Liquidity Event If there is a Liquidity Event before the termination of this Safe, this Safe will automatically be entitled (subject to the liquidation priority set forth in Section 1(d) below) to receive a portion of Proceeds, due and payable to the Investor immediately prior to, or concurrent with, the consummation of such Liquidity Event, equal to the greater of (i) the Purchase Amount (the “Cash-Out Amount”) or (ii) the amount payable on the number of shares of Common Stock equal to the Purchase Amount divided by the Liquidity Price (the “Conversion Amount”). If any of the Company’s securityholders are given a choice as to the form and amount of Proceeds to be received in a Liquidity Event, the Investor will be given the same choice, provided that the Investor may not choose to receive a form of consideration that the Investor would be ineligible to receive as a result of the Investor’s failure to satisfy any requirement or limitation generally applicable to the Company’s securityholders, or under any applicable laws. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in connection with a Change of Control intended to qualify as a tax-free reorganization, the Company may reduce the cash portion of Proceeds payable to the Investor by the amount determined by its board of directors in good faith for such Change of Control to qualify as a tax-free reorganization for U.S. federal income tax purposes, provided that such reduction (A) does not reduce the total Proceeds payable to such Investor and (B) is applied in the same manner and on a pro rata basis to all securityholders who have equal priority to the Investor under Section 1(d). In connection with Section 1(b)(i) , the Purchase Amount will be due and payable by the Company to the Investor immediately prior to, or concurrent with, the consummation of the Liquidity Event. If there are not enough funds to pay
Credit Rating With respect to the Competitive Supplier or Competitive Supplier’s Guarantor, its senior unsecured, unsubordinated long-term debt rating, not supported by third party credit enhancement, and if such debt is no longer rated, then the corporate or long-term issuer rating of Competitive Supplier or Competitive Supplier’s Guarantor.
PRIORITY RATING If so identified, this Contract is a "rated order" certified for national defense, emergency preparedness, and energy program use, and SELLER shall follow all the requirements of the Defense Priorities and Allocation System Regulation (15 C.F.R. Part 700).