Supply of a VeroCard to Sample Clauses

Supply of a VeroCard to an Authorised End UserSupplier will only supply Subscription Services and an associated VeroCard to an Authorised End User in accordance with the process set out in the Standard Terms & Conditions.
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Related to Supply of a VeroCard to

  • Technical Standards Applicable to a Wind Generating Plant i. Low Voltage Ride-Through (LVRT) Capability A wind generating plant shall be able to remain online during voltage disturbances up to the time periods and associated voltage levels set forth in the standard below. The LVRT standard provides for a transition period standard and a post-transition period standard.

  • Purchase Order Flip via Ariba Network (AN) The online process allows suppliers to submit invoices via the AN for catalog and non- catalog goods and services. Contractors have the ability to create an invoice directly from their Inbox in their AN account by simply “flipping” the purchase order into an invoice. This option does not require any special software or technical capabilities. For the purposes of this section, the Contractor warrants and represents that it is authorized and empowered to and hereby grants the State and the third-party provider of MFMP the right and license to use, reproduce, transmit, distribute, and publicly display within the system the information outlined above. In addition, the Contractor warrants and represents that it is authorized and empowered to and hereby grants the State and the third-party provider the right and license to reproduce and display within the system the Contractor’s trademarks, system marks, logos, trade dress, or other branding designation that identifies the products made available by the Contractor under the Contract.

  • Required Procurement Procedures for Obtaining Goods and Services The Grantee shall provide maximum open competition when procuring goods and services related to the grant-assisted project in accordance with Section 287.057, Florida Statutes.

  • Other Products and Services As our customer, you have access to a suite of financial products and services availed by ourselves, our affiliates and strategic partners designed to help you address and achieve your financial needs and goals. You agree that you can obtain information about such Products and Services via our website and you further agree that we can from time to time communicate information in relation to such Products or Services to you specifically or generally to all cardmembers via such communication mode as we consider appropriate.

  • Prescription Drugs and Diabetic Equipment or Supplies Biological products for allergen immunotherapy and vaccinations. • Blood fractions. • Compound prescription drugs that are not made up of at least one legend drug. • Bulk powders and chemicals used in compound prescriptions that are not FDA approved, are not covered unless listed on our formulary. • Prescription drugs prescribed or dispensed outside of our dispensing guidelines. • Prescription drugs ordered or prescribed based solely on online questionnaires, telephonic interviews, surveys, emails, or any other marketing solicitation methods, whether alone or in combination. • Prescription drugs that have not proven effective according to the FDA. • Prescription drugs used for cosmetic purposes. • Prescription drugs purchased from a non-designated pharmacy, if a pharmacy has been designated for you through the Pharmacy Home Assignment program. • Experimental prescription drugs including those placed on notice of opportunity hearing status by the Federal Drug Efficacy Study Implementation (DESI). • Prescription drugs provided to you that are not dispensed by a network pharmacy or covered under your medical plan. • Prescription drugs and diabetic equipment and supplies purchased at a non-network pharmacy unless indicated as covered in the Summary of Pharmacy Benefits. • Prescription drug related medical supplies except for diabetic, regardless of the reason prescribed, the intended use, or medical necessity. Examples include, but are not limited to, alcohol pads, bandages, wraps or pill holders. • Off-label use of prescription drugs except as described in Experimental or Investigational Services in Section 3; • Prescribed weight-loss drugs. • Replacement of prescription drugs resulting from a lost, stolen, broken or destroyed prescription order or refill. • Therapeutic devices and appliances, including hypodermic needles and syringes except when used to administer insulin. • Prescription drugs, therapeutic equivalents, or any other pharmaceuticals used to treat sexual dysfunctions. • Vitamins, unless specifically listed as a covered healthcare service. • A prescription drug refill greater than the refill number authorized by your physician, more than a year from the date of the original prescription, or limited by law. • Long acting opioids and other controlled substances, nicotine replacement therapy, and specialty prescription drugs when purchased from a mail order pharmacy. • Prescription drugs and specialty prescription drugs when the required prescription drug preauthorization is not obtained. • Certain prescription drugs that have an over-the-counter (OTC) equivalent. • Prescriptions filled through an internet pharmacy that is not a verified internet pharmacy practice site certified by the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy. • Illegal drugs, including medical marijuana, which are dispensed in violation of state and/or federal law. Private Duty Nursing Services • Services of a nurse's aide. • Services of a private duty nurse: o when the primary duties are limited to bathing, feeding, exercising, homemaking, giving oral medications or acting as companion or sitter; o after the caregiver or patient have demonstrated the ability to carry out the plan of care; o provided outside the home. Examples include at school, or in a nursing or assisted living facility; o that are duplication or overlap of services. Examples include when a person is receiving hospice care services or for the same hours of a skilled nursing home care visit; o that are for observation only; and o provided as part-time/intermittent and not continuous care. • Maintenance care when the condition has stabilized including routine ostomy care or tube feeding administration or if the anticipated need is indefinite. • Twenty-four (24) hour private duty nursing care for a person without an available caregiver in the home. • Respite care (e.g., care during a caregiver vacation) or private duty nursing so that the caregiver may attend work or school. Surgery Services • Abdominoplasty. • Brow ptosis surgery. • Cervicoplasty. • Chemical exfoliations, peels, abrasions, dermabrasions, or planing for acne, scarring, wrinkling, sun damage or other benign conditions. • Correction of variations in normal anatomy including augmentation mammoplasty, mastopexy, and correction of congenital breast asymmetry. • Dermabrasion. • Ear piercing or repair of a torn earlobe. • Excision of excess skin or subcutaneous tissue except for panniculectomy. • Genioplasty. • Hair transplants. • Hair removal including electrolysis epilation, unless in relation to gender reassignment services or skin grafting. • Inverted nipple surgery. • Laser treatment for acne and acne scars. • Osteoplasty - facial bone reduction. • Otoplasty. • Procedures to correct visual acuity including but not limited to cornea surgery or lens implants. • Removal of asymptomatic benign skin lesions. • Repeated cauterizations or electrofulguration methods used to remove growths on the skin. • Rhinoplasty.

  • Emergency Alert System The Franchisee shall comply with the applicable requirements of the FCC with respect to the operation of an Emergency Alert System (“EAS”) requirements of the FCC and applicable state and local EAS plans in order that emergency messages may be distributed over the Cable System.

  • Authorized User Overview and Mini-Bid Process Project Based IT Consulting Services Contracts enable Authorized Users to use a competitive Mini-bid Process to acquire Services on an as-needed basis, for qualified IT Projects. Project Based IT Consulting Services may include, but will not be limited to projects requiring: analysis, data classification, design, development, testing, quality assurance, security and associated training for Information Technology based applications. See section 1.3 Out of Scope Work for a listing of projects expressly excluded from the scope of this Contract. An Authorized User Agreement for Project Based IT Consulting Services will be governed first by the terms and conditions specified in the OGS Centralized Contract and second by terms and conditions added to the Authorized User Statement of Work. Additional terms and conditions shall not conflict with or modify the terms and conditions of the OGS Centralized Contract. NYS Executive Agencies must adhere to all internal processes and approvals including, as required, approval from NYS Office of Information Technology Services. Other Authorized Users must adhere to their own internal processes and approvals. In accordance with Appendix B, section 28, Modification of Contract Terms, an Authorized User may add additional required terms and conditions to this Mini-Bid and resultant Authorized User Agreement only if such terms and conditions (1) are more favorable to the Authorized User and (2) do not conflict with or supersede the OGS Centralized Contract terms and conditions. Examples of additional terms and conditions include: • Expedited delivery timeframe; • Additional incentives, such as discount for expedited payment/Procurement Card use; and • Any additional requirements imposed by the funding source or Federal law.

  • Rules of Grievance Processing 1. Time limits of any stage of the grievance procedure may be extended by written mutual agreement of the parties at that step.

  • COVID-19 Protocols Contractor will abide by all applicable COVID-19 protocols set forth in the District’s Reopening and COVID-19 Mitigation Plan and the safety guidelines for COVID-19 prevention established by the California Department of Public Health and the Ventura County Department of Public Health.

  • How to File an Appeal of a Prescription Drug Denial For denials of a prescription drug claim based on our determination that the service was not medically necessary or appropriate, or that the service was experimental or investigational, you may request an appeal without first submitting a request for reconsideration. You or your physician may file a written or verbal prescription drug appeal with our pharmacy benefits manager (PBM). The prescription drug appeal must be submitted to us within one hundred and eighty (180) calendar days of the initial determination letter. You will receive written notification of our determination within thirty (30) calendar days from the receipt of your appeal. How to File an Expedited Appeal Your appeal may require immediate action if a delay in treatment could seriously jeopardize your health or your ability to regain maximum function, or would cause you severe pain. To request an expedited appeal of a denial related to services that have not yet been rendered (a preauthorization review) or for on-going services (a concurrent review), you or your healthcare provider should call: • our Grievance and Appeals Unit; or • our pharmacy benefits manager for a prescription drug appeal. Please see Section 9 for contact information. You will be notified of our decision no later than seventy-two (72) hours after our receipt of the request. You may not request an expedited review of covered healthcare services already received.

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