Total Resources. The resources available to the Portfolio for 2021/22 include Cash Limit budget, Approved Use of Reserves and Capital Schemes. These funding sources are described in further detail in Sections 3.2 – 3.7 of this report. Cash Limits are approved before the financial year commences and each portfolio is responsible for ensuring that their net expenditure does not exceed their cash limit for that year. Changes made to the cash limit are reported during the financial year, usually in the performance and resources reports.
Total Resources. The resources available to the portfolio for 2019/20 includes Gross Revenue Budget, Approved Use of Reserves and Capital Schemes. These funding sources are described in more detail in Sections 3.2-3.4 of this report.
Total Resources. In total, the resources available to the Portfolio for 2018/19 are £81.389m. This is made up of the Gross Revenue Budget, Approved Use of Reserves and Capital Schemes. These funding sources are described in further detail in Sections 3.2 to 3.4 of this report.