Sponsor 's Termination for default Sample Clauses

Sponsor 's Termination for default. Sponsor may immediately terminate this Agreement at any time upon written notice to lnstitution if (i) there is/are any unauthorized material deviations from the Protocol, which, in Sponsor's view, were not reasonably justified by the lnstitution in writing or (ii) lnstitution, lnvestigator or Trial Personnel, is/are disqualified or debarred pursuant to Applicable Laws. 9.7. Ukončení ze strany zadavatele z důvodu nedodržení. Zadavatel může tuto smlouvu kdykoli okamžitě ukončit na základě písemného oznámení zdravotnickému zařízení , pokud (i) existují jakékoli neoprávněné významné odchylky od protokolu, které podle názoru Zadavatele nebyly k písemné výzvě Zdravotnickým zařízením přijatelně odůvodněny, nebo pokud jsou (ii) zdravotnické zařízení, zkoušející lékař nebo personál klinické studie vyřazeni či v loučeni v souladu s Příslušn ·mi zákon .
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Related to Sponsor 's Termination for default

  • Termination for Default The County may, by written notice to the Contractor terminate this contract for default in whole or in part (delivery orders, if applicable) if the Contractor fails to:

  • SUSPENSION & TERMINATION FOR DEFAULT Enterprise Services may suspend Contractor’s operations under this Master Contract immediately by written cure notice of any default. Suspension shall continue until the default is remedied to Enterprise Services’ reasonable satisfaction; Provided, however, that, if after thirty (30) days from such a suspension notice, Contractor remains in default, Enterprise Services may terminate Contractor’s rights under this Master Contract. All of Contractor’s obligations to Enterprise Services and Purchasers survive termination of Contractor’s rights under this Master Contract, until such obligations have been fulfilled.

  • Erroneous Termination for Default If, after notice of termination of Vendor’s right to proceed under the provisions of this clause, it is determined for any reason that the contract was not in default, or that the delay was excusable under the provisions of the prior paragraph (Excuse for Nonperformance or Delayed Performance), the rights and obligations of the parties shall be the same as if the notice of termination had been one of termination for convenience.

  • Default Termination a. In the event that the Property has been sold contrary to or any person bids in contravention of the provisions in Clause 4 above, then such sale shall be cancelled and become null and void and of no further effect wherein all monies paid by the Purchaser hitherto including the Deposit shall be forfeited absolutely and immediately.

  • CFR PART 200 Termination Termination for cause and for convenience by the grantee or subgrantee including the manner by which it will be eff ected and the basis for settlement. (All contracts in excess of $10,000) Pursuant to the above, when federal funds are expended by ESC Region 8 and TIPS Members, ESC Region 8 and TIPS Members reserves the right to terminate any agreement in excess of $10,000 resulting from this procurement process for cause after giving the vendor an appropriate opportunity an d up to 30 days, to cure the causal breach of terms and conditions. ESC Region 8 and TIPS Members reserves the right to terminate any agreement in excess of $10,000 resulting from this procurement process for convenience with 30 days notice in writing to the awarded vendor. The vendor would be compensated for work performed and goods procured as of the termination date if for convenience of the ESC Region 8 and TIPS Members. Any award under this procurement process is not exclusive and the ESC Region 8 and TIPS reserves the right to purchase goods and services from other vendors when it is in the best interest of t he ESC Region 8 and TIPS. Does vendor agree? Yes

  • Termination for fault 19.3.1 The Commonwealth may terminate this Agreement by notice where the Grantee has:

  • Term; Suspension; Termination A. This Agreement shall become effective on the date that it is approved by both parties, set forth on the first page of the Agreement, and shall continue in effect until both parties have fully performed their respective obligations under this Agreement, unless sooner terminated as provided herein.

  • Termination for Cause If Vendor fails to materially perform pursuant to the terms of this Agreement, TIPS shall provide written notice to Vendor specifying the default. If Vendor does not cure such default within thirty (30) days, TIPS may terminate this Agreement, in whole or in part, for cause. If TIPS terminates this Agreement for cause, and it is later determined that the termination for cause was wrongful, the termination shall automatically be converted to and treated as a termination for convenience.

  • Termination for Concessionaire Default 37.1.1 Save as otherwise provided in this Agreement, in the event that any of the defaults specified below shall have occurred, and the Concessionaire fails to cure the default within the Cure Period set forth below, or where no Cure Period is specified, then within a Cure Period of 60 (sixty) days, the Concessionaire shall be deemed to be in default of this Agreement (the “Concessionaire Default”), unless the default has occurred solely as a result of any breach of this Agreement by the Authority or due to Force Majeure. The defaults referred to herein shall include:

  • Termination Events This Agreement may, by notice given prior to or at the Closing, be terminated:

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