Examples of Net expenditure in a sentence
Net expenditure above these limits may not be committed until or unless a revised budget has been agreed in writing by the Department.
Net expenditure on schools, whether incurred directly from delegated budgets or spent against centrally retained budgets by the LEA in support of schools, is funded from the ring-fenced Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG).
Net expenditure above these limits may not be committed until or unless a revised budget has been agreed in writing by the Department (see Part B).
Net expenditure of £812,940 was incurred in 2007/08 (£1.182m – 2006/07) relating to expenditure on capital schemes, capital grants and improvement grants, where there is capital expenditure that does not result in the creation of a fixed asset.
Net expenditure represents the amount to be funded by core grant in aid and fees charged to service providers.