Contract Forms Sample Clauses
Contract Forms. This Section contains forms which, once completed, will form part of the Contract. The forms for Performance Security and Advance Payment Security, when required, shall only be completed by the successful tenderer after contract award.
Contract Forms. The contract forms, including the payment and performance bonds, shall be as set forth in the General Conditions, Section 7 – Forms.
Contract Forms. The Borrower shall not use or acquire in its business Contracts which are not on the printed forms previously approved in writing by the Agent and the Borrower shall not change or vary the printed forms of such Contracts without the Agent’s prior written consent, unless such change or variation is required by any Requirement of Law. The Agent may reasonably withhold its consent until the Agent receives a satisfactory opinion of the Borrower’s counsel regarding compliance of the revised form of Contract with any Requirement of Law.
Contract Forms. The contract forms, including the payment and performance bonds, shall be as set forth in the General Conditions, Section 7 – Forms. BID REQUIREMENTS To: Owner ________________________________________________________ Re: Project No., Name ________________________________________________________ Bid Date: Bid. Having carefully examined the Specifications entitled {DESIGN PROFESSIONAL insert Project name and number}, the Bidding Documents, Drawings: {DESIGN PROFESSIONAL insert sheet numbers and revision dates here. i.e.,: X0, X0, X0 dated August 1, 2016}, and Addendum No.(s): ___________ as well as the Site and conditions affecting the Work, bidder hereby proposes to furnish all services, labor, materials, and equipment called for by them for the entire Work, in accordance with the aforesaid documents, for the sum of: ______________________________________________________________ Dollars ($ ___________________________) which sum is hereinafter called the Bid. The Bid shall be the amount of the Contract Sum executed between the Owner and the Contractor unless Alternates are accepted.
Contract Forms. The contract forms, including the payment and performance bonds, shall be as set forth in the General Conditions, Section 7 – Forms. To: OWNER Re: Project Name and No. Bid Date: Bid. Having carefully examined the Specifications entitled PROJECT NO. and the Bidding Documents and Addendum (a) No.(s) , as well as the Site and conditions affecting the Work, bidder hereby proposes to furnish all services, labor, materials, and equipment called for by them for the entire Work, in accordance with the aforesaid documents, for the sum of: Dollars ($ ) which sum is hereinafter called the Bid. The Bid shall be the amount of the Contract Sum executed between the Owner and the Contractor unless Alternates are accepted.
Contract Forms. The borrower must use RUS Form 786, Electric System Com- munication and Control Equipment Contract. This form may be modified to be a ‘‘purchase only’’ contract form.
Contract Forms. Performance Bond Payment Bond Non-Influence Affidavit Statutory Affidavit Georgia Security and Immigration Compliance Act Affidavit Certificate of Insurance Required Endorsement for CGL Policy Bond to Discharge Claim Subcontractor Early Retainage Release Certificate Affidavit, Interim Waiver and Conditional Release of Liens and Claims Subcontractor Affidavit, Interim Waiver and Conditional Release of Liens and Claims Affidavit, Final Waiver and Release of Liens and Claims Subcontractor Affidavit, Final Waiver and Release of Liens and Claims Exhibit A. Project Pre-Design Study or Program Information Exhibit B. Initial Construction Cost Estimates Exhibit C. CMR’s Fee Proposal Exhibit D. Schedule Exhibit E. Specimen Component Change Order Exhibit F. Specimen GMP Change Order Exhibit G. Specimen Construction Documents Change Order Exhibit H. Specimen Change Order Exhibit I. Application for Payment Exhibit J. Final Certification of Costs for Accounting Exhibit K. Staffing Plan, Wage and Salary Schedule Exhibit L. Material Completion Checklist Exhibit M. Certificate of Manufacturer (Instructions) Exhibit N. Five Year Bond on Roofs and Walls Exhibit X. Xxxx to Discharge Claim Exhibit P. Design Professional’s Certificate of Material Completion Exhibit Q. Design Professional’s Certificate of Final Completion Exhibit R. Local and/or MWBE Monthly Payment Schedule Exhibit S. Request for Reimbursement DE Form 0263
Contract Forms. Any agreement or contract resulting from the acceptance of a Statement of Qualifications shall be on forms either supplied by or approved by the City, and shall contain, as a minimum, applicable provisions of the RFQ and the Statement of Qualifications documents to be submitted by firm and all attachments therewith. The City reserves the right to reject any Statement of Qualifications or resulting agreement which does not conform to the RFQ and, if applicable, any City requirement relating to such an Agreement. This Statement of Qualifications is subject to the appropriation of funds in an amount sufficient to allow continuation of the City’s performance in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Statement of Qualifications for each and every fiscal year in which this Statement of Qualifications is executed and entered into. If funds are not appropriated/available, the City shall provide prompt written notice to the selected firm that effective thirty (30) days after giving such notice, or upon the expiration of the time for which funds were appropriated, whichever occurs first, the City will thereafter be released of all further obligations related to the Statement of Qualifications and/or award.
Contract Forms. Statesman will provide and the Cooperative will use forms of contracts and credit applications previously approved by Statesman. In the event Statesman determines that any previously approved form should not be used, it will so advise the Cooperative and the Cooperative will discontinue any use of such form.
Contract Forms. Contract Form ...........................................................................................................................................................