Field Audits The Borrower shall permit the Bank to inspect the Inventory, other Tangible Assets and/or other business operations of the Borrower and each Subsidiary, to perform appraisals of the Equipment of the Borrower and each Subsidiary, and to inspect, audit, check and make copies of, and extracts from, the books, records, computer data, computer programs, journals, orders, receipts, correspondence and other data relating to Inventory, Accounts and any other Collateral, the results of which must be satisfactory to the Bank in the Bank’s sole and absolute discretion. All such inspections or audits by the Bank shall be at the Borrower’s sole expense, provided, however, that so long as no Event of Default or Unmatured Event of Default exists, the Borrower shall not be required to reimburse the Bank for inspections or audits more frequently than once each fiscal year.
Contract Audits Eligible Purchaser represents and warrants that it shall cooperate with Enterprise Services, the Office of the State Auditor, federal officials, and/or any third party authorized by law or contract, in any audit conducted by such party pertaining to any Contracts that Eligible Purchaser has made purchases from pursuant to this Agreement, including providing records related to any purchases from such Contracts.
Annual Audits Each fiscal year, the School shall provide for an independent annual financial audit conducted in accordance with Generally Accepted Auditing Standards and Governmental Auditing Standards and performed by a certified public accountant (CPA); provided the Commission may establish an alternative reporting requirement in accordance with State law. The Commission shall provide the guidelines and/or scope of the audit or alternative report and may require minimum CPA qualifications or that the School select from a list of qualified CPAs as provided by the Commission. The School shall provide the completed audit or alternative report to the Commission by November 15 after the conclusion of the fiscal year; provided that the Commission, with reasonable notice to the School, may change the deadline depending on circumstances. The School shall pay for the audit or alternative report if an appropriation is not made by the Legislature for such purpose.
SAO AUDIT A. The state auditor may conduct an audit or investigation of any entity receiving funds from the state directly under the Contract or indirectly through a subcontract under the Contract. The acceptance of funds directly under the Contract or indirectly through a subcontract under the Contract acts as acceptance of the authority of the state auditor, under the direction of the legislative audit committee, to conduct an audit or investigation in connection with those funds. Under the direction of the legislative audit committee, an entity that is the subject of an audit or investigation by the state auditor must provide the state auditor with access to any information the state auditor considers relevant to the investigation or audit. B. Grantee shall comply with any rules and procedures of the state auditor in the implementation and enforcement of Section 2262.154 of the Texas Government Code.
Audits No more than once a year, or following unauthorized access, upon receipt of a written request from the LEA with at least ten (10) business days’ notice and upon the execution of an appropriate confidentiality agreement, the Provider will allow the LEA to audit the security and privacy measures that are in place to ensure protection of Student Data or any portion thereof as it pertains to the delivery of services to the LEA . The Provider will cooperate reasonably with the LEA and any local, state, or federal agency with oversight authority or jurisdiction in connection with any audit or investigation of the Provider and/or delivery of Services to students and/or LEA, and shall provide reasonable access to the Provider’s facilities, staff, agents and XXX’s Student Data and all records pertaining to the Provider, LEA and delivery of Services to the LEA. Failure to reasonably cooperate shall be deemed a material breach of the DPA.
Records Available for Audit The Party shall maintain all records pertaining to performance under this agreement. “Records” means any written or recorded information, regardless of physical form or characteristics, which is produced or acquired by the Party in the performance of this agreement. Records produced or acquired in a machine readable electronic format shall be maintained in that format. The records described shall be made available at reasonable times during the period of the Agreement and for three years thereafter or for any period required by law for inspection by any authorized representatives of the State or Federal Government. If any litigation, claim, or audit is started before the expiration of the three-year period, the records shall be retained until all litigation, claims or audit findings involving the records have been resolved.
INSPECTIONS AND AUDITS 30 A. ADMINISTRATOR, any authorized representative of COUNTY, any authorized representative 31 of the State of California, the Secretary of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, 32 the Comptroller General of the United States, or any other of their authorized representatives, shall have 33 access to any books, documents, and records, including but not limited to, financial statements, general 34 ledgers, relevant accounting systems, medical and client records, of CONTRACTOR that are directly 35 pertinent to this Agreement, for the purpose of responding to a beneficiary complaint or conducting an 36 audit, review, evaluation, or examination, or making transcripts during the periods of retention set forth 37 in the Records Management and Maintenance Paragraph of this Agreement. Such persons may at all 1 reasonable times inspect or otherwise evaluate the services provided pursuant to this Agreement, and the 2 premises in which they are provided. 3 B. CONTRACTOR shall actively participate and cooperate with any person specified in 4 Subparagraph A. above in any evaluation or monitoring of the services provided pursuant to this 5 Agreement, and shall provide the above–mentioned persons adequate office space to conduct such 6 evaluation or monitoring. 7 C. AUDIT RESPONSE 8 1. Following an audit report, in the event of non–compliance with applicable laws and 9 regulations governing funds provided through this Agreement, COUNTY may terminate this Agreement 10 as provided for in the Termination Paragraph or direct CONTRACTOR to immediately implement 11 appropriate corrective action. A plan of corrective action shall be submitted to ADMINISTRATOR in 12 writing within thirty (30) calendar days after receiving notice from ADMINISTRATOR. 13 2. If the audit reveals that money is payable from one party to the other, that is, reimbursement 14 by CONTRACTOR to COUNTY, or payment of sums due from COUNTY to CONTRACTOR, said 15 funds shall be due and payable from one party to the other within sixty (60) calendar days of receipt of 16 the audit results. If reimbursement is due from CONTRACTOR to COUNTY, and such reimbursement 17 is not received within said sixty (60) calendar days, COUNTY may, in addition to any other remedies 18 provided by law, reduce any amount owed CONTRACTOR by an amount not to exceed the 19 reimbursement due COUNTY. 20 D. CONTRACTOR shall retain a licensed certified public accountant, who will prepare an annual 21 Single Audit as required by 31 USC 7501 – 7507, as well as its implementing regulations under 2 CFR 22 Part 200, Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal 23 Awards. CONTRACTOR shall forward the Single Audit to ADMINISTRATOR within fourteen (14) 24 calendar days of receipt. 25 E. CONTRACTOR shall forward to ADMINISTRATOR a copy of any audit report within 26 fourteen (14) calendar days of receipt. Such audit shall include, but not be limited to, management, 27 financial, programmatic or any other type of audit of CONTRACTOR’s operations, whether or not the 28 cost of such operation or audit is reimbursed in whole or in part through this Agreement. 29
City Audits The CITY may perform an independent audit. Such audits may cover programmatic as well as fiscal matters. GRANTEE will be afforded an opportunity to respond to any audit findings, and have the responses included in the final audit report. Costs of such audits will be borne by the CITY.
Independent Audits The Department staff shall review annual independent audits for adherence to generally accepted auditing principles and to the Department’s audit instructions. Incomplete or incorrect audits may be returned to the Grantee for correction.
Other Controller Audit Any other Controller may audit SAP’s control environment and security practices relevant to Personal Data processed by SAP in line with Section 5.1 only if any of the cases set out in Section 5.1 applies to such other Controller. Such audit must be undertaken through and by Customer as set out in Section 5.1 unless the audit must be undertaken by the other Controller itself under Data Protection Law. If several Controllers whose Personal Data is processed by SAP on the basis of the Agreement require an audit, Customer shall use all reasonable means to combine the audits and to avoid multiple audits.