Insurance Generally All insurance maintained by You pursuant to the foregoing provisions shall contain a waiver of subrogation rights in respect of any liability imposed by this Agreement on You as against Us. You shall hold Us harmless from, and shall bear the expense of, any applicable deductible amounts and self insured retentions provided for by any of the insurance policies required to be maintained under this Agreement. In the event of loss, You shall promptly pay amount of the deductible amount or self-insured retention or the applicable portion thereof to Us or the insurance carrier, as applicable. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Agreement, the fact that a loss may not be covered by insurance provided by You under this Agreement or, if covered, is subject to deductibles, retentions, conditions or limitations shall not affect Your liability for any loss. Should You fail to procure or pay the cost of maintaining in force the insurance specified herein, or to provide Us upon request with satisfactory evidence of the insurance, We may, but shall not be obliged to, procure the insurance and You shall reimburse Us on demand for its costs. Lapse or cancellation of the required insurance shall be deemed to be an immediate and automatic default of this agreement. The grant by You of a sublease of the Equipment rented/leased shall not affect Your obligation to procure insurance on Our behalf, or otherwise affect Your obligations under this Agreement.