School Calendar The Dual Credit course schedule will be determined by the location of the course delivery, provided that the required contact hours and prerequisites are met. The instructional calendar for the high school portion of the School will be based on the School District calendar and comply with all related TEA regulations for school attendance. The School District will adjust its schedule as necessary to enable Students to enroll in and attend the college- level courses provided by College. The School District and College will coordinate the State Student assessment requirements to ensure said assessments are administered without penalty. The School District, School and College will ensure that the School calendar accounts for the required per-semester contact hours for courses. When the instructional delivery is on the College site, it may be necessary for Students to attend classes on days when the School District is closed (e.g., different holiday closures). When Students take classes at the College scheduled on days when School is closed, the School District will ensure that at least one staff member with administrative authority be on call and available to be reached by the College’s Office of High School Programs or other College staff in case of emergency. The designated School staff member will have access to Student emergency contact information. While the College agrees to make scheduling accommodations for required State assessments, including the STAAR and End of Course Exams, all contact hour requirements must be met. For assessments not mandated by the State, the College and School District will come to a mutual agreement on administration dates in order to appropriately manage disruptions of college courses and ensure contact hour requirements are met.
ALTERNATE SCHOOL CALENDAR 1. In this article, an alternative school calendar is a school calendar that differs from the standard school calendar as specified in Schedule 1 (Supplement) of the School Calendar Regulation 114/02.
Academic Calendar The academic calendar of each university shall be established by the President. Prior to establishing or making changes in the calendar, the President/designee shall afford opportunity to meet and confer with the Association.
Calendar Year Calendar Year" for the purposes of this Agreement shall mean the twelve (12) month period from January 1st to December 31st, inclusive.
Posting Period Vacancies that the University intends to fill shall be posted for a period of seven (7) full working days before the deadline for applications for the position.
Calendar Quarter January through March, April through June, July through September, or October through December.
Compensation for Holidays Falling Within Vacation Schedule If a paid holiday falls on or is observed during an employee's vacation period, he/she shall be allowed an additional vacation day with pay at a time mutually agreed upon by the Employer and employee.
Compensation for Holidays Falling on Scheduled Days Off 1. When a holiday falls on a full-time employee's regularly scheduled day off, the employee shall receive eight (8) hours of compensatory time.
week period If an employee fails to return at the end of the family care or medical leave, the CSU may require repayment of insurance premiums paid during the unpaid portion of the leave. The CSU shall not require repayment of premiums if the employee's failure to return is due to his/her serious health condition or due to circumstances beyond the employee's control.
Contract Year A twelve (12) month period during the term of the Agreement commencing on the Effective Date and each anniversary thereof.