Unavailable Domain Names. If requested by Registrar, Dominion Registries will provide Registrar with access to an FTP server which will contain the following files which shall be updated on a daily basis: (i) a list of all domain names in the TLD that are not available to be registered, including, but not limited to, restricted and/or reserved domains that have not been registered and (ii) a list of all domains subject to pricing that is different from the standard pricing for the TLD (such domains, “Premium Domains”) and the pricing information applicable to registrations, renewals, redemptions, and transfers of Premium Domains.
Unavailable Domain Names. If requested by Registrar, RNTD will provide Registrar with access to an FTP server which will contain the following files which shall be updated on a daily basis: a list of all domains that are priced differently than standard pricing for the TLD, including price information needed to support registration, renewal, redemption, and transfer transactions.
Unavailable Domain Names. If requested by the Registrar, XXXX will provide the Registrar with access to an FTP server which will contain the following files which shall be updated on a daily basis: (i) a list of all domain names in the Regstry TLD that are not available to be registered, including, but not limited to, restricted and/or reserved domains that have not been registered and (ii) a list of all domain names that are priced differently than standard pricing for the Registry TLD, including price information needed to support registration, renewal, redemption, and transfer transactions. Elverişli Olmayan Xxxx Adları: Yetkili Kayıt Operatörü tarafından talep edilmesi halinde, XXXX, Yetkili Kayıt Operatörü’ne günlük bazda güncellenen aşağıda sayılan dosyaları içerecek bir FTP sunucusuna erişim sağlar: (i) Kayıtlı bulunmayan sınırlandırılmış ve/veya rezerve edilmiş xxxx adları dahil ancak bunlarla sınırlı olmaksızın Merkezi ÜDA’da kaydedilmek için elverişli olmayan tüm xxxx adlarının listesi ve (ii) kayıt, yenileme, xxxx xxxx ve xxxxx işlemlerini desteklemek için gerekli xxxx fiyat bilgisini de içerecek şekilde, Merkezi Kayıt ÜDA’sı için standart fiyatlamadan farklı bir şekilde fiyatlandırılan tüm alanlarının listesi: