Use of Grant Funds Grantee shall use the Grant Funds only for Eligible Expenses as set forth in Appendix A and for no other purpose. Grantee shall expend the Grant Funds in accordance with the Budget and shall obtain the prior approval of City before transferring expenditures from one line item to another within the Budget.
Types of Grievances (A) An Individual Grievance is a grievance initiated by the Union on behalf of an individual employee. (B) A Group Grievance is a grievance initiated by the Union on behalf of a group of employees similarly affected by the Employer’s actions. (C) A Policy Grievance is a grievance by the Union which may involve a matter of general policy or general application of the Collective Agreement. (D) A Union Grievance is a grievance which directly affects the Union. (E) An Employer Grievance is a grievance initiated by the Employer.
Stock Grants You may receive stock awards under an equity incentive compensation plan of Tyson then in effect (if any), on terms and in amounts consistent with those provided to other employees in your Band, subject to the discretion of the senior management of Tyson.
Terms of Grant The Participant hereby accepts the offer of the Company to issue to the Participant, in accordance with the terms of the Plan and this Agreement, ______________________ (_________) Shares of the Company's Common Stock (such shares, subject to adjustment pursuant to Section 24 of the Plan and Subsection 2.1(h) hereof, the "Granted Shares") at a purchase price per share of $.0001 (the "Purchase Price"), receipt of which is hereby acknowledged by the Participant's prior service to the Company and which amount will be reported as income on the Participant's W-2 for this calendar year.
Other Awards The grant of an Award shall not confer upon the Holder the right to receive any future or other Awards under the Plan, whether or not Awards may be granted to similarly situated Holders, or the right to receive future Awards upon the same terms or conditions as previously granted.
Multiple Vendor Awards TIPS reserves the right to award multiple vendor contracts for categories when deemed in the best interest of the TIPS membership. Bidders scoring 80% or above will be considered for an award. Categories are established at the discretion of TIPS. By signature hereon, the bidder hereby certifies that he/she is not currently delinquent in the payment of any franchise taxes owed the State of Texas under Chapter 171, Tax Code.
Awards 1. The disputing parties may agree on a resolution of the dispute at any time before the tribunal issues its final award. 2. Where a tribunal makes a final award against either of the disputing parties, the tribunal may award, separately or in combination, only: (a) monetary damages and any applicable interest; and (b) restitution of property, in which case the award shall provide that the disputing Member State may pay monetary damages and any applicable interest in lieu of restitution. 3. A tribunal may also award costs and attorneys fees in accordance with this Agreement and the applicable arbitration rules. 4. A tribunal may not award punitive damages. 5. An award made by a tribunal shall have no binding force except between the disputing parties and in respect of the particular case. 6. Subject to paragraph 7 and the applicable review procedure for an interim award, the disputing party shall abide by and comply with an award without delay. (15) 7. The disputing party may not seek enforcement of a final award until: (a) in the case of a final award under the ICSID Convention: (i) 120 days has elapsed from the date the award was rendered and no disputing party has requested revision or annulment of the award; or (ii) revision or annulment proceedings have been completed; (b) in the case of a final award under the ICSID Additional Facility Rules, the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules, or the rules selected pursuant to Article 33(1)(e): (i) 90 days have elapsed from the date the award was rendered and no disputing party has commenced a proceeding to revise, set aside, or annul the award; or (ii) a court has dismissed or allowed an application to revise, set aside, or annul the award and there is no further appeal. 8. A claim that is submitted for arbitration under this Section shall be considered to arise out of a commercial relationship or transaction for purposes of Article 1 of the New York Convention. 9. Each Member State shall provide for the enforcement of an award in its territory.
Option Grants During the Employment Period, Executive shall be eligible to participate in the Instinet 2000 Stock Option Plan (as the same may be amended and in effect from time to time, the "2000 Option Plan") and any subsequent stock option plan maintained by the Company for its senior executives, subject to the review and approval of the Compensation Committee. The terms and conditions of all options to purchase shares of common stock granted to Executive under the 2000 Option Plan or under any prior or subsequent stock option plan maintained by the Company or its Affiliates (including any options granted to Executive prior to the Commencement Date) (collectively, the "Options"), including the grant, vesting, exercise, payment and all other terms of such Options, shall be governed by the terms of the stock option plan under which such Options were granted, as such plan or plans may be amended and in effect from time to time.
Nontransferability of Awards Except as provided in Section 5 or as otherwise permitted by the Committee, you may not sell, transfer, pledge, assign or otherwise alienate or hypothecate any of your Performance Shares, and all rights with respect to your Performance Shares are exercisable during your lifetime only by you.
Use of Grant 4.1 The Grant shall be used by the Recipient for the delivery of the Project in accordance with the agreed budget set out in Schedule 3. For the avoidance of doubt, the amount of the Grant that the Recipient may spend on any item of expenditure listed in column 1 of Schedule 3 shall not exceed the corresponding sum of money listed in column 2 without the prior written agreement of the Funder. 4.2 Where the Recipient has obtained funding from a third party in relation to its delivery of the Project (including without limitation funding for associated administration and staffing costs), the amount of such funding shall be included in the budget in Schedule 3 together with a clear description of what that funding shall be used for. 4.3 The Recipient shall not use the Grant to: (a) make any payment to members of its Governing Body; (b) purchase buildings or land; or (c) pay for any expenditure commitments of the Recipient entered into before the Commencement Date, unless this has been approved in writing by the Funder. 4.4 The Recipient shall not spend any part of the Grant on the delivery of the Project after the Grant Period. 4.5 Should any part of the Grant remain unspent at the end of the Grant Period, the Recipient shall ensure that any unspent monies are returned to the Funder or, if agreed in writing by the Funder, shall be entitled to retain the unspent monies to use for charitable purposes as agreed between the parties. 4.6 Any liabilities arising at the end of the Project including any redundancy liabilities for staff employed by the Recipient to deliver the Project must be managed and paid for by the Recipient using the Grant or other resources of the Recipient. There will be no additional funding available from the Funder for this purpose.