STUNT ADJUSTMENT. Unless otherwise bargained for at the time of the engagement, a Performer not engaged as a stunt Performer shall receive an adjustment of not less than one (1) additional day’s pay at Day Performer Scale for any day on which such Performer performs a stunt. In no event shall the Performer ever receive less than Day Performer minimum for any day on which the Performer performs a stunt which was not bargained for at the time of original engagement. Overtime compensation on such a day shall be based on the Performer’s aggregate compensation for such day.
STUNT ADJUSTMENT. Unless otherwise bargained for at the time of the engagement, a principal performer not called as a stunt performer shall receive an adjustment of not less than an additional session fee per commercial in which principal performer performs a stunt on any day. In no event shall the principal performer ever receive less than the stunt performer’s daily minimum on the day the principal performer does the stunt. Overtime compensation on such day shall be based on the principal performer’s aggregate compensation for such day, except for travel time which shall be based upon the session fee.
STUNT ADJUSTMENT. A Performer not hired as a stunt Performer receives an adjustment of not less than one (1) additional day's pay at scale for any day on which he/she performs a stunt. Overtime compensation for that day is based on the Performer's aggregate compensation. ANIMALS: No Performer shall be requested to work with dangerous animals unless a qualified animal handler or trainer is present. SMOKE/DUST: Performers must be notified before being hired if work in artificially or mechanically created smoke is involved. If not, the Performer may refuse to perform in smoke and will be paid one (1) day's compensation or the Day Performer rate, whichever is greater. Performers must be given a fifteen (15) minute break away from the area of smoke or dust each hour. SWIMMING: No swimming within thirty 30 minutes after a regular meal period. DANCERS: Appropriate floors must be provided that are clean and free of splinters, wax, nails, etc. If Producer requires dancing on other surfaces, or "wire flying," or in inclement weather or out-of-season clothing, or in costuming that subjects the dancer to physical injury or health hazard, Producer must pay the "dancer's premium payment" of $65.00 per day. There must be adequate space for warm-up thirty (30) minutes before dancing and ten (10) minutes rest during each hour of actual rehearsal or shooting. If shooting is continuous, dancers may continue for ninety (90) minutes, but will then receive a twenty (20) minute break. Stage or rehearsal area must be at least seventy-five (75) degrees. Air ventilation is required, but air conditioning is only acceptable if regulated to prevent drafts. NO dancing or skating within Thirty (30) minutes after regular meal period. Footwear provided by the Producer must be appropriate and clean, properly fitted, braced and rubberized. If Dancer must provide his/her own footwear, the Producer must pay $10.00 per day for each pair of shoes used. SINGERS: Singers shall be given a five (5) minute rest period in each hour of recording. NUDITY: Performer must be notified of any nudity or sex acts expected in the role prior to the first interview or audition. During any nude/sex scenes, the set shall be closed to all persons having no business in connection with the production. Performer must give prior written consent to appear in or have a double perform nude/sex scenes or still photography. If a Performer has agreed to appear in nude/sex scenes and then withdraws consent before shooting, Producer has the ri...
STUNT ADJUSTMENT. The fee for a Stunt Performer to perform a stunt shall be the Motion Capture or Performance Capture session fee, as appropriate, plus any additional amount (stunt adjustment) that may be negotiated between the Stunt Performer, Stunt Coordinator and the Producer in relation to the difficulties, danger, and other pertinent details regarding the stunt to be performed.
STUNT ADJUSTMENT. Unless otherwise bargained for at the time of the engagement, a principal performer not called as a stunt performer shall receive an adjustment of not less than an additional session fee per commercial in which principal performer performs a stunt on any day. In no event shall the principal performer ever receive less WKDQ WKH VWXQW SHUIRUPHU¶V GDLO\ PLQLPXP RQ WKH GD\ WKH SULQFLSDO SHUIRUPHU GRHV WKH VWXQW. 2YHUWLPH FRPSHQVDWLRQ RQ VXFK GD\ VKDOO EH EDVHG RQ WKH SULQFLSDO SHUIRUPHU¶V DJJUHJDWH FRPSHQVDWLRQ IRU VXFK GD\, except for travel time which shall be based upon the session fee.