SILENT PARTNERSHIP. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Convention, any income derived by a silent partner who is a resident of a Contracting State in respect of a silent partnership (in the case of Japan, Tokumei Kumiai) contract or another similar contract may be taxed in the other Contracting State according to the laws of that other Contracting State, provided that such income arises in that other Contracting State and is deductible in computing the taxable income of the payer in that other Contracting State.
SILENT PARTNERSHIP. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Convention, any income derived by a silent partner who is a resident of Spain in respect of a silent partnership (Tokumei Kumiai) contract or another similar contract may be taxed in Japan according to the laws of Japan, provided that such income arises in Japan and is deductible in computing the taxable income of the payer in Japan.
SILENT PARTNERSHIP. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Convention, any income and gains derived by a silent partner in respect of a silent partnership (in the case of Japan, Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx and, in the case of Austria, Stille Gesellschaft) contract or another similar contract may be taxed in the Contracting State in which such income and gains arise and according to the laws of that Contracting State.
SILENT PARTNERSHIP. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Convention, any income derived by a silent partner who is a resident of Algeria in respect of a silent partnership (Tokumei Kumiai) contract or another similar contract may be taxed in Japan according to the laws of Japan, provided that such income arises in Japan and is deductible in computing the taxable income of the payer in Japan.
SILENT PARTNERSHIP. Neither the Company nor any Seller have entered into any silent partnership agreement and/or other agreement with a similar content concerning the Company.
(f) Založení a postavení: (f) Establishment and Position:
i. Společnost je společností s ručením omezeným, je řádně založena a organizována, podle práva České republiky platně existuje, a je plně schopna a oprávněna vlastnit, držet a/nebo užívat Aktiva a provozovat svou obchodní činnost. i. The Company is a limited-liability company, has been duly established and organized, exists legitimately under the law of the Czech Republic and is fully able and authorized to own, hold and/or use the Assets and run its business.
ii. Společnost měla v minulosti a má veškeré pravomoci a Povolení, která jsou dle aplikovatelných zákonů České republiky nezbytná pro vlastnictví Aktiv a pro provozování obchodní činnosti Společnosti.
SILENT PARTNERSHIP. Any compensation claims (Abfindungsansprüche oder Auseinandersetzungsguthaben) will be settled in cash. Sellers hereby procure the release and forever discharge of (i) the Purchaser and the Group Companies from all Claims relating to the silent partnership formed between buw Strategie Holding GmbH & Co. KG and buw operations Osnabrück GmbH (formerly between the Seller II and the buw operations Osnabrück GmbH), and (ii) buw Strategie Holding GmbH & Co. KG’s, and Seller II’s indirect interests therein not reflected in the Closing Accounts.
SILENT PARTNERSHIP. Tbg's consent to the measures stipulated in this Agreement and in the Accession Agreement required under the Silent Partnerships I - III, in particular for the participation of DNAPrint and the increase of the share capital pursuant to Clause 2.1 has been granted and is herewith confirmed by tbg.