February 2020 Sample Clauses
February 2020. Protocol on pay bands Protocol on cooperation project Protocol on pension project Protocol on designers with a master’s degree (cand.de- sign/MA Design) Protocol on common guidance notes
February 2020. 10:00 – 11:00 11:00 -11:30
February 2020. Provisions:
February 2020. If advertiser or sponsor does not meet the above-published deadlines, SPE cannot guarantee advertising space and reserves the right to invoke penalties for late submissions.
February 2020. Head Office
February 2020. The Joint Venture was approved by the shareholders of Gadang at the EGM held on 23 April 2014 (“2014 EGM”). Subsequent to the 2014 EGM, the Parties had entered into various supplemental agreements to vary, among others, certain components of the Project i.e. from three (3) tower blocks of office suites and two (2) tower blocks of hotel suites to a tower block of hotel suites, a tower block of serviced suites and three (3) tower blocks of serviced apartments (collectively, the “Remaining Blocks”). The construction works for the retail podium comprising 13 levels of retail with car park and one
February 2020. This Agreement is governed by the laws of Italy.
February 2020. On Wednesday the Hàbitat3 Foundation and Cellnex Telecom signed a co- operation agreement as part of the Llar Casa Bloc project led by Habitat3, through which the telecommu- nications infrastructure operator will provide connectivity and sensorisation technologies to the social homes to be built, making it easier to monitor energy consumption or aspects related to resident comfort.
February 2020. Chemical Industry Federation of Finland The Federation of Professional and Managerial Staff (Ytn)
February 2020. Cash Settlement Amounts: The Cash Settlement Amount shall be determined and payable as follows: ● If on any Valuation Date t, (from t=1 to 11 inclusive), Sharet Share0 ≥ 100% then the Equity Amount Payer will pay to the Equity Amount Receiver on the immediately following Cash Settlement Payment Date t, a Cash Settlement Amount in EUR equal to 100% of the Notional Amount. ● Otherwise, on Valuation Date t=12, Sharet Share0 ≥ 60% then the Equity Amount Payer will pay to the Equity Amount Receiver on the Cash Settlement Payment Date t=12, a Cash Settlement Amount in EUR equal to: Notional Amount × 100% Sharet Share0 < 60% , then the Equity Amount Payer will pay to the Equity Amount Receiver on Cash Settlement Payment Date t=12, a Cash Settlement Amount in EUR determined in accordance with the following formula: x Sharet Share0 Where: