Increment Date for Salary Grid Placement. Upon achieving one (1) year of experience, an increment shall be awarded on the first of the month following the month in which the experience accumulation is earned.
Increment Date for Salary Grid Placement. Upon achieving one (1) year of experience, an increment shall be awarded on the first of the month following the month in which the experience accumulation is earned. C.5. to C.20. INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK FOR NUMBERING PURPOSES C.21.** EMPLOYMENT ON CONTINUING CONTRACT
1. All appointments to teaching positions will be as per this Collective Agreement provided they are not inconsistent with the School Act, Regulations, or Minister’s Orders.
a. Subject to the provisions of this Agreement, a continuing contract appointment is ongoing and has no specified end date.
b. A temporary contract appointment is one of a limited duration of at least twenty working days during a school year.
2. Temporary contract teachers who complete a one-year contract at full time or two F.T.E. years of temporary contract teaching in Burnaby within the previous four years, shall be given a continuing contract.
Increment Date for Salary Grid Placement. Upon achieving one (1) year of experience, an increment shall be awarded on the first of the month following the month in which the experience accumulation is earned. [Note: This Article C.4 Teacher Teaching on Call employment is effective as of September 19, 2014, also see LOU’s #16 (a), 16(b) and 16(c)]