TIER I PURCHASE MINIMUMS. Except as provided in subsection 6.4(c) below, commencing with the calendar year during which Regulatory Approval in the United States for the FocalSeal -Registered Trademark- -L System is first received and in each calendar year thereafter, Genzyme agrees to purchase from Focal in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement not less than [**] of the Annual Sales Forecast for each Product projected for each calendar quarter of the applicable calendar year or partial year, as the case may be ( the "Tier I Purchase Minimums"). If Genzyme fails to satisfy a Tier I Purchase Minimum for a Product within ten (10) days after the receipt of notice from Focal regarding such failure, Genzyme shall be entitled to notify Focal of its intent to cure such deficiency by purchasing sufficient quantities of the relevant Product to achieve the Tier I Purchase Minimum; PROVIDED THAT Focal may refuse to allow such cure if Genzyme has cured a Tier I Purchase Minimum for the relevant Product at any time during the preceding [**] year period.
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  • Adjustment of Minimum Quarterly Distribution and Target Distribution Levels (a) The Minimum Quarterly Distribution, First Target Distribution, Second Target Distribution, Third Target Distribution, Common Unit Arrearages and Cumulative Common Unit Arrearages shall be proportionately adjusted in the event of any distribution, combination or subdivision (whether effected by a distribution payable in Units or otherwise) of Units or other Partnership Securities in accordance with Section 5.10. In the event of a distribution of Available Cash that is deemed to be from Capital Surplus, the then applicable Minimum Quarterly Distribution, First Target Distribution, Second Target Distribution and Third Target Distribution, shall be adjusted proportionately downward to equal the product obtained by multiplying the otherwise applicable Minimum Quarterly Distribution, First Target Distribution, Second Target Distribution and Third Target Distribution, as the case may be, by a fraction of which the numerator is the Unrecovered Capital of the Common Units immediately after giving effect to such distribution and of which the denominator is the Unrecovered Capital of the Common Units immediately prior to giving effect to such distribution.

  • Minimum Purchase Requirements Distributor shall make the minimum annual purchase of Products established in Exhibit B, unless the Agreement has become coexclusive. In the period within the fixed term and extension, if applicable, of the Agreement under Section 10(a) subsequent to [ * ], the parties shall meet in San Francisco at least [ * ] prior to the beginning of each of respective year to discuss market conditions and appropriate minimum purchases for such year. In the event that the parties fail to agree on an appropriate minimum any year subsequent to [ * ], the minimum annual purchase requirement for such year shall be calculated increasing or decreasing (as the case may be) the minimum purchase requirement for the preceding year in proportion to the increase or decrease in the [ * ] (based on data from mutually acceptable data provider) of the applicable product in the Territory. In the event Supplier is unable to deliver Products ordered by Distributor in an amount consistent with the most recent forecast, then the minimum annual purchase requirement shall be reduced by the quantity of Products that Supplier is unable to deliver when requested. In the event Distributor fails in any year (a “Shortfall Year”) to make the annual minimum purchase of Agreement Products required by Exhibit B, Supplier shall have the right to give Distributor written notice of default, and if such failure to make the minimum purchase is not cured (through the purchase of an amount of Agreement Product equal to the entire shortfall in the Shortfall Year, which amount shall not be counted towards any minimum purchase requirements for the year of purchase) within [ * ] of receipt of the notice, then Supplier shall have the right, in Supplier’s sole discretion and as Supplier’s sole remedy for Distributor’s failure to meet the minimum purchase requirements hereunder, either to convert the appointment of Distributor from exclusive to non-exclusive or to terminate this Agreement. In the event of either conversion to non-exclusive or termination of this Agreement pursuant to this Section 3(e), the Supplier shall pay Distributor a conversion fee equal to [ * ], and Distributor shall transfer all Regulatory Approvals relating to BMS or DES in the Territory to Supplier.

  • Minimum Purchase Broker-Dealer shall not sell fewer than $5,000 in Notes to any purchaser without the prior written consent of Issuer.

  • Xxxxx Purchases The Company acknowledges and agrees that Xxxxx has informed the Company that Xxxxx may, to the extent permitted under the Securities Act and the Exchange Act, purchase and sell shares of Common Stock for its own account while this Agreement is in effect, provided, that (i) no such purchase or sales shall take place while a Placement Notice is in effect (except to the extent Xxxxx may engage in sales of Placement Shares purchased or deemed purchased from the Company as a “riskless principal” or in a similar capacity) and (ii) the Company shall not be deemed to have authorized or consented to any such purchases or sales by Xxxxx.

  • Sales Milestone Payments Licensee shall notify MTI of any Calendar Year in which annual Net Sales of a Licensed Product in such Calendar Year in all countries in the Territory reach the following thresholds for the first time within [***] days after the end of such Calendar Year, and shall make the following sales milestone payments to MTI within [***] days after receiving an invoice from MTI therefor: Annual Net Sales Threshold Sales Milestone Payment [***] [***] [***] [***] [***] [***] Each sales milestone payment is separate and may only be earned once for each Licensed Product, irrespective of the number of times such thresholds are achieved for such Licensed Product, but if more than one Net Sales threshold is reached in the same Calendar Year, all corresponding sales milestone payments shall be payable during such Calendar Year. For example, if annual Net Sales of a Licensed Product first reach [***] dollars [***] in Calendar Year 1, [***] dollars [***] shall be payable to MTI for such Calendar Year 1, however, if annual Net Sales of a Licensed Product first reach [***] dollars ($500,000,000) in Calendar Year 2 [***] Portions of this exhibit have been redacted pursuant to a confidential treatment request. An unredacted version of this exhibit has been filed separately with the Commission. (without first reaching [***] dollars [***] in Calendar Year 1), then both the [***] dollars [***] and the [***] dollars [***] sales milestone payments would be payable to MTI for such Calendar Year 2. Net Sales of the Co-Exploited Product in the United States, which are subject to profit and loss sharing pursuant to the Co-Exploitation Terms, shall be excluded from the annual Net Sales of such Co-Exploited Product for purposes of this Section 7.10.

  • Maximum or Minimum Interest Rate If specified on the face hereof, this Note may have either or both of a Maximum Interest Rate or a Minimum Interest Rate. If a Maximum Interest Rate is so designated, the interest rate for a Floating Rate Note cannot ever exceed such Maximum Interest Rate and in the event that the interest rate on any Interest Reset Date would exceed such Maximum Interest Rate (as if no Maximum Interest Rate were in effect) then the interest rate on such Interest Reset Date shall be the Maximum Interest Rate. If a Minimum Interest Rate is so designated, the interest rate for a Floating Rate Note cannot ever be less than such Minimum Interest Rate and in the event that the interest rate on any Interest Reset Date would be less than such Minimum Interest Rate (as if no Minimum Interest Rate were in effect) then the interest rate on such Interest Reset Date shall be the Minimum Interest Rate. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, the interest rate on a Floating Rate Note shall not exceed the maximum interest rate permitted by applicable law.

  • MINIMUM CESSION The minimum amount of reinsurance per cession that THE REINSURER will accept is shown in Schedule A.

  • Minimum Sales 4.1 The minimum volume of sales of the Products that CSR commits to use its best efforts to achieve in the Territory on an annual basis in the first Agreement Year is 60,000 gallons (avg. 5,000 gallons per month). RCAI will review the annual volumes of sales of the Products prior to the beginning of any successive term during which this Agreement may continue and RCAI may change and adjust such minimums as it, in its sole judgment, sees fit.

  • Minimum Payments If the Executive’s Termination Date occurs during the Agreement Term for any reason, the Executive shall be entitled to the following payments, in addition to any payments or benefits to which the Executive may be entitled under the following provisions of this Section 5 (other than this paragraph 5(a)) or the express terms of any employee benefit plan or as required by law:

  • PREMIUM PAYMENT METHOD The Bank shall pay an amount equal to the planned premiums and any other premium payments that might become necessary to keep the policy in force.

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