THE LICENSED PERIOD. The duration of the License shall be 24 (Twenty four) Months, commencing from the , 2006 and shall end on the close of business hours on the -, 200_ (both days inclusive). And the Parties do hereby agree that from , 2006 the License shall commence.
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THE LICENSED PERIOD. The duration of the License cum limited and restricted permission shall be 33 (THIRTY THREE) MONTHS, commencing from the 13TH DAY OF AUGUST 2004, and shall end on the close of the business hours on the 12th May 2007. The said entire license period of 33 (thirty-three) months shall be lock-in-period, during which neither of the parties hereto shall be entitled to terminate this Agreement, except what is provided herein. The LICENSOR shall give the LICENSEE the possession of the said licensed premises on the 13TH DAY OF MAY, 2004 (after due completion of All structure and Masonry works, Internal GVP plastering excluding toilet areas and , Brick bat flooring, Double glazed Aluminum windows and temporary Power and temporary Water connection at floor.) for the purposes of installation of the furniture, fixtures, fittings and other appliances of the LICENSEE and the Licensor shall not charge the licensee for the period commencing from 13TH MAY, 2004 till 12th Aug, 2004.


  • LICENSE TERM The license term shall commence upon the License Effective Date, provided, however, that where an acceptance or trial period applies to the Product, the License Term shall be extended by the time period for testing, acceptance or trial.

  • Licensed Territory Worldwide NIH Patent License Agreement—Exclusive APPENDIX C – ROYALTIES Royalties:

  • Royalty Term On a country-by-country and Licensed Product-by-Licensed Product basis, royalty payments in the Territory shall commence upon the first commercial sale of such Licensed Product, whether such sale is to a Public Purchaser, Governmental Authority or private entity or person and whether such sale is made under an EUA or Key Approval, in such country in the Territory and will terminate upon the later of: (a) the expiration, invalidation or abandonment date of the last Valid Claim of the Patents in the country of sale or manufacture of such Licensed Product in the Territory or (b) expiration of regulatory exclusivity of such Licensed Product in such country of sale in the Territory (the “Royalty Term”).

  • Royalty Period The royalty set forth in Section 7.1 will be payable during a period which shall commence on the Effective Date and shall continue on a country-by-country, Product-by- Product basis, for the longer of: (a) fifteen (15) years from the date of the First Commercial Sale of such Product in such country; and (b) until the last to expire of the Ramot Patents or Joint Patents in such country (the "Royalty Period").

  • Exclusivity Period During the Exclusivity Period each Party shall:

  • Licensed Products Lessee will obtain no title to Licensed Products which will at all times remain the property of the owner of the Licensed Products. A license from the owner may be required and it is Lessee's responsibility to obtain any required license before the use of the Licensed Products. Lessee agrees to treat the Licensed Products as confidential information of the owner, to observe all copyright restrictions, and not to reproduce or sell the Licensed Products.

  • Marking of Licensed Products To the extent commercially feasible and consistent with prevailing business practices, Company shall xxxx, and shall cause its Affiliates and Sublicensees to xxxx, all Licensed Products that are manufactured or sold under this Agreement with the number of each issued patent under the Patent Rights that applies to such Licensed Product.

  • Licensed Product “Licensed Product” shall mean any article, composition, apparatus, substance, chemical material, method, process or service whose manufacture, use, or sale is covered or claimed by a Valid Claim within the Patent Rights. For clarity, a “Licensed Product” shall not include other product or material that (a) is used in combination with Licensed Product, and (b) does not constitute an article, composition, apparatus, substance, chemical material, method, process or service whose manufacture, use, or sale is covered or claimed by a Valid Claim within the Patent Rights.

  • License Termination Customer may terminate the license for an ICA Program at any time on one month's written notice to IBM. For ICA Program licenses that Customer acquired for a one-time charge, replacement licenses may be acquired for an upgrade charge, if available. When Customer obtains licenses for these replacement ICA Programs, Customer agrees to terminate the license of the replaced ICA Programs when charges become due, unless IBM specifies otherwise. IBM may terminate Customer’s license if Customer fails to comply with the license terms. If IBM does so, Customer’s authorization to use the ICA Program is also terminated.

  • Licensed Patent Rights The term “Licensed Patent Rights” shall mean rights arising out of or resulting from:

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