SHARED CONTRACT. 5 21.1 Shared contracts are defined as 1.0 elementary, general education classroom 7 occur either as a result of District staffing or when a written staff proposal has 8 been approved. The responsibilities of a shared contract assignment shall be 9 divided according to a plan developed by employees and approved by the District. 10 21.2 Certificated employees sharing a full-time contracted position shall share pro rata 11 in one (1) leave and insurance benefit package as provided in the Collective 12 Bargaining Agreement. Certificated employees sharing one (1) full-time 13 contracted position may choose to each access a pro-rated portion of a health care 14 allocation, as determined by their individual FTE (e.g. 0.5 FTE employee to 15 receive 50% of the allocation). Per our provider’s agreement all benefit eligible 16 employees must first access the mandatory benefits (Dental, Vision, Life, Long- 17 Term Disability), then medical insurance. After purchase of mandatory benefits, 18 if one shared assignment partner does not choose to access the remainder of the 19 allocation to purchase medical benefits, then the balance of the allocation may be 20 shared with that employee’s shared contract partner. 21 21.3 In the event a long-term replacement is required for a shared contract employee, 22 the District may offer the other certificated employee that portion of the position. 23 21.4 Shared contract employees may substitute for one another at the substitute rate of 24 pay. 25 21.5 Employees proposing a shared contract assignment must have a plan in place no 26 later than August 1 of each school year. The District will assist employees in 27 finding a shared contract partner. In the event that an employee proposed plan is 28 not in place by August 1, the existing shared contract employee must decide to (a) 29 work full-time if the employee holds a 1.0 entitlement, (b) take leave from his or 30 her current contract, if eligible, (c) accept partial or full reassignment, or (d) 31 resign. In the event one shared contract partner resigns after July 26, the 32 remaining partner and the building principal will have five (5) working days to 33 find a new shared contract partner before the existing shared contract employee 34 must choose one of the four (4) options above. 35 21.6 Shared contracts can be accommodated by extending leaves as described in 36 Section 39.3.2.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement
SHARED CONTRACT. 5 21.1 Shared contracts are defined as 1.0 elementary, general education classroom 7 positions, with two teachers assigned to one positions. Shared contracts may occur either as a result of District staffing or when a written staff proposal has 8 been approved. The responsibilities of a shared contract assignment shall be 9 divided according to a plan developed by employees and approved by the District.
10 21.2 Certificated employees sharing a full-time contracted position shall share pro rata 11 in one (1) leave and insurance benefit package as provided in the Collective 12 Bargaining Agreement. Certificated employees sharing one (1) full-time 13 contracted position may choose to each access a pro-rated portion of a health care 14 allocation, as determined by their individual FTE (e.g. 0.5 FTE employee to 15 receive 50% of the allocation). Per our provider’s agreement all benefit eligible 16 employees must first access the mandatory benefits (Dental, Vision, Life, Long- 17 Term Disability), then medical insurance. After purchase of mandatory benefits, 18 if one shared assignment partner does not choose to access the remainder of the 19 allocation to purchase medical benefits, then the balance of the allocation may be 20 shared with that employee’s shared contract partner.
21 21.3 In the event a long-term replacement is required for a shared contract employee, 22 the District may offer the other certificated employee that portion of the position.
23 21.4 Shared contract employees may substitute for one another at the substitute rate of 24 pay.
25 21.5 Employees proposing a shared contract assignment must have a plan in place no 26 later than August 1 of each school year. The District will assist employees in 27 finding a shared contract partner. In the event that an employee proposed plan is 28 not in place by August 1, the existing shared contract employee must decide to (a) 29 work full-time if the employee holds a 1.0 entitlement, (b) take leave from his or 30 her current contract, if eligible, (c) accept partial or full reassignment, or (d) 31 resign. In the event one shared contract partner resigns after July 26, the 32 remaining partner and the building principal will have five (5) working days to 33 find a new shared contract partner before the existing shared contract employee 34 must choose one of the four (4) options above.
35 21.6 Shared contracts can be accommodated by extending leaves as described in 36 Section 39.3.2.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
SHARED CONTRACT. 5 21.1 22 23.1 Shared contracts are defined as 1.0 elementary, general education classroom 7 elementary positions with two certificated 23 employees assigned to one position. Shared contracts may occur either as a result 24 of District staffing or when a written staff proposal has 8 been approved. The 25 responsibilities of a shared contract assignment shall be 9 divided according to a plan 26 developed by employees and approved by the District.
10 21.2 27 23.2 Certificated employees sharing a full-time contracted position shall share pro rata 11 28 in one (1) leave and insurance benefit package as provided in the Collective 12 29 Bargaining Agreement. Certificated employees sharing one (1) full-time 13 contracted 30 position may choose to each access a pro-rated portion of a health care 14 allocation, 31 as determined by their individual FTE (e.g. 0.5 FTE employee to 15 receive 50% of 32 the allocation). Per our provider’s agreement all benefit eligible 16 employees must 33 first access the mandatory benefits (Dental, Vision, Life, Long- 17 Long-Term Disability), 34 then medical insurance. After purchase of mandatory benefits, 18 if one shared 35 assignment partner does not choose to access the remainder of the 19 allocation to 36 purchase medical benefits, then the balance of the allocation may be 20 shared with 37 that employee’s shared contract partner.
21 21.3 38 23.3 In the event a long-term replacement is required for a shared contract employee, 22 39 the District may offer the other certificated employee that portion of the position.
23 21.4 1 23.4 Shared contract employees may substitute for one another at the substitute rate of 24 2 pay.
25 21.5 3 23.5 Employees proposing a shared contract assignment must have a plan in place no 26 4 later than August 1 of each school year. The District will assist employees in 27 5 finding a shared contract partner. In the event that an employee proposed plan is 28 6 not in place by August 1, the existing shared contract employee must decide to (a) 29 7 work full-time if the employee holds a 1.0 entitlement, (b) take leave from his or 30 her their 8 current contract, if eligible, (c) accept partial or full reassignment, or (d) 31 resign. In 9 the event one shared contract partner resigns after July 26, the 32 remaining partner 10 and the building principal will have five (5) working days to 33 find a new shared 11 contract partner before the existing shared contract employee 34 must choose one of 12 the four (4) options above.
35 21.6 13 23.6 Shared contracts can be accommodated by extending leaves as described in 36 Section 39.3.214 42.3.2.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement