Time Based Escalation Sample Clauses

Time Based Escalation. ESC strives to provide timely support to all Users in a fair and equitable manner. On an individual case level, ESC prioritizes work on each case as described previously. As the Priority of each case is a function of the case’s age (elapsed time since submittal), the Priority of the case is automatically escalated over time. On a macro level, ESC monitors the Time to Resolution of all cases and makes dynamic adjustments to ensure that we consistently meet our Time to Resolution Targets. Time to Resolution and Time to Resolution Targets are defined in applicable Support Services Agreements.
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Related to Time Based Escalation

  • Non-Escalation Unless otherwise specified within the RFP documents, the unit prices reflected on the contract shall remain firm with no provision for price increases during the term of the contract.

  • PRICE ESCALATION/DE-ESCALATION (CPI) The County may allow a price escalation provision within this award. The original contract prices shall be firm for an initial one (1) year period. A price escalation/de-escalation will be considered at one (1) year intervals thereafter, provided the Contractor notifies the County, in writing, of the pending price escalation/de-escalation a minimum of sixty (60) days prior to the effective date. Price adjustments shall be based on the latest version of the Consumers Price Index (CPI-U) for All Urban Consumers, All Items, U.S. City Average, non-seasonal, as published by the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. This information is available at xxx.xxx.xxx. Price adjustment shall be calculated by applying the simple percentage model to the CPI data. This method is defined as subtracting the base period index value (at the time of initial award) from the index value at time of calculation (latest version of the CPI published as of the date of request for price adjustment), divided by the base period index value to identify percentage of change, then multiplying the percentage of change by 100 to identify the percentage change. Formula is as follows: Current Index – Base Index / Base Index = % of Change % of Change x 100 = Percentage Change CPI-U Calculation Example: CPI for current period 232.945 Less CPI for base period 229.815 Equals index point change 3.130 Divided by base period CPI 229.815 Equals 0.0136 Result multiplied by 100 0.0136 x 100 Equals percent change 1.4% A price increase may be requested only at each time interval specified above, using the methodology outlined in this section. To request a price increase, Contractor shall submit a letter stating the percentage amount of the requested increase and adjusted price to the Orange County Procurement Division. The letter shall include the complete calculation utilizing the formula above, and a copy of the CPI-U index table used in the calculation. The maximum allowable increase shall not exceed 4%, unless authorized by the Manager, Procurement Division. All price adjustments must be accepted by the Manager, Procurement Division and shall be memorialized by written amendment to this contract. No retroactive contract price adjustments will be allowed. Should the CPI-U for All Urban Consumers, All Items, U.S City Average, as published by the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics decrease during the term of the contract, or any renewals, the Contractor shall notify the Orange County Procurement Division of price decreases in the method outlined above. If approved, the price adjustment shall become effective on the contract renewal date. If the Contractor fails to pass the decrease on to the County, the County reserves the right to place the Contractor in default, cancel the award, and remove the Contractor from the County Vendor List for a period of time deemed suitable by the County. In the event of this occurrence, the County further reserves the right to utilize any options as stated herein.

  • Value-Based Programs If you receive covered healthcare services under a Value-Based Program inside a Host Blue’s service area, you will not be responsible for paying any of the Provider Incentives, risk-sharing, and/or Care Coordinator Fees that are a part of such an arrangement, except when a Host Blue passes these fees to us through average pricing or fee schedule adjustments. The following defined terms only apply to the BlueCard section only: • Care Coordinator Fee is a fixed amount paid by us to providers periodically for Care Coordination under a Value-Based Program. • Care Coordination is organized, information-driven patient care activities intended to facilitate the appropriate responses to an enrolled member’s healthcare needs across the continuum of care. • Value-Based Program (VBP) is an outcomes-based payment arrangement and/or a coordinated care model facilitated with one or more local providers that is evaluated against cost and quality metrics/factors and is reflected in provider payment. • Provider Incentive is an additional amount of compensation paid to a healthcare provider by us, based on the provider’s compliance with agreed-upon procedural and/or outcome measures for a particular group of covered persons. Inter-Plan Programs: Federal/State Taxes/Surcharges/Fees Federal or state laws or regulations may require a surcharge, tax or other fee that applies to insured accounts. If applicable, we will include any such surcharge, tax or other fee as part of the claim charge passed on to you. Nonparticipating Providers Outside Our Service Area • Enrolled Member Liability Calculation When covered healthcare services are provided outside of BCBSRI service area by nonparticipating providers, the amount an enrolled member pays for such services will generally be based on either the Host Blue’s nonparticipating provider local payment or the pricing arrangements required by applicable law. In these situations, the enrolled member may be responsible for the difference between the amount that the nonparticipating provider bills and the payment BCBSRI will make for the covered services as set forth in this paragraph. Federal or state law, as applicable, will govern payments, including but not limited to, emergency services, air ambulance services, and certain covered healthcare services rendered by a nonparticipating provider. • Exceptions In some exception cases, BCBSRI may pay claims from nonparticipating healthcare providers outside of BCBSRI service area based on the provider’s billed charge. This may occur in situations where an enrolled member did not have reasonable access to a participating provider, as determined by BCBSRI. In other exception cases, BCBSRI may pay such claims based on the payment BCBSRI would pay to a local nonparticipating provider (as described in the above subsection “How Non-network Providers Are Paid”). This may occur where the Host Blue’s corresponding payment would be more than BCBSRI in-service area nonparticipating provider payment. BCBSRI may choose to negotiate a payment with such a provider on an exception basis. Unless otherwise stated, in any of these exception situations, the enrolled member may be responsible for the difference between the amount that the nonparticipating healthcare provider bills and payment BCBSRI will make for the covered services as set forth in this paragraph. Blue Cross Blue Shield Global® Core If you are outside the United States (hereinafter “BlueCard service area”), you may be able to take advantage of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Global Core when accessing covered healthcare services. The Blue Cross Blue Shield Global Core is unlike the BlueCard Program available in the BlueCard service area in certain ways. For instance, although the Blue Cross Blue Shield Global Core assists you with accessing a network of inpatient, outpatient and professional providers, the network is not served by a Host Blue. As such, when you receive care from providers outside the BlueCard service area, you will typically have to pay the providers and submit the claims yourself to obtain reimbursement for these services. • Inpatient Services: In most cases, if you contact the service center for assistance, hospitals will not require you to pay for covered inpatient services, except for your cost-share amounts/deductibles, coinsurance, etc. In such cases, the hospital will submit your claims to the service center to begin claims processing. However, if you paid in full at the time of service, you must submit a claim to receive reimbursement for covered healthcare services. • Outpatient Services: Physicians, urgent care centers and other outpatient providers located outside the BlueCard service area will typically require you to pay in full at the time of service. You must submit a claim to obtain reimbursement for covered healthcare services. Preauthorization may be required for outpatient services. • Submitting a Blue Cross Blue Shield Global Core Claim: When you pay for covered healthcare services outside the BlueCard service area, you must submit a claim to obtain reimbursement. For institutional and professional claims, you should complete a Blue Cross Blue Shield Global Core claim form and send the claim form with the provider’s itemized bill(s) to the service center (the address is on the form) to initiate claims processing. Following the instructions on the claim form will help ensure timely processing of your claim. The claim form is available from BCBSRI, the service center or online at xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx. If you need assistance with your claim submission, you should call the service center at 0.000.000.XXXX (2583) or call collect at, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

  • Second Year Wage Adjustment Effective July 1, 2020, all salary ranges and rates shall be increased by two and one-half percent (2.50%), rounded to the nearest cent. Salary increases provided by this Section shall be given to all employees including those employees whose rates of pay exceed the maximum rate for their class. The compensation grids for classes covered by this Agreement are contained in Appendix E-2. Conversion to the new compensation grid shall not change an employee’s eligibility for step progression increases.

  • Early and Safe Return to Work The Hospital and the Union both recognize their obligations in facilitating the early and safe return to work of disabled employees. The Hospital and the Union agree that ongoing and timely communication by all participants in this process is essential to the success of the process.

  • Escalation/De-escalation Clause In the event that prevailing market conditions warrant an adjustment in bid prices contained in the contract, the following escalation/de- escalation clause shall be the only clause applicable or acceptable:

  • First Year Wage Adjustment Effective July 1, 2017, all salary ranges and rates shall be increased by two percent (2.0%), rounded to the nearest cent. The compensation grids for classes covered by this Agreement are contained in Appendix E-1. Employees shall convert to the new compensation grid as provided in Section 2.

  • Covenants of Performance Measurement No interference. Registry Operator shall not interfere with measurement Probes, including any form of preferential treatment of the requests for the monitored services. Registry Operator shall respond to the measurement tests described in this Specification as it would to any other request from an Internet user (for DNS and RDDS) or registrar (for EPP). ICANN testing registrar. Registry Operator agrees that ICANN will have a testing registrar used for purposes of measuring the SLRs described above. Registry Operator agrees to not provide any differentiated treatment for the testing registrar other than no billing of the transactions. ICANN shall not use the registrar for registering domain names (or other registry objects) for itself or others, except for the purposes of verifying contractual compliance with the conditions described in this Agreement. PUBLIC INTEREST COMMITMENTS Registry Operator will use only ICANN accredited registrars that are party to the Registrar Accreditation Agreement approved by the ICANN Board of Directors on 27 June 2013 in registering domain names. A list of such registrars shall be maintained by ICANN on ICANN’s website. (Intentionally omitted. Registry Operator has not included commitments, statements of intent or business plans provided for in its application to ICANN for the TLD.) Registry Operator agrees to perform the following specific public interest commitments, which commitments shall be enforceable by ICANN and through the Public Interest Commitment Dispute Resolution Process established by ICANN (posted at xxxx://xxx.xxxxx.xxx/en/resources/registries/picdrp), which may be revised in immaterial respects by ICANN from time to time (the “PICDRP”). Registry Operator shall comply with the PICDRP. Registry Operator agrees to implement and adhere to any remedies ICANN imposes (which may include any reasonable remedy, including for the avoidance of doubt, the termination of the Registry Agreement pursuant to Section 4.3(e) of the Agreement) following a determination by any PICDRP panel and to be bound by any such determination. Registry Operator will include a provision in its Registry-Registrar Agreement that requires Registrars to include in their Registration Agreements a provision prohibiting Registered Name Holders from distributing malware, abusively operating botnets, phishing, piracy, trademark or copyright infringement, fraudulent or deceptive practices, counterfeiting or otherwise engaging in activity contrary to applicable law, and providing (consistent with applicable law and any related procedures) consequences for such activities including suspension of the domain name. Registry Operator will periodically conduct a technical analysis to assess whether domains in the TLD are being used to perpetrate security threats, such as pharming, phishing, malware, and botnets. Registry Operator will maintain statistical reports on the number of security threats identified and the actions taken as a result of the periodic security checks. Registry Operator will maintain these reports for the term of the Agreement unless a shorter period is required by law or approved by ICANN, and will provide them to ICANN upon request. Registry Operator will operate the TLD in a transparent manner consistent with general principles of openness and non-discrimination by establishing, publishing and adhering to clear registration policies.

  • Quality-based Selection Services for assignments which the Bank agrees meet the requirements set forth in paragraph 3.2 of the Consultant Guidelines may be procured under contracts awarded on the basis of Quality-based Selection in accordance with the provisions of paragraphs 3.1 through 3.4 of the Consultant Guidelines.

  • INDIVIDUAL CASE BASIS PRICING 42.1. Individual Case Basis (ICB) pricing will be provided by Sprint upon request from the CLEC for customer specific rates or terms for network services and features for UNEs that are not otherwise provided for in this Agreement.

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