TENANT'S TELEPHONE. Tenant is responsible for Tenant's telephone service. Tenant shall select Tenant's telephone system and shall coordinate its installation with the Landlord.
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TENANT'S TELEPHONE. Tenant is responsible for Tenant's telephone service. Tenant shall select Tenant's telephone system and shall coordinate its installation with Landlord. LEASE AMENDMENT NO. 5 This Lease Amendment No. 5 amends that certain Lease Agreement dated March 4, 1992, as amended by Lease Amendment No. 1 dated August 21, 1992, Lease Amendment No. 2 dated August 4, 1993, Lease Amendment No. 3 dated October 30, 1994, and Lease Amendment No. 4 dated June 1, 1997 (the "LEASE"), between BELLEVUE GOLDWELL ASSOCIATES LLC, a Delaware limited liability company ("LANDLORD") as the successor in interest by assignment to Sunset Office Limited Partnership, a Washington limited partnership, and Obayashi Corporation, a Japan corporation, and STARWAVE CORPORATION, a Washington corporation ("TENANT"), the successor in interest by assignment to VULCAN NORTHWEST, INC., a Washington corporation, covering space on the third and fifth floors of Sunset Corporate Campus, Building 1, 00000 X.X. Xxxxxxxx Xxx, Xxxxxxxx, Xxxxxxxxxx. The terms used herein shall have the same meanings as set forth in the Lease except as otherwise specified. As parties hereto, Landlord and Tenant hereby agree to further amend the Lease as follows:
TENANT'S TELEPHONE. Tenant shall give Landlord Tenant’s home phone number within two days after service is started or the phone number is changed.
TENANT'S TELEPHONE. Tenant is responsible for Tenant's telephone service. Tenant shall select Tenant's telephone system and shall coordinate its installation with Landlord. EXHIBIT C Addendum to Lease between SUNSET OFFICE LIMITED PARTNERSHIP and VULCAN NORTHWEST, INC. ADDITIONAL LEASE TERMS
TENANT'S TELEPHONE. Tenant is responsible for Tenant's telephone service. Tenant shall select Tenant's telephone system and shall coordinate its installation with Landlord. TENANT AND LANDLORD SHALL USE THEIR BEST EFFORTS TO ENSURE THAT THIS COMMENCEMENT OF OCCUPANCY IS ON OR BEFORE NOVEMBER 1, 1993, THEREFORE, THE DEADLINES FOR PLANS PER THIS EXHIBIT B-3 AND SUBSEQUENT PROJECTED DEADLINES FOR THE ACCOMPLISHMENT OF THE ENGINEERING, BIDDING PROCEDURE, AND AWARD OF BID ARE SIGNIFICANT TO THAT END: BIDS DUE FROM CONTRACTORS AT CLOSE OF BUSINESS: SEPTEMBER 2, 1993. BID ANALYSIS AND AWARD: SEPTEMBER 3, 1993. START OF CONSTRUCTION: SEPTEMBER 6, 1993. CONSTRUCTION PERIOD: EIGHT WEEKS COMMENCEMENT OF OCCUPANCY: NOVEMBER 1, 1993. TENANT SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR DELAYS IN COMPLETION IF SAID DELAYS WERE CAUSED BY TENANT OR TENANT'S AGENTS. LEASE AMENDMENT NO. 4 This Amendment No. 4 is to that certain Lease Agreement dated March 4, 1992 as amended by Lease Amendment No. 1 dated August 21, 1992, as amended by Lease Amendment No. 2 dated August 4, 1993, and assigned to STARWAVE CORPORATION by Lease Assignment and Assumption Agreement dated August 31, 1993, as amended by Lease Amendment No. 3 dated October 30, 1994 ("Lease"), between SUNSET OFFICE LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, a Washington limited partnership, whose interest under the Lease has been assigned to OBAYASHI CORPORATION, a Japan corporation ("Landlord"), and VULCAN NORTHWEST, a Washington corporation ("Tenant"), covering space on the third and fourth floors of Sunset Corporate Campus, Building I, 00000 X.X. Xxxxxxxx Xxx, Xxxxxxxx, Xxxxxxxxxx. The terms used herein shall have the same meaning as set forth in the Lease except as otherwise specified. As parties hereto, Landlord and Tenant hereby agree to further amend the Lease as follows:
TENANT'S TELEPHONE. All arrangements for telephone service and all ------------------ conduits for telephone wires in the Leased Premises.


  • Tenant’s Signage Tenant shall be entitled to install the following signage in connection with Tenant's lease of the Premises (collectively, the "Tenant's Signage"):

  • Tenant’s Equipment Tenant shall provide notice to Landlord prior to moving any heavy machinery, heavy equipment, freight, bulky matter or fixtures (collectively, “Equipment”) into or out of the Building and shall pay to Landlord any costs actually incurred by Landlord in connection therewith. If such Equipment requires special handling, Tenant agrees (a) to employ only persons holding all necessary licenses to perform such work, (b) all work performed in connection therewith shall comply with all applicable Requirements and (c) such work shall be done only during hours designated by Landlord.

  • TENANT'S TAXES Tenant's Taxes" shall mean (a) all taxes, assessments, license fees and other governmental charges or impositions levied or assessed against or with respect to Tenant's personal property or Trade Fixtures in the Premises, whether any such imposition is levied directly against Tenant or levied against Landlord or the Property, (b) all rental, excise, sales or transaction privilege taxes arising out of this Lease (excluding, however, state and federal personal or corporate income taxes measured by the income of Landlord from all sources) imposed by any taxing authority upon Landlord or upon Landlord's receipt of any rent payable by Tenant pursuant to the terms of this Lease ("Rental Tax"), and (c) any increase in Taxes attributable to inclusion of a value placed on Tenant's personal property, Trade Fixtures or Alterations. Tenant shall pay any Rental Tax to Landlord in addition to and at the same time as Base Rent is payable under this Lease, and shall pay all other Tenant's Taxes before delinquency (and, at Landlord's request, shall furnish Landlord satisfactory evidence thereof). If Landlord pays Tenant's Taxes or any portion thereof, Tenant shall reimburse Landlord upon demand for the amount of such payment, together with interest at the Interest Rate from the date of Landlord's payment to the date of Tenant's reimbursement.

  • Tenant’s Maintenance Subject to the provisions of Article Fourteen, Tenant, at its expense, shall keep and maintain the Premises and all Tenant Additions in good order, condition and repair and in accordance with all Laws and Environmental Laws. Tenant shall not permit waste and shall promptly and adequately repair all damages to the Premises and replace or repair all damaged or broken glass in the interior of the Premises, fixtures or appurtenances. Any repairs or maintenance shall be completed with materials of similar quality to the original materials, all such work to be completed under the supervision of Landlord. Any such repairs or maintenance shall be performed only by contractors or mechanics approved by Landlord, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld, and whose work will not cause or threaten to cause disharmony or interference with Landlord or other tenants in the Building and their respective agents and contractors performing work in or about the Building. If Tenant fails to perform any of its obligations set forth in this Section 8.02, Landlord may, in its sole discretion and upon 24 hours prior notice to Tenant (except without notice in the case of emergencies), perform the same, and Tenant shall pay to Landlord any costs or expenses incurred by Landlord upon demand.

  • TENANT’S MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR Tenant at its sole expense shall comply with all applicable laws and governmental regulations governing the Premises and make all repairs necessary to keep the Premises in the condition as existed on the Commencement Date (or on any later date that the improvements may have been installed), excepting ordinary wear and tear, including without limitation the electrical and mechanical systems, any air conditioning, ventilating or heating equipment which serves the Premises, all walls, glass, windows, doors, door closures, hardware, fixtures, electrical, plumbing, fire extinguisher equipment and other equipment. Any damage or deterioration of the Premises shall not be deemed ordinary wear and tear if the same could have been prevented by good maintenance practices by Tenant. As part of its maintenance obligations hereunder, Tenant shall, at Landlord’s request, provide Landlord with copies of all maintenance schedules, reports and notices prepared by, for or on behalf of Tenant. Tenant shall obtain preventive maintenance contracts from a licensed heating and air conditioning contractor to provide for regular inspection and maintenance of the heating, ventilating and air conditioning systems servicing the Premises, all subject to Landlord’s approval. All repairs shall be at least equal in quality to the original work, shall be made only by a licensed contractor approved in writing in advance by Landlord (which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld), and shall be made only at the time or times approved by Landlord. Any contractor utilized by Tenant shall be subject to Landlord’s standard requirements for contractors, as modified from time to time. Landlord shall have the right at all times (upon at least 24 hours’ prior notice) to inspect Tenant’s maintenance of all equipment (including without limitation air conditioning, ventilating and heating equipment), and may impose reasonable restrictions and requirements with respect to repairs, as provided in Section 7.3, and the provisions of Section 7.4 shall apply to all repairs. Alternatively, Landlord may elect to make any repair or maintenance required hereunder on behalf of Tenant and at Tenant’s expense, and Tenant shall promptly reimburse Landlord for all costs incurred upon submission of an invoice. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Section 7.1, in the event Tenant’s obligation for compliance with all applicable laws and governmental regulations, or making repairs, results in a capital improvement on Tenant’s part (or Tenant’s being obligated to reimburse Landlord for a capital improvement), Tenant shall only be responsible for the amortized cost of such capital improvement (amortized at a market cost of funds as reasonably determined by Landlord) over the useful life of such improvements during the Term (except in the event obligation for any such capital improvement is required due to Tenant’s particular use of the Premises, in which case Tenant shall be fully responsible for the entire cost and installation of such capital improvement).

  • Lessee The related Lessee is a Person other than MBFS USA, any Affiliate thereof or a Governmental Authority and, at the time of origination of the 201[__]-[__] Lease, based on information provided by the Lessee, the Lessee is located in and has a billing address within a State.

  • Maintenance Repairs Utility Installations Trade Fixtures and Alterations 7.1 Lessee's Obligations.

  • Tenant The complete name of every Tenant who will enter this lease with the intention of renting the Landlord’s property as a month-to-month rental is a necessary part of this document’s introduction. (3)

  • Tenant’s Repairs Subject to Section 13 hereof, Tenant, at its expense, shall repair, replace and maintain in good condition all portions of the Premises, including, without limitation, entries, doors, ceilings, interior windows, interior walls, and the interior side of demising walls. Such repair and replacement may include capital expenditures and repairs whose benefit may extend beyond the Term. Should Tenant fail to make any such repair or replacement or fail to maintain the Premises, Landlord shall give Tenant notice of such failure. If Tenant fails to commence cure of such failure within 10 days of Landlord’s notice, and thereafter diligently prosecute such cure to completion, Landlord may perform such work and shall be reimbursed by Tenant within 10 days after demand therefor; provided, however, that if such failure by Tenant creates or could create an emergency, Landlord may immediately commence cure of such failure and shall thereafter be entitled to recover the costs of such cure from Tenant. Subject to Sections 17 and 18, Tenant shall bear the full uninsured cost of any repair or replacement to any part of the Project that results from damage caused by Tenant or any Tenant Party and any repair that benefits only the Premises.

  • TENANT'S USE OF THE PREMISES Tenant shall use the Premises solely for the purposes set forth in Tenant's Use Clause. Tenant shall not use or occupy the Premises in violation of law or any covenant, condition or restriction affecting the Building or Project or the certificate of occupancy issued for the Building or Project, and shall, upon notice from Landlord, immediately discontinue any use of the Premises which is declared by any governmental authority having jurisdiction to be a violation of law or the certificate of occupancy. Tenant, at Tenant's own cost and expense, shall comply with all laws, ordinances, regulations, rules and/or any directions of any governmental agencies or authorities having jurisdiction which shall, by reason of the nature of Tenant's use or occupancy of the Premises, impose any duty upon Tenant or Landlord with respect to the Premises or its use or occupation. A judgment of any court of competent jurisdiction or the admission by Tenant in any action or proceeding against Tenant that Tenant has violated any such laws, ordinances, regulations, rules and/or directions in the use of the Premises shall be deemed to be a conclusive determination of that fact as between Landlord and Tenant. Tenant shall not do or permit to be done anything which will invalidate or increase the cost of any fire, extended coverage or other insurance policy covering the Building or Project and/or property located therein, and shall comply with all rules, orders, regulations, requirements and recommendations of the Insurance Services Office or any other organization performing a similar function. Tenant shall

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