PFP $45,487 47,500 AAI PFP $52,127 $57,446 AAB PFP $45,787 47,500 AAJ PFP $52,434 $57,784 AAC PFP $46,087 47,500 AAK PFP $52,741 $58,123 AAD PFP $46,387 47,500 AAL PFP $53,048 $58,461 AAE PFP $46,687 47,737 AAM PFP $53,355 $58,799 AAF PFP $46,987 48,044 AAN PFP $53,662 $59,138 AAG PFP $47,287 48,351 AAO PFP $53,969 $59,476 AAH PFP $47,587 48,658 AAP PFP $54,276 $59,814 AAI PFP $47,887 48,965 AAQ PFP $54,583 $60,153 AAJ PFP $48,187 49,272 AAR PFP $54,890 $60,491 AAK PFP $48,487 49,579 AAS PFP $55,197 $60,829 AAL PFP $48,787 49,886 AAT PFP $55,504 $61,168 AAM PFP $49,087 50,193 AAU PFP $55,811 $61,506 AAN PFP $49,387 50,500 AAV PFP $56,118 $61,844 AAO PFP $49,687 50,807 AAW PFP $56,425 $62,183 AAP PFP $49,987 51,114 AAX PFP $56,732 $62,521 AAQ PFP $50,287 51,421 AAY PFP $57,039 $62,859 AAR PFP $50,587 51,728 AAZ PFP $57,346 $63,198 AAS PFP $50,887 52,035 ABA PFP $57,653 $63,536 AAT PFP $51,187 52,342 ABB PFP $57,960 $63,874 AAU PFP $51,487 52,649 ABC PFP $58,267 $64,213 AAV PFP $51,787 52,956 ABD PFP $58,574 $64,551 AAW PFP $52,087 53,263 ABE PFP $58,881 $64,889 AAX PFP $52,387 53,570 ABF PFP $59,188 $65,228 AAY PFP $52,687 53,877 ABG PFP $59,495 $65,566 AAZ PFP $52,987 54,184 ABH PFP $59,802 $65,904 ABA PFP $53,287 54,491 ABI PFP $60,109 $66,243 ABB PFP $53,587 54,798 ABJ PFP $60,416 $66,581 ABC PFP $53,887 55,105 ABK PFP $60,723 $66,919 ABD PFP $54,187 55,412 ABL PFP $61,030 $67,258 ABE PFP $54,487 55,719 ABM PFP $61,337 $67,596 ABF PFP $54,787 56,026 ABN PFP $61,644 $67,934 ABG PFP $55,087 56,333 ABO PFP $61,951 $68,273 ABH PFP $55,387 56,640 ABP PFP $62,258 $68,611 ABI PFP $55,687 56,947 ABQ PFP $62,565 $68,949 ABJ PFP $55,987 57,254 ABR PFP $62,872 $69,288 ABK PFP $56,287 57,561 ABS PFP $63,179 $69,626 ABL PFP $56,587 57,868 ABT PFP $63,486 $69,964 ABM PFP $56,887 58,175 ABU PFP $63,793 $70,302 ABN PFP $57,187 58,482 ABV PFP $64,100 $70,641 ABO PFP $57,487 58,789 ABW PFP $64,407 $70,979 ABP PFP $57,787 59,096 ABX PFP $64,714 $71,317 ABQ PFP $58,087 59,403 ABY PFP $65,021 $71,656 ABR PFP $58,387 59,710 ABZ PFP $65,328 $71,994 ABS PFP $58,687 60,017 ACA PFP $65,635 $72,332 ABT PFP $58,987 60,324 ACB PFP $65,942 $72,671 ABU PFP $59,287 60,631 ACC PFP $66,249 $73,009 ABV PFP $59,587 60,938 ACD PFP $66,556 $73,347 ABW PFP $59,887 61,245 ACE PFP $66,863 $73,686 ABX PFP $60,187 61,552 ACF PFP $67,170 $74,024 ABY PFP $60,487 61,859 ACG PFP $67,477 $74,362 ABZ PFP $60,787 62,166 ACH PFP $67,784 $74,701 ACA PFP $61,087 62,473 ACI PFP $68,091 $75,039 ACB PFP $61,387 62,780 ACJ PFP $68,398 $75,377 ACC PFP $61,687 63,087 ACK PFP $68,705 $75,716 ACD PFP $61,987 63,394 ACL PFP $69,012 $76,054 ACE PFP $62,287 63,701 ACM PFP $69,319 $76,392 ACF PFP $62,587 64,008 ACN PFP $69,626 $76,731 ACG PFP $62,887 64,315 ACO PFP $69,933 $77,069 ACH PFP $63,187 64,622 ACP PFP $70,240 $77,407 ACI PFP $63,487 64,929 ACQ PFP $70,547 $77,746 ACJ PFP $63,787 65,236 ACR PFP $70,854 $78,084 ACK PFP $64,087 65,543 ACS PFP $71,161 $78,422 ACL PFP $64,387 65,850 ACT PFP $71,468 $78,761 ACM PFP $64,687 66,157 ACU PFP $71,775 $79,099 ACN PFP $64,987 66,464 ACV PFP $72,082 $79,437 ACO PFP $65,287 66,771 ACW PFP $72,389 $79,776 ACP PFP $65,587 67,078 ACX PFP $72,696 $80,114 ACQ PFP $65,887 67,385 ACY PFP $73,003 $80,452 ACR PFP $66,187 67,692 ACZ PFP $73,310 $80,791 2022-2023 Student Services Performance Salary Schedule First pay level AAI on the Student Services Performance Salary Schedule is based on the Teacher Performance Salary Schedule pay level AAI, with Master’s Degree and on a 216-day work schedule. Per Article 22, employees on Student Services can flex down to a 196-day contract, so the 196-day flex down schedule has been added for clarification. The base salaries for both Student Services GF and PFP include the $3162 Master’s Supplement. Note: $3162 Master’s Degree Supplement is built into the Student Services Salary Schedule. Pay Level Psychologist Student Services PFP Psychologist PFP 2021196-2022 Psychologist Proposed day Student Services PFP 2022-2023 Salary Schedule 216-day Student Services PFP 2022-2023 Salary Schedule AAI PFP $55,717 52,127 $57,446 AAJ PFP $56,017 52,434 $57,784 AAK PFP $56,317 52,741 $58,123 AAL PFP $56,617 53,048 $58,461 AAM PFP $56,917 53,355 $58,799 AAN PFP $57,217 53,662 $59,138 AAO PFP $57,517 53,969 $59,476 AAP PFP $57,817 54,276 $59,814 AAQ PFP $58,117 54,583 $60,153 AAR PFP $58,417 54,890 $60,491 AAS PFP $58,717 55,197 $60,829 AAT PFP $59,017 55,504 $61,168 AAU PFP $59,317 55,811 $61,506 AAV PFP $59,617 56,118 $61,844 AAW PFP $59,917 56,425 $62,183 AAX PFP $60,217 56,732 $62,521 AAY PFP $60,517 57,039 $62,859 AAZ PFP $60,817 57,346 $63,198 ABA PFP $61,117 57,653 $63,536 ABB PFP $61,417 57,960 $63,874 ABC PFP $61,717 58,267 $64,213 ABD PFP $62,017 58,574 $64,551 ABE PFP $62,317 58,881 $64,889 ABF PFP $62,617 59,188 $65,228 ABG PFP $62,917 59,495 $65,566 ABH PFP $63,217 59,802 $65,904 ABI PFP $63,517 60,109 $66,243 ABJ PFP $63,817 60,416 $66,581 ABK PFP $64,117 60,723 $66,919 ABL PFP $64,417 61,030 $67,258 ABM PFP $64,717 61,337 $67,596 ABN PFP $65,017 61,644 $67,93467,934 ABO PFP $61,951 $68,273 ABP PFP $62,258 $68,611 ABQ PFP $62,565 $68,949 ABR PFP $62,872 $69,288 ABS PFP $63,179 $69,626 ABT PFP $63,486 $69,964 ABU PFP $63,793 $70,302 ABV PFP $64,100 $70,641 ABW PFP $64,407 $70,979 ABX PFP $64,714 $71,317 ABY PFP $65,021 $71,656 ABZ PFP $65,328 $71,994 ACA PFP $65,635 $72,332 ACB PFP $65,942 $72,671 ACC PFP $66,249 $73,009 ACD PFP $66,556 $73,347 ACE PFP $66,863 $73,686 ACF PFP $67,170 $74,024 ACG PFP $67,477 $74,362 ACH PFP $67,784 $74,701 ACI PFP $68,091 $75,039 ACJ PFP $68,398 $75,377 ACK PFP $68,705 $75,716 ACL PFP $69,012 $76,054 ACM PFP $69,319 $76,392 ACN PFP $69,626 $76,731 ACO PFP $69,933 $77,069 ACP PFP $70,240 $77,407 ACQ PFP $70,547 $77,746 ACR PFP $70,854 $78,084 ACS PFP $71,161 $78,422 ACT PFP $71,468 $78,761 ACU PFP $71,775 $79,099 ACV PFP $72,082 $79,437 ACW PFP $72,389 $79,776 ACX PFP $72,696 $80,114 ACY PFP $73,003 $80,452 ACZ PFP $73,310 $80,791 2022-2023 OCCUPATIONAL & PHYSICAL THERAPIST & SIGN LANGUAGE INTERPRETER SALARY SCHEDULE (196-day Work Schedule) INITIAL PLACEMENT of Sign Language Interpreters either newly hired or moving from the Paraeducator Collective Bargaining Agreement: Upon verification of credentials by the Human Services Resource Division, Interpreters will be placed on the OT/PT/SLI Pay Schedule listed in APPENDIX B – TEACHER SALARY SCHEDULE based on years of experience that correspond with occupational and physical therapists currently on the OT/PT Pay Schedule. Pay Xxxxx XX/XX/XXX XX/XX/XXX 0000- 0000 XX OPT $48,835 BB OPT $49,755 BC OPT $50,675 BD OPT $51,595 BE OPT $52,516 BF OPT $53,436 BG OPT $54,356 BH OPT $55,276 BI OPT $56,197 BJ OPT $57,117 BK OPT $58,037 BL OPT $58,957 BM OPT $59,878 BN OPT $60,798 BO OPT $61,718 BP OPT $62,638 BQ OPT $63,559 BR OPT $64,479 BS OPT $65,399 BT OPT $66,319 BU OPT $67,240 BV OPT $68,160 BW OPT $69,080 BX OPT $70,000 BY OPT $70,921 BZ OPT $71,841 CA OPT $72,761 NATIONAL BOARD CERTIFICATION Teachers with National Board Certification will be guaranteed a supplement from the State. If the State funding of this supplement falls below $1,000.00 the Board will make up the difference up to a $1,000.00 maximum. If the State funding is unexpectedly withdrawn or withheld, the parties agree to reopen discussion on this issue. TEACHER OF THE YEAR $15,750.00 will be set aside to reward the Area Finalists, Overall Runner-Up, and the Winner of the Teacher of the Year for their performance. Speech/Language Pathologist Supplement Bachelor of Arts (grandfathered) Bachelor Level SLP with permanent FLDOE certification $1,045 Master of Arts 000 Xxxxxx xx Xxxx w/Certificate of Clinical Competency 5,227 Speech/Language Pathologists with a Certificate of Clinical Competency are given a supplement from IDEA funds. If IDEA funds are not available for this purpose, the Polk County School Board will make up the difference up to $1,000 maximum.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement

See below, Example. Old Teacher pay level AJ GF moves across to New Teacher pay level AAQ GF. Old Teacher GF Schedule New Teacher GF Schedule 2021- 2022 Pay Level on Teacher GF Schedule 2021-2022 Teacher GF Salary Initial Placement on Pay Level for New Teacher GF Schedule Proposed 2022- 2022-2023 Teacher GF Salary $46,980 AA GF $45,382 AAC GF $46,980 AB GF $45,682 AAC GF $46,980 AC GF $46,282 AAD GF $47,500 AD GF $46,582 AAE GF $47,737 AE GF $47,482 AAH GF $48,658 AF GF $47,782 AAI GF $48,965 AG GF $48,382 AAK GF $49,579 AH GF $48,982 AAM GF $50,193 AI GF $49,582 AAO GF $50,807 AJ GF $50,182 AAQ GF $51,421 AK GF $50,782 AAS GF $52,035 AL GF $51,382 AAU GF $52,649 AM GF $51,982 AAW GF $53,263 AN GF $52,582 AAY GF $53,877 AO GF $53,182 ABA GF $54,491 AP GF $53,782 ABC GF $55,105 AQ GF $54,382 ABE GF $55,719 AR GF $54,982 ABG GF $56,333 AS GF $55,582 ABI GF $56,947 AT GF $57,082 ABN GF $58,482 AU GF $58,282 ABR GF $59,710 AV GF $59,482 ABV GF $60,938 AW GF $62,182 ACE GF $63,701 AX GF $64,282 ACL GF $65,850 2. See below, Example: New Teacher pay level AAL GF moves across to New Student Services GF pay level AAT GF. Note: $3,162 Master’s Degree Supplement is built into the Student Services Salary Schedule. New Teacher GF Schedule New Student Services GF Schedule Pay Level Teacher Grandfathered Proposed 2022-2023 Teacher GF Salary Pay Level Student Services Grandfathered Proposed 196-day Student Services Grandfathered 2022-2023 Salary Schedule 216-day Student Services Grandfathered 2022-2023 Salary Schedule AAA GF $46,980 AAI GF $52,127 $57,446 AAB GF $46,980 AAJ GF $52,434 $57,784 AAC GF $46,980 AAK GF $52,741 $58,123 AAD GF $47,500 AAL GF $53,048 $58,461 AAE GF $47,737 AAM GF $53,355 $58,799 AAF GF $48,044 AAN GF $53,662 $59,138 AAG GF $48,351 AAO GF $53,969 $59,476 AAH GF $48,658 AAP GF $54,276 $59,814 AAI GF $48,965 AAQ GF $54,583 $60,153 AAJ GF $49,272 AAR GF $54,890 $60,491 AAK GF $49,579 AAS GF $55,197 $60,829 AAL GF $49,886 AAT GF $55,504 $61,168 AAM GF $50,193 AAU GF $55,811 $61,506 AAN GF $50,500 AAV GF $56,118 $61,844 AAO GF $50,807 AAW GF $56,425 $62,183 AAP GF $51,114 AAX GF $56,732 $62,521 AAQ GF $51,421 AAY GF $57,039 $62,859 AAR GF $51,728 AAZ GF $57,346 $63,198 AAS GF $52,035 ABA GF $57,653 $63,536 AAT GF $52,342 ABB GF $57,960 $63,874 AAU GF $52,649 ABC GF $58,267 $64,213 AAV GF $52,956 ABD GF $58,574 $64,551 AAW GF $53,263 ABE GF $58,881 $64,889 AAX GF $53,570 ABF GF $59,188 $65,228 AAY GF $53,877 ABG GF $59,495 $65,566 AAZ GF $54,184 ABH GF $59,802 $65,904 ABA GF $54,491 ABI GF $60,109 $66,243 ABB GF $54,798 ABJ GF $60,416 $66,581 ABC GF $55,105 ABK GF $60,723 $66,919 ABD GF $55,412 ABL GF $61,030 $67,258 ABE GF $55,719 ABM GF $61,337 $67,596 ABF GF $56,026 ABN GF $61,644 $67,934 ABG GF $56,333 ABO GF $61,951 $68,273 ABH GF $56,640 ABP GF $62,258 $68,611 ABI GF $56,947 ABQ GF $62,565 $68,949 ABJ GF $57,254 ABR GF $62,872 $69,288 ABK GF $57,561 ABS GF $63,179 $69,626 ABL GF $57,868 ABT GF $63,486 $69,964 ABM GF $58,175 ABU GF $63,793 $70,302 ABN GF $58,482 ABV GF $64,100 $70,641 ABO GF $58,789 ABW GF $64,407 $70,979 ABP GF $59,096 ABX GF $64,714 $71,317 ABQ GF $59,403 ABY GF $65,021 $71,656 ABR GF $59,710 ABZ GF $65,328 $71,994 ABS GF $60,017 ACA GF $65,635 $72,332 ABT GF $60,324 ACB GF $65,942 $72,671 ABU GF $60,631 ACC GF $66,249 $73,009 ABV GF $60,938 ACD GF $66,556 $73,347 ABW GF $61,245 ACE GF $66,863 $73,686 ABX GF $61,552 ACF GF $67,170 $74,024 ABY GF $61,859 ACG GF $67,477 $74,362 ABZ GF $62,166 ACH GF $67,784 $74,701 ACA GF $62,473 ACI GF $68,091 $75,039 ACB GF $62,780 ACJ GF $68,398 $75,377 ACC GF $63,087 ACK GF $68,705 $75,716 ACD GF $63,394 ACL GF $69,012 $76,054 ACE GF $63,701 ACM GF $69,319 $76,392 ACF GF $64,008 ACN GF $69,626 $76,731 ACG GF $64,315 ACO GF $69,933 $77,069 ACH GF $64,622 ACP GF $70,240 $77,407 ACI GF $64,929 ACQ GF $70,547 $77,746 ACJ GF $65,236 ACR GF $70,854 $78,084 ACK GF $65,543 ACS GF $71,161 $78,422 ACL GF $65,850 ACT GF $71,468 $78,761 ACM GF $66,157 ACU GF $71,775 $79,099 ACN GF $66,464 ACV GF $72,082 $79,437 ACO GF $66,771 ACW GF $72,389 $79,776 ACP GF $67,078 ACX GF $72,696 $80,114 ACQ GF $67,385 XXX XX $73,003 $80,452 ACR GF $67,692 ACZ GF $73,310 $80,791 PSYCHOLOGIST 2022-2023 STUDENT SERVICES GRANDFATHERED SALARY SCHEDULE (216-day Work Schedule) (Statutorily mandated for Psychologists, school counselors, mental health counselors, mental health facilitators, social workers, and speech language pathologists with a Professional Services or Continuing Contract) Years of Experience 0 is based on Years of Experience 12, Teacher Salary Schedule with Master’s Degree Pay levels on the Student Services Grandfathered Salary Schedule are based on the corresponding Teacher Grandfathered Salary Schedule pay levels, with Master’s Degree and on a 216-day work schedule. Pay Level Psychologist Grandfathered Psychologist Grandfathered 2021- 2022 AN Per Article 22, employees on Student Services can request to flex down to a 196-day contract, so the 196-day flex down schedule has been added for clarification. The base salaries for both Student Services GF and PFP include the $60,891 AO GF ,3162 Master’s Supplement. Note: $61,552 AP GF $62,214 AQ GF $62,875 AR GF $63,536 AS GF $64,197 AT GF $65,850 AU GF $67,173 AV GF $68,495 AW GF $71,471 AX GF $73,785 3162 Master’s Degree Supplement is built into the Student Services Salary Schedule. Pay Level Student Services Grandfathered Proposed 196-day Student Services Grandfathered 2022-2023 Salary Schedule 216-day Student Services Grandfathered 2022-2023 Salary Schedule AAI GF $52,127 $57,446 AAJ GF $52,434 $57,784 AAK GF $52,741 $58,123 AAL GF $53,048 $58,461 AAM GF $53,355 $58,799 AAN GF $53,662 $59,138 AAO GF $53,969 $59,476 AAP GF $54,276 $59,814 AAQ GF $54,583 $60,153 AAR GF $54,890 $60,491 AAS GF $55,197 $60,829 AAT GF $55,504 $61,168 AAU GF $55,811 $61,506 AAV GF $56,118 $61,844 AAW GF $56,425 $62,183 AAX GF $56,732 $62,521 AAY GF $57,039 $62,859 AAZ GF $57,346 $63,198 ABA GF $57,653 $63,536 ABB GF $57,960 $63,874 ABC GF $58,267 $64,213 ABD GF $58,574 $64,551 ABE GF $58,881 $64,889 ABF GF $59,188 $65,228 ABG GF $59,495 $65,566 ABH GF $59,802 $65,904 ABI GF $60,109 $66,243 ABJ GF $60,416 $66,581 ABK GF $60,723 $66,919 ABL GF $61,030 $67,258 ABM GF $61,337 $67,596 ABN GF $61,644 $67,934 ABO GF $61,951 $68,273 ABP GF $62,258 $68,611 ABQ GF $62,565 $68,949 ABR GF $62,872 $69,288 ABS GF $63,179 $69,626 ABT GF $63,486 $69,964 ABU GF $63,793 $70,302 ABV GF $64,100 $70,641 ABW GF $64,407 $70,979 ABX GF $64,714 $71,317 ABY GF $65,021 $71,656 ABZ GF $65,328 $71,994 ACA GF $65,635 $72,332 ACB GF $65,942 $72,671 ACC GF $66,249 $73,009 ACD GF $66,556 $73,347 ACE GF $66,863 $73,686 ACF GF $67,170 $74,024 ACG GF $67,477 $74,362 ACH GF $67,784 $74,701 ACI GF $68,091 $75,039 ACJ GF $68,398 $75,377 ACK GF $68,705 $75,716 ACL GF $69,012 $76,054 ACM GF $69,319 $76,392 ACN GF $69,626 $76,731 ACO GF $69,933 $77,069 ACP GF $70,240 $77,407 ACQ GF $70,547 $77,746 ACR GF $70,854 $78,084 ACS GF $71,161 $78,422 ACT GF $71,468 $78,761 ACU GF $71,775 $79,099 ACV GF $72,082 $79,437 ACW GF $72,389 $79,776 ACX GF $72,696 $80,114 XXX XX $73,003 $80,452 ACZ GF $73,310 $80,791 Psychologist Student Services Performance Salary Schedule Initial Placement Matrix This Matrix is only for the initial placement of newly hired psychologists, school counselors, mental health counselors, mental health facilitators, social workers, and speech language pathologists on the Psychologist Student Services Salary Performance Schedule below. Years of Experience Completed Prior to the Current Year Placement Level (old numerical pay level) Placement Level (new alpha pay level) 1 022 AAK 0 AAI 2 024 AAM 3 026 AAO 4 028 XXX 0 000 XXX 0 000 XXX AAQ 5 AAS 6 AAU 7 034 AAW 8 036 AAY 0 000 XXX 00 000 9 ABA 10 ABC 11 045 ABE 00 000 XXX 00 000 12 ABG 13 ABI 14 062 ABK 15+ 069 ABM 2022-2023 Psychologist Student Services Performance Salary Schedule (216 days): (Statutorily mandated for Psychologists, school counselors, mental health counselors, mental health facilitators, social workers, and speech language pathologists holding or accepting Annual Contracts, or, or Probationary Contracts) 2022-2023 Initial Placement INITIAL PLACEMENT for existing employees moving from Teacher Performance Salary Schedule to Student Services Performance Salary Schedule: Pay level placement for school counselors, mental health counselors, mental health facilitators, social workers, and speech language pathologists moving from the Teacher Performance Salary Schedule to the Student Services Performance Salary Schedule. Per Article 22, employees on Student Services can flex down to a 196-day contract, so the 196- day flex down schedule has been added for clarification. The base salaries for both Student Services GF and PFP include the $3162 Master’s Supplement. Find current pay level and move across to your new placement on the Student Services Salary Schedule. Example: Teacher ABX PFP to Student Services ACF PFP Note: $3,162 Master’s Degree Supplement is built into the Student Services Salary Schedule. Teacher PFP Student Services PFP 20212022-2022 Pay Level on 2023 Teacher PFP 2021-2022 Teacher PFP Salary Initial Placement on Pay Level for New Student Services PFP Proposed 196-day 216-day 2021-2022 Student Student Pay Level Services PFP Services PFP on Teacher 2022-2023 Student Services 2022-2023 PFP Salary Salary Schedule Schedule AAA PFP $45,487 47,500 AAI PFP $52,127 $57,446 AAB PFP $45,787 47,500 AAJ PFP $52,434 $57,784 AAC PFP $46,087 47,500 AAK PFP $52,741 $58,123 AAD PFP $46,387 47,500 AAL PFP $53,048 $58,461 AAE PFP $46,687 47,737 AAM PFP $53,355 $58,799 AAF PFP $46,987 48,044 AAN PFP $53,662 $59,138 AAG PFP $47,287 48,351 AAO PFP $53,969 $59,476 AAH PFP $47,587 48,658 AAP PFP $54,276 $59,814 AAI PFP $47,887 48,965 AAQ PFP $54,583 $60,153 AAJ PFP $48,187 49,272 AAR PFP $54,890 $60,491 AAK PFP $48,487 49,579 AAS PFP $55,197 $60,829 AAL PFP $48,787 49,886 AAT PFP $55,504 $61,168 AAM PFP $49,087 50,193 AAU PFP $55,811 $61,506 AAN PFP $49,387 50,500 AAV PFP $56,118 $61,844 AAO PFP $49,687 50,807 AAW PFP $56,425 $62,183 AAP PFP $49,987 51,114 AAX PFP $56,732 $62,521 AAQ PFP $50,287 51,421 AAY PFP $57,039 $62,859 AAR PFP $50,587 51,728 AAZ PFP $57,346 $63,198 AAS PFP $50,887 52,035 ABA PFP $57,653 $63,536 AAT PFP $51,187 52,342 ABB PFP $57,960 $63,874 AAU PFP $51,487 52,649 ABC PFP $58,267 $64,213 AAV PFP $51,787 52,956 ABD PFP $58,574 $64,551 AAW PFP $52,087 53,263 ABE PFP $58,881 $64,889 AAX PFP $52,387 53,570 ABF PFP $59,188 $65,228 AAY PFP $52,687 53,877 ABG PFP $59,495 $65,566 AAZ PFP $52,987 54,184 ABH PFP $59,802 $65,904 ABA PFP $53,287 54,491 ABI PFP $60,109 $66,243 ABB PFP $53,587 54,798 ABJ PFP $60,416 $66,581 ABC PFP $53,887 55,105 ABK PFP $60,723 $66,919 ABD PFP $54,187 55,412 ABL PFP $61,030 $67,258 ABE PFP $54,487 55,719 ABM PFP $61,337 $67,596 ABF PFP $54,787 56,026 ABN PFP $61,644 $67,934 ABG PFP $55,087 56,333 ABO PFP $61,951 $68,273 ABH PFP $55,387 56,640 ABP PFP $62,258 $68,611 ABI PFP $55,687 56,947 ABQ PFP $62,565 $68,949 ABJ PFP $55,987 57,254 ABR PFP $62,872 $69,288 ABK PFP $56,287 57,561 ABS PFP $63,179 $69,626 ABL PFP $56,587 57,868 ABT PFP $63,486 $69,964 ABM PFP $56,887 58,175 ABU PFP $63,793 $70,302 ABN PFP $57,187 58,482 ABV PFP $64,100 $70,641 ABO PFP $57,487 58,789 ABW PFP $64,407 $70,979 ABP PFP $57,787 59,096 ABX PFP $64,714 $71,317 ABQ PFP $58,087 59,403 ABY PFP $65,021 $71,656 ABR PFP $58,387 59,710 ABZ PFP $65,328 $71,994 ABS PFP $58,687 60,017 ACA PFP $65,635 $72,332 ABT PFP $58,987 60,324 ACB PFP $65,942 $72,671 ABU PFP $59,287 60,631 ACC PFP $66,249 $73,009 ABV PFP $59,587 60,938 ACD PFP $66,556 $73,347 ABW PFP $59,887 61,245 ACE PFP $66,863 $73,686 ABX PFP $60,187 61,552 ACF PFP $67,170 $74,024 ABY PFP $60,487 61,859 ACG PFP $67,477 $74,362 ABZ PFP $60,787 62,166 ACH PFP $67,784 $74,701 ACA PFP $61,087 62,473 ACI PFP $68,091 $75,039 ACB PFP $61,387 62,780 ACJ PFP $68,398 $75,377 ACC PFP $61,687 63,087 ACK PFP $68,705 $75,716 ACD PFP $61,987 63,394 ACL PFP $69,012 $76,054 ACE PFP $62,287 63,701 ACM PFP $69,319 $76,392 ACF PFP $62,587 64,008 ACN PFP $69,626 $76,731 ACG PFP $62,887 64,315 ACO PFP $69,933 $77,069 ACH PFP $63,187 64,622 ACP PFP $70,240 $77,407 ACI PFP $63,487 64,929 ACQ PFP $70,547 $77,746 ACJ PFP $63,787 65,236 ACR PFP $70,854 $78,084 ACK PFP $64,087 65,543 ACS PFP $71,161 $78,422 ACL PFP $64,387 65,850 ACT PFP $71,468 $78,761 ACM PFP $64,687 66,157 ACU PFP $71,775 $79,099 ACN PFP $64,987 66,464 ACV PFP $72,082 $79,437 ACO PFP $65,287 66,771 ACW PFP $72,389 $79,776 ACP PFP $65,587 67,078 ACX PFP $72,696 $80,114 ACQ PFP $65,887 67,385 ACY PFP $73,003 $80,452 ACR PFP $66,187 67,692 ACZ PFP $73,310 $80,791 2022-2023 Student Services Performance Salary Schedule First pay level AAI on the Student Services Performance Salary Schedule is based on the Teacher Performance Salary Schedule pay level AAI, with Master’s Degree and on a 216-day work schedule. Per Article 22, employees on Student Services can flex down to a 196-day contract, so the 196- day flex down schedule has been added for clarification. The base salaries for both Student Services GF and PFP include the $3162 Master’s Supplement. Note: $3,162 Master’s Degree Supplement is built into the Student Services Salary Schedule. Pay Level Psychologist Student Services PFP Psychologist PFP 2021196-2022 Psychologist Proposed day Student Services PFP 2022-2023 Salary Schedule 216-day Student Services PFP 2022-2023 Salary Schedule AAI PFP $55,717 52,127 $57,446 AAJ PFP $56,017 52,434 $57,784 AAK PFP $56,317 52,741 $58,123 AAL PFP $56,617 53,048 $58,461 AAM PFP $56,917 53,355 $58,799 AAN PFP $57,217 53,662 $59,138 AAO PFP $57,517 53,969 $59,476 AAP PFP $57,817 54,276 $59,814 AAQ PFP $58,117 54,583 $60,153 AAR PFP $58,417 54,890 $60,491 AAS PFP $58,717 55,197 $60,829 AAT PFP $59,017 55,504 $61,168 AAU PFP $59,317 55,811 $61,506 AAV PFP $59,617 56,118 $61,844 AAW PFP $59,917 56,425 $62,183 AAX PFP $60,217 56,732 $62,521 AAY PFP $60,517 57,039 $62,859 AAZ PFP $60,817 57,346 $63,198 ABA PFP $61,117 57,653 $63,536 ABB PFP $61,417 57,960 $63,874 ABC PFP $61,717 58,267 $64,213 ABD PFP $62,017 58,574 $64,551 ABE PFP $62,317 58,881 $64,889 ABF PFP $62,617 59,188 $65,228 ABG PFP $62,917 59,495 $65,566 ABH PFP $63,217 59,802 $65,904 ABI PFP $63,517 60,109 $66,243 ABJ PFP $63,817 60,416 $66,581 ABK PFP $64,117 60,723 $66,919 ABL PFP $64,417 61,030 $67,258 ABM PFP $64,717 61,337 $67,596 ABN PFP $65,017 61,644 $67,93467,934 ABO PFP $61,951 $68,273 ABP PFP $62,258 $68,611 ABQ PFP $62,565 $68,949 ABR PFP $62,872 $69,288 ABS PFP $63,179 $69,626 ABT PFP $63,486 $69,964 ABU PFP $63,793 $70,302 ABV PFP $64,100 $70,641 ABW PFP $64,407 $70,979 ABX PFP $64,714 $71,317 ABY PFP $65,021 $71,656 ABZ PFP $65,328 $71,994 ACA PFP $65,635 $72,332 ACB PFP $65,942 $72,671 ACC PFP $66,249 $73,009 ACD PFP $66,556 $73,347 ACE PFP $66,863 $73,686 ACF PFP $67,170 $74,024 ACG PFP $67,477 $74,362 ACH PFP $67,784 $74,701 ACI PFP $68,091 $75,039 ACJ PFP $68,398 $75,377 ACK PFP $68,705 $75,716 ACL PFP $69,012 $76,054 ACM PFP $69,319 $76,392 ACN PFP $69,626 $76,731 ACO PFP $69,933 $77,069 ACP PFP $70,240 $77,407 ACQ PFP $70,547 $77,746 ACR PFP $70,854 $78,084 ACS PFP $71,161 $78,422 ACT PFP $71,468 $78,761 ACU PFP $71,775 $79,099 ACV PFP $72,082 $79,437 ACW PFP $72,389 $79,776 ACX PFP $72,696 $80,114 ACY PFP $73,003 $80,452 ACZ PFP $73,310 $80,791 2022-2023 OCCUPATIONAL & PHYSICAL THERAPIST & SIGN LANGUAGE INTERPRETER (TEACHER) SALARY SCHEDULE (196-day Work Schedule) INITIAL PLACEMENT of Sign Language Interpreters either newly hired or moving from the Paraeducator Collective Bargaining Agreement: Upon verification of credentials by the Human Services Resource Division, Interpreters will be placed on the OT/PT/SLI Pay Schedule listed in APPENDIX B – TEACHER SALARY SCHEDULE based on years of experience that correspond with occupational and physical therapists currently on the OT/PT Pay Schedule. Pay Level OT/PT/SLI OT/PT/SLI 2022-2023 BA OPT $48,835 BB OPT $49,755 BC OPT $50,675 BD OPT $51,595 BE OPT $52,516 BF OPT $53,436 BG OPT $54,356 BH OPT $55,276 BI OPT $56,197 BJ OPT $57,117 BK OPT $58,037 BL OPT $58,957 BM OPT $59,878 BN OPT $60,798 BO OPT $61,718 BP OPT $62,638 BQ OPT $63,559 BR OPT $64,479 BS OPT $65,399 BT OPT $66,319 BU OPT $67,240 BV OPT $68,160 BW OPT $69,080 BX OPT $70,000 BY OPT $70,921 BZ OPT $71,841 CA OPT $72,761 NATIONAL BOARD CERTIFICATION Teachers with National Board Certification will be guaranteed a supplement from the State. If the State funding of this supplement falls below $1,000.00 the Board will make up the difference up to a $1,000.00 maximum. If the State funding is unexpectedly withdrawn or withheld, the parties agree to reopen discussion on this issue. TEACHER OF THE YEAR $15,750.00 will be set aside to reward the Area Finalists, Overall Runner-Up, and the Winner of the Teacher of the Year for their performance. Speech/Language Pathologist Supplement Bachelor of Arts (grandfathered) Bachelor Level SLP with permanent FLDOE certification $1,045 Master of Arts 262 Master of Arts w/Certificate of Clinical Competency 5,227 Speech/Language Pathologists with a Certificate of Clinical Competency are given a supplement from IDEA funds. If IDEA funds are not available for this purpose, the Polk County School Board will make up the difference up to $1,000 maximum.

Appears in 1 contract


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See below, Example. Old Teacher pay level AJ GF moves across to New Teacher pay level AAQ GF. Old Teacher GF Schedule New Teacher GF Schedule 2021- 2022 Pay Level on Teacher GF Schedule 2021-2022 Teacher GF Salary Initial Placement on Pay Level for New Teacher GF Schedule Proposed 2022- 2022-2023 Teacher GF Salary AA GF $45,382 AAC GF $46,980 AB GF $45,682 AAC GF $46,980 AC GF $46,282 AAD GF $47,500 AD GF $46,582 AAE GF $47,737 AE GF $47,482 AAH GF $48,658 AF GF $47,782 AAI GF $48,965 AG GF $48,382 AAK GF $49,579 AH GF $48,982 AAM GF $50,193 AI GF $49,582 AAO GF $50,807 AJ GF $50,182 AAQ GF $51,421 AK GF $50,782 AAS GF $52,035 AL GF $51,382 AAU GF $52,649 AM GF $51,982 AAW GF $53,263 AN GF $52,582 AAY GF $53,877 AO GF $53,182 ABA GF $54,491 AP GF $53,782 ABC GF $55,105 AQ GF $54,382 ABE GF $55,719 AR GF $54,982 ABG GF $56,333 AS GF $55,582 ABI GF $56,947 AT GF $57,082 ABN GF $58,482 AU GF $58,282 ABR GF $59,710 AV GF $59,482 ABV GF $60,938 AW GF $62,182 ACE GF $63,701 AX GF $64,282 ACL GF $65,850 2. See below, Example: New Teacher pay level AAL GF moves across to New Student Services GF pay level AAT GF. Note: $3162 Master’s Degree Supplement is built into the Student Services Salary Schedule. New Teacher GF Schedule New Student Services GF Schedule Pay Level Teacher Grandfathered Proposed 2022-2023 Teacher GF Salary Pay Level Student Services Grandfathered Proposed 196-day Student Services Grandfathered 2022-2023 Salary Schedule 216-day Student Services Grandfathered 2022-2023 Salary Schedule AAA GF $46,980 AAI GF $52,127 $57,446 AAB GF $46,980 AAJ GF $52,434 $57,784 AAC GF $46,980 AAK GF $52,741 $58,123 AAD GF $47,500 AAL GF $53,048 $58,461 AAE GF $47,737 AAM GF $53,355 $58,799 AAF GF $48,044 AAN GF $53,662 $59,138 AAG GF $48,351 AAO GF $53,969 $59,476 AAH GF $48,658 AAP GF $54,276 $59,814 AAI GF $48,965 AAQ GF $54,583 $60,153 AAJ GF $49,272 AAR GF $54,890 $60,491 AAK GF $49,579 AAS GF $55,197 $60,829 AAL GF $49,886 AAT GF $55,504 $61,168 AAM GF $50,193 AAU GF $55,811 $61,506 AAN GF $50,500 AAV GF $56,118 $61,844 AAO GF $50,807 AAW GF $56,425 $62,183 AAP GF $51,114 AAX GF $56,732 $62,521 AAQ GF $51,421 AAY GF $57,039 $62,859 AAR GF $51,728 AAZ GF $57,346 $63,198 AAS GF $52,035 ABA GF $57,653 $63,536 AAT GF $52,342 ABB GF $57,960 $63,874 AAU GF $52,649 ABC GF $58,267 $64,213 AAV GF $52,956 ABD GF $58,574 $64,551 AAW GF $53,263 ABE GF $58,881 $64,889 AAX GF $53,570 ABF GF $59,188 $65,228 AAY GF $53,877 ABG GF $59,495 $65,566 AAZ GF $54,184 ABH GF $59,802 $65,904 ABA GF $54,491 ABI GF $60,109 $66,243 ABB GF $54,798 ABJ GF $60,416 $66,581 ABC GF $55,105 ABK GF $60,723 $66,919 ABD GF $55,412 ABL GF $61,030 $67,258 ABE GF $55,719 ABM GF $61,337 $67,596 ABF GF $56,026 ABN GF $61,644 $67,934 ABG GF $56,333 ABO GF $61,951 $68,273 ABH GF $56,640 ABP GF $62,258 $68,611 ABI GF $56,947 ABQ GF $62,565 $68,949 ABJ GF $57,254 ABR GF $62,872 $69,288 ABK GF $57,561 ABS GF $63,179 $69,626 ABL GF $57,868 ABT GF $63,486 $69,964 ABM GF $58,175 ABU GF $63,793 $70,302 ABN GF $58,482 ABV GF $64,100 $70,641 ABO GF $58,789 ABW GF $64,407 $70,979 ABP GF $59,096 ABX GF $64,714 $71,317 ABQ GF $59,403 ABY GF $65,021 $71,656 ABR GF $59,710 ABZ GF $65,328 $71,994 ABS GF $60,017 ACA GF $65,635 $72,332 ABT GF $60,324 ACB GF $65,942 $72,671 ABU GF $60,631 ACC GF $66,249 $73,009 ABV GF $60,938 ACD GF $66,556 $73,347 ABW GF $61,245 ACE GF $66,863 $73,686 ABX GF $61,552 ACF GF $67,170 $74,024 ABY GF $61,859 ACG GF $67,477 $74,362 ABZ GF $62,166 ACH GF $67,784 $74,701 ACA GF $62,473 ACI GF $68,091 $75,039 ACB GF $62,780 ACJ GF $68,398 $75,377 ACC GF $63,087 ACK GF $68,705 $75,716 ACD GF $63,394 ACL GF $69,012 $76,054 ACE GF $63,701 ACM GF $69,319 $76,392 ACF GF $64,008 ACN GF $69,626 $76,731 ACG GF $64,315 ACO GF $69,933 $77,069 ACH GF $64,622 ACP GF $70,240 $77,407 ACI GF $64,929 ACQ GF $70,547 $77,746 ACJ GF $65,236 ACR GF $70,854 $78,084 ACK GF $65,543 ACS GF $71,161 $78,422 ACL GF $65,850 ACT GF $71,468 $78,761 ACM GF $66,157 ACU GF $71,775 $79,099 ACN GF $66,464 ACV GF $72,082 $79,437 ACO GF $66,771 ACW GF $72,389 $79,776 ACP GF $67,078 ACX GF $72,696 $80,114 ACQ GF $67,385 XXX XX $80,452 ACR GF 73,003 $67,692 ACZ GF $80,791 PSYCHOLOGIST 2022-2023 STUDENT SERVICES GRANDFATHERED SALARY SCHEDULE (216-day Work Schedule) (Statutorily mandated for Psychologists, school counselors, mental health counselors, mental health facilitators, social workers, and speech language pathologists with a Professional Services or Continuing Contract) Years of Experience 0 is based on Years of Experience 12, Teacher Salary Schedule with Master’s Degree Pay levels on the Student Services Grandfathered Salary Schedule are based on the corresponding Teacher Grandfathered Salary Schedule pay levels, with Master’s Degree and on a 216-day work schedule. Pay Level Psychologist Grandfathered Psychologist Grandfathered 2021- 2022 AN GF $60,891 AO GF $61,552 AP GF $62,214 AQ GF $62,875 AR GF $63,536 AS GF $64,197 AT GF $65,850 AU GF $67,173 AV GF $68,495 AW GF $71,471 AX GF $73,785 Pay Level Student Services Grandfathered Proposed Student Services Grandfathered 2022-2023 AAI GF $57,446 AAJ GF $57,784 AAK GF $58,123 AAL GF $58,461 AAM GF $58,799 AAN GF $59,138 AAO GF $59,476 AAP GF $59,814 AAQ GF $60,153 AAR GF $60,491 AAS GF $60,829 AAT GF $61,168 AAU GF $61,506 AAV GF $61,844 AAW GF $62,183 AAX GF $62,521 AAY GF $62,859 AAZ GF $63,198 ABA GF $63,536 ABB GF $63,874 ABC GF $64,213 ABD GF $64,551 ABE GF $64,889 ABF GF $65,228 ABG GF $65,566 ABH GF $65,904 ABI GF $66,243 ABJ GF $66,581 ABK GF $66,919 ABL GF $67,258 ABM GF $67,596 ABN GF $67,934 ABO GF $68,273 ABP GF $68,611 ABQ GF $68,949 ABR GF $69,288 ABS GF $69,626 ABT GF $69,964 ABU GF $70,302 ABV GF $70,641 ABW GF $70,979 ABX GF $71,317 ABY GF $71,656 ABZ GF $71,994 ACA GF $72,332 ACB GF $72,671 ACC GF $73,009 ACD GF $73,347 ACE GF $73,686 ACF GF $74,024 ACG GF $74,362 ACH GF $74,701 ACI GF $75,039 ACJ GF $75,377 ACK GF $75,716 ACL GF $76,054 ACM GF $76,392 ACN GF $76,731 ACO GF $77,069 ACP GF $77,407 ACQ GF $77,746 ACR GF $78,084 ACS GF $78,422 ACT GF $78,761 ACU GF $79,099 ACV GF $79,437 ACW GF $79,776 ACX GF $80,114 XXX XX $80,452 ACZ GF $80,791 Psychologist Student Services Performance Salary Schedule Initial Placement Matrix This Matrix is only for the initial placement of newly hired psychologists, school counselors, mental health counselors, mental health facilitators, social workers, and speech language pathologists on the Psychologist Student Services Salary Performance Schedule below. Years of Experience Completed Prior to the Current Year Placement Level (old numerical pay level) Placement Level (new alpha pay level) 1 022 AAK 2 024 AAM 3 026 AAO 4 028 XXX 0 000 XXX 0 000 XXX 7 034 AAW 8 036 AAY 0 000 XXX 00 000 ABC 11 045 ABE 00 000 XXX 00 000 ABI 14 062 ABK 15+ 069 ABM 2022-2023 Psychologist Student Services Performance Salary Schedule (216 days): (Statutorily mandated for Psychologists, school counselors, mental health counselors, mental health facilitators, social workers, and speech language pathologists holding or accepting Annual Contracts, or, Probationary Contracts) 2022-2023 Initial Placement for existing employees moving from Teacher Performance Salary Schedule to Student Services Performance Salary Schedule: Pay level placement for school counselors, mental health counselors, mental health facilitators, social workers, and speech language pathologists moving from the Teacher Performance Salary Schedule to the Student Services Performance Salary Schedule. Find current pay level and move across to your new placement on the Student Services Salary Schedule. Example: Teacher ABX PFP to Student Services ACF PFP Teacher PFP Student Services PFP 2021-2022 Pay Level on Teacher PFP 2021-2022 Teacher PFP Initial Placement on Pay Level for New Student Services PFP Proposed 2022-2023 Student Services PFP AAA PFP $45,487 AAI PFP $57,446 AAB PFP $45,787 AAJ PFP $57,784 AAC PFP $46,087 AAK PFP $58,123 AAD PFP $46,387 AAL PFP $58,461 AAE PFP $46,687 AAM PFP $58,799 AAF PFP $46,987 AAN PFP $59,138 AAG PFP $47,287 AAO PFP $59,476 AAH PFP $47,587 AAP PFP $59,814 AAI PFP $47,887 AAQ PFP $60,153 AAJ PFP $48,187 AAR PFP $60,491 AAK PFP $48,487 AAS PFP $60,829 AAL PFP $48,787 AAT PFP $61,168 AAM PFP $49,087 AAU PFP $61,506 AAN PFP $49,387 AAV PFP $61,844 AAO PFP $49,687 AAW PFP $62,183 AAP PFP $49,987 AAX PFP $62,521 AAQ PFP $50,287 AAY PFP $62,859 AAR PFP $50,587 AAZ PFP $63,198 AAS PFP $50,887 ABA PFP $63,536 AAT PFP $51,187 ABB PFP $63,874 AAU PFP $51,487 ABC PFP $64,213 AAV PFP $51,787 ABD PFP $64,551 AAW PFP $52,087 ABE PFP $64,889 AAX PFP $52,387 ABF PFP $65,228 AAY PFP $52,687 ABG PFP $65,566 AAZ PFP $52,987 ABH PFP $65,904 ABA PFP $53,287 ABI PFP $66,243 ABB PFP $53,587 ABJ PFP $66,581 ABC PFP $53,887 ABK PFP $66,919 ABD PFP $54,187 ABL PFP $67,258 ABE PFP $54,487 ABM PFP $67,596 ABF PFP $54,787 ABN PFP $67,934 ABG PFP $55,087 ABO PFP $68,273 ABH PFP $55,387 ABP PFP $68,611 ABI PFP $55,687 ABQ PFP $68,949 ABJ PFP $55,987 ABR PFP $69,288 ABK PFP $56,287 ABS PFP $69,626 ABL PFP $56,587 ABT PFP $69,964 ABM PFP $56,887 ABU PFP $70,302 ABN PFP $57,187 ABV PFP $70,641 ABO PFP $57,487 ABW PFP $70,979 ABP PFP $57,787 ABX PFP $71,317 ABQ PFP $58,087 ABY PFP $71,656 ABR PFP $58,387 ABZ PFP $71,994 ABS PFP $58,687 ACA PFP $72,332 ABT PFP $58,987 ACB PFP $72,671 ABU PFP $59,287 ACC PFP $73,009 ABV PFP $59,587 ACD PFP $73,347 ABW PFP $59,887 ACE PFP $73,686 ABX PFP $60,187 ACF PFP $74,024 ABY PFP $60,487 ACG PFP $74,362 ABZ PFP $60,787 ACH PFP $74,701 ACA PFP $61,087 ACI PFP $75,039 ACB PFP $61,387 ACJ PFP $75,377 ACC PFP $61,687 ACK PFP $75,716 ACD PFP $61,987 ACL PFP $76,054 ACE PFP $62,287 ACM PFP $76,392 ACF PFP $62,587 ACN PFP $76,731 ACG PFP $62,887 ACO PFP $77,069 ACH PFP $63,187 ACP PFP $77,407 ACI PFP $63,487 ACQ PFP $77,746 ACJ PFP $63,787 ACR PFP $78,084 ACK PFP $64,087 ACS PFP $78,422 ACL PFP $64,387 ACT PFP $78,761 ACM PFP $64,687 ACU PFP $79,099 ACN PFP $64,987 ACV PFP $79,437 ACO PFP $65,287 ACW PFP $79,776 ACP PFP $65,587 ACX PFP $80,114 ACQ PFP $65,887 ACY PFP $80,452 ACR PFP $66,187 ACZ PFP $80,791 2022-2023 Student Services Performance Salary Schedule First pay level AAI on the Student Services Performance Salary Schedule is based on the Teacher Performance Salary Schedule pay level AAI, with Master’s Degree and on a 216-day work schedule. Pay Level Psychologist PFP Psychologist PFP 2021-2022 Psychologist Proposed Student Services PFP 2022-2023 AAI PFP $55,717 $57,446 AAJ PFP $56,017 $57,784 AAK PFP $56,317 $58,123 AAL PFP $56,617 $58,461 AAM PFP $56,917 $58,799 AAN PFP $57,217 $59,138 AAO PFP $57,517 $59,476 AAP PFP $57,817 $59,814 AAQ PFP $58,117 $60,153 AAR PFP $58,417 $60,491 AAS PFP $58,717 $60,829 AAT PFP $59,017 $61,168 AAU PFP $59,317 $61,506 AAV PFP $59,617 $61,844 AAW PFP $59,917 $62,183 AAX PFP $60,217 $62,521 AAY PFP $60,517 $62,859 AAZ PFP $60,817 $63,198 ABA PFP $61,117 $63,536 ABB PFP $61,417 $63,874 ABC PFP $61,717 $64,213 ABD PFP $62,017 $64,551 ABE PFP $62,317 $64,889 ABF PFP $62,617 $65,228 ABG PFP $62,917 $65,566 ABH PFP $63,217 $65,904 ABI PFP $63,517 $66,243 ABJ PFP $63,817 $66,581 ABK PFP $64,117 $66,919 ABL PFP $64,417 $67,258 ABM PFP $64,717 $67,596 ABN PFP $65,017 $67,93480,452

Appears in 1 contract


See below, Example. Old Teacher pay level AJ GF moves across to New Teacher pay level AAQ GF. Old Teacher GF Schedule New Teacher GF Schedule 2021- 2022 Pay Level on Teacher GF Schedule 2021-2022 Teacher GF Salary Initial Placement on Pay Level for New Teacher GF Schedule Proposed 2022- 2022-2023 Teacher GF Salary $46,980 AA GF $45,382 AAC GF $46,980 AB GF $45,682 AAC GF $46,980 AC GF $46,282 AAD GF $47,500 AD GF $46,582 AAE GF $47,737 AE GF $47,482 AAH GF $48,658 AF GF $47,782 AAI GF $48,965 AG GF $48,382 AAK GF $49,579 AH GF $48,982 AAM GF $50,193 AI GF $49,582 AAO GF $50,807 AJ GF $50,182 AAQ GF $51,421 AK GF $50,782 AAS GF $52,035 AL GF $51,382 AAU GF $52,649 AM GF $51,982 AAW GF $53,263 AN GF $52,582 AAY GF $53,877 AO GF $53,182 ABA GF $54,491 AP GF $53,782 ABC GF $55,105 AQ GF $54,382 ABE GF $55,719 AR GF $54,982 ABG GF $56,333 AS GF $55,582 ABI GF $56,947 AT GF $57,082 ABN GF $58,482 AU GF $58,282 ABR GF $59,710 AV GF $59,482 ABV GF $60,938 AW GF $62,182 ACE GF $63,701 AX GF $64,282 ACL GF $65,850 2. See below, Example: New Teacher pay level AAL GF moves across to New Student Services GF pay level AAT GF. Note: $3,162 Master’s Degree Supplement is built into the Student Services Salary Schedule. New Teacher GF Schedule New Student Services GF Schedule Pay Level Teacher Grandfathered Proposed 2022-2023 Teacher GF Salary Pay Level Student Services Grandfathered Proposed 196-day Student Services Grandfathered 2022-2023 Salary Schedule 216-day Student Services Grandfathered 2022-2023 Salary Schedule AAA GF $46,980 AAI GF $52,127 $57,446 AAB GF $46,980 AAJ GF $52,434 $57,784 AAC GF $46,980 AAK GF $52,741 $58,123 AAD GF $47,500 AAL GF $53,048 $58,461 AAE GF $47,737 AAM GF $53,355 $58,799 AAF GF $48,044 AAN GF $53,662 $59,138 AAG GF $48,351 AAO GF $53,969 $59,476 AAH GF $48,658 AAP GF $54,276 $59,814 AAI GF $48,965 AAQ GF $54,583 $60,153 AAJ GF $49,272 AAR GF $54,890 $60,491 AAK GF $49,579 AAS GF $55,197 $60,829 AAL GF $49,886 AAT GF $55,504 $61,168 AAM GF $50,193 AAU GF $55,811 $61,506 AAN GF $50,500 AAV GF $56,118 $61,844 AAO GF $50,807 AAW GF $56,425 $62,183 AAP GF $51,114 AAX GF $56,732 $62,521 AAQ GF $51,421 AAY GF $57,039 $62,859 AAR GF $51,728 AAZ GF $57,346 $63,198 AAS GF $52,035 ABA GF $57,653 $63,536 AAT GF $52,342 ABB GF $57,960 $63,874 AAU GF $52,649 ABC GF $58,267 $64,213 AAV GF $52,956 ABD GF $58,574 $64,551 AAW GF $53,263 ABE GF $58,881 $64,889 AAX GF $53,570 ABF GF $59,188 $65,228 AAY GF $53,877 ABG GF $59,495 $65,566 AAZ GF $54,184 ABH GF $59,802 $65,904 ABA GF $54,491 ABI GF $60,109 $66,243 ABB GF $54,798 ABJ GF $60,416 $66,581 ABC GF $55,105 ABK GF $60,723 $66,919 ABD GF $55,412 ABL GF $61,030 $67,258 ABE GF $55,719 ABM GF $61,337 $67,596 ABF GF $56,026 ABN GF $61,644 $67,934 ABG GF $56,333 ABO GF $61,951 $68,273 ABH GF $56,640 ABP GF $62,258 $68,611 ABI GF $56,947 ABQ GF $62,565 $68,949 ABJ GF $57,254 ABR GF $62,872 $69,288 ABK GF $57,561 ABS GF $63,179 $69,626 ABL GF $57,868 ABT GF $63,486 $69,964 ABM GF $58,175 ABU GF $63,793 $70,302 ABN GF $58,482 ABV GF $64,100 $70,641 ABO GF $58,789 ABW GF $64,407 $70,979 ABP GF $59,096 ABX GF $64,714 $71,317 ABQ GF $59,403 ABY GF $65,021 $71,656 ABR GF $59,710 ABZ GF $65,328 $71,994 ABS GF $60,017 ACA GF $65,635 $72,332 ABT GF $60,324 ACB GF $65,942 $72,671 ABU GF $60,631 ACC GF $66,249 $73,009 ABV GF $60,938 ACD GF $66,556 $73,347 ABW GF $61,245 ACE GF $66,863 $73,686 ABX GF $61,552 ACF GF $67,170 $74,024 ABY GF $61,859 ACG GF $67,477 $74,362 ABZ GF $62,166 ACH GF $67,784 $74,701 ACA GF $62,473 ACI GF $68,091 $75,039 ACB GF $62,780 ACJ GF $68,398 $75,377 ACC GF $63,087 ACK GF $68,705 $75,716 ACD GF $63,394 ACL GF $69,012 $76,054 ACE GF $63,701 ACM GF $69,319 $76,392 ACF GF $64,008 ACN GF $69,626 $76,731 ACG GF $64,315 ACO GF $69,933 $77,069 ACH GF $64,622 ACP GF $70,240 $77,407 ACI GF $64,929 ACQ GF $70,547 $77,746 ACJ GF $65,236 ACR GF $70,854 $78,084 ACK GF $65,543 ACS GF $71,161 $78,422 ACL GF $65,850 ACT GF $71,468 $78,761 ACM GF $66,157 ACU GF $71,775 $79,099 ACN GF $66,464 ACV GF $72,082 $79,437 ACO GF $66,771 ACW GF $72,389 $79,776 ACP GF $67,078 ACX GF $72,696 $80,114 ACQ GF $67,385 XXX XX $73,003 $80,452 ACR GF $67,692 ACZ GF $73,310 $80,791 PSYCHOLOGIST 2022-2023 STUDENT SERVICES GRANDFATHERED SALARY SCHEDULE (216-day Work Schedule) (Statutorily mandated for Psychologists, school counselors, mental health counselors, mental health facilitators, social workers, and speech language pathologists with a Professional Services or Continuing Contract) Years of Experience 0 is based on Years of Experience 12, Teacher Salary Schedule with Master’s Degree Pay levels on the Student Services Grandfathered Salary Schedule are based on the corresponding Teacher Grandfathered Salary Schedule pay levels, with Master’s Degree and on a 216-day work schedule. Pay Level Psychologist Grandfathered Psychologist Grandfathered 2021- 2022 AN Per Article 22, employees on Student Services can request to flex down to a 196-day contract, so the 196-day flex down schedule has been added for clarification. The base salaries for both Student Services GF and PFP include the $60,891 AO GF ,3162 Master’s Supplement. Note: $61,552 AP GF $62,214 AQ GF $62,875 AR GF $63,536 AS GF $64,197 AT GF $65,850 AU GF $67,173 AV GF $68,495 AW GF $71,471 AX GF $73,785 3162 Master’s Degree Supplement is built into the Student Services Salary Schedule. Pay Level Student Services Grandfathered Proposed 196-day Student Services Grandfathered 2022-2023 Salary Schedule 216-day Student Services Grandfathered 2022-2023 Salary Schedule AAI GF $52,127 $57,446 AAJ GF $52,434 $57,784 AAK GF $52,741 $58,123 AAL GF $53,048 $58,461 AAM GF $53,355 $58,799 AAN GF $53,662 $59,138 AAO GF $53,969 $59,476 AAP GF $54,276 $59,814 AAQ GF $54,583 $60,153 AAR GF $54,890 $60,491 AAS GF $55,197 $60,829 AAT GF $55,504 $61,168 AAU GF $55,811 $61,506 AAV GF $56,118 $61,844 AAW GF $56,425 $62,183 AAX GF $56,732 $62,521 AAY GF $57,039 $62,859 AAZ GF $57,346 $63,198 ABA GF $57,653 $63,536 ABB GF $57,960 $63,874 ABC GF $58,267 $64,213 ABD GF $58,574 $64,551 ABE GF $58,881 $64,889 ABF GF $59,188 $65,228 ABG GF $59,495 $65,566 ABH GF $59,802 $65,904 ABI GF $60,109 $66,243 ABJ GF $60,416 $66,581 ABK GF $60,723 $66,919 ABL GF $61,030 $67,258 ABM GF $61,337 $67,596 ABN GF $61,644 $67,934 ABO GF $61,951 $68,273 ABP GF $62,258 $68,611 ABQ GF $62,565 $68,949 ABR GF $62,872 $69,288 ABS GF $63,179 $69,626 ABT GF $63,486 $69,964 ABU GF $63,793 $70,302 ABV GF $64,100 $70,641 ABW GF $64,407 $70,979 ABX GF $64,714 $71,317 ABY GF $65,021 $71,656 ABZ GF $65,328 $71,994 ACA GF $65,635 $72,332 ACB GF $65,942 $72,671 ACC GF $66,249 $73,009 ACD GF $66,556 $73,347 ACE GF $66,863 $73,686 ACF GF $67,170 $74,024 ACG GF $67,477 $74,362 ACH GF $67,784 $74,701 ACI GF $68,091 $75,039 ACJ GF $68,398 $75,377 ACK GF $68,705 $75,716 ACL GF $69,012 $76,054 ACM GF $69,319 $76,392 ACN GF $69,626 $76,731 ACO GF $69,933 $77,069 ACP GF $70,240 $77,407 ACQ GF $70,547 $77,746 ACR GF $70,854 $78,084 ACS GF $71,161 $78,422 ACT GF $71,468 $78,761 ACU GF $71,775 $79,099 ACV GF $72,082 $79,437 ACW GF $72,389 $79,776 ACX GF $72,696 $80,114 XXX XX $73,003 $80,452 ACZ GF $73,310 $80,791 Psychologist Student Services Performance Salary Schedule Initial Placement Matrix This Matrix is only for the initial placement of newly hired psychologists, school counselors, mental health counselors, mental health facilitators, social workers, and speech language pathologists on the Psychologist Student Services Salary Performance Schedule below. Years of Experience Completed Prior to the Current Year Placement Level (old numerical pay level) Placement Level (new alpha pay level) 1 022 AAK 0 AAI 2 024 AAM 3 026 AAO 4 028 XXX 0 000 XXX 0 000 XXX AAQ 5 AAS 6 AAU 7 034 AAW 8 036 AAY 0 000 XXX 00 000 9 ABA 10 ABC 11 045 ABE 00 000 XXX 00 000 12 ABG 13 ABI 14 062 ABK 15+ 069 ABM 2022-2023 Psychologist Student Services Performance Salary Schedule (216 days): (Statutorily mandated for Psychologists, school counselors, mental health counselors, mental health facilitators, social workers, and speech language pathologists holding or accepting Annual Contracts, or, or Probationary Contracts) 2022-2023 Initial Placement INITIAL PLACEMENT for existing employees moving from Teacher Performance Salary Schedule to Student Services Performance Salary Schedule: Pay level placement for school counselors, mental health counselors, mental health facilitators, social workers, and speech language pathologists moving from the Teacher Performance Salary Schedule to the Student Services Performance Salary Schedule. Per Article 22, employees on Student Services can flex down to a 196-day contract, so the 196- day flex down schedule has been added for clarification. The base salaries for both Student Services GF and PFP include the $3162 Master’s Supplement. Find current pay level and move across to your new placement on the Student Services Salary Schedule. Example: Teacher ABX PFP to Student Services ACF PFP Note: $3,162 Master’s Degree Supplement is built into the Student Services Salary Schedule. Teacher PFP Student Services PFP 20212022-2022 Pay Level on 2023 Teacher PFP 2021-2022 Teacher PFP Salary Initial Placement on Pay Level for New Student Services PFP Proposed 196-day 216-day 2021-2022 Student Student Pay Level Services PFP Services PFP on Teacher 2022-2023 Student Services 2022-2023 PFP Salary Salary Schedule Schedule AAA PFP $45,487 47,500 AAI PFP $52,127 $57,446 AAB PFP $45,787 47,500 AAJ PFP $52,434 $57,784 AAC PFP $46,087 47,500 AAK PFP $52,741 $58,123 AAD PFP $46,387 47,500 AAL PFP $53,048 $58,461 AAE PFP $46,687 47,737 AAM PFP $53,355 $58,799 AAF PFP $46,987 48,044 AAN PFP $53,662 $59,138 AAG PFP $47,287 48,351 AAO PFP $53,969 $59,476 AAH PFP $47,587 48,658 AAP PFP $54,276 $59,814 AAI PFP $47,887 48,965 AAQ PFP $54,583 $60,153 AAJ PFP $48,187 49,272 AAR PFP $54,890 $60,491 AAK PFP $48,487 49,579 AAS PFP $55,197 $60,829 AAL PFP $48,787 49,886 AAT PFP $55,504 $61,168 AAM PFP $49,087 50,193 AAU PFP $55,811 $61,506 AAN PFP $49,387 50,500 AAV PFP $56,118 $61,844 AAO PFP $49,687 50,807 AAW PFP $56,425 $62,183 AAP PFP $49,987 51,114 AAX PFP $56,732 $62,521 AAQ PFP $50,287 51,421 AAY PFP $57,039 $62,859 AAR PFP $50,587 51,728 AAZ PFP $57,346 $63,198 AAS PFP $50,887 52,035 ABA PFP $57,653 $63,536 AAT PFP $51,187 52,342 ABB PFP $57,960 $63,874 AAU PFP $51,487 52,649 ABC PFP $58,267 $64,213 AAV PFP $51,787 52,956 ABD PFP $58,574 $64,551 AAW PFP $52,087 53,263 ABE PFP $58,881 $64,889 AAX PFP $52,387 53,570 ABF PFP $59,188 $65,228 AAY PFP $52,687 53,877 ABG PFP $59,495 $65,566 AAZ PFP $52,987 54,184 ABH PFP $59,802 $65,904 ABA PFP $53,287 54,491 ABI PFP $60,109 $66,243 ABB PFP $53,587 54,798 ABJ PFP $60,416 $66,581 ABC PFP $53,887 55,105 ABK PFP $60,723 $66,919 ABD PFP $54,187 55,412 ABL PFP $61,030 $67,258 ABE PFP $54,487 55,719 ABM PFP $61,337 $67,596 ABF PFP $54,787 56,026 ABN PFP $61,644 $67,934 ABG PFP $55,087 56,333 ABO PFP $61,951 $68,273 ABH PFP $55,387 56,640 ABP PFP $62,258 $68,611 ABI PFP $55,687 56,947 ABQ PFP $62,565 $68,949 ABJ PFP $55,987 57,254 ABR PFP $62,872 $69,288 ABK PFP $56,287 57,561 ABS PFP $63,179 $69,626 ABL PFP $56,587 57,868 ABT PFP $63,486 $69,964 ABM PFP $56,887 58,175 ABU PFP $63,793 $70,302 ABN PFP $57,187 58,482 ABV PFP $64,100 $70,641 ABO PFP $57,487 58,789 ABW PFP $64,407 $70,979 ABP PFP $57,787 59,096 ABX PFP $64,714 $71,317 ABQ PFP $58,087 59,403 ABY PFP $65,021 $71,656 ABR PFP $58,387 59,710 ABZ PFP $65,328 $71,994 ABS PFP $58,687 60,017 ACA PFP $65,635 $72,332 ABT PFP $58,987 60,324 ACB PFP $65,942 $72,671 ABU PFP $59,287 60,631 ACC PFP $66,249 $73,009 ABV PFP $59,587 60,938 ACD PFP $66,556 $73,347 ABW PFP $59,887 61,245 ACE PFP $66,863 $73,686 ABX PFP $60,187 61,552 ACF PFP $67,170 $74,024 ABY PFP $60,487 61,859 ACG PFP $67,477 $74,362 ABZ PFP $60,787 62,166 ACH PFP $67,784 $74,701 ACA PFP $61,087 62,473 ACI PFP $68,091 $75,039 ACB PFP $61,387 62,780 ACJ PFP $68,398 $75,377 ACC PFP $61,687 63,087 ACK PFP $68,705 $75,716 ACD PFP $61,987 63,394 ACL PFP $69,012 $76,054 ACE PFP $62,287 63,701 ACM PFP $69,319 $76,392 ACF PFP $62,587 64,008 ACN PFP $69,626 $76,731 ACG PFP $62,887 64,315 ACO PFP $69,933 $77,069 ACH PFP $63,187 64,622 ACP PFP $70,240 $77,407 ACI PFP $63,487 64,929 ACQ PFP $70,547 $77,746 ACJ PFP $63,787 65,236 ACR PFP $70,854 $78,084 ACK PFP $64,087 65,543 ACS PFP $71,161 $78,422 ACL PFP $64,387 65,850 ACT PFP $71,468 $78,761 ACM PFP $64,687 66,157 ACU PFP $71,775 $79,099 ACN PFP $64,987 66,464 ACV PFP $72,082 $79,437 ACO PFP $65,287 66,771 ACW PFP $72,389 $79,776 ACP PFP $65,587 67,078 ACX PFP $72,696 $80,114 ACQ PFP $65,887 67,385 ACY PFP $73,003 $80,452 ACR PFP $66,187 67,692 ACZ PFP $73,310 $80,791 2022-2023 Student Services Performance Salary Schedule First pay level AAI on the Student Services Performance Salary Schedule is based on the Teacher Performance Salary Schedule pay level AAI, with Master’s Degree and on a 216-day work schedule. Per Article 22, employees on Student Services can flex down to a 196-day contract, so the 196- day flex down schedule has been added for clarification. The base salaries for both Student Services GF and PFP include the $3162 Master’s Supplement. Note: $3,162 Master’s Degree Supplement is built into the Student Services Salary Schedule. Pay Level Psychologist Student Services PFP Psychologist PFP 2021196-2022 Psychologist Proposed day Student Services PFP 2022-2023 Salary Schedule 216-day Student Services PFP 2022-2023 Salary Schedule AAI PFP $55,717 52,127 $57,446 AAJ PFP $56,017 52,434 $57,784 AAK PFP $56,317 52,741 $58,123 AAL PFP $56,617 53,048 $58,461 AAM PFP $56,917 53,355 $58,799 AAN PFP $57,217 53,662 $59,138 AAO PFP $57,517 53,969 $59,476 AAP PFP $57,817 54,276 $59,814 AAQ PFP $58,117 54,583 $60,153 AAR PFP $58,417 54,890 $60,491 AAS PFP $58,717 55,197 $60,829 AAT PFP $59,017 55,504 $61,168 AAU PFP $59,317 55,811 $61,506 AAV PFP $59,617 56,118 $61,844 AAW PFP $59,917 56,425 $62,183 AAX PFP $60,217 56,732 $62,521 AAY PFP $60,517 57,039 $62,859 AAZ PFP $60,817 57,346 $63,198 ABA PFP $61,117 57,653 $63,536 ABB PFP $61,417 $63,874 ABC PFP $61,717 $64,213 ABD PFP $62,017 $64,551 ABE PFP $62,317 $64,889 ABF PFP $62,617 $65,228 ABG PFP $62,917 $65,566 ABH PFP $63,217 $65,904 ABI PFP $63,517 $66,243 ABJ PFP $63,817 $66,581 ABK PFP $64,117 $66,919 ABL PFP $64,417 $67,258 ABM PFP $64,717 $67,596 ABN PFP $65,017 $67,93463,536

Appears in 1 contract


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