Partnership Sample Clauses

PartnershipThe Partnership shall be given days’ notice to purchase the ownership interest under the same terms agreed upon by the potential buyer.
PartnershipWe believe that by working with others who share our aspirations for young children, we can maximize every child’s readiness for kindergarten and success in life.
PartnershipNothing in this Agreement shall constitute or shall be deemed to constitute a partnership between the parties hereto and save as set out herein, neither party shall have any authority or power to bind the other party or to contract in the name of or create a liability against the other party.
Partnership. All PPs entitle the LP to represent the PPs in the project. They commit themselves to undertake all steps necessary to support the LP in fulfilling its obligations as specified in the subsidy contract signed between the MA and the LP as well as in this agreement.
Partnership. 10.1 Copy of partnership agreement 10.2 Proof of address (less than three months old) 10.3 Resolution signed by all members nominating authorised signatory / representative 10.4 Copy of SARS document confirming Income tax / VAT registration number for the partnership (if applicable) 10.5 Copy of bank letter confirming banking details of partnership account, alternatively copy of bank statement (less than three months old) 10.6 For the authorised signatory / representative and each partner, we require the following: • Copy of ID • Proof of address (less than three months old)
Partnership. 11.1. This Agreement and any actions taken by any of the Parties pursuant to this Agreement shall not be deemed to constitute a partnership, unincorporated association or joint venture between any of the Parties.
Partnership. We, the undersigned partners in the business trading as hereby authorize Mr/Ms to sign this bid as well as any contract resulting from the bid and any other documents and correspondence in connection with this bid and /or contract for and on behalf of the abovementioned partnership. The following particulars in respect of every partner must be furnished and signed by every partner: SIGNED ON BEHALF OF PARTNERSHIP: DATE: PRINT NAME: WITNESS 1: WITNESS 2: We, the undersigned, are submitting this tender offer in joint venture and hereby authorize Mr/Ms authorized signatory of the Company/Close Corporation/Partnership (name) , acting in the capacity of lead partner, to sign all documents in connection with the tender offer and any contract resulting from it on our behalf. 1. Name offirm (Lead partner) Address Tel. No. Signature Designation 2. Name of firm Address Tel. No. Signature Designation 3. Name of firm Address: Tel. No. Signature Designation
PartnershipThis Agreement does not constitute an agreement for a partnership or joint venture between the Agent and the Company.
Partnership. County is not, by virtue of this contract, a partner or joint venturer with Contractor in connection with activities carried out under this contract, and shall have no obligation with respect to Contractor’s debts or any other liabilities of each and every nature.
Partnership. Nothing herein contained shall be construed as creating a partnership or joint venture by or between the parties.