Tax Forms Required. The following are conditions on the City’s obligation to process any payment under the Master Agreement or any Approved Service Order:
Tax Forms Required under the Master Agreement or any Approved Service Order:
Tax Forms Required. The following are conditions on the City’s obligation to process any payment pursuant to this Agreement:
10.4.1 U.S. Based Person or Entity: If Calpine is a U.S. based person or entity, Calpine acknowledges and agrees that Calpine is required to provide the City with a properly completed Internal Revenue Service Form W-9 before the City will process payment. If Calpine is a U.S. based person or entity, but has neither a permanent place of business in California nor is registered with the California Secretary of State to do business in California, Calpine acknowledges and agrees that Calpine is required to provide the City with a properly completed California Franchise Tax Board form related to nonresident withholding of California source income.