TRANSFER OF WORD TRADEMARK. 3.1 The Transferors transfer the Word Trademark to the Transferee in its full scope, i.e. in the scope of all rights vested in the Word Trademark, including the reputation and goodwill attached to the Word Trademark and to the products and services for which it is registered and in connection with which it is being used, and transfer the Word Trademark for all products and services for which it is registered and for the entire territory in which the Word Trademark enjoys protection, and the Transferee accepts the Word Trademark.
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  • Transfer of Technology Upon AVENTIS' request, GENTA shall promptly disclose to AVENTIS such of the GENTA TECHNOLOGY as AVENTIS determines is reasonably necessary for AVENTIS to perform its obligations or exercise its rights under this AGREEMENT. The manner of such disclosure shall be as mutually determined by the Parties in good faith and shall be at no additional cost to AVENTIS.

  • Transfer of Know-How To facilitate Licensee’s accomplishment of the responsibilities set forth in Section 4.01 above, within thirty (30) days of the Effective Date of this Agreement GenuPro shall in good faith supply Licensee with copies of the GenuPro Know-How, Lilly Know-How and Lilly Manufacturing Know-How pertinent to the development of the GenuPro Compound in the Field that GenuPro is able to provide using commercially reasonable efforts and which is in the possession of GenuPro on the Effective Date, and shall transfer to Licensee the legal title to any IND on the GenuPro Compound presently on file in GenuPro’s name with the FDA and any comparable filings in other countries of the Territory. GenuPro shall also facilitate transfer of GenuPro Compound manufacturing-related information (including any associated quality and analytical information) to Licensee from those Third Parties from which GenuPro or PPD has received quotations for manufacturing GenuPro Compound that GenuPro is not under any obligation to keep confidential from a third party. GenuPro will provide Licensee with all relevant information available and known to GenuPro or PPD concerning the safety, handling, use, disposal and environmental effects of the GenuPro Compound or as may be useful to Licensee to conduct the Project, including but not limited to any communications with regulatory agencies. [*] Confidential treatment requested; certain information omitted and filed separately with the SEC.

  • Transfer of Licenses Lessee shall use reasonable efforts (i) to transfer to Lessor or Lessor’s nominee all licenses, operating permits and other governmental authorizations and all contracts, including contracts with governmental or quasi-governmental entities, that may be necessary for the operation of the Hotel (collectively, “Licenses”), or (ii) if such transfer is prohibited by law or Lessor otherwise elects, to cooperate with Lessor or Lessor’s nominee in connection with the processing by Lessor or Lessor’s nominee of any applications for, all Licenses; provided, in either case, that the costs and expenses of any such transfer or the processing of any such application shall be paid by Lessor or Lessor’s nominee.

  • Transfer of Intellectual Property The Executive hereby agrees to transfer to the Company and/or its subsidiaries and consolidated affiliated entities all intellectual property rights in the works created during the Employment or other intellectual property rights deemed to be occupational works in accordance with applicable laws and regulations (the “Occupational Works”). The “intellectual property rights” as referred to in this Agreement means all current and future intellectual property rights, including but not limited to patent rights, trademarks or copyrights in any country, whether registered or not. The Executive agrees that, throughout the course of the Employment and at all times thereafter, the Executive shall execute necessary documents and take necessary action to implement transfer of the Occupational Works to the Company or its consolidated affiliated entities. The Executive acknowledged that the Company shall, where permitted by applicable laws and regulations, hold all rights and interests in the Occupational Works, including any patent or copyrights. The Executive further agrees that, throughout the course of the Employment and at all times thereafter, the Executive and his or her heirs, assignees and representatives will, upon the Company’s requests, assign exclusively to the Company or any of its subsidiaries and consolidated affiliated entities any right, title and interest in the Occupational Work and assist in the preparation and execution of all applications and instruments and carry out other tasks or procedures necessary in accordance with applicable laws and regulations for the Company to obtain and maintain the patent and other intellectual property right in any applicable jurisdictions and/or protecting the rights and interests of the Company and/or any of its subsidiaries and consolidated affiliated entities in the Occupational Works.

  • Transfer of Intellectual Property Rights Except in connection with the sale of all or substantially all of the assets of the Company or licensing arrangements in the ordinary course of the Company's business, the Company shall not transfer, sell or otherwise dispose of any Intellectual Property Rights, or allow any of the Intellectual Property Rights to become subject to any Liens, or fail to renew such Intellectual Property Rights (if renewable and it would otherwise lapse if not renewed), without the prior written consent of the Purchasers.

  • Transfer of Materials In the event Acceleron exercises its rights pursuant to Section 10.5.1, Celgene shall negotiate in good faith with Acceleron regarding Celgene transferring to Acceleron, at Acceleron’s cost, materials developed under this Agreement in the course of Developing and Commercializing Licensed Compounds or Licensed Products that are directly related to Licensed Compounds or Licensed Products to the extent provided in and in accordance with such agreement.

  • Trademark Use (a) Reseller acknowledges that the Vendor Trademarks are trademarks owned solely and exclusively by Vendor, and agrees to use the Vendor Trademarks only in the form and manner and with appropriate legends as prescribed by Vendor. Reseller agrees not to use any other trademark or service mark xx connection with any of the Vendor Trademarks without prior written approval of Vendor. All use of Vendor Trademarks shall inure to the benefit of Vendor.

  • PROPRIETARY RIGHTS; ASSIGNMENT All Employee Developments shall be made for hire by the Employee for the Company or any of its subsidiaries or affiliates. “Employee Developments” means any idea, discovery, invention, design, method, technique, improvement, enhancement, development, computer program, machine, algorithm or other work or authorship that (i) relates to the business or operations of the Company or any of its subsidiaries or affiliates, or (ii) results from or is suggested by any undertaking assigned to the Employee or work performed by the Employee for or on behalf of the Company or any of its subsidiaries or affiliates, whether created alone or with others, during or after working hours. All Confidential Information and all Employee Developments shall remain the sole property of the Company or any of its subsidiaries or affiliates. The Employee shall acquire no proprietary interest in any Confidential Information or Employee Developments developed or acquired during the Term. To the extent the Employee may, by operation of law or otherwise, acquire any right, title or interest in or to any Confidential Information or Employee Development, the Employee hereby assigns to the Company all such proprietary rights. The Employee shall, both during and after the Term, upon the Company’s request, promptly execute and deliver to the Company all such assignments, certificates and instruments, and shall promptly perform such other acts, as the Company may from time to time in its discretion deem necessary or desirable to evidence, establish, maintain, perfect, enforce or defend the Company’s rights in Confidential Information and Employee Developments.

  • Transfer of Data The Participant consents to the Company or any Affiliate thereof processing data relating to the Participant for legal, personnel, administrative and management purposes and in particular to the processing of any sensitive personal data relating to the Participant. The Company may make such information available to any Affiliate thereof, those who provide products or services to the Company or any Affiliate thereof (such as advisers and payroll administrators), regulatory authorities, potential purchasers of the Company or the business in which the Participant works, and as may be required by law.

  • Trademark Except for purposes of identification of Products or Services, no right, title, interest, or license in or to any trademark or service xxxx of Licensor is granted to Distributor under this Agreement. Distributor may on its business cards state that Distributor is an authorized distributor for the licensing of the Products and provision of Services of Licensor. Distributor shall not contest the validity of such marks or Licensor's exclusive ownership of them. During the term of this Agreement, Distributor shall not adopt, use, or register, whether as a corporate name, trademark, service xxxx or other indication of origin, any such marks, or any word or xxxx confusingly similar to them in any jurisdiction.

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