Illicit Code Except for the functions and features expressly disclosed in Supplier's documentation made available to Accenture, Deliverables will be free of any programs, subroutines, code, instructions, data or functions, (including but not limited to viruses, malware, worms, date bombs, time bombs, shut-down devices, keys, authorization codes, back doors or passwords allowing Supplier access) that may result in any inoperability, damage, interruption, or interference of the Deliverables or any equipment on which the Deliverables reside or with which the Deliverables are capable of communicating.
Privacy and Data Protection 8.1 The Receiving Party undertakes to comply with South Africa’s general privacy protection in terms Section 14 of the Xxxx of Rights in connection with this Bid and shall procure that its personnel shall observe the provisions of such Act [as applicable] or any amendments and re-enactments thereof and any regulations made pursuant thereto. 8.2 The Receiving Party warrants that it and its Agents have the appropriate technical and organisational measures in place against unauthorised or unlawful processing of data relating to the Bid and against accidental loss or destruction of, or damage to such data held or processed by them.
Data Protection Act 7.1 With respect to the parties' rights and obligations under this Contract, the parties agree that the Department is the Data Controller and that the Contractor is the Data Processor. 7.2 The Contractor shall: 7.2.1 Process the Personal Data only in accordance with instructions from the Department (which may be specific instructions or instructions of a general nature as set out in this Contract or as otherwise notified by the Department to the Contractor during the Term); 7.2.2 Process the Personal Data only to the extent, and in such manner, as is necessary for the provision of the Services or as is required by Law or any Regulatory Body; 7.2.3 The Contractor shall employ appropriate organisational, operational and technological processes and procedures to keep the Personal Data safe from unauthorised use or access, loss, destruction, theft or disclosure. The organisational, operational and technological processes and procedures adopted are required to comply with the requirements of ISO/IEC 27001 as appropriate to the services being provided to the Department; 7.2.4 Take reasonable steps to ensure the reliability of any Contractor Personnel who have access to the Personal Data; 7.2.5 Obtain prior written consent from the Department in order to transfer the Personal Data to any Sub-contractors or Affiliates for the provision of the Services; 7.2.6 Ensure that all Contractor Personnel required to access the Personal Data are informed of the confidential nature of the Personal Data and comply with the obligations set out in this clause 7; 7.2.7 Ensure that none of Contractor Personnel publish, disclose or divulge any of the Personal Data to any third party unless directed in writing to do so by the Department; 7.2.8 Notify the Department within five Working Days if it receives: a request from a Data Subject to have access to that person's Personal Data; or a complaint or request relating to the Department's obligations under the Data Protection Legislation; 7.2.9 Provide the Department with full cooperation and assistance in relation to any complaint or request made, including by: - providing the Department with full details of the complaint or request; - complying with a data access request within the relevant timescales set out in the Data Protection Legislation and in accordance with the Department's instructions; - providing the Department with any Personal Data it holds in relation to a Data Subject (within the timescales required by the Department); and - providing the Department with any information requested by the Department; 7.2.10 Permit the Department or the Department’s Representative (subject to reasonable and appropriate confidentiality undertakings), to inspect and audit the Contractor's data Processing activities (and/or those of its agents, subsidiaries and Sub-contractors) and comply with all reasonable requests or directions by the Department to enable the Department to verify and/or procure that the Contractor is in full compliance with its obligations under this Contract; 7.2.11 Provide a written description of the technical and organisational methods employed by the Contractor for processing Personal Data (within the timescales required by the Department) to be used solely for the purposes of this contract and provided that to do so would not be in breach of the Intellectual Property Rights (including Copyright) of a third party; and 7.2.12 Not process Personal Data outside the European Economic Area without the prior written consent of the Department and, where the Department consents to a transfer, to comply with: - the obligations of a Data Controller under the Eighth Data Protection Principle set out in Schedule 1 of the Data Protection Act 1998 by providing -an adequate level of protection to any Personal Data that is transferred; and - any reasonable instructions notified to it by the Department. 7.3 The Contractor shall comply at all times with the Data Protection Legislation and shall not perform its obligations under this Contract in such a way as to cause the Department to breach any of its applicable obligations under the Data Protection Legislation.
Dress Code CONTRACTOR shall maintain a dress code for their employee’s with a minimum of shirts, pants, and work shoes/boots, in decent condition, at all times while the work is being performed. In the event the COUNTY determines ID badges are necessary, the COUNTY will provide CONTRACTOR with ID badges and CONTRACTOR agrees to enforce that its employees, whether employed by CONTRACTOR or a subcontractor, wear such ID badge while working on site for the Project/Service.
Availability of Verizon Telecommunications Services 3.1 Verizon will provide a Verizon Telecommunications Service to Reconex for resale pursuant to this Attachment where and to the same extent, but only where and to the same extent, that such Verizon Telecommunications Service is provided to Verizon’s Customers. 3.2 Except as otherwise required by Applicable Law, subject to Section 3.1, Verizon shall have the right to add, modify, grandfather, discontinue or withdraw, Verizon Telecommunications Services at any time, without the consent of Reconex. 3.3 To the extent required by Applicable Law, the Verizon Telecommunications Services to be provided to Reconex for resale pursuant to this Attachment will include a Verizon Telecommunications Service customer-specific contract service arrangement (“CSA”) (such as a customer specific pricing arrangement or individual case based pricing arrangement) that Verizon is providing to a Verizon Customer at the time the CSA is requested by Reconex.
Use of Verizon Telecommunications Services 2.1 Verizon Telecommunications Services may be purchased by PNG under this Resale Attachment only for the purpose of resale by PNG as a Telecommunications Carrier. Verizon Telecommunications Services to be purchased by PNG for other purposes (including, but not limited to, PNG’s own use) must be purchased by PNG pursuant to other applicable Attachments to this Agreement (if any), or separate written agreements, including, but not limited to, applicable Verizon Tariffs. 2.2 PNG shall not resell: 2.2.1 Residential service to persons not eligible to subscribe to such service from Verizon (including, but not limited to, business or other nonresidential Customers); 2.2.2 Lifeline, Link Up America, or other means-tested service offerings, to persons not eligible to subscribe to such service offerings from Verizon; 2.2.3 Grandfathered or discontinued service offerings to persons not eligible to subscribe to such service offerings from Verizon; or 2.2.4 Any other Verizon service in violation of a restriction stated in this Agreement (including, but not limited to, a Verizon Tariff) that is not prohibited by Applicable Law. 2.2.5 In addition to any other actions taken by PNG to comply with this Section 2.2, PNG shall take those actions required by Applicable Law to determine the eligibility of PNG Customers to purchase a service, including, but not limited to, obtaining any proof or certification of eligibility to purchase Lifeline, Link Up America, or other means-tested services, required by Applicable Law. PNG shall indemnify Verizon from any Claims resulting from PNG’s failure to take such actions required by Applicable Law. 2.2.6 Verizon may perform audits to confirm PNG’s conformity to the provisions of this Section 2.2. Such audits may be performed twice per calendar year and shall be performed in accordance with Section 7 of the General Terms and Conditions. 2.3 PNG shall be subject to the same limitations that Verizon’s Customers are subject to with respect to any Telecommunications Service that Verizon grandfathers or discontinues offering. Without limiting the foregoing, except to the extent that Verizon follows a different practice for Verizon Customers in regard to a grandfathered Telecommunications Service, such grandfathered Telecommunications Service: (a) shall be available only to a Customer that already has such Telecommunications Service; (b) may not be moved to a new service location; and (c) will be furnished only to the extent that facilities continue to be available to provide such Telecommunications Service. 2.4 PNG shall not be eligible to participate in any Verizon plan or program under which Verizon Customers may obtain products or services, which are not Verizon Telecommunications Services, in return for trying, agreeing to purchase, purchasing, or using Verizon Telecommunications Services. 2.5 In accordance with 47 CFR § 51.617(b), Verizon shall be entitled to all charges for Verizon Exchange Access services used by interexchange carriers to provide service to PNG Customers.
Data Protection All personal data contained in the agreement shall be processed in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 45/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data by the EU institutions and bodies and on the free movement of such data. Such data shall be processed solely in connection with the implementation and follow-up of the agreement by the sending institution, the National Agency and the European Commission, without prejudice to the possibility of passing the data to the bodies responsible for inspection and audit in accordance with EU legislation (Court of Auditors or European Antifraud Office (XXXX)). The participant may, on written request, gain access to his personal data and correct any information that is inaccurate or incomplete. He/she should address any questions regarding the processing of his/her personal data to the sending institution and/or the National Agency. The participant may lodge a complaint against the processing of his personal data with the [national supervising body for data protection] with regard to the use of these data by the sending institution, the National Agency, or to the European Data Protection Supervisor with regard to the use of the data by the European Commission.
Transparency and Freedom of Information 15.1 The Contractor acknowledges that the Authority is subject to the requirements of FOISA and the Environmental Information Regulations. The Contractor shall: (a) provide all necessary assistance and cooperation as the Authority may reasonably request to enable the Authority to comply with its obligations under FOISA and Environmental Information Regulations; (b) transfer to the Authority all Requests for Information relating to this Agreement that the Contractor receives as soon as practicable and in any event within 2 Working Days of receipt; (c) provide the Authority with a copy of all information held on behalf of the Authority which is requested in a Request For Information and which is in the Contractor’s possession or control. The information must be provided within 5 Working Days (or such other period as the Authority may reasonably specify) in the form that the Authority requires. (d) not respond directly to a Request For Information addressed to the Authority unless authorised in writing to do so by the Authority. 15.2 If the Request for Information appears to be directed to information held by the Authority, the Contractor must promptly inform the applicant in writing that the Request for Information can be directed to the Authority. 15.3 If the Authority receives a Request for Information concerning the Framework Agreement, the Authority is responsible for determining at its absolute discretion whether the information requested is to be disclosed to the applicant or whether the information requested is exempt from disclosure in accordance with FOISA or the Environmental Information Regulations. 15.4 The Contractor acknowledges that the Authority may, acting in accordance with the Authority’s Code of Practice on the Discharge of Functions of Public Authorities issued under section 60(5) of FOISA (as may be issued and revised from time to time), be obliged under FOISA or the Environmental Information Regulations to disclose information requested concerning the Contractor or the Framework Agreement: 15.4.1 in certain circumstances without consulting the Contractor, or 15.4.2 following consultation with the Contractor and having taken its views into account.
TEACHER PROTECTION A. The teachers shall have the right to review those things in his/her personnel file to which he/she is entitled by Law. At the option of the teacher, a representative of the Association may be present for such review. Each file shall contain a record indicating reviewer and date of review, excluding school personnel official access for record maintenance. B. The teacher may submit a written notation regarding any material and the same will be attached to the file copy of the material in question. If the teacher is asked to sign material placed in his/her file, such signature will be understood to indicate his/her awareness of the material but in no instance shall said signature be interpreted to mean agreement with the content of the material. X. Any serious complaint made against a teacher by any parent, student, and other person will be promptly called to the attention of the teacher. D. If a teacher is to be disciplined or reprimanded by the Board or its designee, he/she shall be entitled to have a representative of the Association present. That representative shall be the teacher's choice between the building representative or another Association officer. E. Each teacher has the responsibility for maintaining proper student control and discipline throughout the school day as well as at school-sponsored activities where he/she is serving as a sponsor or chaperone. The teacher, however, has the primary responsibility for maintaining control and discipline in his/her classroom. The Board will give reasonable support and assistance to teachers with respect to maintenance of control and discipline. Whenever is appears that a particular pupil requires special attention, reasonable steps shall be taken to provide such attention. The teachers recognize that all disciplinary actions and methods invoked by them shall be in accordance with established Board policy. F. Any case of assault upon a teacher which is related to a school-centered problem shall be promptly reported to the Board or its designated representative. If the assault was by a pupil or pupils, the Administration shall promptly investigate the matter and determine suitable discipline for the assaulting pupil. This decision shall be communicated to the teacher concerned. If the assault is by an adult, who is not a pupil, the Board its designee representative shall promptly report the incident to the proper law enforcement authorities. G. A teacher may suspend a pupil from one (1) period, when the grossness of the offense, the persistence of the misbehavior, or the disruptive effect of the violation makes the continued presence of the student in that classroom intolerable. In such cases, the teacher will promptly (by the end of the school day) furnish the administrator or counselor full particulars of the incident. The teacher and the administration will cooperatively endeavor to achieve correction of student behavior through whatever avenues are reasonably available. H. School administrators and teachers will endeavor to achieve correction of the students' misbehavior through counseling and interviews with the child and his/her parents when warranted.
Privacy Act If performance involves design, development or operation of a system of records on individuals, this Agreement incorporates by reference FAR 52.224-1 Privacy Act Notification (Apr 1984) and FAR 52.224-2 Privacy Act (Apr 1984).