THE ORIGINAL AGREEMENT AND THE SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT. Upon the conclusion of a tender process for the selection of the contractor for the foundation pit support as well as earth and stone and piling works for the Northern Land, on 29 June 2018, Guangdong Land Shenzhen (a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company) entered into the Original Agreement with the Contractor in relation to the Works for the Northern Land at the Consideration of RMB131,307,380.18 (equivalent to approximately HK$148,959,000). In view of the new policy of the local government for earth-and-stone transportation vehicles, Guangdong Land Shenzhen entered into the Supplemental Agreement with the Contractor in relation to the Works for the Northern Land on 4 July 2019, pursuant to which, both parties agreed upon, inter alia, an increase of RMB39,607,637.38 (equivalent to approximately HK$44,932,000) of the total consideration, which amounts to RMB170,915,017.56 (equivalent to approximately HK$193,891,000) upon the increase. LISTING RULES IMPLICATIONS Since one of the applicable percentage ratios (as defined in Rule 14.07 of the Listing Rules) in respect of the transactions contemplated under the Original Agreement and the Supplemental Agreement in aggregate exceeds 5% but all of them are less than 25%, the transactions contemplated under the Original Agreement and the Supplemental Agreement will constitute a discloseable transaction for the Company under Chapter 14 of the Listing Rules.
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THE ORIGINAL AGREEMENT AND THE SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT. A summary of the principal terms of the Original Agreement and Supplemental Agreement is set out below: Parties Principal (發包人) : Guangdong Land Shenzhen, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company Contractor (承包人): The Contractor To the best of the Directors’ knowledge, information and belief having made all reasonable enquiries, the Contractor and its ultimate beneficial owner(s) are not connected persons of the Company and thus it is a third party independent of the Group. Subject matter On 6 September 2018, the Contractor was appointed as the contractor for the works in respect of foundation pit support as well as earth-and-stone and piling works (“Works for the Southern Land”) for properties on the Southern Land including, inter alia, earth-and-stone works, foundation pit support works, piling works etc. In view of the new policy of the local government for earth-and-stone transportation vehicles, Guangdong Land Shenzhen entered into the Supplemental Agreement with the Contractor on 4 July 2019 for the purpose of, inter alia, additional payment for works and extension of tentative completion date for 2 months (the completion date of the Original Agreement is 11 December 2019, which is changed to 11 February 2020 as amended by the Supplemental Agreement).


  • Supplemental Agreements The TIPS Member entity participating in the TIPS Agreement and awarded Vendor may enter into a separate Supplemental Agreement or contract to further define the level of service requirements over and above the minimum defined in this Agreement such as but not limited to, invoice requirements, ordering requirements, specialized delivery, etc. Any Supplemental Agreement or contract developed as a result of this Agreement is exclusively between the TIPS Member entity customer and the Vendor. TIPS, its agents, TIPS Members and employees not a party to the Supplemental Agreement with the TIPS Member customer, shall not be made party to any claim for breach of such agreement unless named and agreed by the Party in question in writing in the agreement. If a Vendor submitting a Proposal requires TIPS and/or TIPS Member to sign an additional agreement, those agreements shall comply with the award made by TIPS to the Vendor. Supplemental Vendor’s Agreement documents may not become part of TIPS’ Agreement with Vendor unless and until an authorized representative of TIPS reviews and approves it. TIPS review and approval may be at any time during the life of this Vendor Agreement. TIPS permits TIPS Members to negotiate additional terms and conditions with the Vendor for the provision of goods or services under the Vendor’s TIPS Agreement so long as they do not materially conflict with this Agreement. Survival Clause All applicable sales, leases, Supplemental Agreements, contracts, software license agreements, warranties or service agreements that were entered into between Vendor and TIPS or the TIPS Member Customer under the terms and conditions of this Agreement shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement. All Orders, Purchase Orders issued or contracts executed by TIPS or a TIPS Member and accepted by the Vendor prior to the expiration or termination of this agreement, shall survive expiration or termination of the Agreement, subject to previously agreed terms and conditions agreed by the parties or as otherwise specified herein relating to termination of this agreement.

  • Sales and Supplemental Agreements The terms of the specific TIPS order, including but not limited to: shipping, freight, insurance, delivery, fees, bonding, cost, delivery expectations and location, returns, refunds, terms, conditions, cancellations, order assistance, etc., shall be controlled by the purchase agreement (Purchase Order, Contract, Invoice, etc.) (hereinafter “Supplemental Agreement”) entered into between the TIPS Member Customer and Vendor only. TIPS is not a party to any Supplemental Agreement. All Supplemental Agreements shall include Vendor’s Name, as known to TIPS, and TIPS Contract Name and Number. Vendor accepts and understands that TIPS is not a legal party to TIPS Sales and Vendor is solely responsible for identifying fraud, mistakes, unacceptable terms, or misrepresentations for the specific order prior to accepting. Vendor agrees that any order issued from a customer to Vendor, even when processed through TIPS, constitutes a legal contract between the customer and Vendor only. When Vendor accepts or fulfills an order, even when processed through TIPS, Vendor is representing that Vendor has carefully reviewed the order for legality, authenticity, and accuracy and TIPS shall not be liable or responsible for the same. In the event of a conflict between the terms of this TIPS Vendor Agreement and those contained in any Supplemental Agreement, the provisions set forth herein shall control unless otherwise agreed to and authorized by the Parties in writing within the Supplemental Agreement.

  • Conflict Between this Amendment and the Agreement This Amendment shall be deemed to revise the terms and provisions of the Agreement to the extent necessary to give effect to the terms and provisions of this Amendment. In the event of a conflict between the terms and provisions of this Amendment and the terms and provisions of the Agreement this Amendment shall govern, provided, however, that the fact that a term or provision appears in this Amendment but not in the Agreement, or in the Agreement but not in this Amendment, shall not be interpreted as, or deemed grounds for finding, a conflict for purposes of this Section 4.1.

  • Supplemental Agreement If the State finds that the work does constitute additional work, the State shall so advise the Engineer and a written supplemental agreement will be executed as provided in General Provisions, Article 6,

  • Entire Agreement; Amendment and Waiver This Agreement constitutes the full and entire understanding and agreement between the parties with regard to the subject matter hereof. Any term of this Agreement may be amended and the observance of any term hereof may be waived (either prospectively or retroactively and either generally or in a particular instance) only with the written consent of the parties to this Agreement.

  • Scope Entire Agreement and Amendment 301 Contract. This contract consists of 10 numbered pages and any Attachments as required. In the case of dispute or ambiguity arising between or among the documents, the order of precedence of document interpretation is the same.

  • TIPS Sales and Supplemental Agreements If awarded, when making a sale under this awarded contract, the terms of the specific TIPS order, including but not limited to: shipping, freight, insurance, delivery, fees, bonding, cost, delivery expectations and location, returns, refunds, terms, conditions, cancellations, defects, order assistance, etc., shall be controlled by the purchase agreement (Purchase Order, Contract, AIA Contract, Invoice, etc.) (“Supplemental Agreement” as used herein) entered into between the TIPS Member Customer and Vendor only. TIPS is not a party to any Supplemental Agreement. All Supplemental Agreements shall include Vendor’s Name, as known to TIPS, and TIPS Contract Name and Number. Vendor accepts and understands that TIPS is not a legal party to TIPS Sales and Vendor is solely responsible for identifying fraud, mistakes, unacceptable terms, or misrepresentations for the specific order prior to accepting. Vendor agrees that any order issued from a customer to Vendor, even when processed through TIPS, constitutes a legal contract between the customer and Vendor only. When Vendor accepts or fulfills an order, even when processed through TIPS, Vendor is representing that Vendor has carefully reviewed the order for legality, authenticity, and accuracy and TIPS shall not be liable or responsible for the same. In the event of a conflict between the terms of this TIPS Vendor Agreement and those contained in any Supplemental Agreement, the provisions set forth herein shall control unless otherwise agreed to and authorized by the Parties in writing within the Supplemental Agreement. The Supplemental Agreement shall dictate the scope of services, the project delivery expectations, the scheduling of projects and milestones, the support requirements, and all other terms applicable to the specific sale(s) between the Vendor and the TIPS Member.

  • Execution of Agreement and Effective Date The Agreement shall become effective (i.e., final and binding) upon the date of signing of this Agreement and the CAP by the last signatory (Effective Date).

  • Indemnity for Underlying Sales and Supplemental Agreements Vendor shall be solely responsible for any customer claims or any disputes arising out of TIPS Sales or any Supplemental Agreement as if sold in the open-market. The Parties agree that TIPS shall not be liable for any claims arising out of Vendor’s TIPS Sales or Supplemental Agreements, including but not limited to: allegations of product defect or insufficiency, allegations of service defect or insufficiency, allegations regarding delivery defect or insufficiency, allegations of fraud or misrepresentation, allegations regarding pricing or amounts owed for TIPS sales, and/or allegations regarding payment, over-payment, under-payment, or non-payment for TIPS Sales. Payment/Drafting, overpayment/over-drafting, under- payment/under-drafting, or non-payment for TIPS Sales between customer and Vendor and inspections, rejections, or acceptance of such purchases shall be the exclusive respective obligations of Vendor/Customer, and disputes shall be handled in accordance with the terms of the underlying Supplemental Agreement(s) entered into between Vendor and Customer. Vendor acknowledges that TIPS is not a dealer, subcontractor, agent, or reseller of Vendor’s goods and services and shall not be responsible for any claims arising out of alleged insufficiencies or defects in Vendor’s goods and services, should any arise.

  • Rental Agreement All of the Roommates agree to be bound by all of the terms of the Rental Agreement.

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