Site Servicing. The Owner shall design and construct all site servicing to the approval of the General Manager, Planning and Growth Management. The Owner acknowledges and agrees that the Certificate of Approval by the Ministry of the Enviroment for the Stormwater Management and Sewage Works will be subject to the conditions developed by the Ministry for implementation of the Works and the Owner and/or the City will be subject to meeting these requirements, to the satisfaction of the Ministry and the General Manager, Planning and Growth Management. The Owner further acknowledges and agrees that construction of any infrastructure on- site cannot proceed until such time as the Risk Management Plan (RMP) developed by consultants retained by the City has been approved by the Ministry of Environment. Construction detail designs which will form part of this RMP will deal with the integration of the proposed infrastructure and landscape features with the contaminated area and must be incorporated into the implementation of the overall construction management plan.
Site Servicing. The Owner shall design and construct all site servicing to the approval of the Director of Public Works.
Site Servicing. Sewage System: