Student Loans. Scholarships may be utilized to cover outstanding student loan obligations, provided the candidate has satisfactorily completed the coursework for which the loan was obtained. In all cases, requests must include a current bill from a bona fide third-party lending institution as recognized by the US Department of Education, which must include: (1) a repayment address,
Appears in 6 contracts
Samples: Candidate Contract, Candidate Contract, Candidate Contract
Student Loans. Scholarships may be utilized to cover used for outstanding student loan obligations, obligations provided the candidate has satisfactorily completed the coursework for which the loan was obtained. In all cases, requests must include a current bill xxxx from the lender showing a bona fide third-party lending institution as recognized by current address, a copy of the US Department promissory note showing that the candidate is either the primary or secondary payer of Educationthe obligation, which must include: (1) a repayment address,and an official transcript showing completion of the coursework.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Local Organization Agreement