Waist to Shoulder Full abilities Up to 5 kilograms 5 - 10 kilograms Other (please specify): Stair Climbing: Full abilities Up to 5 steps 6 - 12 steps Other (please specify): Use of hand(s):Left Hand Right Hand Gripping Gripping Pinching Pinching Other (please specify): Other (please specify): Bending/twisting repetitive movement of (please specify): Work at or above shoulder activity: Chemical exposure to: Travel to Work: Ability to use public transit Ability to drive car Yes Yes No No
Time Limit to Submit to Arbitration Failing satisfactory settlement at Step 3, and pursuant to Article 10, the President, or his/her designate, may inform the Employer of his/her intention to submit the dispute to arbitration within: (a) thirty (30) days after the Employer's decision has been received; (b) thirty (30) days after the Employer's decision is due.