Terms of work. 1.1. Trading account operations are conducted in accordance with this Agreement which is available for downloading on the Company's official website. 1.2. The Company does not pay interest on the funds deposited in the trading accounts and not used in trading. 1.3. The Client is under no circumstances allowed to use technical failures and eventual vulnerability of the operation of the Trading Platform for making profits. Upon detection of such facts, the Company reserves the right to compensate for losses caused by the Client’s actions at the expense of the Client (by use of funds available in the Client’s accounts) and terminate this Agreement unilaterally. 1.4. The Company will recognize Client Profiles and Trading accounts as immediately interrelated if any of such parameters as Metaquotes CID, Google Analytics ID, or IP address coincide, or if the Client attempts to use the same payment system account in different Client Profiles. 1.4.1. The Client agrees that the Company has the right to receive a refund of the losses arising from the Client's activity in their immediately interrelated Trading accounts using the funds held in any of those Trading accounts. 1.4.2. Eventual losses include but are not limited to the following: refund of payment systems' fees; refund of negative balance; affiliate commissions earned in breach of Affiliate Agreement terms; positive swaps; any other losses that may occur directly or indirectly as a result of the Client's failure to comply with this Agreement. 1.5. Under the terms of Copy Trading provision, the Company's liability shall be limited to providing the Clients with due technical operation of the Copy Trading software and Server, and shall not concern Traders’ trading results. 1.6. Non-trading operations within Client’s Profile targeted at gaining profit are banned. 1.7. MT Trading accounts in the Client Profile will be qualified as "MT Dormant Accounts" if none of them has had any balance operations for the past 90 days and none of them has any open trades (pending orders are not considered). If a position is opened or a balance operation is conducted in any MT Trading account in the Client Profile, MT Trading accounts will not be qualified as Dormant. 1.7.1. The Company undertakes to inform the Client that their MT trading account will be qualified as Dormant 7 (seven) calendar days before by sending them an email to the registered email address and a message via the Client Profile chat. 1.7.2. The Company charges an MT Account dormancy fee of 10 US dollars (or the equivalent in another currency) every 30 calendar days. If the account Balance is less than the dormancy fee, the Client will not be obliged to compensate for the missing amount. 1.7.3. MT Account Dormancy fees are charged automatically every 30 calendar days. 1.7.4. An MT Trading Account becomes an Archive account 40 calendar days after its Balance becomes equal to zero, regardless of the appearance of open positions or balance operations in any other Trading Account in the Client Profile. 1.8. A cTrader Trading account will be qualified as a "cTrader Dormant Account" if it has not had any Trading operations for the past 60 (sixty) days and does not have any open trades (pending orders are not considered). Opening a position or conducting a balance operation in other Trading accounts in the Client Profile will not be a reason for not qualifying a cTrader account as Dormant. 1.8.1. The Company undertakes to inform the Client that their cTrader Trading account has been qualified as Dormant by sending them an email to the registered email address and a message via the Client Profile on the same day. 1.8.2. The Company charges a cTrader Account dormancy fee of 10 US dollars (or the equivalent in another currency) every 30 calendar days. If the account Balance is less than the dormancy fee, the Client will not be obliged to compensate for the missing amount. 1.8.3. cTrader Account Dormancy fees are charged automatically every 30 calendar days.
Appears in 3 contracts
Samples: Client Agreement, Client Agreement, Client Agreement
Terms of work. 1.1. Trading account operations are conducted in accordance with this Agreement which is available for downloading on the Company's official website.
1.2. The Company does not pay interest on the funds deposited in the trading accounts and not used in trading.
1.3. The Client is under no circumstances allowed to use technical failures and eventual vulnerability of the operation of the Trading Platform for making profits. Upon detection of such facts, the Company reserves the right to compensate for losses caused by the Client’s actions at the expense of the Client (by use of funds available in the Client’s accounts) and terminate this Agreement unilaterally.
1.4. The Company will recognize Client Profiles and Trading accounts as immediately interrelated if any of such parameters as Metaquotes CID, Google Analytics ID, or IP address coincide, or if the Client attempts to use the same payment system account in different Client Profiles.
1.4.1. The Client agrees that the Company has the right to receive a refund of the losses arising from the Client's activity in their immediately interrelated Trading accounts using the funds held in any of those Trading accounts.
1.4.2. Eventual losses include but are not limited to the following: refund of payment systems' fees; refund of negative balance; affiliate commissions earned in breach of Affiliate Agreement terms; positive swaps; any other losses that may occur directly or indirectly as a result of the Client's failure to comply with this Agreement.
1.5. Under the terms of Copy Trading provision, the Company's liability shall be limited to providing the Clients with due technical operation of the Copy Trading software and Server, and shall not concern Traders’ trading results.
1.6. Non-trading operations within Client’s Profile targeted at gaining profit are banned.
1.7. MT Trading accounts in the Client Profile will be qualified as "MT Dormant Accounts" if none of them has had any balance operations for in the past 90 days and none of them has any open trades (pending orders are do not consideredcount). If a position is opened or a balance operation is conducted in any MT of the Trading account accounts in the Client Profile, MT none of the Trading accounts will not be qualified as Dormant.
1.7.1. The Company undertakes to inform notify the Client that their MT trading account will be qualified as Dormant thereof 7 (seven) calendar days before by sending them him/her an email to the registered email address and a chat message via the Client Profile chatClient’s Profile.
1.7.2. The Company charges an MT Account a dormancy fee of 10 US dollars (or the equivalent in another currency) every 30 calendar days. If the account Balance is less than the aggregate dormancy fee, the Client will shall not be obliged to compensate for the missing amountsum.
1.7.3. MT Account Dormancy fees are charged automatically every 30 calendar days.
1.7.4. An MT A Trading Account becomes an Archive account Archived 40 calendar days after its Balance becomes is equal to zero, regardless of the appearance of open positions positions, credit, or balance operations in transactions on any other of the Trading Account Accounts in the Client Profile. 1.8. A cTrader Trading account will be qualified as a "cTrader Dormant Account" if it has not had any Trading operations for the past 60 (sixty) days and does not have any open trades (pending orders are not considered). Opening a position or conducting a balance operation in other Trading accounts in the Client Profile will not be a reason for not qualifying a cTrader account as Dormant.
1.8.1. The Company undertakes to inform the Client that their cTrader Trading account has been qualified as Dormant by sending them an email to the registered email address and a message via the Client Profile on the same day.
1.8.2. The Company charges a cTrader Account dormancy fee of 10 US dollars (or the equivalent in another currency) every 30 calendar days. If the account Balance is less than the dormancy fee, the Client will not be obliged to compensate for the missing amount.
1.8.3. cTrader Account Dormancy fees are charged automatically every 30 calendar days.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Client Agreement, Client Agreement
Terms of work. 1.1. Trading account operations are conducted in accordance with this Agreement which is available for downloading on the Company's official website.
1.2. The Company does not pay interest on the funds deposited in the trading accounts and not used in trading.
1.3. The Client is under no circumstances allowed to use technical failures and eventual vulnerability of the operation of the Trading Platform for making profits. Upon detection of such facts, the Company reserves the right to compensate for losses caused by the Client’s actions at the expense of the Client (by use of funds available in the Client’s accounts) and terminate this Agreement unilaterally.
1.4. The Company will recognize Client Profiles and Trading accounts as immediately interrelated if any of such parameters as Metaquotes CID, Google Analytics ID, or IP address coincide, or if the Client attempts to use the same payment system account in different Client Profiles.
1.4.1. The Client agrees that the Company has the right to receive a refund of the losses arising from the Client's activity in their immediately interrelated Trading accounts using the funds held in any of those Trading accounts.
1.4.2. Eventual losses include but are not limited to the following: refund of payment systems' fees; refund of negative balance; affiliate commissions earned in breach of Affiliate Agreement terms; positive swaps; any other losses that may occur directly or indirectly as a result of the Client's failure to comply with this Agreement.
1.5. Under the terms of Copy Trading provision, the Company's liability shall be limited to providing the Clients with due technical operation of the Copy Trading software and Server, and shall not concern Traders’ trading results.
1.6. Non-trading operations within Client’s Profile targeted at gaining profit are banned.
1.7. MT Trading accounts in the Client Profile will be qualified as "MT Dormant Accounts" if none of them has had any balance operations for in the past 90 days and none of them has any open trades (pending orders are do not consideredcount). If a position is opened or a balance operation is conducted in any MT of the Trading account accounts in the Client Profile, MT none of the Trading accounts will not be qualified as Dormant.
1.7.1. The Company undertakes to inform notify the Client that their MT trading account will be qualified as Dormant thereof 7 (seven) calendar days before by sending them him/her an email to the registered email address and a chat message via the Client Profile chatClient’s Profile.
1.7.2. The Company charges an MT Account a dormancy fee of 10 US dollars (or the equivalent in another currency) every 30 calendar days. If the account Balance is less than the aggregate dormancy fee, the Client will shall not be obliged to compensate for the missing amountsum.
1.7.3. MT Account Dormancy fees are charged automatically every 30 calendar days.
1.7.4. An MT Trading Account A Dormant account becomes an Archive account 40 calendar days next month after its the Dormant Account Balance becomes equal to zero, regardless of the appearance of open positions or balance operations in any other Trading Account in the Client Profile. 1.8. A cTrader Trading account will be qualified as a "cTrader Dormant Account" if it has not had any Trading operations for the past 60 (sixty) days and does not have any open trades (pending orders are not considered). Opening a position or conducting a balance operation in other Trading accounts in the Client Profile will not be a reason for not qualifying a cTrader account as Dormant.
1.8.1. The Company undertakes to inform the Client that their cTrader Trading account has been qualified as Dormant by sending them an email to the registered email address and a message via the Client Profile on the same day.
1.8.2. The Company charges a cTrader Account dormancy fee of 10 US dollars (or the equivalent in another currency) every 30 calendar days. If the account Balance is less than the dormancy fee, the Client will not be obliged to compensate for the missing amount.
1.8.3. cTrader Account Dormancy fees are charged automatically every 30 calendar days.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Client Agreement