OWNERS’ ASSOCIATION 13.1 That the Purchaser shall become a member of the association / society that has been formed (details of association are given in annexure – A) to look after the maintenance of the Housing Project and shall abide by its rules. 13.2 In case the society / association has yet to be formed, the Purchaser shall pay to the Vendor such proportionate cost of outgoings such as common water charges, common lights, repairs, salaries of clerk, watchman, sweepers, etc., as may be determined by the Vendor. It is proposed that the monthly maintenance charges payable by the Purchaser to the Association/Vendor shall be Rs. 2/- per sft from the deemed date of completion of the Scheduled Flat. The rate shall be subject to change and periodic upward revision. 13.3 If the Purchaser ever fails to pay maintenance charges, corpus fund or other charges related to the Scheduled Flat, the Association shall be entitled to disconnect and stop providing all or any services to the Scheduled Flat including water, electricity, etc. Further, the Purchaser may be barred from using common amenities like clubhouse, swimming pool, parks, open areas, generator backup, etc., till such time all arrears are cleared. 13.4 The Purchaser shall pay corpus fund to the Association at the time of taking possession of the completed flat. The details of corpus fund payable are given in Annexure – A. The details of the initial monthly maintenance charges payable by the Purchaser to the Association/Vendor, from the deemed date of completion of the Scheduled Flat is given in Annexure -A. 13.5 The Vendor has proposed to deliver the common amenities in phases on or before completion of the last block of flats. The monthly maintenance charges payable by the Purchaser to the Association shall not be linked to provision/completion of common amenities. The Purchaser shall not raise any objection on this count. 13.6 The monthly maintenance charges payable to the Association are proposed to be increased from time to time and the Purchaser shall be liable to pay such increased charges. 13.7 The Purchaser agrees not to withhold or delay payment of monthly maintenance charges to the Association for any defects in construction. Repairs/correction of defects in construction, if any, is the responsibility of the Vendor and the Purchaser agrees to not withhold payment of monthly maintenance charges. 13.8 The Vendor shall be entitled to form the Owners Association and draft its bye-laws as he deems fit and proper. The Vendor and its nominees shall be the founding members of the Association. The Association shall be handed over to the members of the Association (i.e., prospective purchasers) at the time of completion of the entire Housing Project, by calling for elections for its executive committee members. Till such time the Vendor and its nominees shall run the day today affairs of the Association. The Purchaser shall not raise any objection on this count.
HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION 9.1 The Purchaser acknowledges that the Property falls under the jurisdiction of the HOA, being a new Homeowners’ Association, which came into existence on registration of transfer of the first Erf in the Development from the Seller to a third party purchaser, it being recorded that the HOA is established for the benefit of, inter alia, all of owners of xxxxx in the Development and to control and maintain roads, services and amenities within, inter alia, the Development.
The Association The Haysville Education Association, affiliated with the Kansas-National Education Association and the National Education Association. It is understood that HEA when used in this agreement refers to the Haysville Education Association.
Business Associate “Business Associate” shall have the same meaning as the term “business associate” at 45 C.F.R. 160.103, and shall refer to Contractor.
ASSOCIATION AND TEACHER RIGHTS A. Pursuant to the Michigan Public Employment Relations Act, the Board hereby agrees that every employee of the Board shall have the right freely to organize, join and support the Association for the purpose of engaging in collective bargaining or negotiation and other concerted activities for mutual aid and protection. As a duly elected body exercising governmental power under color of law of the State of Michigan, the Board undertakes and agrees that it will not directly or indirectly discourage or deprive or coerce any teacher in the enjoyment of any rights conferred by the Act or other laws of Michigan or the Constitution of Michigan and the United States; that it will not discriminate against any teacher with respect to hours, wages, or any terms or conditions of employment by reason of his membership in the Association, the teacher's participation in any activities of the Association or collective professional negotiations with the Board, or their institution of any grievance, complaint or proceeding under this Agreement or otherwise with respect to any terms or conditions of employment. B. Nothing contained herein shall be construed to deny or restrict to any teacher rights he may have under the Michigan General School Laws or other applicable laws and regulations. The rights granted to teachers hereunder shall be deemed to be in addition to those provided elsewhere. C. The local Xxxxxxxx Education Association and its representatives shall have the right to use school buildings at all reasonable after school hours for meetings, provided that when special custodial service is required, the Board may make a reasonable charge therefore, provided that this shall not interfere with or interrupt normal school operations. D. Duly authorized representatives of the Association and their respective affiliates shall be permitted to transact official Association business on school property at all reasonable times, provided that this shall not interfere with or interrupt normal school operations. E. The Association shall have the exclusive right to post notices of activities and matters of Association concern on teacher bulletin boards, at least one of which shall be provided in each school building. The Association may use the district intra-mail service and teacher mail boxes for communications to teachers. F. The Board agrees to make available to the Association in response to reasonable requests all public information concerning the financial resources of the district, including but not limited to: annual financial reports and audits, register of certificated personnel, tentative budgetary requirements and allocations (including county allocation board budgets), agendas and minutes of all Board meetings, treasurer's reports, census and membership data, names and addresses of all teachers, salaries paid thereto and educational background, and such other information as will assist the Association in developing intelligent, accurate, informed and constructive programs on behalf of the teachers and their students, together with information which may be necessary for the Association to process any grievance or complaint. G. The Board may consult with the Association on any new or modified fiscal, budgetary or tax programs, construction programs, or major revisions of educational policy, which are proposed or under consideration and the Association may be given opportunity to advise the Board with respect to said matters prior to their adoption and/or general publication. The Board shall not submit any proposal for additional operational or building millage without prior consultation with the Association. H. The provisions of this Agreement shall be applied without regard to race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, sex and/or marital status. Membership in the Association shall not be denied to any teacher because of race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, sex and/or marital status. I. The rights granted herein to the Association shall not be granted or extended to any competing labor organization. J. The Board shall place on the agenda of each regular board meeting as the first or second item for consideration under "new business" any matters brought to its consideration by the Association so long as those matters are made known to the Superintendent's Office six (6) calendar days prior to said regular meeting. K. The Association shall have a maximum of eleven (11) days total each school year of released time without loss of pay for officers, delegates, committee chairpersons, and/or members to take part in business which pertains to the Association. The Association President shall make all requests on behalf of Association members. The Association shall provide at least five (5) days prior notice. The Association shall pay the substitute fee. Substitutes will be obtained through regular channels.
RIGHTS OF THE ASSOCIATION A. The Association and its representatives shall have the right to use school buildings for meetings at all reasonable hours, provided such use does not conflict with school use. When special custodial service is required, the Board may make a customary charge therefore. Applications for use of school facilities shall be made in advance at the office of the Superintendent, and such use will be subject to such limitations and restrictions as shall be set forth in a permit issued by he/she or his/her office staff. B. Duly authorized representatives of the Association shall be permitted to transact Association business on school property at all reasonable hours, provided, that such business transactions shall not interfere with school activities. Association officials who are not employees of this district shall be permitted to visit school premises to transact official Association business, provided they first report to the office of the building principal upon entry, state the nature of their business and secure permission from the principal. Permission shall not be withheld if in the opinion of the principal the Association official's visit will not interfere with or interrupt school operations. C. The Association shall have the right to use school facilities and equipment, including typewriters, other duplicating equipment, calculating machines, and all types of audio- visual equipment, at reasonable times, when such equipment is not otherwise in use. The Association shall pay for the reasonable cost of all materials, supplies and repairs incident to such use. The right herein granted is limited to use of said machines and equipment within the school buildings following student session hours. D. The Association shall have the right to post notices of its activities and matters of Association concern on teacher bulletin boards, at least one of which shall be provided in each school building. The Association may use the teacher mailboxes for communications to teachers; provided that the appropriate Association official affixes his/her signature to every notice distributed or posted on or through school facilities. The members of the association may communicate Calumet Education Association business on the District’s computer network. In order to access the e-mail and internet, the Calumet Education Association and association members must sign the Board Network and Internet Access Agreement. The Board shall establish an Association e-mail listserv. E. The Board and the Association agree that arbitrarily imposed standards of dress for teachers are quite unnecessary. They further recognize the teacher's freedom to dress as he/she pleases outside the academic setting as one of his/her individual personal rights and freedoms. Teachers recognize however, that some rights are of necessity secondary to the responsibility to set an example for students within the academic setting. If occasion arises when either party feels that this paragraph should be invoked, a joint committee of two members representing the Board and two representing the Association will meet to review the problem and recommend appropriate action.
Anti-Lobbying Subrecipient certifies that it will comply with federal law (31 U.S.C. 1352) and regulations found at 24 CFR Part 87, which provide that: a. No federal appropriated funds will be paid, by or on behalf of it, to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with the awarding of any federal contract, the making of any federal grant, the making of any Federal loan, the entering into of any Cooperative Agreement, and the extension, continuation, renewal, amendment, or modification of any federal contract, grant, loan, or Cooperative Agreement; and b. Subrecipient shall include subject anti-lobbying certification in award documents for all sub-Subrecipients at all tiers (including sub-subcontracts, sub-subgrants, and contract under grants, loans, and Cooperative Agreements) and that all sub-Subrecipients shall certify and disclose accordingly.
Summary of Policy and Prohibitions on Procurement Lobbying Pursuant to State Finance Law §139-j and §139-k, this Contract includes and imposes certain restrictions on communications between OGS and a Vendor during the procurement process. A Vendor is restricted from making contacts from the earliest notice of intent to solicit offers/bids through final award and approval of the Procurement Contract by OGS and, if applicable, the Office of the State Comptroller (“restricted period”) to other than designated staff unless it is a contact that is included among certain statutory exceptions set forth in State Finance Law §139-j(3)(a). Designated staff, as of the date hereof, is identified in Appendix G, Contractor and OGS Information, or as otherwise indicated by OGS. OGS employees are also required to obtain certain information when contacted during the restricted period and make a determination of the responsibility of the Vendor pursuant to these two statutes. Certain findings of non-responsibility can result in rejection for contract award and in the event of two findings within a four-year period; the Vendor is debarred from obtaining governmental Procurement Contracts. Further information about these requirements can be found on the OGS website: xxxx://xxx.xxx.xx.xxx/aboutOgs/regulations/defaultSFL_139j-k.asp.
Remedies of the Association 4.01. The Additional Event of Suspension consists of the following: a situation has arisen which shall make it improbable that the Program, or a significant part of it, will be carried out.
ASSOCIATION AND EMPLOYEE RIGHTS A. The Association shall have the right to use Xxxxxxx school buildings and facilities provided such usage does not interfere with District operations. Requests will be submitted through the procedures established by the District and are subject to the provisions of Board Policy. Any costs above and beyond the building usage policy incurred through such usage shall be assumed by the Association. B. The Association shall have the right to use District equipment (including copy machines, audio visual equipment, etc.) with the approval of the Superintendent or his/her designee. Any costs of materials incurred in such usage shall be assumed by the Association. Employees will also be provided all materials necessary to perform their expected duties. C. Where possible, bulletin boards and mailboxes shall be made available to the Association and bargaining unit members in each building that bargaining unit members are assigned to. D. Duly authorized representatives of the Association shall be permitted to transact official business on school property, provided that such business shall not interfere with normal operations. Representatives of the Association not employed by the District shall notify the supervisor of the affected employees of their presence. E. The Association may request the Board place items of interest to it on the Board agenda. These items must be filed with the Superintendent one (1) week before each regular Board meeting, unless agreed otherwise by the Superintendent or his/her designee. F. Upon request, the Superintendent and/or his/her designee shall meet with Association representatives, at agreed upon times, to discuss problems and concerns. At the request of the Association, at least one meeting shall be held each year. G. The Board shall make lunchroom space available when possible, and lavatory facilities in each building where bargaining unit employees are assigned. H. Telephone facilities shall be made available for staff use. Phone usage shall be for school-oriented business and/or personal business that cannot be conducted at another time. Unless the call is made collect or on the employee's telephone credit card, no long distance calls are permitted without supervisory approval. I. Existing parking facilities shall be made available to bargaining unit members for their use. J. The Association shall be notified in advance of any pending policy adoption affecting bargaining unit employees and shall have the opportunity to inform the Board of its opinion on the proposed policy. The Association shall have the opportunity to recommend areas in which policies might be adopted or changed. K. Upon request, a bargaining unit member shall have the right to review the contents of his/her personnel file, excluding confidential pre-employment references. At the unit member's option, a representative of the Association may accompany the bargaining unit member in such review. Should the bargaining unit member disagree with the content of any item in the personnel file, he/she may have a written statement attached to the item.