Upon surrendering the Premises Sample Clauses

Upon surrendering the Premises to Landlord as provided ------------ herein, Tenant will pay to Landlord all deposits or other security and all unapplied prepaid rents received from subtenants and other occupants whose tenancies may continue beyond the last day of the term of this Lease or the sooner termination thereof and will deliver to Landlord all original subleases and modifications thereof, and copies of all lease files, plans, records, registers and all other papers and documents which may be required for the proper operation and management of the Premises and are then in Tenant's possession. It is agreed that Landlord will suffer irreparable injury if such records, papers and documents are not so delivered and that Landlord shall be entitled to mandatory injunction (including a temporary mandatory injunction pendente lite) to enforce such delivery. Tenant shall have access to any -------- ---- records, papers and documents so delivered to such extent and at such times as the same may be reasonably required after the last day of the Lease Term or such sooner termination thereof. Nothing herein shall require Landlord to recognize any such existing sublease as continuing in effect after such last day or sooner termination.
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Related to Upon surrendering the Premises

  • Condition of Subleased Premises (a) Subtenant shall maintain and repair the Subleased Premises in a manner consistent with Sublandlord’s obligations under the Lease. Sublandlord shall have the right to enter the Subleased Premises from time to time upon reasonable prior notice to Subtenant, during normal business hours and escorted by Subtenant (if Subtenant makes such escort reasonably available). Sublandlord’s right of entry shall include the right of inspection to confirm that Subtenant is in compliance with all applicable maintenance and repair obligations set forth in the Lease. In the event that Sublandlord determines, in Sublandlord’s reasonable opinion, that Subtenant is in default of any maintenance and/or repair obligation set forth in the Lease, and such default may incur liability to Sublandlord upon the surrender of the Subleased Premises upon the expiration or earlier termination of the Lease (a “Required Repair Item”), then Sublandlord shall have the right to notify Subtenant of any such Required Repair Items. Subtenant shall be obligated to cure such Required Repair Items within thirty (30) days of such notice from Sublandlord, or, if such Required Repair Items cannot be reasonably completed in such thirty (30) day period, such longer period as reasonably necessary to cure such Required Repair Items, so long as Subtenant has commenced such cure and diligently pursues such cure to completion. In no event shall Sublandlord’s rights hereunder impose any additional and/or greater repair or maintenance standards from those set forth in the Lease. In the event Subtenant fails to cure such Required Repair Items as set forth above, then such failure shall be deemed a default under this Sublease, entitling Sublandlord to exercise any of its rights and remedies herein, including, without limitation, the self help rights set forth in Section 6(b) above.

  • Condition of the Premises Tenant acknowledges that, except as expressly set forth in this Lease, neither Landlord nor any agent of Landlord has made any representation or warranty with respect to the condition of the Premises, the Building or the Property, or with respect to the suitability of the Premises, the Building or the Property for the conduct of Tenant’s business. Tenant acknowledges that Landlord shall have no obligation to alter, repair or otherwise prepare the Premises for Tenant’s occupancy or to pay for or construct any improvements to the Premises except as otherwise expressly set forth in this Lease or in the Work Letter attached hereto as Exhibit 3.1. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, Landlord represents and warrants to Tenant that (a) upon the Commencement Date, the Building and the Premises will be in material compliance with all Applicable Laws (in each case, without regard for any of the Finish Work, Tenant’s particular use (as opposed to the Permitted Use, generally), or the obligations of any other tenants in the Building with respect to their tenant improvements); (b) Landlord has full power and authority to enter into this Lease and has obtained all consents and taken all actions necessary in connection therewith other than to the extent provided in Section 14.6, below; and (c) upon the Commencement Date, the Building systems provided by Landlord and serving the Premises including electrical, HVAC, plumbing and other utility systems shall be in good working order and condition. Subject to the foregoing and Landlord’s obligation to repair latent defects in the Base Building Work as expressly provided in Section 1.1 of Exhibit 3.1, Tenant’s execution of this Lease and taking of possession of the Premises shall conclusively establish that the Premises, the Building and the Property were at such time in good, sanitary and satisfactory condition and repair; provided, nothing in this sentence relieves Landlord of its obligations pursuant to Section 8.1, below.

  • Surrender of Demised Premises Upon the expiration or earlier termination of this Lease with respect to all or any portion of any Demised Premises, whether on the Expiration Date with respect to the entire Demised Premises, on any Property Termination Date with respect any individual Demised Premises or otherwise, Tenant shall surrender and deliver the applicable Demised Premises to Landlord (a) vacant and free from all subtenants, licensees or other occupants (other than pursuant to subleases for which Landlord has granted a Subtenant SNDA), (b) in at least the same condition as the condition of such Demised Premises on the Commencement Date, ordinary wear and tear excepted and except as repaired, restored, altered or added to as permitted or required by the provisions of this Lease, (c) in compliance in all material respects with all applicable Property Requirements, (d) with all Tenant’s Property and all Alterations (other than Permissible Alterations that Tenant elects not to remove) removed, and with such Demised Premises repaired and restored in accordance with the terms hereof following any such removal and (e) free and clear of all Encumbrances first arising after the Commencement Date, other than Permitted Encumbrances (except for any Excepted Liens not Bonded by Tenant, Tenant hereby acknowledges that Tenant shall in all events remain liable for the discharging or Bonding of all Excepted Liens in accordance with the terms of this Lease) (the foregoing, collectively, the “Required Return Condition”). Notwithstanding the foregoing, solely to the extent that any such termination of this Lease results from a Casualty or a Condemnation, the foregoing clauses (b), (c) and (d) shall not apply to the portion of the applicable Demised Premises affected by such Casualty or Condemnation and Tenant’s obligations with respect thereto shall instead be as provided in Article XII.

  • Destruction of Leased Premises In the event the Premises shall be partially or totally destroyed as the result of a peril insured against by the insurance policies carried by Landlord and such damage renders the Premises partially or totally untenantable, Landlord shall repair the Premises to the lesser of (i) with respect to the Premises, the condition of the Premises inclusive of Landlord improvements, but exclusive of Tenant improvements, as of lease commencement adjusted for ordinary wear and tear; or (ii) the extent of the insurance proceeds actually received by Landlord allocable to the Premises plus insurance proceeds received by Tenant for the risks set forth herein, which Tenant shall promptly pay over to Landlord to the extent of the costs incurred by Landlord in such repairs and reconstruction in excess of the insurance proceeds, if any, received directly by Landlord. Tenant's insurance carriers shall have not recourse against the Landlord for reimbursement. The Fixed Minimum Rental and other charges shall be abated in proportion to the amount of the Leased Premises rendered untenantable until so repaired. If: (i) more than Twenty percent (20%) of the floor area of the building in which the Leased Premises are located shall be damaged or destroyed by fire or other insured casualty; or (ii) if there is less than Three (3) years of the term of this Lease remaining; (iii) or if in Landlord's opinion the Premises is so extensively or substantially damaged so that reconstruction is impracticable; then Landlord may either elect that the Premises may be repaired or rebuilt or, at its sole option, terminate this Lease by giving Notice to Tenant of its election to so terminate, such Notice to be given within Ninety (90) days after the occurrence of such damage or destruction, and Tenant's obligations to pay rent shall cease as of such date. If Landlord is required or elects to repair or rebuild the Leased Premises as herein provided, Tenant shall repair or replace its merchandise, trade fixtures, furnishings, and equipment in a manner and to at least a condition equal to that prior to its damage or destruction. Tenant shall diligently undertake such repair or replacement in cooperation with Landlord and shall complete such replacement or repair no later than Thirty (30) days after Landlord notifies Tenant that the Premises are ready for occupancy and all rent and other charges shall resume in full as of such date. Landlord and Tenant shall agree upon an equitable reduction in Rent in the event this Lease is not terminated and the Premises or the Leased Premises are damaged or destroyed to such an extent that it materially and adversely affects Tenant's business. Such abatement shall in no event exceed the proportion of the square footage of the Premises which is not tenantable.

  • Surrender of Premises No act or thing done by Landlord or any agent or employee of Landlord during the Lease Term shall be deemed to constitute an acceptance by Landlord of a surrender of the Premises unless such intent is specifically acknowledged in writing by Landlord. The delivery of keys to the Premises to Landlord or any agent or employee of Landlord shall not constitute a surrender of the Premises or effect a termination of this Lease, whether or not the keys are thereafter retained by Landlord, and notwithstanding such delivery Tenant shall be entitled to the return of such keys at any reasonable time upon request until this Lease shall have been properly terminated. The voluntary or other surrender of this Lease by Tenant, whether accepted by Landlord or not, or a mutual termination hereof, shall not work a merger, and at the option of Landlord shall operate as an assignment to Landlord of all subleases or subtenancies affecting the Premises or terminate any or all such sublessees or subtenancies.

  • DESTRUCTION OF PREMISES (A) If, during the term of this Lease, the Leased Premises are totally or partially destroyed by fire or the elements, so as to render the premises wholly unfit for occupancy, or make it impossible in the opinion of a licensed third party arbitrator knowledgeable in the child care business reasonably acceptable to Lessee and Lessor, for Lessee to conduct its business therein, then either Lessor or Lessee shall have the right to terminate this Lease from the date of such damage or destruction by giving written notice. The parties agree to use reasonable promptness to obtain the opinion of such licensed third party arbitrator. Upon the giving of such notice, Lessee shall immediately surrender the Leased Premises and all interest therein to Lessor, and in case of any such termination, Lessor may re-enter and repossess the Leased Premises and may dispossess all parties then in possession thereof. If not otherwise terminated, in the event the Leased Premises shall be repaired, restored, and rebuilt by Lessee with the use of insurance proceeds (which Lessor shall cooperate to make available), but otherwise at its own sole cost and expense, within one hundred eighty (180) days from the date of destruction (subject to force majuere as set forth in paragraph C hereof, then all rents payable by Lessee shall be abated during the period of repair and restoration to the extent Lessor shall be compensated by the proceeds of rents loss insurance. In no event shall Lessor be required to provide its own money for the repair or restoration of the Leased Premises other than the net proceeds of moneys received by it from any insurance policy or policies covering such loss or damages. Lessee shall be liable for repair of the Leased Premises with all reasonable speed, and the rents shall recommence on the date that the repairs are completed. Lessee shall be under no obligation to so repair during the last five (5) years of the term of the Lease, or as extended, but if Lessee shall desire to rebuild during the last 12 months of the Lease term, Lessor will make insurance proceeds available to rebuild the Leased Premises conditioned upon Lessee then exercising its next renewal option under the Lease. Lessor will make insurance proceeds available to rebuild the Leased Premises in the event Lessee rebuilds, except as stated above.

  • Surrender of the Premises Upon the expiration or sooner termination of this Lease, Tenant shall vacate and surrender the Premises to Landlord in the same condition as existed at the Commencement Date, except for (i) reasonable wear and tear, (ii) damage caused by any peril or condemnation, and (iii) contamination by Hazardous Materials for which Tenant is not responsible pursuant to Section 7.2A or Section 7.2B. In this regard, normal wear and tear shall be construed to mean wear and tear caused to the Premises by the natural aging process which occurs in spite of prudent application of the best standards for maintenance, repair and janitorial practices, and does not include items of neglected or deferred maintenance. In any event, Tenant shall cause the following to be done prior to the expiration or the sooner termination of this Lease: (i) all interior walls shall be painted or cleaned so that they appear freshly painted; (ii) all tiled floors shall be cleaned and waxed; (iii) all carpets shall be cleaned and shampooed; (iv) all broken, marred, stained or nonconforming acoustical ceiling tiles shall be replaced; (v) all interior and exterior windows shall be washed; (vi) the HVAC system shall be serviced by a reputable and licensed service firm and left in good operating condition and repair as so certified by such firm; and (vii) the plumbing and electrical systems and lighting shall be placed in good order and repair (including replacement of any burned out, discolored or broken light bulbs, ballasts, or lenses). If Landlord so requests, Tenant shall, prior to the expiration or sooner termination of this Lease, (i) remove any Tenant’s Alterations which Tenant is required to remove pursuant to Section 5.2 and repair all damage caused by such removal. If the Premises are not so surrendered at the termination of this Lease, Tenant shall continue to be responsible for the payment of Rent until the Premises are so surrendered in accordance with said provisions and Tenant shall be liable to Landlord for all costs incurred by Landlord in returning the Premises to the required condition, plus interest on all costs incurred at the Agreed Interest Rate. Tenant shall indemnify Landlord against loss or liability resulting from delay by Tenant in so surrendering the Premises, including, without limitation, any claims made by any succeeding tenant or losses to Landlord due to lost opportunities to lease to succeeding tenants and losses and damages suffered by Landlord due to lost opportunities to lease any portion of the Premises to any such succeeding tenant or prospective tenant, together with, in each case, actual attorneys’ fees and costs.

  • Damage or Destruction of Premises If the Premises, the Unit or the Building or any part thereof shall be damaged or destroyed by fire or other casualty (a “casualty”), or ordered to be demolished by the action of any public authority in consequence of a casualty, or taken by any exercise of the right of eminent domain, Tenant shall immediately give notice thereof to Landlord. Unless this Lease is terminated as provided herein, this Lease shall remain in full force and effect and Landlord shall proceed (or shall cause the Primary Board to proceed) with diligence to repair or cause to be repaired such damage so as to restore the Premises, the Building and access thereto, or what may remain thereof (including the Initial Tenant Work but excluding any other Tenant Work), as nearly as practicable to the condition they were in immediately prior to such damage, destruction or taking, subject to then applicable Legal Requirements and Title Matters, but neither Landlord nor the Primary Board shall be required to expend in such repair or rebuilding more than the proceeds of insurance or award of damages, if any, recovered or recoverable with respect to such damage, destruction or taking (plus, in the case of casualty, the amount of any insurance deductibles (which shall be deemed Operating Costs)), less Landlord’s (or the Primary Board’s) reasonable expenses incurred in collecting such proceeds or award, as the case may be, but in the case of damage or destruction only to the extent Landlord was carrying the insurance required to be carried pursuant to this Lease at the time of such damage or destruction. All such repairs made necessary by any negligent act or omission or any willful misconduct of Tenant shall be made by Landlord (or the Primary Board) at Tenant’s expense to the extent that the cost of such repairs is not covered by insurance proceeds available therefor (including the payment by Tenant of any applicable deductible amount). Landlord shall not be liable for delays in the making of any such repairs that are due to Force Majeure, nor shall Landlord be liable for any inconvenience or annoyance to Tenant or injury to the business of Tenant resulting from delays in repairing such damage. All repairs to and replacements of Tenant Property and any Tenant Work other than the Initial Tenant Work shall be made by and at the expense of Tenant, which work Tenant shall promptly commence as soon as practicable and thereafter prosecute diligently to completion.

  • Subleased Premises Sublandlord does hereby sublease to Subtenant, and Subtenant subleases and rents from Sublandlord, the Premises (the “Subleased Premises”).

  • Inspection of Premises At all reasonable times Agent and each Lender shall have full access to and the right to audit, check, inspect and make abstracts and copies from each Borrower’s books, records, audits, correspondence and all other papers relating to the Collateral and the operation of each Borrower’s business. Agent, any Lender and their agents may enter upon any premises of any Borrower at any time during business hours and at any other reasonable time, and from time to time, for the purpose of inspecting the Collateral and any and all records pertaining thereto and the operation of such Borrower’s business.

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