Rating Event definition
Examples of Rating Event in a sentence
If the action set out in sub-paragraph (ii)(A) above is taken at any time following a Subsequent Rating Event, Party A will not be required to transfer any additional credit support in respect of such Subsequent Rating Event.
For CBL 15 up to and including CBL24, Fitch Subsequent Rating Event triggers are F2 and BBB+.
Fitch long-term ratings are in respect of the issuer's deposits rating.2. Prior to CBL19, if the swap provider does not have a short-term rating assigned to it by Moody's, then the long-term rating trigger of A1 would apply.3. For CBL 18 and subsequent issuances, Fitch long-term Initial Rating Event trigger is A-.
If any of sub-paragraphs (i)(B) or (i)(C) above are satisfied at any time, Party A will not be required to transfer any additional credit support in respect of such Initial Rating Event.
Section 5.01 Neither the Trustee nor any Paying Agent shall be responsible for determining whether any Change of Control or Below Investment Grade Rating Event has occurred and whether any Change of Control offer with respect to the Notes is required.